
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // mudconf.h
00002 //
00003 // $Id: mudconf.h,v 1.35 2006/05/18 18:43:44 sdennis Exp $
00004 //
00006 #ifndef __CONF_H
00007 #define __CONF_H
00009 #include "alloc.h"
00010 #include "htab.h"
00011 #include "stringutil.h"
00013 #ifndef WIN32
00014 #include <netinet/in.h>
00015 #endif // !WIN32
00017 #define WIDTHOF_DOING_STRING 45
00020 /* CONFDATA:    runtime configurable parameters */
00022 typedef struct tag_int_array
00023 {
00024     int n;
00025     int *pi;
00026 } IntArray;
00028 typedef struct
00029 {
00030     const char *CommandName;
00031     CHashTable *ht;
00032     char       *pBaseFilename;
00033     bool       bEval;
00034 } HELP_DESC;
00036 typedef struct confdata CONFDATA;
00037 struct confdata
00038 {
00039     bool    allow_guest_from_registered_site;   // Whether guests from registered sites are allowed.
00040     bool    autozone;           // New objects are automatically zoned.
00041     bool    cache_names;        /* Should object names be cached separately */
00042     bool    clone_copy_cost;    /* Does @clone copy value? */
00043     bool    compress_db;        // should we use compress.
00044     bool    dark_sleepers;      /* Are sleeping players 'dark'? */
00045     bool    destroy_going_now;  // Does GOING act like DESTROY_OK?
00046     bool    eval_comtitle;      /* Should Comtitles Evaluate? */
00047     bool    ex_flags;           /* true = show flags on examine */
00048     bool    exam_public;        /* Does EXAM show public attrs by default? */
00049     bool    fascist_tport;      /* Src of teleport must be owned/JUMP_OK */
00050     bool    fork_dump;          // perform dump in a forked process.
00051     bool    have_comsys;        // Should the comsystem be active?
00052     bool    have_mailer;        // Should @mail be active?
00053     bool    have_zones;         // Should zones be active?
00054     bool    idle_wiz_dark;      /* Do idling wizards get set dark? */
00055     bool    indent_desc;        // Newlines before and after descs?
00056     bool    match_mine;         /* Should you check yourself for $-commands? */
00057     bool    match_mine_pl;      /* Should players check selves for $-cmds? */
00058     bool    name_spaces;        // allow player names to have spaces.
00059     bool    paranoid_alloc;     /* Rigorous buffer integrity checks */
00060     bool    pemit_any;          /* Can you @pemit to ANY remote object? */
00061     bool    pemit_players;      /* Can you @pemit to faraway players? */
00062     bool    player_listen;      /* Are AxHEAR triggered on players? */
00063     bool    pub_flags;          /* true = flags() works on anything */
00064     bool    quiet_look;         /* true = don't see attribs when looking */
00065     bool    quiet_whisper;      /* Can others tell when you whisper? */
00066     bool    quotas;             /* true = have building quotas */
00067     bool    read_rem_desc;      /* Can the DESCs of nonlocal objs be read? */
00068     bool    read_rem_name;      /* Can the NAMEs of nonlocal objs be read? */
00069     bool    reset_players;      // Reset the maximum player stat.
00070     bool    robot_speak;        /* true = allow robots to speak */
00071     bool    run_startup;        // If no, startup attributes aren't processed on load.
00072     bool    safe_unowned;       /* Are objects not owned by you safe? */
00073     bool    safe_wipe;          // If yes, SAFE flag must be removed to @wipe.
