src/hcode/coolmenu.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "db.h"
#include "coolmenu.h"
#include "create.h"

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#define MIN(a, b)   ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a, b)   ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))


void KillText (char **mapt)
void ShowText (char **mapt, dbref player)
int BOUNDED (int, int, int)
int number_of_entries (coolmenu *c)
int count_following_with (coolmenu *c, int num)
void display_line (char **c, int *len, coolmenu *m)
static int compute_length (char *s)
void display_string (char **c, int *len, coolmenu *m)
void display_toggle_end (char **c, coolmenu *m)
char * stringified_value (int v)
void display_number_end (char **c, coolmenu *m)
char * display_entry (char *ch, int maxlen, coolmenu *c)
void display_entries (coolmenu *c, int wnum, int num, char *text)
char ** MakeCoolMenuText (coolmenu *c)
void CreateMenuEntry_Killer (coolmenu **c, char *text, int flag, int id, int value, int maxvalue)
void KillCoolMenu (coolmenu *c)
void ShowCoolMenu (dbref player, coolmenu *c)
int CoolMenu_FPWBit (int number, int maxlen)
coolmenuSelCol_Menu (int columns, char *heading, char **strings, int type, int max)
coolmenuSelCol_FunStringMenuK (int columns, char *heading, char *(*fun)(), int last)
coolmenuSelCol_FunStringMenu (int columns, char *heading, char *(*fun)())

Define Documentation

#define MAX ( a,
 )     ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))

Definition at line 33 of file coolmenu.c.

Referenced by AccumulateComputerXP(), AccumulatePilXP(), AccumulateTechWeaponsXP(), AccumulateTechXP(), add_decoration(), aero_UpdateSpeed(), ai_check_path(), ai_crash(), ai_path_score(), artillery_round_flight_time(), auto_com_event(), auto_radio_command_sweight(), blast_hit_hexesf(), blast_hit_hexf(), bomb_drop(), calc_ints(), center_string(), clear_mech_from_LOS(), decrement_ammunition(), DestroyHeatSink(), display_string(), DropGetElevation(), DS_BlastNearbyMechsAndTrees(), FindAndCheckAmmo(), FindNormalBTH(), growSnow(), isPartOfWorkingC3Master(), listtic_sub(), MadePilotSkillRoll_Advanced(), MakeMapText(), mech_bootlegger(), mech_list_maker(), mech_ood_damage(), mech_stand(), mech_weight_sub_mech(), mech_weight_sub_veh(), MechCargoMaxSpeed(), meltSnowAndIce(), MissileHitIndex(), MissileHitTarget(), NewHexEntered(), PrintInfoStatus(), reactor_explosion(), remove_mech_from_map(), save_event(), ScrambleMessage(), sendchannelstuff(), Sensor_DoWeSeeNow(), show_lrs_map(), sketch_tac_cliffs(), sketch_tac_dslz(), sketch_tac_map(), tech_roll(), tech_weapon_roll(), TFUNC_LOC(), trace_slitelos(), and update_specials().

#define MIN ( a,
 )     ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))

Definition at line 30 of file coolmenu.c.

Referenced by ai_path_score(), building_regen_event(), ChargeMech(), CheckNavalHeight(), countMaxC3Units(), damage_cf(), DeathFromAbove(), debug_xptop(), DisableSomeHS(), display_string(), do_sub_magic(), dodamage_func(), Dump_Decrease(), EnableSomeHS(), FailureRadioRange(), growSnow(), MakeMapText(), mech_jump(), mech_lrsmap(), MechFalls(), Missile_Hit(), MissileHitIndex(), MissileHitTarget(), muxevent_tickmech_repairarmor(), NewHexEntered(), PhysicalAttack(), sendchannelstuff(), Sensor_ToHitBonus(), sketch_tac_cliffs(), sketch_tac_dslz(), sketch_tac_map(), stuff_change_sub(), TECHCOMMANDH(), and UpdateHeat().

Function Documentation

int BOUNDED ( int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 89 of file glue.hcode.c.

