confdata Struct Reference

#include <mudconf.h>

Collaboration diagram for confdata:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

bool allow_guest_from_registered_site
bool autozone
bool cache_names
bool clone_copy_cost
bool compress_db
bool dark_sleepers
bool destroy_going_now
bool eval_comtitle
bool ex_flags
bool exam_public
bool fascist_tport
bool fork_dump
bool have_comsys
bool have_mailer
bool have_zones
bool idle_wiz_dark
bool indent_desc
bool match_mine
bool match_mine_pl
bool name_spaces
bool paranoid_alloc
bool pemit_any
bool pemit_players
bool player_listen
bool pub_flags
bool quiet_look
bool quiet_whisper
bool quotas
bool read_rem_desc
bool read_rem_name
bool reset_players
bool robot_speak
bool run_startup
bool safe_unowned
bool safe_wipe
bool safer_passwords
bool see_own_dark
bool space_compress
bool sweep_dark
bool switch_df_all
bool terse_contents
bool terse_exits
bool terse_look
bool terse_movemsg
bool trace_topdown
bool use_hostname
bool use_http
dbref default_home
dbref global_error_obj
dbref guest_char
dbref guest_nuker
dbref hook_obj
dbref master_room
dbref start_home
dbref start_room
dbref toad_recipient
int active_q_chunk
int cache_pages
int check_interval
int check_offset
int cmd_quota_incr
int cmd_quota_max
int conn_timeout
int control_flags
int createmax
int createmin
int digcost
int dump_interval
int dump_offset
int events_daily_hour
int exit_quota
int func_invk_lim
int func_nest_lim
int hook_cmd
int idle_interval
int idle_timeout
int init_size
int killguarantee
int killmax
int killmin
int linkcost
int lock_nest_lim
int log_info
int log_options
int machinecost
int mail_expiration
int mail_per_hour
int max_players
int min_guests
int nStackLimit
int ntfy_nest_lim
int number_guests
int opencost
int output_limit
int pagecost
int parent_nest_lim
int paycheck
int payfind
int paylimit
int paystart
int player_quota
int pcreate_per_hour
int queue_chunk
int queuemax
int retry_limit
int robotcost
int room_quota
int sacadjust
int sacfactor
int searchcost
int sig_action
int stack_limit
int start_quota
int thing_quota
int trace_limit
int vattr_flags
int vattr_per_hour
int waitcost
int wild_invk_lim
int zone_nest_lim
int restrict_home
unsigned int max_cache_size
unsigned int site_chars
IntArray ports
char guest_prefix [32]
char guests_channel [32]
char guests_channel_alias [32]
char many_coins [32]
char mud_name [32]
char one_coin [32]
char public_channel [32]
char public_channel_alias [32]
char dump_msg [128]
char fixed_home_msg [128]
char fixed_tel_msg [128]
char postdump_msg [128]
char downmotd_msg [GBUF_SIZE]
char fullmotd_msg [GBUF_SIZE]
char motd_msg [GBUF_SIZE]
char pueblo_msg [GBUF_SIZE]
char wizmotd_msg [GBUF_SIZE]
char * compress
char * comsys_db
char * config_file
char * conn_file
char * crashdb
char * crea_file
char * creg_file
char * down_file
char * full_file
char * game_dir
char * game_pag
char * guest_file
char * indb
char * mail_db
char * motd_file
char * outdb
char * quit_file
char * regf_file
char * site_file
char * status_file
char * uncompress
char * wizmotd_file
char * pid_file
unsigned char markdata [8]
CLinearTimeDelta rpt_cmdsecs
CLinearTimeDelta max_cmdsecs
CLinearTimeDelta cache_tick_period
CLinearTimeDelta timeslice
FLAGSET exit_flags
FLAGSET player_flags
FLAGSET robot_flags
FLAGSET room_flags
FLAGSET thing_flags

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file mudconf.h.

Field Documentation

int confdata::active_q_chunk

Definition at line 95 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and CScheduler::RunTasks().

bool confdata::allow_guest_from_registered_site

Definition at line 39 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and check_connect().

ArtRuleset* confdata::art_rules

Definition at line 234 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and FUNCTION().

bool confdata::autozone

Definition at line 40 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and create_obj().

bool confdata::cache_names

Definition at line 41 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), Moniker(), PureName(), s_Moniker(), and s_Name().

int confdata::cache_pages

Definition at line 96 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and main().