00074     bool    safer_passwords;    /* enforce reasonably good password choices? */
00075     bool    see_own_dark;       /* Do you see your own dark stuff? */
00076     bool    space_compress;     /* Convert multiple spaces into one space */
00077     bool    sweep_dark;         /* Can you sweep dark places? */
00078     bool    switch_df_all;      /* Should @switch match all by default? */
00079     bool    terse_contents;     /* Does TERSE look show exits */
00080     bool    terse_exits;        /* Does TERSE look show obvious exits */
00081     bool    terse_look;         /* Does manual look obey TERSE */
00082     bool    terse_movemsg;      /* Show move msgs (SUCC/LEAVE/etc) if TERSE? */
00083     bool    trace_topdown;      /* Is TRACE output top-down or bottom-up? */
00084     bool    use_hostname;       /* true = use machine NAME rather than quad */
00085     bool    use_http;           /* Should we allow http access? */
00086     dbref   default_home;       // HOME when home is inaccessable.
00087     dbref   global_error_obj;   // Object that is used to generate error messages.
00088     dbref   guest_char;         // player num of prototype GUEST character.
00089     dbref   guest_nuker;        // Wiz who nukes the GUEST characters.
00090     dbref   hook_obj;           // Object with @hook data.
00091     dbref   master_room;        // Room containing default cmds/exits/etc.
00092     dbref   start_home;         // initial HOME for players.
00093     dbref   start_room;         // initial location and home for players.
00094     dbref   toad_recipient;     /* Default @toad recipient. */
00095     int     active_q_chunk;     /* # cmds to run from queue when active */
00096     int     cache_pages;        // Size of hash page cache (in pages).
00097     int     check_interval;     /* interval between db check/cleans in secs */
00098     int     check_offset;       /* when to perform first check and clean */
00099     int     cmd_quota_incr;     /* Bump #cmds allowed by this each timeslice */
00100     int     cmd_quota_max;      /* Max commands at one time */
00101     int     conn_timeout;       /* Allow this long to connect before booting */
00102     int     control_flags;      /* Global runtime control flags */
00103     int     createmax;          /* max cost of @create command */
00104     int     createmin;          /* default (and minimum) cost of @create cmd */
00105     int     digcost;            /* cost of @dig command */
00106     int     dump_interval;      /* interval between ckp dumps in seconds */
00107     int     dump_offset;        /* when to take first checkpoint dump */
00108     int     events_daily_hour;  /* At what hour should @daily be executed? */
00109     int     exit_quota;         /* quota needed to make an exit */
00110     int     func_invk_lim;      /* Max funcs invoked by a command */
00111     int     func_nest_lim;      /* Max nesting of functions */
00112     int     hook_cmd;           // @hooks to be initialized.
00113     int     idle_interval;      /* when to check for idle users */
00114     int     idle_timeout;       /* Boot off players idle this long in secs */
00115     int     init_size;          // initial db size.
00116     int     killguarantee;      /* cost of kill cmd that guarantees success */
00117     int     killmax;            /* max cost of kill command */
00118     int     killmin;            /* default (and minimum) cost of kill cmd */
00119     int     linkcost;           /* cost of @link command */
00120     int     lock_nest_lim;      /* Max nesting of lock evals */
00121     int     log_info;           /* Info that goes into log entries */
00122     int     log_options;        /* What gets logged */
00123     int     machinecost;        /* One in mc+1 cmds costs 1 penny (POW2-1) */
00124     int     mail_expiration;    /* Number of days to wait to delete mail */
00125     int     mail_per_hour;      // Maximum sent @mail per hour per object.
00126     int     max_players;        /* Max # of connected players */
00127     int     min_guests;         // The # we should start nuking at.
00128     int     nStackLimit;        // Current stack limit.
