mux/src/db.cpp File Reference

#include "copyright.h"
#include "autoconf.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "attrs.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "comsys.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "powers.h"
#include "vattr.h"
#include "ansi.h"

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Data Structures

struct  atrcount


#define SIZE_HACK   1
#define STATE_START   0
#define STATE_HAVE_ESC   1


typedef atrcount ATRCOUNT


void fwdlist_set (dbref thing, FWDLIST *ifp)
void fwdlist_clr (dbref thing)
int fwdlist_load (FWDLIST *fp, dbref player, char *atext)
int fwdlist_rewrite (FWDLIST *fp, char *atext)
bool fwdlist_ck (dbref player, dbref thing, int anum, char *atext)
FWDLISTfwdlist_get (dbref thing)
const char * Name (dbref thing)
const char * PureName (dbref thing)
const char * Moniker (dbref thing)
void s_Name (dbref thing, const char *s)
void s_Moniker (dbref thing, const char *s)
void s_Pass (dbref thing, const char *s)
void do_attribute (dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, int key, int nargs, char *aname, char *value)
void do_fixdb (dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, int key, int nargs, char *arg1, char *arg2)
char * MakeCanonicalAttributeName (const char *pName, int *pnName, bool *pbValid)
char * MakeCanonicalAttributeCommand (const char *pName, int *pnName, bool *pbValid)
void init_attrtab (void)
ATTRatr_str (char *s)
void anum_extend (int newtop)
ATTRatr_num (int anum)
static void SetupThrottle (dbref executor)
static void SetupGlobalThrottle (void)
bool ThrottlePlayerCreate (void)
bool ThrottleAttributeNames (dbref executor)
bool ThrottleMail (dbref executor)
int mkattr (dbref executor, char *buff)
static int al_decode (char **app)
static char * al_code (char *ap, int atrnum)
bool Commer (dbref thing)
static void al_extend (char **buffer, size_t *bufsiz, size_t len, bool copy)
void al_store (void)
static char * al_fetch (dbref thing)
static bool al_add (dbref thing, int attrnum)
static void al_delete (dbref thing, int attrnum)
static DCL_INLINE void makekey (dbref thing, int atr, Aname *abuff)
static char * atr_encode (char *iattr, dbref thing, dbref owner, int flags, int atr)
static const char * atr_decode_flags_owner (const char *iattr, dbref *owner, int *flags)
static void atr_decode_LEN (const char *iattr, int nLen, char *oattr, dbref thing, dbref *owner, int *flags, size_t *pLen)
void atr_clr (dbref thing, int atr)
void atr_add_raw_LEN (dbref thing, int atr, const char *szValue, int nValue)
void atr_add_raw (dbref thing, int atr, const char *szValue)
void atr_add (dbref thing, int atr, char *buff, dbref owner, int flags)
void atr_set_flags (dbref thing, int atr, dbref flags)
int get_atr (char *name)
const char * atr_get_raw_LEN (dbref thing, int atr, size_t *pLen)
const char * atr_get_raw (dbref thing, int atr)
char * atr_get_str_LEN (char *s, dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, size_t *pLen)
char * atr_get_str (char *s, dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags)
char * atr_get_LEN (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, size_t *pLen)
char * atr_get_real (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, const char *file, const int line)
bool atr_get_info (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags)
char * atr_pget_str_LEN (char *s, dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, size_t *pLen)
char * atr_pget_str (char *s, dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags)
char * atr_pget_LEN (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, size_t *pLen)
char * atr_pget_real (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags, const char *file, const int line)
bool atr_pget_info (dbref thing, int atr, dbref *owner, int *flags)
void atr_free (dbref thing)
void atr_cpy (dbref dest, dbref source, bool bInternal)
void atr_chown (dbref obj)
int atr_next (char **attrp)
void atr_push (void)
void atr_pop (void)
int atr_head (dbref thing, char **attrp)
static void initialize_objects (dbref first, dbref last)
void db_grow (dbref newtop)
void db_free (void)
void db_make_minimal (void)
dbref parse_dbref (const char *s)
void putref (FILE *f, dbref ref)
char * getstring_noalloc (FILE *f, int new_strings)
void putstring (FILE *f, const char *pRaw)
int getref (FILE *f)
void free_boolexp (BOOLEXP *b)
static BOOLEXPdup_bool (BOOLEXP *b)
int init_dbfile (char *game_dir_file, char *game_pag_file, int nCachePages)
bool check_zone_handler (dbref player, dbref thing, bool bPlayerCheck)
void ReleaseAllResources (dbref obj)
void dump_restart_db (void)
void load_restart_db (void)
int ReplaceFile (char *old_name, char *new_name)
void RemoveFile (char *name)


ATTR attr []
char * aszSpecialDBRefNames [1-NOPERM]
ATTR ** anum_table = NULL
int anum_alc_top = 0
static const unsigned char decode_table [256]
static const int action_table [2][8]
static const unsigned char encode_table [256]

Define Documentation


Definition at line 23 of file db.cpp.

#define SIZE_HACK   1

Definition at line 2517 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by db_free(), and db_grow().

#define STATE_HAVE_ESC   1

Definition at line 2775 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by getstring_noalloc().

#define STATE_START   0

Definition at line 2774 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by getstring_noalloc().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct atrcount ATRCOUNT

Definition at line 28 of file db.cpp.

Function Documentation

static bool al_add ( dbref  thing,
int  attrnum 
) [static]

Definition at line 1525 of file db.cpp.

References al_code(), al_decode(), al_extend(), al_fetch(), ATR_BUF_INCR, LBUF_SIZE, statedata::mod_alist, statedata::mod_alist_len, statedata::mod_size, and mudstate.

Referenced by atr_add_raw_LEN().

01526 {
01527     char *abuf = al_fetch(thing);
01528     char *cp = abuf;
01529     int anum;
01531     // See if attr is in the list.  If so, exit (need not do anything).
01532     //
01533     while (*cp)
01534     {
01535         anum = al_decode(&cp);
01536         if (anum == attrnum)
01537         {
01538             return true;
01539         }
01540     }
01542     // The attribute isn't there, so we need to try to add it.
01543     //
01544     int iPosition = cp - abuf;
01546     // If we are too large for an attribute
01547     //
01548     if (iPosition + ATR_BUF_INCR >= LBUF_SIZE)
01549     {
01550         return false;
01551     }
01553     // Extend it.
01554     //
01555     al_extend(&mudstate.mod_alist, &mudstate.mod_size, (iPosition + ATR_BUF_INCR), true);
01556     if (mudstate.mod_alist != abuf)
01557     {
01558         // extend returned different buffer, re-position the end
01559         //
01560         cp = mudstate.mod_alist + iPosition;
01561     }
01563     // Add the new attribute on to the end.
01564     //
01565     cp = al_code(cp, attrnum);
01566     *cp = '\0';
01567     mudstate.mod_alist_len = cp - mudstate.mod_alist;
01568     return true;
01569 }

static char* al_code ( char *  ap,
int  atrnum 
) [static]

Definition at line 1332 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by al_add(), and al_delete().

01333 {
01334     int bits;
01335     for (;;)
01336     {
01337         bits = atrnum & 0x7F;
01338         if (atrnum <= 0x7F)
01339         {
01340             break;
01341         }
01342         atrnum >>= 7;
01343         bits |= 0x80;
01344         *ap++ = (char)bits;
01345     }
01346     *ap++ = (char)bits;
01347     return ap;
01348 }

static int al_decode ( char **  app  )  [static]

Definition at line 1300 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by al_add(), al_delete(), and atr_next().

01301 {
01302     char *ap = *app;
01304     int atrnum = 0, atrshft = 0;
01305     for (;;)
01306     {
01307         int ch = *ap++;
01308         int bits = ch & 0x7F;
01310         if (atrshft > 0)
01311             atrnum |= (bits << atrshft);
01312         else
01313             atrnum = bits;
01315         if ((ch & 0x80) == 0)
01316         {
01317             *app = ap;
01318             return atrnum;
01319         }
01320         atrshft += 7;
01321     }
01322 }

static void al_delete ( dbref  thing,
int  attrnum 
) [static]

Definition at line 1573 of file db.cpp.

References A_LIST, al_code(), al_decode(), al_fetch(), statedata::mod_alist, statedata::mod_alist_len, and mudstate.

Referenced by atr_clr().

01574 {
01575     int anum;
01576     char *abuf, *cp, *dp;
01578     // If trying to modify List attrib, return.  Otherwise, get the attribute list.
01579     //
01580     if (attrnum == A_LIST)
01581     {
01582         return;
01583     }
01584     abuf = al_fetch(thing);
01585     if (!abuf)
01586     {
01587         return;
01588     }
01590     cp = abuf;
01591     while (*cp)
01592     {
01593         dp = cp;
01594         anum = al_decode(&cp);
01595         if (anum == attrnum)
01596         {
01597             while (*cp)
01598             {
01599                 anum = al_decode(&cp);
01600                 dp = al_code(dp, anum);
01601             }
01602             *dp = '\0';
01603             mudstate.mod_alist_len = dp - mudstate.mod_alist;
01604             return;
01605         }
01606     }
01607     return;
01608 }

static void al_extend ( char **  buffer,
size_t *  bufsiz,
size_t  len,
bool  copy 
) [static]

Definition at line 1452 of file db.cpp.


Referenced by al_add(), al_fetch(), and atr_head().

01453 {
01454     if (len > *bufsiz)
01455     {
01456         int newsize = len + ATR_BUF_CHUNK;
01457         char *tbuff = (char *)MEMALLOC(newsize);
01458         ISOUTOFMEMORY(tbuff);
01459         if (*buffer)
01460         {
01461             if (copy)
01462             {
01463                 memcpy(tbuff, *buffer, *bufsiz);
01464             }
01465             MEMFREE(*buffer);
01466             *buffer = NULL;
01467         }
01468         *buffer = tbuff;
01469         *bufsiz = newsize;
01470     }
01471 }

static char* al_fetch ( dbref  thing  )  [static]

Definition at line 1493 of file db.cpp.

References A_LIST, al_extend(), al_store(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), statedata::mod_al_id, statedata::mod_alist, statedata::mod_alist_len, statedata::mod_size, and mudstate.

Referenced by al_add(), and al_delete().

01494 {
01495     // We only need fetch if we change things.
01496     //
01497     if (mudstate.mod_al_id == thing)
01498     {
01499         return mudstate.mod_alist;
01500     }
01502     // Save old list, then fetch and set up the attribute list.
01503     //
01504     al_store();
01505     size_t len;
01506     const char *astr = atr_get_raw_LEN(thing, A_LIST, &len);
01507     if (astr)
01508     {
01509         al_extend(&mudstate.mod_alist, &mudstate.mod_size, len+1, false);
01510         memcpy(mudstate.mod_alist, astr, len+1);
01511         mudstate.mod_alist_len = len;
01512     }
01513     else
01514     {
01515         al_extend(&mudstate.mod_alist, &mudstate.mod_size, 1, false);
01516         *mudstate.mod_alist = '\0';
01517         mudstate.mod_alist_len = 0;
01518     }
01519     mudstate.mod_al_id = thing;
01520     return mudstate.mod_alist;
01521 }

void al_store ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1475 of file db.cpp.

References A_LIST, atr_add_raw_LEN(), atr_clr(), statedata::mod_al_id, statedata::mod_alist, statedata::mod_alist_len, mudstate, and NOTHING.

Referenced by al_fetch(), atr_free(), dbconvert(), do_dbclean(), do_restart(), do_shutdown(), dump_database(), fork_and_dump(), and sighandler().