Referenced by AccumulateGunXPold(), aero_update(), aero_UpdateSpeed(), ai_crash(), ai_path_score(), ammo_expedinture_check(), armor_effect(), artillery_hit(), auto_sensor_event(), blast_hit_hexesf(), CalculateLOSFlag(), do_scramble(), DS_BlastNearbyMechsAndTrees(), handlemwconc(), MadePilotSkillRoll_Advanced(), map_pathfind(), map_update(), map_view(), mech_brief(), mech_ood_event(), mech_Rsetmapindex(), mech_sendchannel(), mech_ss_event(), mech_update(), mechrep_Rsetradio(), mechrep_setcargospace(), mwlethaldam(), stringified_value(), tech_roll(), tech_weapon_roll(), and water_distance().

00090 {
00091         if(val < min)
00092                 return min;
00093         if(val > max)
00094                 return max;
00095         return val;
00096 }

static int compute_length ( char *  s  )  [static]

Definition at line 76 of file coolmenu.c.

References c.

Referenced by display_string().

00077 {
00078         int l = strlen(s);
00079         char *c;
00081         for(c = s; *c; c++) {
00082                 if(*c == '%')
00083                         if(*(c + 1) == 'c') {
00084                                 if(isalpha(*(c + 2))) {
00085                                         c += 2;
00086                                         l -= 3;
00087                                 } else {
00088                                         c += 1;
00089                                         l -= 2;
00090                                 }
00091                         }
00092         }
00093         return l;
00094 }

int CoolMenu_FPWBit ( int  number,
int  maxlen 

Definition at line 315 of file coolmenu.c.

References CM_FOUR, CM_ONE, CM_THREE, and CM_TWO.

Referenced by SelCol_FunStringMenuK(), and SelCol_Menu().

00316 {
00317         if(number <= maxlen)
00318                 return CM_ONE;
00319         if(number <= (maxlen * 2))
00320                 return CM_TWO;
00321         if(number <= (maxlen * 3))
00322                 return CM_THREE;
00323         return CM_FOUR;
00324 }

int count_following_with ( coolmenu c,
int  num 

Definition at line 52 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, coolmenu_type::next, and number_of_entries().

Referenced by MakeCoolMenuText().

00053 {
00054         int count = 0;
00056         for(; c && number_of_entries(c) >= num && count < num; c = c->next)
00057                 count++;
00058         return count;
00059 }

void CreateMenuEntry_Killer ( coolmenu **  c,
char *  text,
int  flag,
int  id,
int  value,
int  maxvalue 

Definition at line 264 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, CM_NOTOG, Create, coolmenu_type::flags, coolmenu_type::id, coolmenu_type::letter, LETTERFIRST, coolmenu_type::maxvalue, coolmenu_type::next, coolmenu_type::text, and coolmenu_type::value.

Referenced by list_matching().

00266 {
00267         coolmenu *d, *e;
00268         char first = 'a';
00270         if(!*c) {
00271                 Create(*c, coolmenu, 1);
00272                 d = *c;
00273         } else {
00274                 for(d = *c; d->next; d = d->next);
00275                 Create(d->next, coolmenu, 1);
00276                 d = d->next;
00277         }
00278         if(text)
00279                 d->text = strdup(text);
00280         d->flags = flag;
00281         if((flag & LETTERFIRST) && !(flag & CM_NOTOG)) {
00282                 /* gasp, s'pose we need a letter for this thingy */
00283                 for(e = *c; e; e = e->next)
00284                         if(e->letter)
00285                                 if(e->letter >= first)
00286                                         first = e->letter + 1;
00287                 d->letter = first;
00288         }
00289         d->id = id;
00290         d->value = value;
00291         d->maxvalue = maxvalue;
00292 }

void display_entries ( coolmenu c,
int  wnum,
int  num,
char *  text 

Definition at line 228 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, display_entry(), MENU_CHAR_WIDTH, and coolmenu_type::next.

Referenced by MakeCoolMenuText().

00229 {
00230         int i;
00231         char *ch = text;
00232         int single_length = (MENU_CHAR_WIDTH / wnum);
00234         for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
00235                 ch = display_entry(ch, single_length, c);
00236                 c = c->next;
00237         }
00238 }

char* display_entry ( char *  ch,
int  maxlen,
coolmenu c 

Definition at line 176 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, CM_LINE, CM_NO_HILITE, CM_NOCUT, CM_NORIGHT, CM_NOTOG, CM_NUMBER, CM_TOGGLE, display_line(), display_number_end(), display_string(), display_toggle_end(), coolmenu_type::flags, coolmenu_type::letter, LETTERFIRST, RIGHTEDGES, and coolmenu_type::value.