00129 #ifdef REALITY_LVLS
00130     int     no_levels;          /* Number of reality levels */
00131     struct  rlevel_def {
00132         char name[9];           /* Rlevel name */
00133         RLEVEL value;           /* Rlevel bitmask */
00134         char attr[33];          /* desc attribute */
00135     } reality_level[32];        /* Reality levels */
00136     RLEVEL  def_room_rx;        /* Default room RX level */
00137     RLEVEL  def_room_tx;        /* Default room TX level */
00138     RLEVEL  def_player_rx;      /* Default player RX level */
00139     RLEVEL  def_player_tx;      /* Default player RX level */
00140     RLEVEL  def_exit_rx;        /* Default exit RX level */
00141     RLEVEL  def_exit_tx;        /* Default exit TX level */
00142     RLEVEL  def_thing_rx;       /* Default thing RX level */
00143     RLEVEL  def_thing_tx;       /* Default thing TX level */
00144 #endif /* REALITY_LVLS */
00145     int     ntfy_nest_lim;      /* Max nesting of notifys */
00146     int     number_guests;      // number of guest characters allowed.
00147     int     opencost;           /* cost of @open command */
00148     int     output_limit;       /* Max # chars queued for output */
00149     int     pagecost;           /* cost of @page command */
00150     int     parent_nest_lim;    /* Max levels of parents */
00151     int     paycheck;           /* players earn this much each day connected */
00152     int     payfind;            /* chance to find a penny with wandering */
00153     int     paylimit;           /* getting money gets hard over this much */
00154     int     paystart;           /* new players start with this much money */
00155     int     player_quota;       /* quota needed to make a robot player */
00156     int     pcreate_per_hour;   // Maximum allowed players created per hour */
00157     int     queue_chunk;        /* # cmds to run from queue when idle */
00158     int     queuemax;           /* max commands a player may have in queue */
00159     int     retry_limit;        /* close conn after this many bad logins */
00160     int     robotcost;          /* cost of @robot command */
00161     int     room_quota;         /* quota needed to make a room */
00162     int     sacadjust;          /* sacrifice earns (obj_cost/sfactor) + sadj */
00163     int     sacfactor;          /* ... */
00164     int     searchcost;         /* cost of commands that search the whole DB */
00165     int     sig_action;         // What to do with fatal signals.
00166     int     stack_limit;        /* How big can stacks get? */
00167     int     start_quota;        /* Quota for new players */
00168     int     thing_quota;        /* quota needed to make a thing */
00169     int     trace_limit;        /* Max lines of trace output if top-down */
00170     int     vattr_flags;        /* Attr flags for all user-defined attrs */
00171     int     vattr_per_hour;     // Maximum allowed vattrs per hour per object.
00172     int     waitcost;           /* cost of @wait (refunded when finishes) */
00173     int     wild_invk_lim;      // Max Regular Expression function calls.
00174     int     zone_nest_lim;      /* Max nesting of zones */
00175     int     restrict_home;  // Special condition to restrict 'home' command
00177     unsigned int    max_cache_size; /* Max size of attribute cache */
00178     unsigned int    site_chars; // where to truncate site name.
00180     IntArray    ports;          // user ports.
00182     char    guest_prefix[32];   /* Prefix for the guest char's name */
00183     char    guests_channel[32]; /* Name of guests channel */
00184     char    guests_channel_alias[32]; /* Name of guests channel alias */
00185     char    many_coins[32];     /* name of many coins (ie. "pennies") */
00186     char    mud_name[32];       /* Name of the mud */
00187     char    one_coin[32];       /* name of one coin (ie. "penny") */
00188     char    public_channel[32]; /* Name of public channel */
00189     char    public_channel_alias[32]; /* Name of public channel alias */
00190     char    dump_msg[128];      /* Message displayed when @dump-ing */
00191     char    fixed_home_msg[128];    /* Message displayed when going home and FIXED */
00192     char    fixed_tel_msg[128]; /* Message displayed when teleporting and FIXED */
00193     char    postdump_msg[128];  /* Message displayed after @dump-ing */
00194     char    downmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE];    /* Settable 'logins disabled' message */
00195     char    fullmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE];    /* Settable 'Too many players' message */
00196     char    motd_msg[GBUF_SIZE];    /* Wizard-settable login message */