01476 {
01477     if (mudstate.mod_al_id != NOTHING)
01478     {
01479         if (mudstate.mod_alist_len)
01480         {
01481             atr_add_raw_LEN(mudstate.mod_al_id, A_LIST, mudstate.mod_alist, mudstate.mod_alist_len);
01482         }
01483         else
01484         {
01485             atr_clr(mudstate.mod_al_id, A_LIST);
01486         }
01487     }
01488     mudstate.mod_al_id = NOTHING;
01489 }

void anum_extend ( int  newtop  ) 

Definition at line 1112 of file db.cpp.

References anum_table, statedata::bStandAlone, confdata::init_size, ISOUTOFMEMORY, MEMALLOC, MEMFREE, mudconf, and mudstate.

Referenced by init_attrtab(), vattr_alloc_LEN(), and vattr_define_LEN().

01113 {
01114     ATTR **anum_table2;
01115     int delta, i;
01117     if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
01118     {
01119         delta = 1000;
01120     }
01121     else
01122     {
01123         delta = mudconf.init_size;
01124     }
01125     if (newtop <= anum_alc_top)
01126     {
01127         return;
01128     }
01129     if (newtop < anum_alc_top + delta)
01130     {
01131         newtop = anum_alc_top + delta;
01132     }
01133     if (anum_table == NULL)
01134     {
01135         anum_table = (ATTR **) MEMALLOC((newtop + 1) * sizeof(ATTR *));
01136         ISOUTOFMEMORY(anum_table);
01137         for (i = 0; i <= newtop; i++)
01138         {
01139             anum_table[i] = NULL;
01140         }
01141     }
01142     else
01143     {
01144         anum_table2 = (ATTR **) MEMALLOC((newtop + 1) * sizeof(ATTR *));
01145         ISOUTOFMEMORY(anum_table2);
01146         for (i = 0; i <= anum_alc_top; i++)
01147         {
01148             anum_table2[i] = anum_table[i];
01149         }
01150         for (i = anum_alc_top + 1; i <= newtop; i++)
01151         {
01152             anum_table2[i] = NULL;
01153         }
01154         MEMFREE((char *)anum_table);
01155         anum_table = anum_table2;
01156     }
01157     anum_alc_top = newtop;
01158 }

void atr_add ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
char *  buff,
dbref  owner,
int  flags 

Definition at line 2008 of file db.cpp.

References AMATCH_CMD, AMATCH_LISTEN, atr_add_raw(), atr_clr(), atr_encode(), statedata::bfCommands, statedata::bfListens, statedata::bfNoCommands, statedata::bfNoListens, CBitField::Clear(), mudstate, and set_modified().

Referenced by add_folder_name(), atr_chown(), atr_cpy(), atr_set_flags(), check_dead_refs(), do_alias(), do_chanlog(), do_chown(), do_edit(), do_edit_msg(), do_forwardlist(), do_mvattr(), SendChannelMessage(), set_attr_internal(), and set_player_folder().

02009 {
02010     set_modified(thing);
02012     if (!buff || !*buff)
02013     {
02014         atr_clr(thing, atr);
02015     }
02016     else
02017     {
02018         switch (buff[0])
02019         {
02020         case AMATCH_LISTEN:
02022             // Since this could be a ^-Command, we no longer assert that the
02023             // object has none.
02024             //
02025             mudstate.bfNoListens.Clear(thing);
02026             break;
02028         case AMATCH_CMD:
02030             // Since this could be a $-Command, we no longer assert that the
02031             // object has none.
02032             //
02033             mudstate.bfNoCommands.Clear(thing);
02034             break;
02035         }
02037         // Since this could overwrite an existing ^-Command or $-Command, we
02038         // longer assert that the object has one.
02039         //
02040         mudstate.bfListens.Clear(thing);
02041         mudstate.bfCommands.Clear(thing);
02043         char *tbuff = atr_encode(buff, thing, owner, flags, atr);
02044         atr_add_raw(thing, atr, tbuff);
02045     }
02046 }

void atr_add_raw ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
const char *  szValue 

Definition at line 2003 of file db.cpp.

References atr_add_raw_LEN().

Referenced by add_quota(), atr_add(), connect_player(), create_obj(), db_read(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), did_it(), do_destroy(), do_expmail_start(), do_icmd(), do_lock(), do_mail_cc(), do_mail_fwd(), do_mail_reply(), do_page(), do_pcreate(), do_postpend(), do_prepend(), do_prog(), get_list(), get_slave_result(), mung_quotas(), pay_quota(), pcache_save(), record_login(), s_Moniker(), s_Name(), s_Pass(), s_Pennies(), s_PenniesDirect(), set_modified(), and shutdownsock().

02004 {
02005     atr_add_raw_LEN(thing, atr, szValue, szValue ? strlen(szValue) : 0);
02006 }

void atr_add_raw_LEN ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
const char *  szValue,
int  nValue 

Definition at line 1843 of file db.cpp.

References A_DAILY, A_FORWARDLIST, A_LIST, A_LISTEN, A_QUEUEMAX, A_STARTUP, A_TIMEOUT, al_add(), atr_clr(), ATRLIST_CHUNK, cache_put(), db, desc_reload(), FLAG_WORD1, FLAG_WORD2, object::fs, HAS_DAILY, HAS_FWDLIST, HAS_LISTEN, HAS_STARTUP, INITIAL_ATRLIST_SIZE, ISOUTOFMEMORY, LBUF_SIZE, makekey(), MEMALLOC, MEMFREE, pcache_reload(), StringCloneLen(), and flagset::word.

Referenced by add_to(), al_store(), atr_add_raw(), and put_ConnectionInfoFields().

01844 {
01845     if (  !szValue
01846        || '\0' == szValue[0])
01847     {
01848         atr_clr(thing, atr);
01849         return;
01850     }
01852 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
01853     ATRLIST *list;
01854     bool found = false;
01855     int hi, lo, mid;
01856     char *text = StringCloneLen(szValue, nValue);
01858     if (!db[thing].pALHead)
01859     {
01860         db[thing].nALAlloc = INITIAL_ATRLIST_SIZE;
01861         list = (ATRLIST *)MEMALLOC(db[thing].nALAlloc*sizeof(ATRLIST));
01862         ISOUTOFMEMORY(list);
01863         db[thing].pALHead  = list;
01864         db[thing].nALUsed  = 1;
01865         list[0].number = atr;
01866         list[0].data = text;
01867         list[0].size = nValue + 1;
01868         found = true;
01869     }
01870     else
01871     {
01872         // Binary search for the attribute
01873         //
01874         lo = 0;
01875         hi = db[thing].nALUsed - 1;
01877         list = db[thing].pALHead;
01878         while (lo <= hi)
01879         {
01880             mid = ((hi - lo) >> 1) + lo;
01881             if (list[mid].number > atr)
01882             {
01883                 hi = mid - 1;
01884             }
01885             else if (list[mid].number < atr)
01886             {
01887                 lo = mid + 1;
01888             }
01889             else // if (list[mid].number == atr)
01890             {
01891                 MEMFREE(list[mid].data);
01892                 list[mid].data = text;
01893                 list[mid].size = nValue + 1;
01894                 found = true;
01895                 break;
01896             }
01897         }
01899         if (!found)
01900         {
01901             // We didn't find it, and lo == hi + 1.  The attribute should be
01902             // inserted between (0,hi) and (lo,nALUsed-1).
01903             //
01904             if (db[thing].nALUsed < db[thing].nALAlloc)
01905             {
01906                 memmove( list + lo + 1,
01907                          list + lo,
01908                          (db[thing].nALUsed - lo) * sizeof(ATRLIST));
01909             }
01910             else
01911             {
01912                 // Expand the list.
01913                 //
01914                 db[thing].nALAlloc += ATRLIST_CHUNK;
01915                 list = (ATRLIST *)MEMALLOC(db[thing].nALAlloc
01916                      * sizeof(ATRLIST));
01917                 ISOUTOFMEMORY(list);
01919                 // Copy bottom part.
01920                 //
01921                 if (lo > 0)
01922                 {
01923                     memcpy(list, db[thing].pALHead, lo * sizeof(ATRLIST));
01924                 }
01926                 // Copy top part.
01927                 //
01928                 if (lo < db[thing].nALUsed)
01929                 {
01930                     memcpy( list + lo + 1,
01931                             db[thing].pALHead + lo,
01932                             (db[thing].nALUsed - lo) * sizeof(ATRLIST));
01933                 }
01934                 MEMFREE(db[thing].pALHead);
01935                 db[thing].pALHead = list;
01936             }
01937             db[thing].nALUsed++;
01938             list[lo].data = text;
01939             list[lo].number = atr;
01940             list[lo].size = nValue + 1;
01941         }
01942     }
01944 #else // MEMORY_BASED
01946     if (nValue > LBUF_SIZE-1)
01947     {
01948         nValue = LBUF_SIZE-1;
01949     }
01951     Aname okey;
01952     makekey(thing, atr, &okey);
01953     if (atr == A_LIST)
01954     {
01955         // A_LIST is never compressed and it's never listed within itself.
01956         //
01957         cache_put(&okey, szValue, nValue+1);
01958     }
01959     else
01960     {
01961         if (!al_add(thing, atr))
01962         {
01963             return;
01964         }
01965         cache_put(&okey, szValue, nValue+1);
01966     }
01967 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
01969     switch (atr)
01970     {
01971     case A_STARTUP:
01973         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD1] |= HAS_STARTUP;
01974         break;
01976     case A_DAILY:
01978         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] |= HAS_DAILY;
01979         break;
01981     case A_FORWARDLIST:
01983         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] |= HAS_FWDLIST;
01984         break;
01986     case A_LISTEN:
01988         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] |= HAS_LISTEN;
01989         break;
01991     case A_TIMEOUT:
01993         desc_reload(thing);
01994         break;
01996     case A_QUEUEMAX:
01998         pcache_reload(thing);
01999         break;
02000     }
02001 }

void atr_chown ( dbref  obj  ) 

Definition at line 2359 of file db.cpp.

References AF_LOCK, atr_add(), atr_get, atr_head(), atr_next(), atr_pop(), atr_push(), free_lbuf, and Owner.

Referenced by do_chown().

02360 {
02361     dbref owner = Owner(obj);
02363     char *as;
02364     atr_push();
02365     for (int atr = atr_head(obj, &as); atr; atr = atr_next(&as))
02366     {
02367         int   aflags;
02368         dbref aowner;
02369         char *buf = atr_get(obj, atr, &aowner, &aflags);
02370         if (  aowner != owner
02371            && !(aflags & AF_LOCK))
02372         {
02373             atr_add(obj, atr, buf, owner, aflags);
02374         }
02375         free_lbuf(buf);
02376     }
02377     atr_pop();
02378 }

void atr_clr ( dbref  thing,
int  atr 

Definition at line 1739 of file db.cpp.

References A_DAILY, A_FORWARDLIST, A_LISTEN, A_QUEUEMAX, A_STARTUP, A_TIMEOUT, al_delete(), statedata::bfCommands, statedata::bfListens, statedata::bStandAlone, cache_del(), CBitField::Clear(), db, desc_reload(), FLAG_WORD1, FLAG_WORD2, object::fs, fwdlist_clr(), HAS_DAILY, HAS_FWDLIST, HAS_LISTEN, HAS_STARTUP, makekey(), MEMFREE, mudstate, mux_assert, pcache_reload(), and flagset::word.

Referenced by al_store(), atr_add(), atr_add_raw_LEN(), atr_free(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), do_alias(), do_chanlog(), do_expmail_start(), do_forwardlist(), do_icmd(), do_mvattr(), do_unlock(), do_wipe(), nfy_que(), shutdownsock(), and CGuests::WipeAttrs().

