#include <mudconf.h>
Collaboration diagram for statedata:
Definition at line 299 of file mudconf.h.
Definition at line 387 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cache_del(), cache_get(), cache_put(), list_hashstats(), and TrimCache().
Definition at line 377 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), initializesock(), list_siteinfo(), new_connection(), and shutdownsock().
Definition at line 373 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_helpfile(), cf_init(), help_helper(), help_write(), helpindex_clean(), helpindex_read(), list_hashstats(), and ReportTopic().
Definition at line 388 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_str(), dbclean_CheckANHtoAT(), dbclean_CheckATtoANH(), init_attrtab(), list_hashstats(), and main().
Definition at line 322 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), db_read(), db_write(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), do_dbclean(), list_vattrs(), and vattr_alloc_LEN().
Definition at line 372 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by badname_add(), badname_check(), badname_list(), badname_remove(), and cf_init().
Definition at line 301 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by AssertionFailed(), cf_init(), dispatch_CanRestart(), do_restart(), OutOfMemory(), and sighandler().
Definition at line 408 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_add(), atr_clr(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_grow(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), and sweep_check().
Definition at line 409 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_add(), atr_clr(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_grow(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), and sweep_check().
Definition at line 407 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_add(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_grow(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), and sweep_check().
Definition at line 406 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_add(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_grow(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), and sweep_check().
Definition at line 302 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by CF_HAND(), cf_init(), cf_log_notfound(), cf_log_syntax(), cf_read(), cf_set(), cf_status_from_succfail(), and check_access().
Definition at line 303 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), mux_exec(), and process_command().
Definition at line 304 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by anum_extend(), AssertionFailed(), atr_clr(), bCanReadAttr(), cache_del(), cache_get(), cache_put(), check_dead_refs(), check_floating(), CLI_CallBack(), db_grow(), db_read(), db_write(), db_write_object(), destroy_bad_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_dbck(), eval_boolexp(), exit_displayable(), exit_visible(), fwdlist_ck(), fwdlist_get(), fwdlist_load(), init_dbfile(), CHashFile::Insert(), log_name(), main(), ok_password(), OutOfMemory(), parse_boolexp(), parse_boolexp_L(), Pennies(), s_Pennies(), start_log(), string_compare(), CHashFile::Sync(), unparse_boolexp1(), ValidatePlayerName(), and CHashFile::WriteDirectory().
Definition at line 389 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by do_chanlist(), do_channelnuke(), do_createchannel(), do_destroychannel(), do_listchannels(), FUNCTION(), list_hashstats(), load_comsystem(), main(), save_comsystem(), and select_channel().
Definition at line 379 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dispatch_FreeListReconstruction(), do_timewarp(), init_timer(), and list_options().
Definition at line 390 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_helpfile(), CF_HAND(), check_command(), commands_no_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_add(), commands_one_arg_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_add(), commands_two_arg_argv_cmdarg_add(), commands_two_arg_cmdarg_add(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), do_addcommand(), do_delcommand(), do_hook(), do_icmd(), do_listcommands(), FUNCTION(), init_cmdtab(), list_hashstats(), main(), and process_command().
char* statedata::curr_cmd |
Definition at line 362 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_command(), mux_exec(), and process_command().
Definition at line 317 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), cf_init(), do_command(), notify_check(), report(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
Definition at line 318 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_command(), notify_check(), report(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
Definition at line 324 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_comsys(), cf_init(), create_obj(), db_free(), db_grow(), db_read(), db_write(), del_comsys(), destroy_obj(), do_stats(), dump_info(), FUNCTION(), list_check(), load_comsystem(), parse_range(), QueueMax(), save_comsystem(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().
char* statedata::debug_cmd |
Definition at line 363 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), dispatch_CacheTick(), dispatch_CheckEvents(), dispatch_DatabaseDump(), dispatch_FreeListReconstruction(), dispatch_IdleCheck(), do_command(), do_logged_out_internal(), failconn(), new_connection(), pool_alloc(), pool_alloc_lbuf(), pool_err(), pool_free(), pool_free_lbuf(), process_command(), process_input(), process_output(), report(), and shovechars().
Definition at line 391 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by desc_addhash(), desc_delhash(), do_quitprog(), handle_prog(), list_hashstats(), and main().
char statedata::doing_hdr[SIZEOF_DOING_STRING] |
Definition at line 360 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_doing(), dump_restart_db(), dump_users(), FUNCTION(), and load_restart_db().
Definition at line 381 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dispatch_DatabaseDump(), do_timewarp(), init_timer(), list_options(), and sighandler().
volatile pid_t statedata::dumped |
Definition at line 312 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database(), fork_and_dump(), and sighandler().
volatile pid_t statedata::dumper |
Definition at line 311 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), fork_and_dump(), and sighandler().
volatile bool statedata::dumping |
Definition at line 310 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), dispatch_DatabaseDump(), do_backup(), do_dbclean(), do_dump(), do_restart(), dump_database(), dump_database_internal(), fork_and_dump(), FUNCTION(), CHashFile::Insert(), and sighandler().
int statedata::epoch |
Definition at line 325 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database(), dump_database_internal(), and fork_and_dump().
Definition at line 382 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dispatch_CheckEvents(), do_timewarp(), and init_timer().
Definition at line 392 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by CF_HAND(), do_flag(), find_flag(), flag_rename(), init_flagtab(), list_hashstats(), and main().
Definition at line 319 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), db_free(), do_stats(), list_options(), and make_freelist().