00197     char    pueblo_msg[GBUF_SIZE];  /* Message displayed to Pueblo clients */
00198     char    wizmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE]; /* Login message for wizards only */
00199     char    *compress;          /* program to run to compress */
00200     char    *comsys_db;         /* name of the comsys db */
00201     char    *config_file;       /* name of config file, used by @restart */
00202     char    *conn_file;         /* display on connect if no registration */
00203     char    *crashdb;           /* write database here on crash */
00204     char    *crea_file;         /* display this on login for new users */
00205     char    *creg_file;         /* display on connect if registration */
00206     char    *down_file;         /* display this file if no logins */
00207     char    *full_file;         /* display when max users exceeded */
00208     char    *game_dir;          /* use this game CHashFile DIR file if we need one */
00209     char    *game_pag;          /* use this game CHashFile PAG file if we need one */
00210     char    *guest_file;        /* display if guest connects */
00211     char    *indb;              /* database file name */
00212     char    *mail_db;           /* name of the @mail database */
00213     char    *motd_file;         /* display this file on login */
00214     char    *outdb;             /* checkpoint the database to here */
00215     char    *quit_file;         /* display on quit */
00216     char    *regf_file;         /* display on (failed) create if reg is on */
00217     char    *site_file;         /* display if conn from bad site */
00218     char    *status_file;       /* Where to write arg to @shutdown */
00219     char    *uncompress;        /* program to run to uncompress */
00220     char    *wizmotd_file;      /* display this file on login to wizards */
00221     char    *pid_file;          // file for communicating process id back to ./Startmux
00222     unsigned char    markdata[8];  /* Masks for marking/unmarking */
00223     CLinearTimeDelta rpt_cmdsecs;  /* Reporting Threshhold for time taken by command */
00224     CLinearTimeDelta max_cmdsecs;  /* Upper Limit for real time taken by command */
00225     CLinearTimeDelta cache_tick_period; // Minor cycle for cache maintenance.
00226     CLinearTimeDelta timeslice;         // How often do we bump people's cmd quotas?
00228     FLAGSET exit_flags;         /* Flags exits start with */
00229     FLAGSET player_flags;       /* Flags players start with */
00230     FLAGSET robot_flags;        /* Flags robots start with */
00231     FLAGSET room_flags;         /* Flags rooms start with */
00232     FLAGSET thing_flags;        /* Flags things start with */
00234     ArtRuleset* art_rules;      /* Rulesets for defining exceptions. */
00235 };
00237 extern CONFDATA mudconf;
00239 typedef struct site_data SITE;
00240 struct site_data
00241 {
00242     struct site_data *next;     /* Next site in chain */
00243     struct in_addr address;     /* Host or network address */
00244     struct in_addr mask;        /* Mask to apply before comparing */
00245     int flag;           /* Value to return on match */
00246 };
00248 typedef struct objlist_block OBLOCK;
00249 struct objlist_block
00250 {
00251     struct objlist_block *next;
00252     dbref   data[(LBUF_SIZE - sizeof(OBLOCK *)) / sizeof(dbref)];
00253 };
00255 #define OBLOCK_SIZE ((LBUF_SIZE - sizeof(OBLOCK *)) / sizeof(dbref))
00257 typedef struct objlist_stack OLSTK;
00258 struct objlist_stack
00259 {
00260     struct objlist_stack *next; /* Next object list in stack */
00261     OBLOCK  *head;              /* Head of object list */
00262     OBLOCK  *tail;              /* Tail of object list */
00263     OBLOCK  *cblock;            /* Current block for scan */
00264     unsigned int count;         /* Number of objs in last obj list block */
00265     unsigned int citm;          /* Current item for scan */
00266 };
00268 typedef struct markbuf MARKBUF;
00269 struct markbuf
00270 {
00271     char    chunk[5000];
00272 };
00274 typedef struct alist ALIST;
00275 struct alist
00276 {
00277     char    *data;
00278     size_t len;
00279     struct alist *next;
00280 };
00282 typedef struct badname_struc BADNAME;
00283 struct badname_struc
00284 {
00285     char    *name;
00286     struct badname_struc    *next;
00287 };
00289 typedef struct forward_list FWDLIST;
00290 struct forward_list
00291 {
00292     int count;
00293     int data[1000];
00294 };
00296 #define MAX_ITEXT 100
00298 typedef struct statedata STATEDATA;
00299 struct statedata
00300 {
00301     bool bCanRestart;           // are we ready to even attempt a restart.