Referenced by display_entries().

00177 {
00178         int i, j = 0, t = 0;
00180         /* returns: number of characters to forward the main pointer with.
00181            basically: strlen(ouradditions) */
00182         if((c->flags & (LETTERFIRST)) && !(c->flags & CM_NOTOG)) {
00183                 if(c->flags & CM_NUMBER)
00184                         maxlen -= 5;
00185                 else
00186                         maxlen -= 4;
00187                 t = ((c->flags & (CM_TOGGLE | CM_NUMBER)) && c->value);
00188                 sprintf(ch, "%s[%c]%s ", (t &&
00189                                                                   !(c->
00190                                                                         flags & CM_NO_HILITE)) ? "%ch%cr" : "%cr",
00191                                 t ? (c->letter + 'A' - 'a') : c->letter, "%c");
00192                 ch += strlen(ch);
00193         }
00194         if(c->flags & (RIGHTEDGES) && !(c->flags & CM_NORIGHT)) {
00195                 if(c->flags & CM_NUMBER)
00196                         maxlen -= 6;
00197                 else
00198                         maxlen -= 5;
00199                 j = 1;
00200         }
00201         if(t && !(c->flags & (CM_NO_HILITE))) {
00202                 sprintf(ch, "%%ch");
00203                 ch += strlen(ch);
00204         }
00205         if(c->flags & CM_LINE)
00206                 display_line(&ch, &maxlen, c);
00207         else
00208                 display_string(&ch, &maxlen, c);
00209         if(t && !(c->flags & (CM_NO_HILITE))) {
00210                 sprintf(ch, "%%c");
00211                 ch += strlen(ch);
00212         }
00213         if(maxlen > 0 && !(c->flags & CM_NOCUT)) {
00214                 for(i = 0; i < maxlen; i++)
00215                         *(ch++) = ' ';
00216         }
00217         if(j) {
00218                 if(c->flags & CM_TOGGLE)
00219                         display_toggle_end(&ch, c);
00220                 else if(c->flags & CM_NUMBER)
00221                         display_number_end(&ch, c);
00222                 *(ch++) = ' ';
00223         }
00224         *ch = 0;
00225         return ch;
00226 }

void display_line ( char **  c,
int *  len,
coolmenu m 

Definition at line 61 of file coolmenu.c.

Referenced by display_entry().

00062 {
00063         char *ch = *c;
00064         int i;
00066         sprintf(ch, "%%cb");
00067         ch += strlen(ch);
00068         for(i = 0; i < *len; i++)
00069                 *(ch++) = '-';
00070         sprintf(ch, "%%c");
00071         ch += strlen(ch);
00072         *len = 0;
00073         *c = ch;
00074 }

void display_number_end ( char **  c,
coolmenu m 

Definition at line 164 of file coolmenu.c.

References CM_NO_HILITE, stringified_value(), and coolmenu_type::value.

Referenced by display_entry().

00165 {
00166         if(m->value >= 0) {
00167                 sprintf(*c, " %%cg%s%4s%%c", (m->value > 0 &&
00168                                                                           !(m->
00169                                                                                 flags & CM_NO_HILITE)) ? "%ch" : "",
00170                                 stringified_value(m->value));
00171         } else
00172                 sprintf(*c, " ____");
00173         *c += strlen(*c);
00174 }

void display_string ( char **  c,
int *  len,
coolmenu m 

Definition at line 96 of file coolmenu.c.

References CM_CENTER, CM_NOCUT, compute_length(), coolmenu_type::flags, MAX, MIN, and coolmenu_type::text.

Referenced by display_entry().

