mux/src/htab.cpp File Reference

#include "copyright.h"
#include "autoconf.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "externs.h"

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void hashreset (CHashTable *htab)
 Reset hash table statistics.
void * hashfindLEN (const void *pKey, size_t nKey, CHashTable *htab)
 Look for a previously-added (Key, Data) pair in a hash table, and return its data pointer.
int hashaddLEN (const void *pKey, size_t nKey, void *pData, CHashTable *htab)
 Add a new (Key, Data) pair to a hash table.
void hashdeleteLEN (const void *pKey, size_t nKey, CHashTable *htab)
 Removes a (Key, Data) pair from a hash table.
void hashflush (CHashTable *htab)
 Removes all (Key, Data) entries in a hash table.
bool hashreplLEN (const void *str, size_t nStr, void *pData, CHashTable *htab)
void hashreplall (const void *old, void *new0, CHashTable *htab)
void * hash_firstentry (CHashTable *htab)
void * hash_nextentry (CHashTable *htab)
void * hash_firstkey (CHashTable *htab, int *nKeyLength, char **pKey)
void * hash_nextkey (CHashTable *htab, int *nKeyLength, char **pKey)
bool search_nametab (dbref player, NAMETAB *ntab, char *flagname, int *pflag)
NAMETABfind_nametab_ent (dbref player, NAMETAB *ntab, char *flagname)
void display_nametab (dbref player, NAMETAB *ntab, char *prefix, bool list_if_none)
void interp_nametab (dbref player, NAMETAB *ntab, int flagword, const char *prefix, const char *true_text, const char *false_text)
void listset_nametab (dbref player, NAMETAB *ntab, int flagword, char *prefix, bool list_if_none)
 CF_HAND (cf_ntab_access)


struct {
   void *   pData
   char   aKey [LBUF_SIZE+125]
 Staging area for reads and writes into CHashTable.

Detailed Description

Table hashing routines.

htab.cpp,v 1.30 2006/01/07 07:21:55 sdennis Exp

The functions here outsource most of their work to CHashTable. There are several reasons to use the functions here instead of using CHashTable directly: 1) they are briefer to use, 2) this interface predates CHashTable, 3) there are many references to these functions throughout the code, and 4) MUSH hardcoders are generally more familiar with this interface than with the CHashTable interface.

To replace them all would require rexamining the assumptions near every reference.

CHashTable is not aware of Keys -- only hashes of Keys. In fact, CHashTable could not tell you anything about the Keys kept within its records. It will give you all the records stored under a specific hash, but it leaves to its callers the small chore of looking in each record for a desired Key.

Definition in file htab.cpp.

Function Documentation

CF_HAND ( cf_ntab_access   ) 

Definition at line 458 of file htab.cpp.

References cf_modify_bits(), name_table::minlen, minmatch(), mux_isspace, name_table::name, and name_table::perm.

00459 {
00460     NAMETAB *np;
00461     char *ap;
00463     for (ap = str; *ap && !mux_isspace(*ap); ap++)
00464     {
00465         ; // Nothing.
00466     }
00467     if (*ap)
00468     {
00469         *ap++ = '\0';
00470     }
00472     while (mux_isspace(*ap))
00473     {
00474         ap++;
00475     }
00477     for (np = (NAMETAB *) vp; np->name; np++)
00478     {
00479         if (minmatch(str, np->name, np->minlen))
00480         {
00481             return cf_modify_bits(&(np->perm), ap, pExtra, nExtra, player, cmd);
00482         }
00483     }
00484     cf_log_notfound(player, cmd, "Entry", str);
00485     return -1;
00486 }

void display_nametab ( dbref  player,
char *  prefix,
bool  list_if_none 

Definition at line 353 of file htab.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, check_access(), God, name_table::name, name_table::perm, safe_chr, and safe_str.

Referenced by do_list(), do_list_file(), and list_cmdswitches().