00302     bool bReadingConfiguration; // are we reading the config file at startup?
00303     bool bStackLimitReached;    // Was stack slammed?
00304     bool bStandAlone;           // Are we running in dbconvert mode.
00305     bool panicking;             // are we in the middle of dying horribly?
00306     bool shutdown_flag;         /* Should interface be shut down? */
00307     bool inpipe;                // Are we collecting output for a pipe?
00308 #ifndef WIN32
00309     bool          restarting;   // Are we restarting?
00310     volatile bool dumping;      // Are we dumping?
00311     volatile pid_t dumper;      // PID of dumping process (as returned by fork()).
00312     volatile pid_t dumped;      // PID of dumping process (as given by SIGCHLD).
00313     bool    write_protect;      // Write-protect against modifications to the
00314                                 // database during dumps.
00315 #endif // !WIN32
00317     dbref   curr_enactor;       /* Who initiated the current command */
00318     dbref   curr_executor;      /* Who is running the current command */
00319     dbref   freelist;           /* Head of object freelist */
00320     dbref   mod_al_id;          /* Where did mod_alist come from? */
00321     dbref   poutobj;            /* Object doing the piping */
00322     int     attr_next;          /* Next attr to alloc when freelist is empty */
00323     int     db_size;            /* Allocated size of db structure */
00324     int     db_top;             /* Number of items in the db */
00325     int     epoch;              /* Generation number for dumps */
00326     int     events_flag;        /* Flags for check_events */
00327     int     func_invk_ctr;      /* Functions invoked so far by this command */
00328     int     func_nest_lev;      /* Current nesting of functions */
00329     int     generation;         /* DB global generation number */
00330     int     in_loop;            // Loop nesting level.
00331     int     lock_nest_lev;      /* Current nesting of lock evals */
00332     int     logging;            /* Are we in the middle of logging? */
00333     int     mail_db_size;       /* Like db_size */
00334     int     mail_db_top;        /* Like db_top */
00335     int     mHelpDesc;          // Number of entries allocated.
00336     int     min_size;           /* Minimum db size (from file header) */
00337     int     mstat_curr;         /* Which sample is latest */
00338     int     nHelpDesc;          // Number of entries used.
00339     int     nObjEvalNest;       // The nesting level of objeval() invocations.
00340     int     nStackNest;         // Current stack depth.
00341     int     nHearNest;          // Current aahear depth.
00342     int     pipe_nest_lev;      // Number of piped commands.
00343     int     pcreates_this_hour; // Player creations possible this hour.
00344     int     ntfy_nest_lev;      // Current nesting of notifys.
00345     int     train_nest_lev;     // Current nesting of train.
00346     int     record_players;     // The maximum # of player logged on.
00347     int     wild_invk_ctr;      // Regular Expression function calls.
00348     int     zone_nest_num;      /* Global current zone nest position */
00349     int     mstat_idrss[2];     /* Summed private data size */
00350     int     mstat_isrss[2];     /* Summed private stack size */
00351     int     mstat_ixrss[2];     /* Summed shared size */
00352     int     mstat_secs[2];      /* Time of samples */
00353     int     glob_reg_len[MAX_GLOBAL_REGS];  /* Length of strs */
00354     int     inum[MAX_ITEXT];    // Number of iter(). Equivalent to #@.