CLinearTimeDelta confdata::cache_tick_period

Definition at line 225 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dispatch_CacheTick(), init_timer(), and CHashFile::Tick().

int confdata::check_interval

Definition at line 97 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dispatch_FreeListReconstruction(), init_timer(), list_options(), and CHashFile::Tick().

int confdata::check_offset

Definition at line 98 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and init_timer().

bool confdata::clone_copy_cost

Definition at line 42 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_clone(), and list_costs().

int confdata::cmd_quota_incr

Definition at line 99 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and update_quotas().

int confdata::cmd_quota_max

Definition at line 100 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), initializesock(), list_options(), load_restart_db(), and update_quotas().

char* confdata::compress

Definition at line 199 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and dump_database_internal().

bool confdata::compress_db

Definition at line 43 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database_internal(), list_options(), and load_game().

char* confdata::comsys_db

Definition at line 200 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database_internal(), and load_game().

char* confdata::config_file

Definition at line 201 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_read(), do_restart(), main(), and sighandler().

char* confdata::conn_file

Definition at line 202 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

int confdata::conn_timeout

Definition at line 101 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_idle(), and list_options().

int confdata::control_flags

Definition at line 102 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), cf_init(), check_command(), check_connect(), dispatch_CheckEvents(), dispatch_DatabaseDump(), dispatch_FreeListReconstruction(), dispatch_IdleCheck(), do_apply_marked(), do_global(), do_list(), do_markall(), do_search(), process_cmdent(), and wait_que().

char* confdata::crashdb

Definition at line 203 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_shutdown().

char* confdata::crea_file

Definition at line 204 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

int confdata::createmax

Definition at line 103 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_dead_refs(), create_obj(), do_clone(), FUNCTION(), and list_costs().

int confdata::createmin

Definition at line 104 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), do_clone(), FUNCTION(), and list_costs().

char* confdata::creg_file

Definition at line 205 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

bool confdata::dark_sleepers

Definition at line 44 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by can_see(), cf_init(), and list_options().

dbref confdata::default_home

Definition at line 86 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), default_home(), destroyable(), fh_going_bit(), list_options(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

bool confdata::destroy_going_now

Definition at line 45 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_destroy().

int confdata::digcost

Definition at line 105 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), do_clone(), and list_costs().

char* confdata::down_file

Definition at line 206 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

char confdata::downmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 194 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), and do_motd().

int confdata::dump_interval

Definition at line 106 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dispatch_DatabaseDump(), init_timer(), list_options(), and CHashFile::Tick().

char confdata::dump_msg[128]

Definition at line 190 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and fork_and_dump().

int confdata::dump_offset

Definition at line 107 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and init_timer().

bool confdata::eval_comtitle

Definition at line 46 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by BuildChannelMessage(), and cf_init().

int confdata::events_daily_hour

Definition at line 108 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and check_events().

bool confdata::ex_flags

Definition at line 47 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_examine(), and list_options().

bool confdata::exam_public

Definition at line 48 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_examine(), and list_options().

FLAGSET confdata::exit_flags

Definition at line 228 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_df_flags().

int confdata::exit_quota

Definition at line 109 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), chown_all(), count_quota(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), link_exit(), and list_costs().

bool confdata::fascist_tport

Definition at line 49 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_teleport_single(), and list_options().

char confdata::fixed_home_msg[128]

Definition at line 191 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_move(), and process_command().

char confdata::fixed_tel_msg[128]

Definition at line 192 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_teleport().

bool confdata::fork_dump

Definition at line 50 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), fork_and_dump(), list_options(), and sighandler().

char* confdata::full_file

Definition at line 207 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

char confdata::fullmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 195 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), and do_motd().

int confdata::func_invk_lim

Definition at line 110 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), filter_handler(), FUNCTION(), mux_exec(), and u_comp().

int confdata::func_nest_lim

Definition at line 111 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), mux_exec(), and u_comp().

char* confdata::game_dir

Definition at line 208 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and main().

char* confdata::game_pag

Definition at line 209 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and main().

dbref confdata::global_error_obj

Definition at line 87 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), FUNCTION(), and process_command().