Definition at line 393 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by CF_HAND(), do_function(), function_add(), functions_add(), list_hashstats(), main(), and mux_exec().
Definition at line 327 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), filter_handler(), FUNCTION(), mux_exec(), process_command(), search_perform(), and u_comp().
Definition at line 328 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), FUNCTION(), mux_exec(), process_command(), and u_comp().
Definition at line 394 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by fwdlist_clr(), fwdlist_get(), fwdlist_set(), list_hashstats(), and main().
int statedata::glob_reg_len[MAX_GLOBAL_REGS] |
Definition at line 353 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_command(), do_prog(), FUNCTION(), main(), mux_exec(), real_regmatch(), restore_global_regs(), save_and_clear_global_regs(), save_global_regs(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
char* statedata::global_regs[MAX_GLOBAL_REGS] |
Definition at line 368 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_match1(), bind_and_queue(), cf_init(), did_it(), do_command(), do_dolist(), do_force(), do_if(), do_prog(), do_switch(), do_wait(), FUNCTION(), main(), mux_exec(), process_cmdent(), real_regmatch(), restore_global_regs(), save_and_clear_global_regs(), save_global_regs(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
Definition at line 383 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dispatch_IdleCheck(), do_timewarp(), init_timer(), and list_options().
bool statedata::inpipe |
Definition at line 307 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), Hearer(), notify_check(), raw_notify(), raw_notify_html(), raw_notify_newline(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
int statedata::inum[MAX_ITEXT] |
Definition at line 371 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_head(), atr_pop(), atr_push(), and cf_init().
char* statedata::itext[MAX_ITEXT] |
Definition at line 331 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), eval_boolexp(), and process_command().
Definition at line 332 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), end_log(), log_perror(), pool_alloc(), pool_alloc_lbuf(), pool_err(), pool_free(), pool_free_lbuf(), and start_log().
Definition at line 395 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by do_command(), init_logout_cmdtab(), list_hashstats(), and main().
Definition at line 334 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_mail_debug(), dump_mail(), mail_db_grow(), and MessageAdd().
Definition at line 396 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by MailList::AppendItem(), MailList::FirstItem(), list_hashstats(), main(), MailList::RemoveAll(), and MailList::RemoveItem().
Definition at line 335 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_helpfile(), cf_init(), and ValidateHelpFileIndex().
Definition at line 320 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by al_fetch(), al_store(), atr_free(), atr_head(), and cf_init().
char* statedata::mod_alist |
Definition at line 364 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by al_add(), al_delete(), al_fetch(), al_store(), atr_head(), and cf_init().
size_t statedata::mod_alist_len |
Definition at line 356 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by al_add(), al_delete(), al_fetch(), al_store(), atr_head(), and cf_init().
size_t statedata::mod_size |
int statedata::mstat_idrss[2] |
int statedata::mstat_isrss[2] |
int statedata::mstat_ixrss[2] |
int statedata::mstat_secs[2] |
Definition at line 338 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_helpfile(), cf_init(), helpindex_load(), list_hashstats(), and main().
Definition at line 340 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), mux_exec(), and process_command().
Definition at line 344 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), notify_check(), and process_command().
Definition at line 375 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), olist_add(), olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), and olist_push().
bool statedata::panicking |
Definition at line 305 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), check_panicking(), and sighandler().
Definition at line 397 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by atr_match(), atr_match1(), find_wild_attrs(), list_hashstats(), look_atrs(), look_atrs1(), and parse_attrib_wild().
Definition at line 343 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by SetupGlobalThrottle(), and ThrottlePlayerCreate().
Definition at line 398 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by add_player_name(), delete_player_name(), list_hashstats(), lookup_player(), and main().
char* statedata::pout |
Definition at line 365 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), mux_exec(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
char* statedata::poutbufc |
Definition at line 366 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), raw_notify(), raw_notify_html(), raw_notify_newline(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
char* statedata::poutnew |
Definition at line 367 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), raw_notify(), raw_notify_html(), raw_notify_newline(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
Definition at line 321 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), Hearer(), raw_notify(), raw_notify_html(), raw_notify_newline(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().
Definition at line 399 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by CF_HAND(), decode_power(), find_power(), init_powertab(), and list_hashstats().
Definition at line 346 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by announce_connect(), db_read(), db_write(), dump_restart_db(), dump_users(), FUNCTION(), load_restart_db(), and main().
char statedata::short_ver[64] |
Definition at line 306 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), do_shutdown(), CHashPage::ReadPage(), shovechars(), sighandler(), CMuxAlarm::Sleep(), and CHashPage::WritePage().
Definition at line 384 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dump_info(), dump_restart_db(), FUNCTION(), GetProcessorUsage(), load_restart_db(), and main().
Definition at line 376 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cf_init(), initializesock(), and list_siteinfo().
Definition at line 385 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by SetupGlobalThrottle(), and ThrottlePlayerCreate().
Definition at line 404 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), list_hashstats(), vattr_define_LEN(), vattr_delete_LEN(), vattr_find_LEN(), vattr_first(), vattr_next(), and vattr_rename_LEN().
char statedata::version[128] |
Definition at line 361 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by build_version(), do_version(), FUNCTION(), init_version(), and main().
Definition at line 347 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by badname_check(), cf_init(), check_filter(), find_wild_attrs(), FUNCTION(), list_vattrs(), quick_wild(), ReportMatchedTopics(), wild(), wild1(), and wild_match().
Definition at line 313 of file mudconf.h.
Referenced by cache_del(), cache_put(), cf_init(), and fork_and_dump().