00355     int     *guest_free;        /* Table to keep track of free guests */
00356     size_t  mod_alist_len;      /* Length of mod_alist */
00357     size_t  mod_size;           /* Length of modified buffer */
00359     char    short_ver[64];      /* Short version number (for INFO) */
00360     char    doing_hdr[SIZEOF_DOING_STRING];  /* Doing column header in the WHO display */
00361     char    version[128];       /* MUX version string */
00362     char    *curr_cmd;          /* The current command */
00363     char    *debug_cmd;         // The command we are executing (if any).
00364     char    *mod_alist;         /* Attribute list for modifying */
00365     char    *pout;              /* The output of the pipe used in %| */
00366     char    *poutbufc;          /* Buffer position for poutnew */
00367     char    *poutnew;           /* The output being build by the current command */
00368     char    *global_regs[MAX_GLOBAL_REGS];  /* Global registers */
00369     char    *itext[MAX_ITEXT];  // Text of iter(). Equivalent to ##.
00371     ALIST   iter_alist;         /* Attribute list for iterations */
00372     BADNAME *badname_head;      /* List of disallowed names */
00373     HELP_DESC *aHelpDesc;       // Table of help files hashes.
00374     MARKBUF *markbits;          /* temp storage for marking/unmarking */
00375     OLSTK   *olist;             /* Stack of object lists for nested searches */
00376     SITE    *suspect_list;      /* Sites that are suspect */
00377     SITE    *access_list;       /* Access states for sites */
00379     CLinearTimeAbsolute check_counter;  /* Countdown to next db check */
00380     CLinearTimeAbsolute cpu_count_from; /* When did we last reset CPU counters? */
00381     CLinearTimeAbsolute dump_counter;   /* Countdown to next db dump */
00382     CLinearTimeAbsolute events_counter; /* Countdown to next events check */
00383     CLinearTimeAbsolute idle_counter;   /* Countdown to next idle check */
00384     CLinearTimeAbsolute start_time;     /* When was MUX started */
00385     CLinearTimeAbsolute tThrottleExpired; // How much time is left in this hour of throttling.
00387     CHashTable acache_htab;     // Attribute Cache
00388     CHashTable attr_name_htab;  /* Attribute names hashtable */
00389     CHashTable channel_htab;    /* Channels hashtable */
00390     CHashTable command_htab;    /* Commands hashtable */
00391     CHashTable desc_htab;       /* Socket descriptor hashtable */
00392     CHashTable flags_htab;      /* Flags hashtable */
00393     CHashTable func_htab;       /* Functions hashtable */
00394     CHashTable fwdlist_htab;    /* Room forwardlists */
00395     CHashTable logout_cmd_htab; /* Logged-out commands hashtable (WHO, etc) */
00396     CHashTable mail_htab;       /* Mail players hashtable */
00397     CHashTable parent_htab;     /* Parent $-command exclusion */
00398     CHashTable player_htab;     /* Player name->number hashtable */
00399     CHashTable powers_htab;     /* Powers hashtable */
00400 #ifdef PARSE_TREES
00401     CHashTable tree_htab;       /* Parse trees for evaluation */
00402 #endif // PARSE_TREES
00403     CHashTable ufunc_htab;      /* Local functions hashtable */
00404     CHashTable vattr_name_htab; /* User attribute names hashtable */
00406     CBitField bfNoListens;      // Cache knowledge that there are no ^-Commands.
00407     CBitField bfNoCommands;     // Cache knowledge that there are no $-Commands.
00408     CBitField bfCommands;       // Cache knowledge that there are $-Commands.
00409     CBitField bfListens;        // Cache knowledge that there are ^-Commands.
00411     CBitField bfReport;         // Used for LROOMS.
00412     CBitField bfTraverse;       // Used for LROOMS.
00413 };
00415 extern STATEDATA mudstate;
00417 /* Configuration parameter handler definition */
00419 #define CF_HAND(proc)   int proc(int *vp, char *str, void *pExtra, UINT32 nExtra, dbref player, char *cmd)
00421 /* Global flags */
00423 // Game control flags in mudconf.control_flags.