01740 {
01741 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
01743     if (  !db[thing].nALUsed
01744        || !db[thing].pALHead)
01745     {
01746         return;
01747     }
01749     mux_assert(0 <= db[thing].nALUsed);
01751     // Binary search for the attribute.
01752     //
01753     int lo = 0;
01754     int mid;
01755     int hi = db[thing].nALUsed - 1;
01756     ATRLIST *list = db[thing].pALHead;
01757     while (lo <= hi)
01758     {
01759         mid = ((hi - lo) >> 1) + lo;
01760         if (list[mid].number > atr)
01761         {
01762             hi = mid - 1;
01763         }
01764         else if (list[mid].number < atr)
01765         {
01766             lo = mid + 1;
01767         }
01768         else // (list[mid].number == atr)
01769         {
01770             MEMFREE(list[mid].data);
01771             list[mid].data = NULL;
01772             db[thing].nALUsed--;
01773             if (mid != db[thing].nALUsed)
01774             {
01775                 memmove( list + mid,
01776                          list + mid + 1,
01777                          (db[thing].nALUsed - mid) * sizeof(ATRLIST));
01778             }
01779             break;
01780         }
01781     }
01782 #else // MEMORY_BASED
01783     Aname okey;
01785     makekey(thing, atr, &okey);
01786     cache_del(&okey);
01787     al_delete(thing, atr);
01788 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
01790     switch (atr)
01791     {
01792     case A_STARTUP:
01794         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD1] &= ~HAS_STARTUP;
01795         break;
01797     case A_DAILY:
01799         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] &= ~HAS_DAILY;
01800         break;
01802     case A_FORWARDLIST:
01804         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] &= ~HAS_FWDLIST;
01805         if (!mudstate.bStandAlone)
01806         {
01807             // We should clear the hashtable, too.
01808             //
01809             fwdlist_clr(thing);
01810         }
01811         break;
01813     case A_LISTEN:
01815         db[thing].fs.word[FLAG_WORD2] &= ~HAS_LISTEN;
01816         break;
01818     case A_TIMEOUT:
01820         desc_reload(thing);
01821         break;
01823     case A_QUEUEMAX:
01825         pcache_reload(thing);
01826         break;
01828     default:
01830         // Since this could overwrite an existing ^-Command or $-Command, we
01831         // longer assert that the object has one.
01832         //
01833         mudstate.bfListens.Clear(thing);
01834         mudstate.bfCommands.Clear(thing);
01835         break;
01836     }
01837 }

void atr_cpy ( dbref  dest,
dbref  source,
bool  bInternal 

Definition at line 2310 of file db.cpp.

References AF_GOD, AF_INTERNAL, AF_LOCK, AF_NOCLONE, AF_WIZARD, atr_add(), atr_get, atr_head(), atr_next(), atr_num(), atr_pop(), atr_push(), Controls, attr::flags, free_lbuf, God, Owner, and Wizard.

Referenced by CGuests::Create(), do_clone(), and CGuests::MakeGuestChar().

02311 {
02312     dbref owner = Owner(dest);
02314     char *as;
02315     atr_push();
02316     for (int atr = atr_head(source, &as); atr; atr = atr_next(&as))
02317     {
02318         int   aflags;
02319         dbref aowner;
02320         char *buf = atr_get(source, atr, &aowner, &aflags);
02322         if (!(aflags & AF_LOCK))
02323         {
02324             // Change owner.
02325             //
02326             aowner = owner;
02327         }
02329         ATTR *at = atr_num(atr);
02330         if (  atr
02331            && at)
02332         {
02333             if (  !(at->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_NOCLONE))
02334                && (  bInternal
02335                   || God(owner)
02336                   || (  !God(dest)
02337                      && !(aflags & AF_LOCK)
02338                      && (  (  Controls(owner, dest)
02339                            && !(at->flags & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD))
02340                            && !(aflags & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD)))
02341                         || (  Wizard(owner)
02342                            && !(at->flags & AF_GOD))))))
02343             {
02344                 // Only set attrs that owner has perm to set.
02345                 //
02346                 atr_add(dest, atr, buf, aowner, aflags);
02347             }
02348         }
02349         free_lbuf(buf);
02350     }
02351     atr_pop();
02352 }

static const char* atr_decode_flags_owner ( const char *  iattr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags 
) [static]

Definition at line 1642 of file db.cpp.

References ATR_INFO_CHAR, mux_isdigit, and NOTHING.

Referenced by atr_decode_LEN().

01643 {
01644     // See if the first char of the attribute is the special character
01645     //
01646     *flags = 0;
01647     if (*iattr != ATR_INFO_CHAR)
01648     {
01649         return iattr;
01650     }
01652     // It has the special character, crack the attr apart.
01653     //
01654     const char *cp = iattr + 1;
01656     // Get the attribute owner
01657     //
01658     bool neg = false;
01659     if (*cp == '-')
01660     {
01661         neg = true;
01662         cp++;
01663     }
01664     int tmp_owner = 0;
01665     unsigned int ch = *cp;
01666     while (mux_isdigit(ch))
01667     {
01668         cp++;
01669         tmp_owner = 10*tmp_owner + (ch-'0');
01670         ch = *cp;
01671     }
01672     if (neg)
01673     {
01674         tmp_owner = -tmp_owner;
01675     }
01677     // If delimiter is not ':', just return attribute
01678     //
01679     if (*cp++ != ':')
01680     {
01681         return iattr;
01682     }
01684     // Get the attribute flags.
01685     //
01686     int tmp_flags = 0;
01687     ch = *cp;
01688     while (mux_isdigit(ch))
01689     {
01690         cp++;
01691         tmp_flags = 10*tmp_flags + (ch-'0');
01692         ch = *cp;
01693     }
01695     // If delimiter is not ':', just return attribute.
01696     //
01697     if (*cp++ != ':')
01698     {
01699         return iattr;
01700     }
01702     // Get the attribute text.
01703     //
01704     if (tmp_owner != NOTHING)
01705     {
01706         *owner = tmp_owner;
01707     }
01708     *flags = tmp_flags;
01709     return cp;
01710 }

static void atr_decode_LEN ( const char *  iattr,
int  nLen,
char *  oattr,
dbref  thing,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
size_t *  pLen 
) [static]

Definition at line 1715 of file db.cpp.

References atr_decode_flags_owner(), and Owner.

Referenced by atr_get_info(), atr_get_str_LEN(), atr_pget_info(), and atr_pget_str_LEN().

01717 {
01718     // Default the owner
01719     //
01720     *owner = Owner(thing);
01722     // Parse for owner and flags
01723     //
01724     const char *cp = atr_decode_flags_owner(iattr, owner, flags);
01726     // Get the attribute text.
01727     //
01728     *pLen = nLen - (cp - iattr);
01729     if (oattr)
01730     {
01731         memcpy(oattr, cp, (*pLen) + 1);
01732     }
01733 }

static char* atr_encode ( char *  iattr,
dbref  thing,
dbref  owner,
int  flags,
int  atr 
) [static]

Definition at line 1622 of file db.cpp.

References ATR_INFO_CHAR, NOTHING, Owner, tprintf(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by atr_add().

01623 {
01624     UNUSED_PARAMETER(atr);
01626     // If using the default owner and flags (almost all attributes will),
01627     // just store the string.
01628     //
01629     if (((owner == Owner(thing)) || (owner == NOTHING)) && !flags)
01630         return iattr;
01632     // Encode owner and flags into the attribute text.
01633     //
01634     if (owner == NOTHING)
01635         owner = Owner(thing);
01636     return tprintf("%c%d:%d:%s", ATR_INFO_CHAR, owner, flags, iattr);
01637 }

void atr_free ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 2275 of file db.cpp.

References A_LIST, al_store(), atr_clr(), atr_head(), atr_next(), atr_pop(), atr_push(), statedata::bfCommands, statedata::bfListens, statedata::bfNoCommands, statedata::bfNoListens, CBitField::Clear(), db, MEMFREE, statedata::mod_al_id, mudstate, and CBitField::Set().

Referenced by create_obj(), destroy_bad_obj(), and destroy_obj().

02276 {
02277 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
02278     if (db[thing].pALHead)
02279     {
02280         MEMFREE(db[thing].pALHead);
02281     }
02282     db[thing].pALHead  = NULL;
02283     db[thing].nALAlloc = 0;
02284     db[thing].nALUsed  = 0;
02285 #else // MEMORY_BASED
02286     char *as;
02287     atr_push();
02288     for (int atr = atr_head(thing, &as); atr; atr = atr_next(&as))
02289     {
02290         atr_clr(thing, atr);
02291     }
02292     atr_pop();
02293     if (mudstate.mod_al_id == thing)
02294     {
02295         al_store(); // remove from cache
02296     }
02297     atr_clr(thing, A_LIST);
02298 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
02300     mudstate.bfCommands.Clear(thing);
02301     mudstate.bfNoCommands.Set(thing);
02302     mudstate.bfListens.Clear(thing);
02303     mudstate.bfNoListens.Set(thing);
02304 }

bool atr_get_info ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags 

Definition at line 2171 of file db.cpp.

References atr_decode_LEN(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), and Owner.

Referenced by bCanLockAttr(), bCanReadAttr(), bCanSetAttr(), check_dead_refs(), debug_examine(), do_chown(), do_comlast(), do_lock(), do_set(), do_unlock(), do_verb(), find_wild_attrs(), and FUNCTION().

02172 {
02173     size_t nLen;
02174     const char *buff = atr_get_raw_LEN(thing, atr, &nLen);
02175     if (!buff)
02176     {
02177         *owner = Owner(thing);
02178         *flags = 0;
02179         return false;
02180     }
02181     atr_decode_LEN(buff, nLen, NULL, thing, owner, flags, &nLen);
02182     return true;
02183 }

char* atr_get_LEN ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
size_t *  pLen 

Definition at line 2157 of file db.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, and atr_get_str_LEN().

Referenced by grep_util(), Moniker(), Name(), and PureName().

02158 {
02159     char *buff = alloc_lbuf("atr_get");
02160     return atr_get_str_LEN(buff, thing, atr, owner, flags, pLen);
02161 }

const char* atr_get_raw ( dbref  thing,
int  atr 

Definition at line 2127 of file db.cpp.

References atr_get_raw_LEN().

Referenced by check_zone_handler(), db_write_object(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), do_destroy(), do_mail_cc(), do_mail_fwd(), do_mail_proof(), do_mail_reply(), FUNCTION(), hasattr_handler(), move_exit(), pcache_reload1(), Pennies(), purge_going(), and show_a_desc().

02128 {
02129     size_t Len;
02130     return atr_get_raw_LEN(thing, atr, &Len);
02131 }

const char* atr_get_raw_LEN ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
size_t *  pLen 

Definition at line 2114 of file db.cpp.

References cache_get(), and makekey().

Referenced by al_fetch(), atr_get_info(), atr_get_raw(), atr_get_str_LEN(), atr_head(), atr_pget_info(), atr_pget_str_LEN(), do_postpend(), do_prepend(), and mem_usage().

02115 {
02116     Aname okey;
02118     makekey(thing, atr, &okey);
02119     int nLen;
02120     const char *a = cache_get(&okey, &nLen);
02121     nLen = a ? (nLen-1) : 0;
02122     *pLen = nLen;
02123     return a;
02124 }

char* atr_get_real ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
const char *  file,
const int  line 

Definition at line 2163 of file db.cpp.

References atr_get_str_LEN(), and pool_alloc_lbuf().

02165 {
02166     size_t nLen;
02167     char *buff = pool_alloc_lbuf("atr_get", file, line);
02168     return atr_get_str_LEN(buff, thing, atr, owner, flags, &nLen);
02169 }

char* atr_get_str ( char *  s,
dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags 

Definition at line 2151 of file db.cpp.

References atr_get_str_LEN().

