
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // attrs.h -- Attribute definitions.
00002 //
00003 // $Id: attrs.h,v 1.6 2005/10/12 05:39:11 sdennis Exp $
00004 //
00006 #ifndef _ATTRS_H
00007 #define _ATTRS_H
00009 /* Attribute flags */
00010 #define AF_ODARK    0x00000001UL // players other than owner can't see it.
00011 #define AF_DARK     0x00000002UL // Only #1 can see it.
00012 #define AF_WIZARD   0x00000004UL // only wizards can change it.
00013 #define AF_MDARK    0x00000008UL // Only wizards can see it. Dark to mortals.
00014 #define AF_INTERNAL 0x00000010UL // Don't show even to #1.
00015 #define AF_NOCMD    0x00000020UL // Don't create a @ command for it.
00016 #define AF_LOCK     0x00000040UL // Attribute is locked.
00017 #define AF_DELETED  0x00000080UL // Attribute should be ignored.
00018 #define AF_NOPROG   0x00000100UL // Don't process $-commands from this attr.
00019 #define AF_GOD      0x00000200UL // Only #1 can change it.
00020 #define AF_IS_LOCK  0x00000400UL // Attribute is a lock.
00021 #define AF_VISUAL   0x00000800UL // Anyone can see.
00022 #define AF_PRIVATE  0x00001000UL // Not inherited by children.
00023 #define AF_HTML     0x00002000UL // Don't HTML escape this in did_it().
00024 #define AF_NOPARSE  0x00004000UL // Don't evaluate when checking for $-cmds.
00025 #define AF_REGEXP   0x00008000UL // Do a regexp rather than wildcard match.
00026 #define AF_NOCLONE  0x00010000UL // Don't copy this attr when cloning.
00027 #define AF_CONST    0x00020000UL // No one can change it (set by server).
00028 #define AF_CASE     0x00040000UL // Regexp matches are case-sensitive.
00029 #define AF_ISUSED   0x00080000UL // Used to make efficient sweeps of stale
00030                                  // attributes.
00032 #define A_OSUCC     1   /* Others success message */
00033 #define A_OFAIL     2   /* Others fail message */
00034 #define A_FAIL      3   /* Invoker fail message */
00035 #define A_SUCC      4   /* Invoker success message */
00036 #define A_PASS      5   /* Password (only meaningful for players) */
00037 #define A_DESC      6   /* Description */
00038 #define A_SEX       7   /* Sex */
00039 #define A_ODROP     8   /* Others drop message */
00040 #define A_DROP      9   /* Invoker drop message */
00041 #define A_OKILL     10  /* Others kill message */
00042 #define A_KILL      11  /* Invoker kill message */
00043 #define A_ASUCC     12  /* Success action list */
00044 #define A_AFAIL     13  /* Failure action list */
00045 #define A_ADROP     14  /* Drop action list */
00046 #define A_AKILL     15  /* Kill action list */
00047 #define A_AUSE      16  /* Use action list */
00048 #define A_CHARGES   17  /* Number of charges remaining */
00049 #define A_RUNOUT    18  /* Actions done when no more charges */
00050 #define A_STARTUP   19  /* Actions run when game started up */
00051 #define A_ACLONE    20  /* Actions run when obj is cloned */
00052 #define A_APAY      21  /* Actions run when given COST pennies */
00053 #define A_OPAY      22  /* Others pay message */
00054 #define A_PAY       23  /* Invoker pay message */
00055 #define A_COST      24  /* Number of pennies needed to invoke xPAY */
00056 #define A_MONEY     25  /* Value or Wealth (internal) */
00057 #define A_LISTEN    26  /* (Wildcarded) string to listen for */
00058 #define A_AAHEAR    27  /* Actions to do when anyone says LISTEN str */
00059 #define A_AMHEAR    28  /* Actions to do when I say LISTEN str */
00060 #define A_AHEAR     29  /* Actions to do when others say LISTEN str */
00061 #define A_LAST      30  /* Date/time of last login (players only) */
00062 #define A_QUEUEMAX  31  /* Max. # of entries obj has in the queue */
00063 #define A_IDESC     32  /* Inside description (ENTER to get inside) */
00064 #define A_ENTER     33  /* Invoker enter message */
00065 #define A_OXENTER   34  /* Others enter message in dest */
00066 #define A_AENTER    35  /* Enter action list */
00067 #define A_ADESC     36  /* Describe action list */
00068 #define A_ODESC     37  /* Others describe message */
00069 #define A_RQUOTA    38  /* Relative object quota */
00070 #define A_ACONNECT  39  /* Actions run when player connects */
00071 #define A_ADISCONNECT   40  /* Actions run when player disconnects */
00072 #define A_ALLOWANCE 41  /* Daily allowance, if diff from default */
00073 #define A_LOCK      42  /* Object lock */
00074 #define A_NAME      43  /* Object name */
00075 #define A_COMMENT   44  /* Wizard-accessable comments */
00076 #define A_USE       45  /* Invoker use message */
00077 #define A_OUSE      46  /* Others use message */