00424 //
00425 #define CF_LOGIN        0x0001      /* Allow nonwiz logins to the mux */
00426 #define CF_BUILD        0x0002      /* Allow building commands */
00427 #define CF_INTERP       0x0004      /* Allow object triggering */
00428 #define CF_CHECKPOINT   0x0008      /* Perform auto-checkpointing */
00429 #define CF_DBCHECK      0x0010      /* Periodically check/clean the DB */
00430 #define CF_IDLECHECK    0x0020      /* Periodically check for idle users */
00431 #define CF_GUEST        0x0040      /* Allow guest logins to the mux */
00432 /* empty        0x0080 */
00433 #define CF_DEQUEUE      0x0100      /* Remove entries from the queue */
00434 #ifdef MUSH3
00435 #define CF_GODMONITOR   0x0200      // Display commands to the god.
00436 #endif // MUSH3
00437 #define CF_EVENTCHECK   0x0400      // Allow events checking.
00439 // Host information codes
00440 //
00441 #define H_REGISTRATION  0x0001  /* Registration ALWAYS on */
00442 #define H_FORBIDDEN     0x0002  /* Reject all connects */
00443 #define H_SUSPECT       0x0004  /* Notify wizards of connects/disconnects */
00444 #define H_GUEST         0x0008  // Don't permit guests from here
00445 #define H_NOSITEMON     0x0010  // Block SiteMon Information
00447 // Event flags, for noting when an event has taken place.
00448 //
00449 #define ET_DAILY        0x00000001  /* Daily taken place? */
00451 /* Logging options */
00453 #define LOG_ALLCOMMANDS 0x00000001  /* Log all commands */
00454 #define LOG_ACCOUNTING  0x00000002  /* Write accounting info on logout */
00455 #define LOG_BADCOMMANDS 0x00000004  /* Log bad commands */
00456 #define LOG_BUGS        0x00000008  /* Log program bugs found */
00457 #define LOG_DBSAVES     0x00000010  /* Log database dumps */
00458 #define LOG_CONFIGMODS  0x00000020  /* Log changes to configuration */
00459 #define LOG_PCREATES    0x00000040  /* Log character creations */
00460 #define LOG_KILLS       0x00000080  /* Log KILLs */
00461 #define LOG_LOGIN       0x00000100  /* Log logins and logouts */
00462 #define LOG_NET         0x00000200  /* Log net connects and disconnects */
00463 #define LOG_SECURITY    0x00000400  /* Log security-related events */
00464 #define LOG_SHOUTS      0x00000800  /* Log shouts */
00465 #define LOG_STARTUP     0x00001000  /* Log nonfatal errors in startup */
00466 #define LOG_WIZARD      0x00002000  /* Log dangerous things */
00467 #define LOG_ALLOCATE    0x00004000  /* Log alloc/free from buffer pools */
00468 #define LOG_PROBLEMS    0x00008000  /* Log runtime problems */
00469 #define LOG_SUSPECTCMDS 0x00020000  // Log SUSPECT player keyboard commands.
00470 #ifdef MUSH3
00471 #define LOG_KBCOMMANDS  0x00010000  // Log keyboard commands.
00472 #endif // MUSH3
00473 #define LOG_TIMEUSE     0x00040000  // Log CPU time usage.
00474 #define LOG_ALWAYS      0x80000000  /* Always log it */
00476 #define LOGOPT_FLAGS        0x01    /* Report flags on object */
00477 #define LOGOPT_LOC          0x02    /* Report loc of obj when requested */
00478 #define LOGOPT_OWNER        0x04    /* Report owner of obj if not obj */
00479 #define LOGOPT_TIMESTAMP    0x08    /* Timestamp log entries */
00481 #endif // !__CONF_H

Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:10 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7