Referenced by atr_match1(), Commer(), do_edit(), do_examine(), do_mvattr(), FUNCTION(), Hearer(), CGuests::ListAll(), Name(), process_preload(), and sweep_check().

02152 {
02153     size_t nLen;
02154     return atr_get_str_LEN(s, thing, atr, owner, flags, &nLen);
02155 }

char* atr_get_str_LEN ( char *  s,
dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
size_t *  pLen 

Definition at line 2133 of file db.cpp.

References atr_decode_LEN(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), and Owner.

Referenced by add_folder_name(), announce_connect(), atr_get_LEN(), atr_get_real(), atr_get_str(), get_folder_name(), and get_folder_number().

02135 {
02136     const char *buff = atr_get_raw_LEN(thing, atr, pLen);
02137     if (!buff)
02138     {
02139         *owner = Owner(thing);
02140         *flags = 0;
02141         *pLen = 0;
02142         *s = '\0';
02143     }
02144     else
02145     {
02146         atr_decode_LEN(buff, *pLen, s, thing, owner, flags, pLen);
02147     }
02148     return s;
02149 }

int atr_head ( dbref  thing,
char **  attrp 

Definition at line 2467 of file db.cpp.

References A_LIST, al_extend(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), atr_next(), atrcount::count, alist::data, db, ISOUTOFMEMORY, statedata::iter_alist, alist::len, MEMALLOC, statedata::mod_al_id, statedata::mod_alist, statedata::mod_alist_len, mudstate, and atrcount::thing.

Referenced by atr_chown(), atr_cpy(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_write_object(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), debug_examine(), do_decomp(), find_wild_attrs(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), mem_usage(), sweep_check(), and CGuests::WipeAttrs().

02468 {
02469 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
02470     if (db[thing].nALUsed)
02471     {
02472         ATRCOUNT *atr = (ATRCOUNT *) MEMALLOC(sizeof(ATRCOUNT));
02473         ISOUTOFMEMORY(atr);
02474         atr->thing = thing;
02475         atr->count = 1;
02476         *attrp = (char *)atr;
02477         return db[thing].pALHead[0].number;
02478     }
02479     return 0;
02480 #else // MEMORY_BASED
02481     const char *astr;
02482     size_t alen;
02484     // Get attribute list.  Save a read if it is in the modify atr list
02485     //
02486     if (thing == mudstate.mod_al_id)
02487     {
02488         astr = mudstate.mod_alist;
02489         alen = mudstate.mod_alist_len;
02490     }
02491     else
02492     {
02493         astr = atr_get_raw_LEN(thing, A_LIST, &alen);
02494     }
02496     // If no list, return nothing.
02497     //
02498     if (!alen)
02499     {
02500         return 0;
02501     }
02503     // Set up the list and return the first entry.
02504     //
02505     al_extend(&, &mudstate.iter_alist.len, alen+1, false);
02506     memcpy(, astr, alen+1);
02507     *attrp =;
02508     return atr_next(attrp);
02509 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
02510 }

int atr_next ( char **  attrp  ) 

Definition at line 2384 of file db.cpp.

References al_decode(), atrcount::count, db, MEMFREE, and atrcount::thing.

Referenced by atr_chown(), atr_cpy(), atr_free(), atr_head(), atr_match1(), Commer(), db_write_object(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), debug_examine(), do_decomp(), find_wild_attrs(), Hearer(), look_atrs1(), mem_usage(), sweep_check(), and CGuests::WipeAttrs().

02385 {
02386 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
02387     ATRCOUNT *atr;
02389     if (!attrp || !*attrp)
02390     {
02391         return 0;
02392     }
02393     else
02394     {
02395         atr = (ATRCOUNT *) * attrp;
02396         if (atr->count >= db[atr->thing].nALUsed)
02397         {
02398             MEMFREE(atr);
02399             atr = NULL;
02400             return 0;
02401         }
02402         atr->count++;
02403         return db[atr->thing].pALHead[atr->count - 1].number;
02404     }
02406 #else // MEMORY_BASED
02407     if (!*attrp || !**attrp)
02408     {
02409         return 0;
02410     }
02411     else
02412     {
02413         return al_decode(attrp);
02414     }
02415 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
02416 }

ATTR* atr_num ( int  anum  ) 

Definition at line 1163 of file db.cpp.

References anum_get.

Referenced by atr_cpy(), atr_match1(), atr_pget_info(), atr_pget_str_LEN(), Commer(), db_write_object(), debug_examine(), do_alias(), do_decomp(), do_edit(), do_examine(), do_function(), do_listcommands(), do_mvattr(), do_set(), do_verb(), do_wait(), do_wipe(), eval_boolexp(), exam_wildattrs(), find_wild_attrs(), FUNCTION(), get_obj_and_lock(), grep_util(), Hearer(), lattr_handler(), look_atrs1(), mem_usage(), putbool_subexp(), set_attr_internal(), set_player_folder(), show_a_desc(), sweep_check(), unparse_boolexp1(), and CGuests::WipeAttrs().

01164 {
01165     if (anum > anum_alc_top)
01166     {
01167         return NULL;
01168     }
01169     return  anum_get(anum);
01170 }

bool atr_pget_info ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags 

Definition at line 2241 of file db.cpp.

References AF_PRIVATE, atr_decode_LEN(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), atr_num(), attr::flags, Good_obj, ITER_PARENTS, Owner, and Parent.

Referenced by bCanReadAttr(), do_alias(), do_forwardlist(), FUNCTION(), and set_attr_internal().

02242 {
02243     dbref parent;
02244     int lev;
02245     ATTR *ap;
02247     ITER_PARENTS(thing, parent, lev)
02248     {
02249         size_t nLen;
02250         const char *buff = atr_get_raw_LEN(parent, atr, &nLen);
02251         if (buff && *buff)
02252         {
02253             atr_decode_LEN(buff, nLen, NULL, thing, owner, flags, &nLen);
02254             if ((lev == 0) || !(*flags & AF_PRIVATE))
02255             {
02256                 return true;
02257             }
02258         }
02259         if ((lev == 0) && Good_obj(Parent(parent)))
02260         {
02261             ap = atr_num(atr);
02262             if (!ap || ap->flags & AF_PRIVATE)
02263                 break;
02264         }
02265     }
02266     *owner = Owner(thing);
02267     *flags = 0;
02268     return false;
02269 }

char* atr_pget_LEN ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
size_t *  pLen 

Definition at line 2227 of file db.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, and atr_pget_str_LEN().

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and get_handler().

02228 {
02229     char *buff = alloc_lbuf("atr_pget");
02230     return atr_pget_str_LEN(buff, thing, atr, owner, flags, pLen);
02231 }

char* atr_pget_real ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
const char *  file,
const int  line 

Definition at line 2233 of file db.cpp.

References atr_pget_str_LEN(), and pool_alloc_lbuf().

02235 {
02236     size_t nLen;
02237     char *buff = pool_alloc_lbuf("atr_pget", file, line);
02238     return atr_pget_str_LEN(buff, thing, atr, owner, flags, &nLen);
02239 }

char* atr_pget_str ( char *  s,
dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags 

Definition at line 2221 of file db.cpp.

References atr_pget_str_LEN().

Referenced by do_set(), do_use(), FUNCTION(), and load_player_names().

02222 {
02223     size_t nLen;
02224     return atr_pget_str_LEN(s, thing, atr, owner, flags, &nLen);
02225 }

char* atr_pget_str_LEN ( char *  s,
dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref owner,
int *  flags,
size_t *  pLen 

Definition at line 2185 of file db.cpp.

References AF_PRIVATE, atr_decode_LEN(), atr_get_raw_LEN(), atr_num(), attr::flags, Good_obj, ITER_PARENTS, Owner, and Parent.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), atr_pget_LEN(), atr_pget_real(), atr_pget_str(), and mux_exec().

02186 {
02187     dbref parent;
02188     int lev;
02189     ATTR *ap;
02190     const char *buff;
02192     ITER_PARENTS(thing, parent, lev)
02193     {
02194         buff = atr_get_raw_LEN(parent, atr, pLen);
02195         if (buff && *buff)
02196         {
02197             atr_decode_LEN(buff, *pLen, s, thing, owner, flags, pLen);
02198             if (  lev == 0
02199                || !(*flags & AF_PRIVATE))
02200             {
02201                 return s;
02202             }
02203         }
02204         if (  lev == 0
02205            && Good_obj(Parent(parent)))
02206         {
02207             ap = atr_num(atr);
02208             if (!ap || ap->flags & AF_PRIVATE)
02209             {
02210                 break;
02211             }
02212         }
02213     }
02214     *owner = Owner(thing);
02215     *flags = 0;
02216     *s = '\0';
02217     *pLen = 0;
02218     return s;
02219 }

void atr_pop ( void   ) 

Definition at line 2436 of file db.cpp.

References alist::data, free_sbuf, statedata::iter_alist, alist::len, MEMFREE, mudstate, and alist::next.

Referenced by atr_chown(), atr_cpy(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), find_wild_attrs(), and Hearer().

02437 {
02438 #ifndef MEMORY_BASED
02439     ALIST *old_alist =;
02441     if (
02442     {
02443         MEMFREE(;
02444 = NULL;
02445     }
02446     if (old_alist)
02447     {
02448 = old_alist->data;
02449         mudstate.iter_alist.len = old_alist->len;
02450 = old_alist->next;
02451         char *cp = (char *)old_alist;
02452         free_sbuf(cp);
02453     }
02454     else
02455     {
02456 = NULL;
02457         mudstate.iter_alist.len = 0;
02458 = NULL;
02459     }
02460 #endif // !MEMORY_BASED
02461 }

void atr_push ( void   ) 

Definition at line 2422 of file db.cpp.

References alloc_sbuf, alist::data, statedata::iter_alist, alist::len, mudstate, and alist::next.

Referenced by atr_chown(), atr_cpy(), atr_free(), atr_match1(), Commer(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), find_wild_attrs(), and Hearer().

02423 {
02424 #ifndef MEMORY_BASED
02425     ALIST *new_alist = (ALIST *) alloc_sbuf("atr_push");
02426     new_alist->data =;
02427     new_alist->len = mudstate.iter_alist.len;
02428     new_alist->next =;
02430 = NULL;
02431     mudstate.iter_alist.len = 0;
02432 = new_alist;
02433 #endif // !MEMORY_BASED
02434 }

void atr_set_flags ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
dbref  flags 

Definition at line 2048 of file db.cpp.

References atr_add(), atr_get, and free_lbuf.

Referenced by do_lock(), do_set(), do_unlock(), and FUNCTION().

02049 {
02050     dbref aowner;
02051     int aflags;
02052     char *buff = atr_get(thing, atr, &aowner, &aflags);
02053     atr_add(thing, atr, buff, aowner, flags);
02054     free_lbuf(buff);
02055 }

ATTR* atr_str ( char *  s  ) 

Definition at line 1079 of file db.cpp.

References statedata::attr_name_htab, hashfindLEN(), MakeCanonicalAttributeName(), mudstate, and vattr_find_LEN().

Referenced by CF_HAND(), default_handler(), do_attribute(), do_chanlog(), do_comlast(), do_mvattr(), do_verb(), do_wait(), FUNCTION(), get_atr(), hasattr_handler(), higcheck(), hook_fail(), mkattr(), parse_and_get_attrib(), parse_attrib(), process_cmdent(), SendChannelMessage(), and test_atr().