dbref confdata::guest_char

Definition at line 88 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), CGuests::Create(), list_options(), CGuests::MakeGuestChar(), CGuests::StartUp(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

char* confdata::guest_file

Definition at line 210 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

dbref confdata::guest_nuker

Definition at line 89 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), CGuests::DestroyGuestChar(), CGuests::MakeGuestChar(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

char confdata::guest_prefix[32]

Definition at line 182 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), CGuests::Create(), and CGuests::MakeGuestChar().

char confdata::guests_channel[32]

Definition at line 183 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CGuests::AddToGuestChannel(), and cf_init().

char confdata::guests_channel_alias[32]

Definition at line 184 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CGuests::AddToGuestChannel(), and cf_init().

bool confdata::have_comsys

Definition at line 51 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), cf_init(), do_addcom(), do_allcom(), do_cemit(), do_chanlist(), do_channelwho(), do_chboot(), do_chopen(), do_clearcom(), do_comlist(), do_comtitle(), do_delcom(), do_destroychannel(), do_editchannel(), dump_database_internal(), FUNCTION(), load_game(), process_command(), and ReleaseAllResources().

bool confdata::have_mailer

Definition at line 52 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), cf_init(), do_mail(), do_malias(), do_postpend(), do_prepend(), dump_database_internal(), FUNCTION(), load_game(), and ReleaseAllResources().

bool confdata::have_zones

Definition at line 53 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), cf_init(), check_zone_handler(), do_chzone(), do_examine(), FUNCTION(), process_command(), and scan_zone().

int confdata::hook_cmd

Definition at line 112 of file mudconf.h.

dbref confdata::hook_obj

Definition at line 90 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), higcheck(), hook_fail(), and process_cmdent().

int confdata::idle_interval

Definition at line 113 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dispatch_IdleCheck(), init_timer(), and list_options().

int confdata::idle_timeout

Definition at line 114 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), cf_init(), check_idle(), desc_reload(), initializesock(), and list_options().

bool confdata::idle_wiz_dark

Definition at line 54 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_idle(), and list_options().

char* confdata::indb

Definition at line 211 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), cf_read(), do_backup(), load_game(), and main().

bool confdata::indent_desc

Definition at line 55 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and show_a_desc().

int confdata::init_size

Definition at line 115 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by anum_extend(), cf_init(), and db_grow().

int confdata::killguarantee

Definition at line 116 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_kill(), and list_costs().

int confdata::killmax

Definition at line 117 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_kill(), and list_costs().

int confdata::killmin

Definition at line 118 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_kill(), and list_costs().

int confdata::linkcost

Definition at line 119 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), destroy_obj(), do_unlink(), link_exit(), list_costs(), and open_exit().

int confdata::lock_nest_lim

Definition at line 120 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and eval_boolexp().

int confdata::log_info

Definition at line 121 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_list(), log_name(), log_name_and_loc(), and start_log().

int confdata::log_options

Definition at line 122 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_list(), pool_alloc(), pool_alloc_lbuf(), pool_free(), pool_free_lbuf(), process_command(), and report_timecheck().

int confdata::machinecost

Definition at line 123 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_costs(), and setup_que().

char* confdata::mail_db

Definition at line 212 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database_internal(), and load_game().

int confdata::mail_expiration

Definition at line 124 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and check_mail_expiration().

int confdata::mail_per_hour

Definition at line 125 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and SetupThrottle().

char confdata::many_coins[32]

Definition at line 185 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by canpayfees(), cf_init(), do_entrances(), do_examine(), do_find(), do_kill(), do_mail_stats(), do_processcom(), do_score(), FUNCTION(), get_stats(), give_money(), list_costs(), list_options(), open_exit(), and page_check().

unsigned char confdata::markdata[8]

Definition at line 222 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

dbref confdata::master_room

Definition at line 91 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), cf_init(), destroyable(), fh_going_bit(), list_options(), match_master_exit(), process_command(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

bool confdata::match_mine

Definition at line 56 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and process_command().

bool confdata::match_mine_pl

Definition at line 57 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and process_command().

unsigned int confdata::max_cache_size

Definition at line 177 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and TrimCache().