00354 {
00355     NAMETAB *nt;
00356     bool got_one = false;
00357     char *buf = alloc_lbuf("display_nametab");
00358     char *bp = buf;
00360     safe_str(prefix, buf, &bp);
00361     for (nt = ntab; nt->name; nt++)
00362     {
00363         if (  God(player)
00364            || check_access(player, nt->perm))
00365         {
00366             safe_chr(' ', buf, &bp);
00367             safe_str(nt->name, buf, &bp);
00368             got_one = true;
00369         }
00370     }
00371     *bp = '\0';
00372     if (  got_one
00373        || list_if_none)
00374     {
00375         notify(player, buf);
00376     }
00377     free_lbuf(buf);
00378 }

NAMETAB* find_nametab_ent ( dbref  player,
char *  flagname 

Definition at line 331 of file htab.cpp.

References check_access(), name_table::minlen, minmatch(), name_table::name, and name_table::perm.

Referenced by CF_HAND().

00332 {
00333     NAMETAB *nt;
00335     for (nt = ntab; nt->name; nt++)
00336     {
00337         if (minmatch(flagname, nt->name, nt->minlen))
00338         {
00339             if (check_access(player, nt->perm))
00340             {
00341                 return nt;
00342             }
00343         }
00344     }
00345     return NULL;
00346 }

void* hash_firstentry ( CHashTable htab  ) 

Definition at line 246 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::FindFirst(), HF_FIND_END, and htab_rec.

Referenced by dbclean_CheckANHtoAT(), do_chanlist(), do_channelnuke(), do_listchannels(), FUNCTION(), helpindex_clean(), ReportMatchedTopics(), and save_comsystem().

00247 {
00248     HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00249     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindFirst(&nRecord, &htab_rec);
00250     if (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00251     {
00252         return htab_rec.pData;
00253     }
00254     return NULL;
00255 }

void* hash_firstkey ( CHashTable htab,
int *  nKeyLength,
char **  pKey 

Definition at line 268 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::FindFirst(), HF_FIND_END, and htab_rec.

Referenced by dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), and do_listcommands().

00269 {
00270     HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00271     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindFirst(&nRecord, &htab_rec);
00272     if (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00273     {
00274         *nKeyLength = nRecord-sizeof(int *);
00275         *pKey = htab_rec.aKey;
00276         return htab_rec.pData;
00277     }
00278     *nKeyLength = 0;
00279     *pKey = NULL;
00280     return NULL;
00281 }

void* hash_nextentry ( CHashTable htab  ) 

Definition at line 257 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::FindNext(), HF_FIND_END, and htab_rec.

Referenced by dbclean_CheckANHtoAT(), do_chanlist(), do_channelnuke(), do_listchannels(), FUNCTION(), helpindex_clean(), ReportMatchedTopics(), and save_comsystem().

00258 {
00259     HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00260     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindNext(&nRecord, &htab_rec);
00261     if (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00262     {
00263         return htab_rec.pData;
00264     }
00265     return NULL;
00266 }

void* hash_nextkey ( CHashTable htab,
int *  nKeyLength,
char **  pKey 

Definition at line 283 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::FindNext(), HF_FIND_END, and htab_rec.

Referenced by dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), and do_listcommands().

00284 {
00285     HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00286     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindNext(&nRecord, &htab_rec);
00287     if (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00288     {
00289         *nKeyLength = nRecord-sizeof(int *);
00290         *pKey = htab_rec.aKey;
00291         return htab_rec.pData;
00292     }
00293     *nKeyLength = 0;
00294     *pKey = NULL;
00295     return NULL;
00296 }

int hashaddLEN ( const void *  pKey,
size_t  nKey,
void *  pData,
CHashTable htab 

Add a new (Key, Data) pair to a hash table.

hashaddLEN() associates a variable-sized key with a pointer using a hash table. The pointer, pData, given to hashaddLEN() may be obtained again later by presenting the the same key to hashfindLEN(). The data given in (pKey, nKey) is saved, so the caller is free to reuse the Key buffer. While the value of pData is also saved, the data that pData points to is not.

This function requires that the Key does not already exist in the hash table. It may be necessary to use hashfindLEN() to insure this.

pKey Pointer to Key of (Key, Data) pair to add.
nKey Size (in bytes) of the above Key.
pData Pointer to Data part of (Key, Data) pair.
htab Hash Table.
-1 for failure. 0 for success.