01080 {
01081     // Make attribute name canonical.
01082     //
01083     int nBuffer;
01084     bool bValid;
01085     char *buff = MakeCanonicalAttributeName(s, &nBuffer, &bValid);
01086     if (!bValid)
01087     {
01088         return NULL;
01089     }
01091     // Look for a predefined attribute.
01092     //
01093     ATTR *a = (ATTR *)hashfindLEN(buff, nBuffer, &mudstate.attr_name_htab);
01094     if (a != NULL)
01095     {
01096         return a;
01097     }
01099     // Nope, look for a user attribute.
01100     //
01101     a = vattr_find_LEN(buff, nBuffer);
01102     return a;
01103 }

bool check_zone_handler ( dbref  player,
dbref  thing,
bool  bPlayerCheck 

Definition at line 3112 of file db.cpp.

References A_LENTER, atr_get_raw(), check_zone_handler(), could_doit(), Good_obj, confdata::have_zones, isPlayer, mudconf, mudstate, Zone, confdata::zone_nest_lim, and statedata::zone_nest_num.

Referenced by check_zone_handler(), and do_chzone().

03113 {
03114     mudstate.zone_nest_num++;
03116     if (  !mudconf.have_zones
03117        || !Good_obj(Zone(thing))
03118        || mudstate.zone_nest_num >= mudconf.zone_nest_lim
03119        || isPlayer(thing) != bPlayerCheck)
03120     {
03121         mudstate.zone_nest_num = 0;
03122         return false;
03123     }
03125     // If the zone doesn't have an enterlock, DON'T allow control.
03126     //
03127     if (  atr_get_raw(Zone(thing), A_LENTER)
03128        && could_doit(player, Zone(thing), A_LENTER))
03129     {
03130         mudstate.zone_nest_num = 0;
03131         return true;
03132     }
03133     else if (thing == Zone(thing))
03134     {
03135         return false;
03136     }
03137     return check_zone_handler(player, Zone(thing), false);
03138 }

bool Commer ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 1356 of file db.cpp.

References AF_NOPROG, alloc_lbuf, AMATCH_CMD, AMATCH_LISTEN, atr_get_str(), atr_head(), atr_next(), atr_num(), atr_pop(), atr_push(), statedata::bfCommands, statedata::bfListens, statedata::bfNoCommands, statedata::bfNoListens, CBitField::Clear(), free_lbuf, CBitField::IsSet(), mudstate, and CBitField::Set().

Referenced by check_loc_contents(), and sweep_check().

01357 {
01358     if (mudstate.bfNoCommands.IsSet(thing))
01359     {
01360         // We already know that there are no commands on this thing.
01361         //
01362         return false;
01363     }
01364     else if (mudstate.bfCommands.IsSet(thing))
01365     {
01366         // We already know that there are definitely commands on this thing.
01367         //
01368         return true;
01369     }
01371     bool bFoundListens = false;
01373     char *as;
01374     atr_push();
01375     char *buff = alloc_lbuf("Commer");
01376     for (int atr = atr_head(thing, &as); atr; atr = atr_next(&as))
01377     {
01378         ATTR *ap = atr_num(atr);
01379         if (  !ap
01380            || (ap->flags & AF_NOPROG))
01381         {
01382             continue;
01383         }
01385         int   aflags;
01386         dbref aowner;
01388         atr_get_str(buff, thing, atr, &aowner, &aflags);
01390         if (aflags & AF_NOPROG)
01391         {
01392             continue;
01393         }
01395         if (  AMATCH_CMD != buff[0]
01396            && AMATCH_LISTEN != buff[0])
01397         {
01398             continue;
01399         }
01401         // Search for unescaped ':'
01402         //
01403         char *s = strchr(buff+1, ':');
01404         if (!s)
01405         {
01406             continue;
01407         }
01409         if (AMATCH_CMD == buff[0])
01410         {
01411             free_lbuf(buff);
01412             atr_pop();
01413             mudstate.bfCommands.Set(thing);
01414             if (bFoundListens)
01415             {
01416                 mudstate.bfListens.Set(thing);
01417                 mudstate.bfNoListens.Clear(thing);
01418             }
01419             return true;
01420         }
01421         else // AMATCH_LISTEN == buff[0]
01422         {
01423             bFoundListens = true;
01424         }
01425     }
01426     free_lbuf(buff);
01427     atr_pop();
01428     mudstate.bfNoCommands.Set(thing);
01429     if (bFoundListens)
01430     {
01431         mudstate.bfListens.Set(thing);
01432         mudstate.bfNoListens.Clear(thing);
01433     }
01434     else
01435     {
01436         mudstate.bfNoListens.Set(thing);
01437         mudstate.bfListens.Clear(thing);
01438     }
01439     return false;
01440 }

void db_free ( void   ) 

Definition at line 2659 of file db.cpp.

References db, statedata::db_size, statedata::db_top, statedata::freelist, MEMFREE, mudstate, NOTHING, and SIZE_HACK.

Referenced by db_make_minimal(), db_read(), dbconvert(), init_dbfile(), and main().

02660 {
02661     char *cp;
02663     if (db != NULL)
02664     {
02665         db -= SIZE_HACK;
02666         cp = (char *)db;
02667         MEMFREE(cp);
02668         cp = NULL;
02669         db = NULL;
02670     }
02671     mudstate.db_top = 0;
02672     mudstate.db_size = 0;
02673     mudstate.freelist = NOTHING;
02674 }

void db_grow ( dbref  newtop  ) 

Definition at line 2554 of file db.cpp.

References statedata::bfCommands, statedata::bfListens, statedata::bfNoCommands, statedata::bfNoListens, statedata::bStandAlone, db, statedata::db_size, statedata::db_top, confdata::init_size, initialize_objects(), ISOUTOFMEMORY, statedata::markbits, MEMALLOC, MEMFREE, statedata::min_size, mudconf, mudstate, CBitField::Resize(), and SIZE_HACK.

Referenced by create_obj(), db_make_minimal(), and db_read().

02555 {
02556     mudstate.bfCommands.Resize(newtop);
02557     mudstate.bfNoCommands.Resize(newtop);
02558     mudstate.bfListens.Resize(newtop);
02559     mudstate.bfNoListens.Resize(newtop);
02561     int delta;
02562     if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
02563     {
02564         delta = 1000;
02565     }
02566     else
02567     {
02568         delta = mudconf.init_size;
02569     }
02571     // Determine what to do based on requested size, current top and size.
02572     // Make sure we grow in reasonable-sized chunks to prevent frequent
02573     // reallocations of the db array.
02574     //
02575     // If requested size is smaller than the current db size, ignore it.
02576     //
02577     if (newtop <= mudstate.db_top)
02578     {
02579         return;
02580     }
02582     // If requested size is greater than the current db size but smaller
02583     // than the amount of space we have allocated, raise the db size and
02584     // initialize the new area.
02585     //
02586     if (newtop <= mudstate.db_size)
02587     {
02588         initialize_objects(mudstate.db_top, newtop);
02589         mudstate.db_top = newtop;
02590         return;
02591     }
02593     // Grow by a minimum of delta objects
02594     //
02595     int newsize;
02596     if (newtop <= mudstate.db_size + delta)
02597     {
02598         newsize = mudstate.db_size + delta;
02599     }
02600     else
02601     {
02602         newsize = newtop;
02603     }
02605     // Enforce minimum database size
02606     //
02607     if (newsize < mudstate.min_size)
02608     {
02609         newsize = mudstate.min_size + delta;
02610     }
02612     // Grow the db array
02613     //
02615     // NOTE: There is always one copy of 'db' around that isn't freed even
02616     // just before the process terminates. We rely (quite safely) on the OS
02617     // to reclaim the memory.
02618     //
02619     OBJ *newdb = (OBJ *)MEMALLOC((newsize + SIZE_HACK) * sizeof(OBJ));
02620     ISOUTOFMEMORY(newdb);
02621     if (db)
02622     {
02623         // An old struct database exists. Copy it to the new buffer.
02624         //
02625         db -= SIZE_HACK;
02626         memcpy(newdb, db, (mudstate.db_top + SIZE_HACK) * sizeof(OBJ));
02627         MEMFREE(db);
02628     }
02629     else
02630     {
02631         // Creating a brand new struct database. Fill in the 'reserved' area
02632         // in case it is referenced.
02633         //
02634         db = newdb;
02635         initialize_objects(0, SIZE_HACK);
02636     }
02637     db = newdb + SIZE_HACK;
02638     newdb = NULL;
02640     initialize_objects(mudstate.db_top, newtop);
02641     mudstate.db_top = newtop;
02642     mudstate.db_size = newsize;
02644     // Grow the db mark buffer.
02645     //
02646     int marksize = (newsize + 7) >> 3;
02647     MARKBUF *newmarkbuf = (MARKBUF *)MEMALLOC(marksize);
02648     ISOUTOFMEMORY(newmarkbuf);
02649     memset(newmarkbuf, 0, marksize);
02650     if (mudstate.markbits)
02651     {
02652         marksize = (newtop + 7) >> 3;
02653         memcpy(newmarkbuf, mudstate.markbits, marksize);
02654         MEMFREE(mudstate.markbits);
02655     }
02656     mudstate.markbits = newmarkbuf;
02657 }

void db_make_minimal ( void   ) 

Definition at line 2676 of file db.cpp.

References create_player(), db_free(), db_grow(), FLAG_WORD1, FLAG_WORD2, FLAG_WORD3, Flags, load_player_names(), NOTHING, s_Contents, s_Exits, s_Flags, s_Link, s_Location, s_Name(), s_Next, s_Owner, s_Parent, s_Pennies(), s_Powers, s_Powers2, s_Zone, TYPE_ROOM, and WIZARD.

Referenced by main().

02677 {
02678     db_free();
02679     db_grow(1);
02680     s_Name(0, "Limbo");
02681     s_Flags(0, FLAG_WORD1, TYPE_ROOM);
02682     s_Flags(0, FLAG_WORD2, 0);
02683     s_Flags(0, FLAG_WORD3, 0);
02684     s_Powers(0, 0);
02685     s_Powers2(0, 0);
02686     s_Location(0, NOTHING);
02687     s_Exits(0, NOTHING);
02688     s_Link(0, NOTHING);
02689     s_Parent(0, NOTHING);
02690     s_Zone(0, NOTHING);
02691     s_Pennies(0, 0);
02692     s_Owner(0, 1);
02694     // should be #1
02695     //
02696     load_player_names();
02697     const char *pmsg;
02698     dbref obj = create_player("Wizard", "potrzebie", NOTHING, false, &pmsg);
02699     s_Flags(obj, FLAG_WORD1, Flags(obj) | WIZARD);
02700     s_Powers(obj, 0);
02701     s_Powers2(obj, 0);
02702     s_Pennies(obj, 1000);
02704     // Manually link to Limbo, just in case
02705     //
02706     s_Location(obj, 0);
02707     s_Next(obj, NOTHING);
02708     s_Contents(0, obj);
02709     s_Link(obj, 0);
02710 }

void do_attribute ( dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
int  key,
int  nargs,
char *  aname,
char *  value 

Definition at line 684 of file db.cpp.

References atr_str(), attraccess_nametab, ATTRIB_ACCESS, ATTRIB_DELETE, ATTRIB_RENAME, attr::flags, MakeCanonicalAttributeName(), mux_strtok_ctl(), mux_strtok_parse(), mux_strtok_src(), mux_strupr(), notify, Quiet, SBUF_SIZE, search_nametab(), tprintf(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, vattr_delete_LEN(), vattr_find_LEN(), and vattr_rename_LEN().