00078 #define A_SEMAPHORE 47  /* Semaphore control info */
00079 #define A_TIMEOUT   48  /* Per-user disconnect timeout */
00080 #define A_QUOTA     49  /* Absolute quota (to speed up @quota) */
00081 #define A_LEAVE     50  /* Invoker leave message */
00082 #define A_OLEAVE    51  /* Others leave message in src */
00083 #define A_ALEAVE    52  /* Leave action list */
00084 #define A_OENTER    53  /* Others enter message in src */
00085 #define A_OXLEAVE   54  /* Others leave message in dest */
00086 #define A_MOVE      55  /* Invoker move message */
00087 #define A_OMOVE     56  /* Others move message */
00088 #define A_AMOVE     57  /* Move action list */
00089 #define A_ALIAS     58  /* Alias for player names */
00090 #define A_LENTER    59  /* ENTER lock */
00091 #define A_LLEAVE    60  /* LEAVE lock */
00092 #define A_LPAGE     61  /* PAGE lock */
00093 #define A_LUSE      62  /* USE lock */
00094 #define A_LGIVE     63  /* Give lock (who may give me away?) */
00095 #define A_EALIAS    64  /* Alternate names for ENTER */
00096 #define A_LALIAS    65  /* Alternate names for LEAVE */
00097 #define A_EFAIL     66  /* Invoker entry fail message */
00098 #define A_OEFAIL    67  /* Others entry fail message */
00099 #define A_AEFAIL    68  /* Entry fail action list */
00100 #define A_LFAIL     69  /* Invoker leave fail message */
00101 #define A_OLFAIL    70  /* Others leave fail message */
00102 #define A_ALFAIL    71  /* Leave fail action list */
00103 #define A_REJECT    72  /* Rejected page return message */
00104 #define A_AWAY      73  /* Not_connected page return message */
00105 #define A_IDLE      74  /* Success page return message */
00106 #define A_UFAIL     75  /* Invoker use fail message */
00107 #define A_OUFAIL    76  /* Others use fail message */
00108 #define A_AUFAIL    77  /* Use fail action list */
00109 #define A_PFAIL     78  /* Invoker page fail message */
00110 #define A_TPORT     79  /* Invoker teleport message */
00111 #define A_OTPORT    80  /* Others teleport message in src */
00112 #define A_OXTPORT   81  /* Others teleport message in dst */
00113 #define A_ATPORT    82  /* Teleport action list */
00114 #define A_PRIVS     83  /* Individual permissions */
00115 #define A_LOGINDATA 84  /* Recent login information */
00116 #define A_LTPORT    85  /* Teleport lock (can others @tel to me?) */
00117 #define A_LDROP     86  /* Drop lock (can I be dropped or @tel'ed) */
00118 #define A_LRECEIVE  87  /* Receive lock (who may give me things?) */
00119 #define A_LASTSITE  88  /* Last site logged in from, in cleartext */
00120 #define A_INPREFIX  89  /* Prefix on incoming messages into objects */
00121 #define A_PREFIX    90  /* Prefix used by exits/objects when audible */
00122 #define A_INFILTER  91  /* Filter to zap incoming text into objects */
00123 #define A_FILTER    92  /* Filter to zap text forwarded by audible. */
00124 #define A_LLINK     93  /* Who may link to here */
00125 #define A_LTELOUT   94  /* Who may teleport out from here */
00126 #define A_FORWARDLIST   95  /* Recipients of AUDIBLE output */
00127 #define A_MAILFOLDERS   96  /* @mail folders */
00128 #define A_LUSER     97  /* Spare lock not referenced by server */
00129 #define A_LPARENT   98  /* Who may @parent to me if PARENT_OK set */
00130 #define A_LCONTROL  99  /* Who controls me if CONTROL_OK set */
00131 #define A_VA        100 /* VA attribute (VB-VZ follow) */
00132 // 126 unused
00133 #define A_LGET      127 /* Get lock (who may get stuff from me?) */
00134 #define A_MFAIL     128 /* Mail rejected fail message */
00135 #define A_GFAIL     129 /* Give fail message */
00136 #define A_OGFAIL    130 /* Others give fail message */
00137 #define A_AGFAIL    131 /* Give fail action */
00138 #define A_RFAIL     132 /* Receive fail message */
00139 #define A_ORFAIL    133 /* Others receive fail message */
00140 #define A_ARFAIL    134 /* Receive fail action */
00141 #define A_DFAIL     135 /* Drop fail message */
00142 #define A_ODFAIL    136 /* Others drop fail message */
00143 #define A_ADFAIL    137 /* Drop fail action */
00144 #define A_TFAIL     138 /* Teleport (to) fail message */
00145 #define A_OTFAIL    139 /* Others teleport (to) fail message */
00146 #define A_ATFAIL    140 /* Teleport fail action */
00147 #define A_TOFAIL    141 /* Teleport (from) fail message */
00148 #define A_OTOFAIL   142 /* Others teleport (from) fail message */
00149 #define A_ATOFAIL   143 /* Teleport (from) fail action */
00150 #define A_LASTIP    144 /* Last IP logged in from */
00152 // Optional WoD Realm descriptions.