CLinearTimeDelta confdata::max_cmdsecs

Definition at line 224 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_command(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().

int confdata::max_players

Definition at line 126 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), dump_users(), and list_options().

int confdata::min_guests

Definition at line 127 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), CGuests::CleanUp(), CGuests::ListAll(), and CGuests::StartUp().

char* confdata::motd_file

Definition at line 213 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

char confdata::motd_msg[GBUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 196 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), cf_init(), do_motd(), and FUNCTION().

char confdata::mud_name[32]

Definition at line 186 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CF_HAND(), cf_init(), do_restart(), dump_info(), FUNCTION(), sighandler(), and start_log().

bool confdata::name_spaces

Definition at line 58 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), parse_connect(), and ValidatePlayerName().

int confdata::nStackLimit

Definition at line 128 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and mux_exec().

int confdata::ntfy_nest_lim

Definition at line 145 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), FUNCTION(), move_via_teleport(), notify_check(), Task_RunQueueEntry(), and where_room().

int confdata::number_guests

Definition at line 146 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), CGuests::Create(), CGuests::MakeGuestChar(), and CGuests::StartUp().

char confdata::one_coin[32]

Definition at line 187 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), destroy_obj(), do_mail_stats(), do_score(), give_money(), list_costs(), list_options(), and move_object().

int confdata::opencost

Definition at line 147 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), link_exit(), and list_costs().

char* confdata::outdb

Definition at line 214 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), dump_database(), dump_database_internal(), and fork_and_dump().

int confdata::output_limit

Definition at line 148 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and queue_write_LEN().

int confdata::pagecost

Definition at line 149 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and page_check().

bool confdata::paranoid_alloc

Definition at line 59 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), pool_alloc(), pool_alloc_lbuf(), pool_free(), and pool_free_lbuf().

int confdata::parent_nest_lim

Definition at line 150 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and FUNCTION().

int confdata::paycheck

Definition at line 151 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), connect_player(), and list_options().

int confdata::payfind

Definition at line 152 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and move_object().

int confdata::paylimit

Definition at line 153 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_dead_refs(), do_kill(), give_money(), list_options(), and move_object().

int confdata::paystart

Definition at line 154 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_options().

int confdata::pcreate_per_hour

Definition at line 156 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and SetupGlobalThrottle().

bool confdata::pemit_any

Definition at line 60 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_pemit_single().

bool confdata::pemit_players

Definition at line 61 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_pemit_single(), and list_options().

char* confdata::pid_file

Definition at line 221 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CLI_CallBack(), do_restart(), main(), and sighandler().

FLAGSET confdata::player_flags

Definition at line 229 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), CGuests::Create(), create_obj(), and list_df_flags().

bool confdata::player_listen

Definition at line 62 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), notify_check(), and sweep_check().

int confdata::player_quota

Definition at line 155 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), chown_all(), count_quota(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), and list_costs().

IntArray confdata::ports

Definition at line 180 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and main().

char confdata::postdump_msg[128]

Definition at line 193 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and fork_and_dump().

bool confdata::pub_flags

Definition at line 63 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), FUNCTION(), and list_options().

char confdata::public_channel[32]

Definition at line 188 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by AddToPublicChannel(), and cf_init().

char confdata::public_channel_alias[32]

Definition at line 189 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by AddToPublicChannel(), and cf_init().

char confdata::pueblo_msg[GBUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 197 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_logged_out_internal().

int confdata::queue_chunk

Definition at line 157 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and list_options().

int confdata::queuemax

Definition at line 158 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and QueueMax().

bool confdata::quiet_look

Definition at line 64 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), look_in(), and look_simple().

bool confdata::quiet_whisper

Definition at line 65 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_pemit_single(), and list_options().

char* confdata::quit_file

Definition at line 215 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

bool confdata::quotas

Definition at line 66 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by canpayfees(), cf_init(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), do_quota(), FUNCTION(), list_costs(), and list_options().

bool confdata::read_rem_desc

Definition at line 67 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by bCanReadAttr(), cf_init(), do_examine(), do_verb(), exam_wildattrs(), and list_options().

bool confdata::read_rem_name

Definition at line 68 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_examine(), FUNCTION(), and list_options().

char* confdata::regf_file

Definition at line 216 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

bool confdata::reset_players

Definition at line 69 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), db_read(), and load_restart_db().

int confdata::restrict_home

Definition at line 175 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CF_HAND(), cf_init(), and process_command().

int confdata::retry_limit

Definition at line 159 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), initializesock(), and list_options().