00693 {
00694     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00695     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00696     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nargs);
00698     // Look up the user-named attribute we want to play with.
00699     //
00700     int nName;
00701     bool bValid;
00702     ATTR *va;
00703     char *pName = MakeCanonicalAttributeName(aname, &nName, &bValid);
00704     if (bValid)
00705     {
00706         va = (ATTR *)vattr_find_LEN(pName, nName);
00707         if (!va)
00708         {
00709             bValid = false;
00710         }
00711     }
00713     if (!bValid)
00714     {
00715         notify(executor, "No such user-named attribute.");
00716         return;
00717     }
00719     int f;
00720     char *sp;
00721     ATTR *va2;
00722     bool negate, success;
00724     switch (key)
00725     {
00726     case ATTRIB_ACCESS:
00728         // Modify access to user-named attribute
00729         //
00730         mux_strupr(value);
00731         MUX_STRTOK_STATE tts;
00732         mux_strtok_src(&tts, value);
00733         mux_strtok_ctl(&tts, " ");
00734         sp = mux_strtok_parse(&tts);
00735         success = false;
00736         while (sp != NULL)
00737         {
00738             // Check for negation.
00739             //
00740             negate = false;
00741             if (*sp == '!')
00742             {
00743                 negate = true;
00744                 sp++;
00745             }
00747             // Set or clear the appropriate bit.
00748             //
00749             if (search_nametab(executor, attraccess_nametab, sp, &f))
00750             {
00751                 success = true;
00752                 if (negate)
00753                     va->flags &= ~f;
00754                 else
00755                     va->flags |= f;
00756             }
00757             else
00758             {
00759                 notify(executor, tprintf("Unknown permission: %s.", sp));
00760             }
00762             // Get the next token.
00763             //
00764             sp = mux_strtok_parse(&tts);
00765         }
00766         if (success && !Quiet(executor))
00767             notify(executor, "Attribute access changed.");
00768         break;
00770     case ATTRIB_RENAME:
00772         {
00773             // Save the old name for use later.
00774             //
00775             char OldName[SBUF_SIZE];
00776             int nOldName = nName;
00777             memcpy(OldName, pName, nName+1);
00779             // Make sure the new name doesn't already exist. This checks
00780             // the built-in and user-defined data structures.
00781             //
00782             va2 = atr_str(value);
00783             if (va2)
00784             {
00785                 notify(executor, "An attribute with that name already exists.");
00786                 return;
00787             }
00788             pName = MakeCanonicalAttributeName(value, &nName, &bValid);
00789             if (!bValid || vattr_rename_LEN(OldName, nOldName, pName, nName) == NULL)
00790                 notify(executor, "Attribute rename failed.");
00791             else
00792                 notify(executor, "Attribute renamed.");
00793         }
00794         break;
00796     case ATTRIB_DELETE:
00798         // Remove the attribute.
00799         //
00800         vattr_delete_LEN(pName, nName);
00801         notify(executor, "Attribute deleted.");
00802         break;
00803     }
00804 }

void do_fixdb ( dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
int  key,
int  nargs,
char *  arg1,
char *  arg2 

Definition at line 811 of file db.cpp.

References add_player_name(), delete_player_name(), ENDLOG, FIXDB_CON, FIXDB_EXITS, FIXDB_LOC, FIXDB_NAME, FIXDB_NEXT, FIXDB_OWNER, FIXDB_PENNIES, init_match(), isPlayer, log_name(), LOG_SECURITY, log_text(), lookup_player(), MakeCanonicalObjectName(), match_everything(), mux_atol(), Name, noisy_match_result(), NOTHING, notify, NOTYPE, Quiet, raw_broadcast(), s_Contents, s_Exits, s_Location, s_Name(), s_Next, s_Owner, s_Pennies(), STARTLOG, Suspect, tprintf(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, ValidatePlayerName(), and WIZARD.

00820 {
00821     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00822     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00823     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nargs);
00825     init_match(executor, arg1, NOTYPE);
00826     match_everything(0);
00827     dbref thing = noisy_match_result();
00828     if (thing == NOTHING)
00829     {
00830         return;
00831     }
00833     dbref res = NOTHING;
00834     switch (key)
00835     {
00836     case FIXDB_OWNER:
00837     case FIXDB_LOC:
00838     case FIXDB_CON:
00839     case FIXDB_EXITS:
00840     case FIXDB_NEXT:
00841         init_match(executor, arg2, NOTYPE);
00842         match_everything(0);
00843         res = noisy_match_result();
00844         break;
00845     case FIXDB_PENNIES:
00846         res = mux_atol(arg2);
00847         break;
00848     }
00850     char *pValidName;
00851     switch (key)
00852     {
00853     case FIXDB_OWNER:
00855         s_Owner(thing, res);
00856         if (!Quiet(executor))
00857             notify(executor, tprintf("Owner set to #%d", res));
00858         break;
00860     case FIXDB_LOC:
00862         s_Location(thing, res);
00863         if (!Quiet(executor))
00864             notify(executor, tprintf("Location set to #%d", res));
00865         break;
00867     case FIXDB_CON:
00869         s_Contents(thing, res);
00870         if (!Quiet(executor))
00871             notify(executor, tprintf("Contents set to #%d", res));
00872         break;
00874     case FIXDB_EXITS:
00876         s_Exits(thing, res);
00877         if (!Quiet(executor))
00878             notify(executor, tprintf("Exits set to #%d", res));
00879         break;
00881     case FIXDB_NEXT:
00883         s_Next(thing, res);
00884         if (!Quiet(executor))
00885             notify(executor, tprintf("Next set to #%d", res));
00886         break;
00888     case FIXDB_PENNIES:
00890         s_Pennies(thing, res);
00891         if (!Quiet(executor))
00892             notify(executor, tprintf("Pennies set to %d", res));
00893         break;
00895     case FIXDB_NAME:
00897         if (isPlayer(thing))
00898         {
00899             if (!ValidatePlayerName(arg2))
00900             {
00901                 notify(executor, "That's not a good name for a player.");
00902                 return;
00903             }
00904             pValidName = arg2;
00905             if (lookup_player(NOTHING, pValidName, false) != NOTHING)
00906             {
00907                 notify(executor, "That name is already in use.");
00908                 return;
00909             }
00910             STARTLOG(LOG_SECURITY, "SEC", "CNAME");
00911             log_name(thing),
00912             log_text(" renamed to ");
00913             log_text(pValidName);
00914             ENDLOG;
00915             if (Suspect(executor))
00916             {
00917                 raw_broadcast(WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s renamed to %s",
00918                     Name(thing), pValidName);
00919             }
00920             delete_player_name(thing, Name(thing));
00921             s_Name(thing, pValidName);
00922             add_player_name(thing, pValidName);
00923         }
00924         else
00925         {
00926             int nTmp;
00927             bool bValid;
00928             pValidName = MakeCanonicalObjectName(arg2, &nTmp, &bValid);
00929             if (!bValid)
00930             {
00931                 notify(executor, "That is not a reasonable name.");
00932                 return;
00933             }
00934             s_Name(thing, pValidName);
00935         }
00936         if (!Quiet(executor))
00937         {
00938             notify(executor, tprintf("Name set to %s", pValidName));
00939         }
00940         break;
00941     }
00942 }

void dump_restart_db ( void   ) 

Definition at line 3166 of file db.cpp.

References descriptor_data::addr, aMainGamePorts, descriptor_data::command_count, descriptor_data::connected_at, DESC_ITER_ALL, descriptor_data::descriptor, descriptor_data::doing, statedata::doing_hdr, descriptor_data::flags, descriptor_data::height, descriptor_data::host_info, descriptor_data::last_time, mudstate, nMainGamePorts, descriptor_data::nvt_eor_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_eor_us_state, descriptor_data::nvt_naws_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_naws_us_state, descriptor_data::nvt_sga_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_sga_us_state, descriptor_data::output_prefix, descriptor_data::output_suffix, descriptor_data::player, putref(), putstring(), descriptor_data::raw_input_state, statedata::record_players, CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnSeconds(), statedata::start_time, descriptor_data::timeout, descriptor_data::username, and descriptor_data::width.

Referenced by do_restart(), and sighandler().

03167 {
03168     FILE *f;
03169     DESC *d;
03170     int version = 2;
03172     f = fopen("restart.db", "wb");
03173     fprintf(f, "+V%d\n", version);
03174     putref(f, nMainGamePorts);
03175     for (int i = 0; i < nMainGamePorts; i++)
03176     {
03177         putref(f, aMainGamePorts[i].port);
03178         putref(f, aMainGamePorts[i].socket);
03179     }
03180     putref(f, mudstate.start_time.ReturnSeconds());
03181     putstring(f, mudstate.doing_hdr);
03182     putref(f, mudstate.record_players);
03183     DESC_ITER_ALL(d)
03184     {
03185         putref(f, d->descriptor);
03186         putref(f, d->flags);
03187         putref(f, d->connected_at.ReturnSeconds());
03188         putref(f, d->command_count);
03189         putref(f, d->timeout);
03190         putref(f, d->host_info);
03191         putref(f, d->player);
03192         putref(f, d->last_time.ReturnSeconds());
03193         putref(f, d->raw_input_state);
03194         putref(f, d->nvt_sga_him_state);
03195         putref(f, d->nvt_sga_us_state);
03196         putref(f, d->nvt_eor_him_state);
03197         putref(f, d->nvt_eor_us_state);
03198         putref(f, d->nvt_naws_him_state);
03199         putref(f, d->nvt_naws_us_state);
03200         putref(f, d->height);
03201         putref(f, d->width);
03202         putstring(f, d->output_prefix);
03203         putstring(f, d->output_suffix);
03204         putstring(f, d->addr);
03205         putstring(f, d->doing);
03206         putstring(f, d->username);
03207     }
03208     putref(f, 0);
03210     fclose(f);
03211 }

static BOOLEXP* dup_bool ( BOOLEXP b  )  [static]

Definition at line 3050 of file db.cpp.

References alloc_bool, BOOLEXP_AND, BOOLEXP_ATR, BOOLEXP_CARRY, BOOLEXP_CONST, BOOLEXP_EVAL, BOOLEXP_INDIR, BOOLEXP_IS, BOOLEXP_NOT, BOOLEXP_OR, BOOLEXP_OWNER, ENDLINE, Log, StringClone(), boolexp::sub1, boolexp::sub2, boolexp::thing, TRUE_BOOLEXP, boolexp::type, and CLogFile::WriteString().

03051 {
03052     if (b == TRUE_BOOLEXP)
03053         return (TRUE_BOOLEXP);
03055     BOOLEXP *r = alloc_bool("dup_bool");
03056     switch (r->type = b->type)
03057     {
03058     case BOOLEXP_AND:
03059     case BOOLEXP_OR:
03060         r->sub2 = dup_bool(b->sub2);
03061     case BOOLEXP_NOT:
03062     case BOOLEXP_CARRY:
03063     case BOOLEXP_IS:
03064     case BOOLEXP_OWNER:
03065     case BOOLEXP_INDIR:
03066         r->sub1 = dup_bool(b->sub1);
03067     case BOOLEXP_CONST:
03068         r->thing = b->thing;
03069         break;
03070     case BOOLEXP_EVAL:
03071     case BOOLEXP_ATR:
03072         r->thing = b->thing;
03073         r->sub1 = (BOOLEXP *)StringClone((char *)b->sub1);
03074         break;
03075     default:
03076         Log.WriteString("Bad bool type!" ENDLINE);
03077         return TRUE_BOOLEXP;
03078     }
03079     return (r);
03080 }

void free_boolexp ( BOOLEXP b  ) 

Definition at line 3017 of file db.cpp.


Referenced by db_read(), db_write_object(), debug_examine(), do_decomp(), do_examine(), do_lock(), eval_boolexp_atr(), free_boolexp(), FUNCTION(), parse_boolexp_E(), parse_boolexp_F(), parse_boolexp_L(), parse_boolexp_T(), and view_atr().