Definition at line 123 of file htab.cpp.

References HASH_ProcessBuffer(), htab_rec, and CHashTable::Insert().

Referenced by add_helpfile(), add_player_name(), MailList::AppendItem(), atr_match1(), cache_get(), cache_put(), CF_HAND(), commands_no_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_cmdarg_add(), desc_addhash(), do_addcommand(), do_createchannel(), do_delcommand(), do_function(), find_wild_attrs(), flag_rename(), function_add(), functions_add(), fwdlist_set(), helpindex_read(), init_attrtab(), init_cmdtab(), init_flagtab(), init_logout_cmdtab(), init_powertab(), load_comsystem(), look_atrs1(), and pcache_find().

00124 {
00125     if (  pKey == NULL
00126        || nKey <= 0)
00127     {
00128         return -1;
00129     }
00131     UINT32 nHash = HASH_ProcessBuffer(0, pKey, nKey);
00133     htab_rec.pData = pData;
00134     memcpy(htab_rec.aKey, pKey, nKey);
00135     size_t nRecord = nKey + sizeof(void *);
00136     htab->Insert((HP_HEAPLENGTH)nRecord, nHash, &htab_rec);
00137     return 0;
00138 }

void hashdeleteLEN ( const void *  pKey,
size_t  nKey,
CHashTable htab 

Removes a (Key, Data) pair from a hash table.

hashdeleteLEN() disassociates a variable-sized Key from its Data pointer by removing the (Key, Data) pair from the hash table and freeing any related storage. However, it is the caller's responsibility to free any memory that Data points to.

pKey The Key to remove.
nKey Size (in bytes) of the above Key.
htab Hash Table.

Definition at line 153 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::Copy(), CHashTable::FindFirstKey(), CHashTable::FindNextKey(), HASH_ProcessBuffer(), HF_FIND_END, htab_rec, and CHashTable::Remove().

Referenced by add_helpfile(), cache_del(), cache_put(), delete_player_name(), desc_delhash(), do_addcommand(), do_channelnuke(), do_delcommand(), do_destroychannel(), do_flag(), fwdlist_clr(), pcache_trim(), MailList::RemoveAll(), MailList::RemoveItem(), and TrimCache().

00154 {
00155     if (  pKey == NULL
00156        || nKey <= 0)
00157     {
00158         return;
00159     }
00161     UINT32 nHash = HASH_ProcessBuffer(0, pKey, nKey);
00163     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindFirstKey(nHash);
00164     while (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00165     {
00166         HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00167         htab->Copy(iDir, &nRecord, &htab_rec);
00168         size_t nTarget = nRecord - sizeof(int *);
00170         if (  nTarget == nKey
00171            && memcmp(pKey, htab_rec.aKey, nKey) == 0)
00172         {
00173             htab->Remove(iDir);
00174         }
00175         iDir = htab->FindNextKey(iDir, nHash);
00176     }
00177 }

void* hashfindLEN ( const void *  pKey,
size_t  nKey,
CHashTable htab 

Look for a previously-added (Key, Data) pair in a hash table, and return its data pointer.

Given a variable-sized Key, hashfindLEN() uses the associations previously created with hashaddLEN() to find and return the corresponding 'Data' part of a (Key, Data) pair, if it exists.

NULL is returned if the request is not valid or if the (Key, Data) pair is not found.

pKey Pointer to Key to find.
nKey Size (in bytes) of the above Key.
htab Hash Table.
pData or NULL.

Definition at line 76 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::Copy(), CHashTable::FindFirstKey(), CHashTable::FindNextKey(), HASH_ProcessBuffer(), HF_FIND_END, HF_FIND_FIRST, and htab_rec.