00097 {
00098         int l = strlen(m->text), lo;
00099         int p, e;
00100         int i;
00102         if(m->flags & CM_NOCUT) {
00103                 *len = 1;
00104                 strcpy(*c, m->text);
00105                 *c += strlen(*c);
00106                 return;
00107         }
00108         if(m->flags & CM_CENTER) {
00109                 p = MAX(*len / 2 - l / 2, 0);
00110                 e = MIN(*len - 1, p + l);
00111                 for(i = 0; i < p; i++)
00112                         (*c)[i] = ' ';
00113                 *c += p;
00114                 sprintf(*c, "%%ch%%cb");
00115                 *c += strlen(*c);
00116                 strncpy(*c, m->text, (e - p) + 1);
00117                 *c += (e - p);
00118                 sprintf(*c, "%%c");
00119                 *c += strlen(*c);
00120                 **c = 0;
00121                 *len -= e;
00122         } else {
00123                 lo = l - compute_length(m->text);
00124                 l = MIN(*len - 1 + lo, l);
00125                 strncpy(*c, m->text, l);
00126                 (*c)[l] = 0;
00127                 *len -= l - lo;
00128                 *c = &((*c)[l]);
00129         }
00130 }

void display_toggle_end ( char **  c,
coolmenu m 

Definition at line 132 of file coolmenu.c.

References CM_NO_HILITE, coolmenu_type::flags, and coolmenu_type::value.

Referenced by display_entry().

00133 {
00134         if(m->value)
00135                 sprintf(*c, " %s<%%cbX%%c%%ch>%%c",
00136                                 !(m->flags & CM_NO_HILITE) ? "%ch" : "");
00137         else
00138                 sprintf(*c, " < >");
00139         *c += strlen(*c);
00140 }

void KillCoolMenu ( coolmenu c  ) 

Definition at line 294 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, coolmenu_type::next, and coolmenu_type::text.

Referenced by auto_listcommands(), bomb_list(), CriticalStatus(), debug_xptop(), DoSpecialObjectHelp(), DumpMechSpecialObjects(), DumpWeapons(), list_matching(), list_xcodestuff(), listtic_sub(), mech_list_maker(), mech_mechprefs(), mech_weaponspecs(), mech_weight_sub_mech(), mech_weight_sub_veh(), show_charstatus(), show_mechs_damage(), and tech_repairs().

00295 {
00296         coolmenu *d;
00298         for(; c; c = d) {
00299                 d = c->next;
00300                 if(c->text)
00301                         free((void *) c->text);
00302                 free((void *) c);
00303         }
00304 }

void KillText ( char **  mapt  ) 

Definition at line 72 of file glue.hcode.c.

Referenced by CriticalStatus(), and ShowCoolMenu().

00073 {
00074         int i;
00076         for(i = 0; mapt[i]; i++)
00077                 free(mapt[i]);
00078         free(mapt);
00079 }

char** MakeCoolMenuText ( coolmenu c  ) 

Definition at line 240 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, count_following_with(), Create, display_entries(), MAX_MENU_LENGTH, MAX_MENU_WIDTH, coolmenu_type::next, and number_of_entries().

Referenced by ShowCoolMenu().

00241 {
00242         char **m;
00243         int pos = 0;
00244         int n, rn;
00246         Create(m, char *, MAX_MENU_LENGTH + 1);
00248         /* Whole whopping menu is ready to be written at.. */
00249         while (c)
00250                 if((n = number_of_entries(c)))
00251                         if((rn = count_following_with(c, n))) {
00252                                 Create(m[pos], char, MAX_MENU_WIDTH);
00254 /*        display_entries(c,rn,m[pos++]); */
00255                                 display_entries(c, n, rn, m[pos++]);
00256                                 while (rn > 0 && c) {
00257                                         rn--;
00258                                         c = c->next;
00259                                 }
00260                         }
00261         return m;
00262 }

int number_of_entries ( coolmenu c  ) 

Definition at line 38 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, CM_FOUR, CM_ONE, CM_THREE, CM_TWO, and coolmenu_type::flags.

Referenced by count_following_with(), and MakeCoolMenuText().

00039 {
00040         if(c->flags & CM_ONE)
00041                 return 1;
00042         if(c->flags & CM_TWO)
00043                 return 2;
00045         if(c->flags & CM_THREE)
00046                 return 3;
00047         if(c->flags & CM_FOUR)
00048                 return 4;
00049         return 1;
00050 }

coolmenu* SelCol_FunStringMenu ( int  columns,
char *  heading,
char *(*)()  fun 

Definition at line 372 of file coolmenu.c.

References fun, and SelCol_FunStringMenuK().