03018 {
03019     if (b == TRUE_BOOLEXP)
03020         return;
03022     switch (b->type)
03023     {
03024     case BOOLEXP_AND:
03025     case BOOLEXP_OR:
03026         free_boolexp(b->sub1);
03027         free_boolexp(b->sub2);
03028         free_bool(b);
03029         break;
03030     case BOOLEXP_NOT:
03031     case BOOLEXP_CARRY:
03032     case BOOLEXP_IS:
03033     case BOOLEXP_OWNER:
03034     case BOOLEXP_INDIR:
03035         free_boolexp(b->sub1);
03036         free_bool(b);
03037         break;
03038     case BOOLEXP_CONST:
03039         free_bool(b);
03040         break;
03041     case BOOLEXP_ATR:
03042     case BOOLEXP_EVAL:
03043         MEMFREE(b->sub1);
03044         b->sub1 = NULL;
03045         free_bool(b);
03046         break;
03047     }
03048 }

bool fwdlist_ck ( dbref  player,
dbref  thing,
int  anum,
char *  atext 

Definition at line 390 of file db.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, statedata::bStandAlone, free_lbuf, fwdlist_load(), fwdlist_rewrite(), fwdlist_set(), mudstate, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by do_forwardlist().

00391 {
00392     UNUSED_PARAMETER(anum);
00394     if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
00395     {
00396         return true;
00397     }
00399     FWDLIST *fp;
00400     int count = 0;
00402     if (atext && *atext)
00403     {
00404         fp = (FWDLIST *) alloc_lbuf("fwdlist_ck.fp");
00405         fwdlist_load(fp, player, atext);
00406     }
00407     else
00408     {
00409         fp = NULL;
00410     }
00412     // Set the cached forwardlist.
00413     //
00414     fwdlist_set(thing, fp);
00415     count = fwdlist_rewrite(fp, atext);
00416     if (fp)
00417     {
00418         free_lbuf(fp);
00419     }
00420     return ((count > 0) || !atext || !*atext);
00421 }

void fwdlist_clr ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 270 of file db.cpp.

References fwdlist_get(), statedata::fwdlist_htab, hashdeleteLEN(), MEMFREE, and mudstate.

Referenced by atr_clr(), destroy_bad_obj(), destroy_obj(), and fwdlist_set().

00271 {
00272     // If a forwardlist exists, delete it
00273     //
00274     FWDLIST *xfp = fwdlist_get(thing);
00275     if (xfp)
00276     {
00277         MEMFREE(xfp);
00278         xfp = NULL;
00279         hashdeleteLEN(&thing, sizeof(thing), &mudstate.fwdlist_htab);
00280     }
00281 }

FWDLIST* fwdlist_get ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 423 of file db.cpp.

References A_FORWARDLIST, alloc_lbuf, atr_get, statedata::bStandAlone, free_lbuf, statedata::fwdlist_htab, fwdlist_load(), GOD, hashfindLEN(), and mudstate.

Referenced by check_dead_refs(), do_entrances(), fwdlist_clr(), fwdlist_set(), and notify_check().

00424 {
00425     static FWDLIST *fp = NULL;
00426     if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
00427     {
00428         if (!fp)
00429         {
00430             fp = (FWDLIST *) alloc_lbuf("fwdlist_get");
00431         }
00432         dbref aowner;
00433         int   aflags;
00434         char *tp = atr_get(thing, A_FORWARDLIST, &aowner, &aflags);
00435         fwdlist_load(fp, GOD, tp);
00436         free_lbuf(tp);
00437     }
00438     else
00439     {
00440         fp = (FWDLIST *) hashfindLEN(&thing, sizeof(thing),
00441             &mudstate.fwdlist_htab);
00442     }
00443     return fp;
00444 }

int fwdlist_load ( FWDLIST fp,
dbref  player,
char *  atext 

Definition at line 287 of file db.cpp.

References A_LLINK, alloc_lbuf, statedata::bStandAlone, Controls, could_doit(), forward_list::count, forward_list::data, free_lbuf, God, Good_obj, Link_ok, mudstate, mux_atol(), mux_isdigit, mux_isspace, notify, and tprintf().

Referenced by fwdlist_ck(), fwdlist_get(), and process_preload().

00288 {
00289     dbref target;
00290     char *tp, *bp, *dp;
00291     bool fail;
00293     int count = 0;
00294     int errors = 0;
00295     bp = tp = alloc_lbuf("fwdlist_load.str");
00296     strcpy(tp, atext);
00297     do
00298     {
00299         // Skip spaces.
00300         //
00301         for (; mux_isspace(*bp); bp++)
00302         {
00303             ; // Nothing.
00304         }
00306         // Remember string.
00307         //
00308         for (dp = bp; *bp && !mux_isspace(*bp); bp++)
00309         {
00310             ; // Nothing.
00311         }
00313         // Terminate string.
00314         //
00315         if (*bp)
00316         {
00317             *bp++ = '\0';
00318         }
00320         if (  *dp++ == '#'
00321            && mux_isdigit(*dp))
00322         {
00323             target = mux_atol(dp);
00324             if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
00325             {
00326                 fail = !Good_obj(target);
00327             }
00328             else
00329             {
00330                 fail = (  !Good_obj(target)
00331                        || (  !God(player)
00332                           && !Controls(player, target)
00333                           && (  !Link_ok(target)
00334                              || !could_doit(player, target, A_LLINK))));
00335             }
00336             if (fail)
00337             {
00338                 if (!mudstate.bStandAlone)
00339                 {
00340                     notify(player,
00341                         tprintf("Cannot forward to #%d: Permission denied.",
00342                         target));
00343                 }
00344                 errors++;
00345             }
00346             else
00347             {
00348                 if (count < 1000)
00349                 {
00350                     fp->data[count++] = target;
00351                 }
00352             }
00353         }
00354     } while (*bp);
00355     free_lbuf(tp);
00356     fp->count = count;
00357     return errors;
00358 }

int fwdlist_rewrite ( FWDLIST fp,
char *  atext 

Definition at line 364 of file db.cpp.

References forward_list::count, forward_list::data, Good_obj, ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), and ItemToList_Init().

Referenced by check_dead_refs(), and fwdlist_ck().

00365 {
00366     int count = 0;
00367     atext[0] = '\0';
00369     if (fp && fp->count)
00370     {
00371         char *bp = atext;
00372         ITL pContext;
00373         ItemToList_Init(&pContext, atext, &bp, '#');
00374         for (int i = 0; i < fp->count; i++)
00375         {
00376             if (  Good_obj(fp->data[i])
00377                && ItemToList_AddInteger(&pContext, fp->data[i]))
00378             {
00379                 count++;
00380             }
00381         }
00382         ItemToList_Final(&pContext);
00383     }
00384     return count;
00385 }

void fwdlist_set ( dbref  thing,

Definition at line 231 of file db.cpp.

References forward_list::count, forward_list::data, fwdlist_clr(), fwdlist_get(), statedata::fwdlist_htab, hashaddLEN(), hashreplLEN(), ISOUTOFMEMORY, MEMALLOC, MEMFREE, and mudstate.

Referenced by fwdlist_ck(), and process_preload().

00232 {
00233     FWDLIST *fp, *xfp;
00234     int i;
00236     // If fwdlist is null, clear.
00237     //
00238     if (!ifp || (ifp->count <= 0))
00239     {
00240         fwdlist_clr(thing);
00241         return;
00242     }
00244     // Copy input forwardlist to a correctly-sized buffer.
00245     //
00246     fp = (FWDLIST *)MEMALLOC(sizeof(int) * ((ifp->count) + 1));
00247     ISOUTOFMEMORY(fp);
00249     for (i = 0; i < ifp->count; i++)
00250     {
00251         fp->data[i] = ifp->data[i];
00252     }
00253     fp->count = ifp->count;
00255     // Replace an existing forwardlist, or add a new one.
00256     //
00257     xfp = fwdlist_get(thing);
00258     if (xfp)
00259     {
00260         MEMFREE(xfp);
00261         xfp = NULL;
00262         hashreplLEN(&thing, sizeof(thing), fp, &mudstate.fwdlist_htab);
00263     }
00264     else
00265     {
00266         hashaddLEN(&thing, sizeof(thing), fp, &mudstate.fwdlist_htab);
00267     }
00268 }

int get_atr ( char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 2061 of file db.cpp.

References atr_str(), and attr::number.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and move_exit().

02062 {
02063     ATTR *ap = atr_str(name);
02065     if (!ap)
02066         return 0;
02067     if (!(ap->number))
02068         return -1;
02069     return ap->number;
02070 }

int getref ( FILE *  f  ) 

Definition at line 3010 of file db.cpp.

References mux_atol(), and SBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by db_read(), get_list(), load_mail_V5(), load_malias(), load_restart_db(), and malias_read().

03011 {
03012     static char buf[SBUF_SIZE];
03013     fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
03014     return mux_atol(buf);
03015 }

char* getstring_noalloc ( FILE *  f,
int  new_strings 

Definition at line 2796 of file db.cpp.


Referenced by db_read(), get_list(), getboolexp1(), load_mail_V5(), and load_restart_db().

02797 {
02798     static char buf[2*LBUF_SIZE + 20];
02799     int c = fgetc(f);
02800     if (new_strings && c == '"')
02801     {
02802         int nBufferLeft = sizeof(buf)-10;
02803         int iState = STATE_START;
02804         char *pOutput = buf;
02805         for (;;)
02806         {
02807             // Fetch up to and including the next LF.
02808             //
02809             char *pInput = pOutput + 6;
02810             if (fgets(pInput, nBufferLeft, f) == NULL)
02811             {
02812                 // EOF or ERROR.
02813                 //
02814                 *pOutput = 0;
02815                 return buf;
02816             }
02818             int nOutput = 0;
02820             // De-escape this data. removing the '\\' prefixes.
02821             // Terminate when you hit a '"'.
02822             //
02823             for (;;)
02824             {
02825                 char ch = *pInput++;
02826                 if (iState == STATE_START)
02827                 {
02828                     if (decode_table[(unsigned char)ch] == 0)
02829                     {
02830                         // As long as decode_table[*p] is 0, just keep copying the characters.
02831                         //
02832                         char *p = pOutput;
02833                         do
02834                         {
02835                             *pOutput++ = ch;
02836                             ch = *pInput++;
02837                         } while (decode_table[(unsigned char)ch] == 0);
02838                         nOutput = pOutput - p;
02839                     }
02840                 }
02841                 int iAction = action_table[iState][decode_table[(unsigned char)ch]];
02842                 if (iAction <= 2)
02843                 {
02844                     if (iAction == 1)
02845                     {
02846                         // Get Buffer and remain in the current state.
02847                         //
02848                         break;
02849                     }
02850                     else
02851                     {
02852                         // iAction == 2
02853                         // Emit X and move to START state.
02854                         //
02855                         *pOutput++ = ch;
02856                         nOutput++;
02857                         iState = STATE_START;
02858                     }
02859                 }
02860                 else if (iAction == 3)
02861                 {
02862                     // Terminate parsing.
02863                     //
02864                     *pOutput = 0;
02865                     return buf;
02866                 }
02867                 else if (iAction == 4)
02868                 {
02869                     // Move to ESC state.
02870                     //
02871                     iState = STATE_HAVE_ESC;
02872                 }
02873                 else if (iAction == 5)
02874                 {
02875                     *pOutput++ = ESC_CHAR;
02876                     nOutput++;
02877                     iState = STATE_START;
02878                 }
02879                 else if (iAction == 6)
02880                 {
02881                     *pOutput++ = '\n';
02882                     nOutput++;
02883                     iState = STATE_START;
02884                 }
02885                 else if (iAction == 7)
02886                 {
02887                     *pOutput++ = '\r';
02888                     nOutput++;
02889                     iState = STATE_START;
02890                 }
02891                 else
02892                 {
02893                     // if (iAction == 8)
02894                     *pOutput++ = '\t';
02895                     nOutput++;
02896                     iState = STATE_START;
02897                 }
02898             }
02900             nBufferLeft -= nOutput;
02902             // Do we have any more room?
02903             //
02904             if (nBufferLeft <= 0)
02905             {
02906                 *pOutput = 0;
02907                 return buf;
02908             }
02909         }
02910     }
02911     else
02912     {
02913         ungetc(c, f);
02915         char *p = buf;
02916         for (;;)
02917         {
02918             // Fetch up to and including the next LF.
02919             //
02920             if (fgets(p, LBUF_SIZE, f) == NULL)
02921             {
02922                 // EOF or ERROR.
02923                 //
02924                 p[0] = 0;
02925             }
02926             else
02927             {
02928                 // How much data did we fetch?
02929                 //
02930                 int nLine = strlen(p);
02931                 if (nLine >= 2)
02932                 {
02933                     if (p[nLine-2] == '\r')
02934                     {
02935                         // Line is continued on the next line.
02936                         //
02937                         p += nLine;
02938                         continue;
02939                     }
02941                     // Eat '\n'
02942                     //
02943                     p[nLine-1] = '\0';
02944                 }
02945             }
02946             return buf;
02947         }
02948     }
02949 }

void init_attrtab ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1047 of file db.cpp.