FLAGSET confdata::robot_flags

Definition at line 230 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_df_flags().

bool confdata::robot_speak

Definition at line 70 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and sp_ok().

int confdata::robotcost

Definition at line 160 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), and list_costs().

FLAGSET confdata::room_flags

Definition at line 231 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_df_flags().

int confdata::room_quota

Definition at line 161 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), chown_all(), count_quota(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), and list_costs().

CLinearTimeDelta confdata::rpt_cmdsecs

Definition at line 223 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_command(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().

bool confdata::run_startup

Definition at line 71 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and process_preload().

int confdata::sacadjust

Definition at line 162 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and list_costs().

int confdata::sacfactor

Definition at line 163 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and list_costs().

bool confdata::safe_unowned

Definition at line 72 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and list_options().

bool confdata::safe_wipe

Definition at line 73 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_wipe().

bool confdata::safer_passwords

Definition at line 74 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and ok_password().

int confdata::searchcost

Definition at line 164 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_entrances(), do_find(), do_mail_stats(), FUNCTION(), get_stats(), and list_costs().

bool confdata::see_own_dark

Definition at line 75 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by can_see(), cf_init(), list_options(), and look_contents().

int confdata::sig_action

Definition at line 165 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and sighandler().

unsigned int confdata::site_chars

Definition at line 178 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and trimmed_site().

char* confdata::site_file

Definition at line 217 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

bool confdata::space_compress

Definition at line 76 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), mux_exec(), parse_to(), parse_to_cleanup(), process_command(), and string_compare().

int confdata::stack_limit

Definition at line 166 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and FUNCTION().

dbref confdata::start_home

Definition at line 92 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), default_home(), destroyable(), fh_going_bit(), list_options(), start_home(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

int confdata::start_quota

Definition at line 167 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_options().

dbref confdata::start_room

Definition at line 93 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), check_connect(), check_floating(), CGuests::Create(), default_home(), destroyable(), do_pcreate(), fh_going_bit(), list_options(), CGuests::MakeGuestChar(), start_home(), and ValidateConfigurationDbrefs().

char* confdata::status_file

Definition at line 218 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_shutdown().

bool confdata::sweep_dark

Definition at line 77 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_sweep(), and list_options().

bool confdata::switch_df_all

Definition at line 78 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_switch(), and list_options().

bool confdata::terse_contents

Definition at line 79 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_look(), list_options(), and look_in().

bool confdata::terse_exits

Definition at line 80 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and look_in().

bool confdata::terse_look

Definition at line 81 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), do_look(), list_options(), and look_simple().

bool confdata::terse_movemsg

Definition at line 82 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), move_via_exit(), process_enter_loc(), and process_leave_loc().

FLAGSET confdata::thing_flags

Definition at line 232 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), create_obj(), and list_df_flags().

int confdata::thing_quota

Definition at line 168 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), chown_all(), count_quota(), create_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_chown(), and list_costs().

CLinearTimeDelta confdata::timeslice

Definition at line 226 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), Task_ProcessCommand(), and update_quotas().

dbref confdata::toad_recipient

Definition at line 94 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and do_toad().

int confdata::trace_limit

Definition at line 169 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), mux_exec(), and tcache_add().

bool confdata::trace_topdown

Definition at line 83 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), list_options(), and mux_exec().

char* confdata::uncompress

Definition at line 219 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and load_game().

bool confdata::use_hostname

Definition at line 84 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), get_slave_result(), and new_connection().

bool confdata::use_http

Definition at line 85 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

int confdata::vattr_flags

Definition at line 170 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), db_read(), and mkattr().

int confdata::vattr_per_hour

Definition at line 171 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and SetupThrottle().

int confdata::waitcost

Definition at line 172 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by CallBack_HaltQueue(), CallBack_NotifySemaphoreDrainOrAll(), cf_init(), halt_que(), list_costs(), setup_que(), and Task_RunQueueEntry().

int confdata::wild_invk_lim

Definition at line 173 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), quick_wild(), and wild1().

char* confdata::wizmotd_file

Definition at line 220 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init().

char confdata::wizmotd_msg[GBUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 198 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by announce_connect(), cf_init(), and do_motd().

int confdata::zone_nest_lim

Definition at line 174 of file mudconf.h.

Referenced by cf_init(), and check_zone_handler().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:24 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7