Referenced by add_player_name(), MailList::AppendItem(), atr_match1(), atr_str(), cache_del(), cache_get(), cache_put(), CF_HAND(), check_command(), commands_no_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_cmdarg_add(), dbclean_CheckATtoANH(), decode_power(), delete_player_name(), desc_addhash(), desc_delhash(), do_addcommand(), do_command(), do_delcommand(), do_destroychannel(), do_flag(), do_function(), do_hook(), do_icmd(), do_listcommands(), do_quitprog(), find_flag(), find_power(), find_wild_attrs(), MailList::FirstItem(), flag_rename(), FUNCTION(), fwdlist_get(), handle_prog(), help_helper(), help_write(), helpindex_read(), init_flagtab(), init_powertab(), look_atrs1(), lookup_player(), mux_exec(), pcache_find(), process_command(), MailList::RemoveAll(), and select_channel().

00077 {
00078     if (  pKey == NULL
00079        || nKey <= 0)
00080     {
00081         return NULL;
00082     }
00084     UINT32 nHash = HASH_ProcessBuffer(0, pKey, nKey);
00087     iDir = htab->FindFirstKey(nHash);
00088     while (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00089     {
00090         HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00091         htab->Copy(iDir, &nRecord, &htab_rec);
00092         size_t nTarget = nRecord - sizeof(int *);
00094         if (  nTarget == nKey
00095            && memcmp(pKey, htab_rec.aKey, nKey) == 0)
00096         {
00097             return htab_rec.pData;
00098         }
00099         iDir = htab->FindNextKey(iDir, nHash);
00100     }
00101     return NULL;
00102 }

void hashflush ( CHashTable htab  ) 

Removes all (Key, Data) entries in a hash table.

The Hash Table is re-initialized from scratch and all storage is reclaimed. The resulting Hash Table is empty.

htab Hash Table.

Definition at line 188 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::Reset().

Referenced by atr_match(), look_atrs(), and parse_attrib_wild().

00189 {
00190     htab->Reset();
00191 }

void hashreplall ( const void *  old,
void *  new0,
CHashTable htab 

Definition at line 227 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::FindFirst(), CHashTable::FindNext(), HF_FIND_END, htab_rec, and CHashTable::Update().

Referenced by do_addcommand(), and do_delcommand().

00228 {
00229     HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00230     for (  HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindFirst(&nRecord, &htab_rec);
00231            iDir != HF_FIND_END;
00232            iDir = htab->FindNext(&nRecord, &htab_rec))
00233     {
00234         if (htab_rec.pData == old)
00235         {
00236             htab_rec.pData = new0;
00237             htab->Update(iDir, nRecord, &htab_rec);
00238         }
00239     }
00240 }

bool hashreplLEN ( const void *  str,
size_t  nStr,
void *  pData,
CHashTable htab 

Definition at line 198 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::Copy(), CHashTable::FindFirstKey(), CHashTable::FindNextKey(), HASH_ProcessBuffer(), HF_FIND_END, htab_rec, and CHashTable::Update().

Referenced by add_player_name(), desc_addhash(), desc_delhash(), fwdlist_set(), and MailList::RemoveItem().

00199 {
00200     if (  str == NULL
00201        || nStr <= 0)
00202     {
00203         return false;
00204     }
00206     UINT32 nHash = HASH_ProcessBuffer(0, str, nStr);
00208     HP_DIRINDEX iDir = htab->FindFirstKey(nHash);
00209     while (iDir != HF_FIND_END)
00210     {
00211         HP_HEAPLENGTH nRecord;
00212         htab->Copy(iDir, &nRecord, &htab_rec);
00213         size_t nTarget = nRecord - sizeof(int *);
00215         if (  nTarget == nStr
00216            && memcmp(str, htab_rec.aKey, nStr) == 0)
00217         {
00218             htab_rec.pData = pData;
00219             htab->Update(iDir, nRecord, &htab_rec);
00220             return true;
00221         }
00222         iDir = htab->FindNextKey(iDir, nHash);
00223     }
00224     return false;
00225 }

void hashreset ( CHashTable htab  ) 

Reset hash table statistics.

Each Hash Table maintains certain statistics regarding the type and number of requests they receive as well as the hash table's performance in responding to those requests. The hashreset() function allows callers to reset these statistics. Typically, this is done when the caller knows future access patterns are of more interest than past access paterns.

htab Hash Table.

Definition at line 39 of file htab.cpp.

References CHashTable::ResetStats().