00153 //
00154 #ifdef WOD_REALMS
00155 #define A_UMBRADESC  145
00156 #define A_WRAITHDESC 146
00157 #define A_FAEDESC    147
00158 #define A_MATRIXDESC 148
00159 #endif // WOD_REALMS
00161 // 149 - 197 unused
00162 #define A_CMDCHECK  198 // For @icmd. (From RhostMUSH)
00163 #define A_MONIKER   199 // Ansi-colored and/or accented name of object.
00164 #define A_LASTPAGE  200 /* Player last paged */
00165 #define A_MAIL      201 /* Message echoed to sender */
00166 #define A_AMAIL     202 /* Action taken when mail received */
00167 #define A_SIGNATURE 203 /* Mail signature */
00168 #define A_DAILY     204 /* Daily attribute to be executed */
00169 #define A_MAILTO    205 /* Who is the mail to? */
00170 #define A_MAILMSG   206 /* The mail message itself */
00171 #define A_MAILSUB   207 /* The mail subject */
00172 #define A_MAILCURF  208 /* The current @mail folder */
00173 #define A_LSPEECH   209 /* Speechlocks */
00174 #define A_PROGCMD   210 /* Command for execution by @prog */
00175 #define A_MAILFLAGS 211 /* Flags for extended mail */
00176 #define A_DESTROYER 212 /* Who is destroying this object? */
00178 #define A_NEWOBJS       213     /* New object array */
00179 #define A_SAYSTRING     214     // Replaces 'says,'
00180 #define A_SPEECHMOD     215     // Softcode to be applied to speech
00181 #define A_EXITVARDEST   216     /* Variable exit destination */
00182 #define A_LCHOWN        217     /* ChownLock */
00183 #define A_CREATED       218     // Date/time created
00184 #define A_MODIFIED      219     // Date/time last modified
00186 #define A_VRML_URL  220 /* URL of the VRML scene for this object */
00187 #define A_HTDESC    221 /* HTML @desc */
00189 // Added by D.Piper ( 2000-APR
00190 //
00191 #define A_REASON    222 // Disconnect reason
00192 #ifdef GAME_DOOFERMUX
00193 #define A_REGINFO   223 // Registration Information
00194 #endif // GAME_DOOFERMUX
00195 #define A_CONNINFO  224 // Connection info: (total connected time,
00196                         // longest connection last connection, total
00197                         // connections, time of logout.
00198 #define A_LMAIL     225 // Lock who may @mail you
00199 #define A_LOPEN     226 // Lock for controlling OPEN_OK locations
00200 // 227 - 239 unused
00201 #define A_IDLETMOUT 240 /* Idle message timeout */
00203 #define A_EXITFORMAT 241
00204 #define A_CONFORMAT  242
00205 #define A_NAMEFORMAT 243
00206 #define A_DESCFORMAT 244
00207 // 245 - 249 unused
00209 #ifdef REALITY_LVLS
00210 #define A_RLEVEL      250
00211 #endif
00213 // 251 unused
00214 #define A_VLIST     252
00215 #define A_LIST      253
00216 #define A_STRUCT    254
00217 #define A_TEMP      255
00219 #define A_USER_START    256     // Start of user-named attributes.
00221 #define ATR_BUF_CHUNK   100 /* Min size to allocate for attribute buffer */
00222 #define ATR_BUF_INCR    6   /* Max size of one attribute */
00224 #endif // _ATTRS_H

Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:07 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7