00373 {
00374         int co;
00376         for(co = 0; fun(co); co++);
00377         return SelCol_FunStringMenuK(columns, heading, fun, co);
00378 }

coolmenu* SelCol_FunStringMenuK ( int  columns,
char *  heading,
char *(*)()  fun,
int  last 

Definition at line 347 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, CM_CENTER, CM_LINE, CM_ONE, CoolMenu_FPWBit(), CreateMenuEntry_Normal, CreateMenuEntry_Simple, fun, and LBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by DumpWeapons(), listtic_sub(), mech_mechprefs(), mech_weaponspecs(), and SelCol_FunStringMenu().

00349 {
00350         coolmenu *c = NULL;
00351         int i;
00352         char buf[LBUF_SIZE];
00353         int sick = 0;
00355         strcpy(buf, heading);
00356         buf[0] = toupper(buf[0]);
00357         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00358         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, buf, CM_ONE | CM_CENTER);
00359         if(fun(0)[0] == '%') {
00360                 CreateMenuEntry_Normal(&c, fun(0), columns, 1, 0);
00361                 sick = 1;
00362         }
00363         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00364         if(columns < 0)
00365                 columns = CoolMenu_FPWBit(last, 18);
00366         for(i = sick; i < last; i++)
00367                 CreateMenuEntry_Normal(&c, fun(i), columns, i + 1 - sick, 0);
00368         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00369         return c;
00370 }

coolmenu* SelCol_Menu ( int  columns,
char *  heading,
char **  strings,
int  type,
int  max 

Definition at line 326 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, CM_CENTER, CM_LINE, CM_ONE, CoolMenu_FPWBit(), CreateMenuEntry_Normal, CreateMenuEntry_Simple, and LBUF_SIZE.

00328 {
00329         coolmenu *c = NULL;
00330         int i, co = 0;
00331         char buf[LBUF_SIZE];
00333         strcpy(buf, heading);
00334         buf[0] = toupper(buf[0]);
00335         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00336         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, buf, CM_ONE | CM_CENTER);
00337         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00338         for(co = 0; strings[co]; co++);
00339         if(columns < 0)
00340                 columns = CoolMenu_FPWBit(co, 18);
00341         for(i = 0; i < co; i++)
00342                 CreateMenuEntry_Normal(&c, strings[i], columns | type, i + 1, max);
00343         CreateMenuEntry_Simple(&c, NULL, CM_ONE | CM_LINE);
00344         return c;
00345 }

void ShowCoolMenu ( dbref  player,
coolmenu c 

Definition at line 306 of file coolmenu.c.

References c, KillText(), MakeCoolMenuText(), and ShowText().

Referenced by auto_listcommands(), bomb_list(), CriticalStatus(), debug_xptop(), DoSpecialObjectHelp(), DumpMechSpecialObjects(), DumpWeapons(), list_matching(), list_xcodestuff(), listtic_sub(), mech_list_maker(), mech_mechprefs(), mech_weaponspecs(), mech_weight_sub_mech(), mech_weight_sub_veh(), show_charstatus(), show_mechs_damage(), and tech_repairs().

00307 {
00308         char **ch;
00310         ch = MakeCoolMenuText(c);
00311         ShowText(ch, player);
00312         KillText(ch);
00313 }

void ShowText ( char **  mapt,
dbref  player 

Definition at line 81 of file glue.hcode.c.

Referenced by ShowCoolMenu().

00082 {
00083         int i;
00085         for(i = 0; mapt[i]; i++)
00086                 notify(player, mapt[i]);
00087 }

char* stringified_value ( int  v  ) 

Definition at line 144 of file coolmenu.c.

References BOUNDED().

Referenced by display_number_end().

00145 {
00146         char foo[] = "KMGTPEZY";
00147         int i = -1;
00148         static char buf[5];
00150         if(v > 999) {
00151                 do {
00152                         i++;
00153                         v /= 1000;
00154                 } while (v > 999 && foo[i]);
00156                 if(!foo[i])
00157                         i--;
00158                 sprintf(buf, "%d%c", BOUNDED(0, v, 999), foo[i]);
00159         } else
00160                 sprintf(buf, "%d", BOUNDED(0, v, 999));
00161         return buf;
00162 }

Generated on Mon May 28 04:25:44 2007 for BattletechMUX by  doxygen 1.4.7