Referenced by helpindex_read(), and main().

00040 {
00041     htab->ResetStats();
00042 }

void interp_nametab ( dbref  player,
int  flagword,
const char *  prefix,
const char *  true_text,
const char *  false_text 

Definition at line 384 of file htab.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, check_access(), God, name_table::name, safe_chr, and safe_str.

Referenced by do_list().

00386 {
00387     bool bFirst = true;
00388     char *buf = alloc_lbuf("interp_nametab");
00389     char *bp = buf;
00391     safe_str(prefix, buf, &bp);
00392     for (NAMETAB *nt = ntab; nt->name; nt++)
00393     {
00394         if (  God(player)
00395            || check_access(player, nt->perm))
00396         {
00397             if (!bFirst)
00398             {
00399                 safe_chr(';', buf, &bp);
00400                 bFirst = false;
00401             }
00402             safe_chr(' ', buf, &bp);
00403             safe_str(nt->name, buf, &bp);
00404             safe_str("...", buf, &bp);
00405             if ((flagword & nt->flag) != 0)
00406             {
00407                 safe_str(true_text, buf, &bp);
00408             }
00409             else
00410             {
00411                 safe_str(false_text, buf, &bp);
00412             }
00413         }
00414     }
00415     *bp = '\0';
00416     notify(player, buf);
00417     free_lbuf(buf);
00418 }

void listset_nametab ( dbref  player,
int  flagword,
char *  prefix,
bool  list_if_none 

Definition at line 424 of file htab.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, check_access(), name_table::flag, free_lbuf, God, name_table::name, notify, name_table::perm, safe_chr, and safe_str.

Referenced by list_attraccess(), list_cf_access(), list_cmdaccess(), and list_vattrs().

00425 {
00426     char *buf = alloc_lbuf("listset_nametab");
00427     char *bp = buf;
00429     safe_str(prefix, buf, &bp);
00431     NAMETAB *nt = ntab;
00432     bool got_one = false;
00433     while (nt->name)
00434     {
00435         if (  ((flagword & nt->flag) != 0)
00436            && (  God(player)
00437               || check_access(player, nt->perm)))
00438         {
00439             safe_chr(' ', buf, &bp);
00440             safe_str(nt->name, buf, &bp);
00441             got_one = true;
00442         }
00443         nt++;
00444     }
00445     *bp = '\0';
00446     if (  got_one
00447        || list_if_none)
00448     {
00449         notify(player, buf);
00450     }
00451     free_lbuf(buf);
00452 }

bool search_nametab ( dbref  player,
char *  flagname,
int *  pflag 

Definition at line 303 of file htab.cpp.

References check_access(), name_table::flag, name_table::minlen, minmatch(), name_table::name, and name_table::perm.

Referenced by CF_HAND(), do_attribute(), do_global(), do_list(), do_list_file(), do_set(), FUNCTION(), get_obj_and_lock(), process_cmdent(), and process_command().

00304 {
00305     NAMETAB *nt;
00306     for (nt = ntab; nt->name; nt++)
00307     {
00308         if (minmatch(flagname, nt->name, nt->minlen))
00309         {
00310             if (check_access(player, nt->perm))
00311             {
00312                 *pflag = nt->flag;
00313                 return true;
00314             }
00315             else
00316             {
00317                 *pflag = -2;
00318                 return false;
00319             }
00320         }
00321     }
00322     *pflag = -1;
00323     return false;
00324 }

Variable Documentation

char aKey[LBUF_SIZE+125]

Definition at line 56 of file htab.cpp.

struct { ... } htab_rec [static]

Staging area for reads and writes into CHashTable.

The htab_rec structure is a fixed size, but only part of htab_rec is used. Since requests use variable-sized Keys, the portion of htab_rec used on any particular request is also variable-sized. pData is always present, but aKey may occupy as little as a single byte.

Referenced by hash_firstentry(), hash_firstkey(), hash_nextentry(), hash_nextkey(), hashaddLEN(), hashdeleteLEN(), hashfindLEN(), hashreplall(), and hashreplLEN().

void* pData

Definition at line 55 of file htab.cpp.

Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:19 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7