References anum_extend(), anum_set, attr, statedata::attr_name_htab, hashaddLEN(), MakeCanonicalAttributeName(), mudstate, mux_AttrNameInitialSet, mux_AttrNameSet, attr::name, and attr::number.

Referenced by dbconvert(), and main().

01048 {
01049     ATTR *a;
01051     // We specifically allow the '*' character at server
01052     // initialization because it's part of the A_PASS attribute
01053     // name.
01054     //
01055     const unsigned char star = '*';
01056     mux_AttrNameSet[star] = true;
01057     mux_AttrNameInitialSet[star] = true;
01058     for (a = attr; a->number; a++)
01059     {
01060         int nLen;
01061         bool bValid;
01062         char *buff = MakeCanonicalAttributeName(a->name, &nLen, &bValid);
01063         if (!bValid)
01064         {
01065             continue;
01066         }
01067         anum_extend(a->number);
01068         anum_set(a->number, a);
01069         hashaddLEN(buff, nLen, a, &mudstate.attr_name_htab);
01070     }
01071     mux_AttrNameInitialSet[star] = false;
01072     mux_AttrNameSet[star] = false;
01073 }

int init_dbfile ( char *  game_dir_file,
char *  game_pag_file,
int  nCachePages 

Definition at line 3083 of file db.cpp.

References statedata::bStandAlone, cache_init(), db_free(), ENDLINE, ENDLOG, HF_OPEN_STATUS_ERROR, Log, LOG_ALWAYS, mudstate, STARTLOG, and CLogFile::tinyprintf().

Referenced by dbconvert(), and main().

03084 {
03085     if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
03086     {
03087         Log.tinyprintf("Opening (%s,%s)" ENDLINE, game_dir_file, game_pag_file);
03088     }
03089     int cc = cache_init(game_dir_file, game_pag_file, nCachePages);
03090     if (cc != HF_OPEN_STATUS_ERROR)
03091     {
03092         if (mudstate.bStandAlone)
03093         {
03094             Log.tinyprintf("Done opening (%s,%s)." ENDLINE, game_dir_file,
03095                 game_pag_file);
03096         }
03097         else
03098         {
03099             STARTLOG(LOG_ALWAYS, "INI", "LOAD");
03100             Log.tinyprintf("Using game db files: (%s,%s).", game_dir_file,
03101                 game_pag_file);
03102             ENDLOG;
03103         }
03104         db_free();
03105     }
03106     return cc;
03107 }

static void initialize_objects ( dbref  first,
dbref  last 
) [static]

Definition at line 2519 of file db.cpp.

References object::cpu_time_used, db, FLAG_WORD1, GOD, GOING, object::moniker, object::name, NOTHING, object::purename, s_Contents, s_Exits, s_Flags, s_Link, s_Location, s_Next, s_Owner, s_Parent, s_Powers, s_Powers2, s_Stack, s_ThAttrib, s_ThMail, s_Zone, CLinearTimeAbsolute::Set100ns(), CLinearTimeDelta::Set100ns(), object::tThrottleExpired, and TYPE_GARBAGE.

Referenced by db_grow().

02520 {
02521     dbref thing;
02523     for (thing = first; thing < last; thing++)
02524     {
02525         s_Owner(thing, GOD);
02526         s_Flags(thing, FLAG_WORD1, (TYPE_GARBAGE | GOING));
02527         s_Powers(thing, 0);
02528         s_Powers2(thing, 0);
02529         s_Location(thing, NOTHING);
02530         s_Contents(thing, NOTHING);
02531         s_Exits(thing, NOTHING);
02532         s_Link(thing, NOTHING);
02533         s_Next(thing, NOTHING);
02534         s_Zone(thing, NOTHING);
02535         s_Parent(thing, NOTHING);
02536         s_Stack(thing, NULL);
02537         db[thing].cpu_time_used.Set100ns(0);
02538         db[thing].tThrottleExpired.Set100ns(0);
02539         s_ThAttrib(thing, 0);
02540         s_ThMail(thing, 0);
02542 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
02543         db[thing].pALHead  = NULL;
02544         db[thing].nALAlloc = 0;
02545         db[thing].nALUsed  = 0;
02546 #else
02547         db[thing].name = NULL;
02548 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
02549         db[thing].purename = NULL;
02550         db[thing].moniker = NULL;
02551     }
02552 }

void load_restart_db ( void   ) 

Definition at line 3213 of file db.cpp.

References descriptor_data::addr, alloc_desc, alloc_lbuf, aMainGamePorts, confdata::cmd_quota_max, descriptor_data::command_count, descriptor_data::connected_at, DebugTotalFiles, DebugTotalSockets, desc_addhash(), DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, descriptor_list, descriptor_data::doing, statedata::doing_hdr, descriptor_data::flags, getref(), getstring_noalloc(), descriptor_data::hashnext, descriptor_data::height, descriptor_data::host_info, descriptor_data::input_head, descriptor_data::input_lost, descriptor_data::input_size, descriptor_data::input_tail, descriptor_data::input_tot, isPlayer, descriptor_data::last_time, maxd, mudconf, mudstate, mux_assert, ndescriptors, descriptor_data::next, nMainGamePorts, descriptor_data::nOption, descriptor_data::nvt_eor_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_eor_us_state, NVT_IS_NORMAL, descriptor_data::nvt_naws_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_naws_us_state, descriptor_data::nvt_sga_him_state, descriptor_data::nvt_sga_us_state, OPTION_NO, descriptor_data::output_head, descriptor_data::output_lost, descriptor_data::output_prefix, descriptor_data::output_size, descriptor_data::output_suffix, descriptor_data::output_tail, descriptor_data::output_tot, descriptor_data::player, descriptor_data::prev, descriptor_data::program_data, descriptor_data::quota, R_QUIT, raw_broadcast(), descriptor_data::raw_input, descriptor_data::raw_input_at, descriptor_data::raw_input_state, statedata::record_players, confdata::reset_players, statedata::restarting, s_Connected, CLinearTimeAbsolute::SetSeconds(), shutdownsock(), PortInfo::socket, statedata::start_time, descriptor_data::timeout, descriptor_data::username, and descriptor_data::width.

Referenced by main().

03214 {
03215     DESC *d;
03216     DESC *p;
03218     int val;
03219     char *temp, buf[8];
03221     FILE *f = fopen("restart.db", "r");
03222     if (!f)
03223     {
03224         mudstate.restarting = false;
03225         return;
03226     }
03227     DebugTotalFiles++;
03228     mudstate.restarting = true;
03230     fgets(buf, 3, f);
03231     mux_assert(strncmp(buf, "+V", 2) == 0);
03232     int version = getref(f);
03233     if (  1 == version
03234        || 2 == version)
03235     {
03236         // Version 1 started on 2001-DEC-03
03237         // Version 2 started on 2005-NOV-08
03238         //
03239         nMainGamePorts = getref(f);
03240         for (int i = 0; i < nMainGamePorts; i++)
03241         {
03242             aMainGamePorts[i].port   = getref(f);
03243             mux_assert(aMainGamePorts[i].port > 0);
03244             aMainGamePorts[i].socket = getref(f);
03245             if (maxd <= aMainGamePorts[i].socket)
03246             {
03247                 maxd = aMainGamePorts[i].socket + 1;
03248             }
03249         }
03250     }
03251     else
03252     {
03253         // The restart file, restart.db, has a version other than 1.  You
03254         // cannot @restart from the previous version to the new version.  Use
03255         // @shutdown instead.
03256         //
03257         mux_assert(0);
03258     }
03259     DebugTotalSockets += nMainGamePorts;
03261     mudstate.start_time.SetSeconds(getref(f));
03262     strcpy(mudstate.doing_hdr, getstring_noalloc(f, true));
03263     mudstate.record_players = getref(f);
03264     if (mudconf.reset_players)
03265     {
03266         mudstate.record_players = 0;
03267     }
03269     while ((val = getref(f)) != 0)
03270     {
03271         ndescriptors++;
03272         DebugTotalSockets++;
03273         d = alloc_desc("restart");
03274         d->descriptor = val;
03275         d->flags = getref(f);
03276         d->connected_at.SetSeconds(getref(f));
03277         d->command_count = getref(f);
03278         d->timeout = getref(f);
03279         d->host_info = getref(f);
03280         d->player = getref(f);
03281         d->last_time.SetSeconds(getref(f));
03282         if (2 == version)
03283         {
03284             d->raw_input_state    = getref(f);
03285             d->nvt_sga_him_state  = getref(f);
03286             d->nvt_sga_us_state   = getref(f);
03287             d->nvt_eor_him_state  = getref(f);
03288             d->nvt_eor_us_state   = getref(f);
03289             d->nvt_naws_him_state = getref(f);
03290             d->nvt_naws_us_state  = getref(f);
03291             d->height = getref(f);
03292             d->width = getref(f);
03293         }
03294         else
03295         {
03296             d->raw_input_state    = NVT_IS_NORMAL;
03297             d->nvt_sga_him_state  = OPTION_NO;
03298             d->nvt_sga_us_state   = OPTION_NO;
03299             d->nvt_eor_him_state  = OPTION_NO;
03300             d->nvt_eor_us_state   = OPTION_NO;
03301             d->nvt_naws_him_state = OPTION_NO;
03302             d->nvt_naws_us_state  = OPTION_NO;
03303             d->height = 24;
03304             d->width = 78;
03305         }
03307         temp = getstring_noalloc(f, true);
03308         if (*temp)
03309         {
03310             d->output_prefix = alloc_lbuf("set_userstring");
03311             strcpy(d->output_prefix, temp);
03312         }
03313         else
03314         {
03315             d->output_prefix = NULL;
03316         }
03317         temp = getstring_noalloc(f, true);
03318         if (*temp)
03319         {
03320             d->output_suffix = alloc_lbuf("set_userstring");
03321             strcpy(d->output_suffix, temp);
03322         }
03323         else
03324         {
03325             d->output_suffix = NULL;
03326         }
03328         strcpy(d->addr, getstring_noalloc(f, true));
03329         strcpy(d->doing, getstring_noalloc(f, true));
03330         strcpy(d->username, getstring_noalloc(f, true));
03332         d->output_size = 0;
03333         d->output_tot = 0;
03334         d->output_lost = 0;
03335         d->output_head = NULL;
03336         d->output_tail = NULL;
03337         d->input_head = NULL;
03338         d->input_tail = NULL;
03339         d->input_size = 0;
03340         d->input_tot = 0;
03341         d->input_lost = 0;
03342         d->raw_input = NULL;
03343         d->raw_input_at = NULL;
03344         d->nOption = 0;
03345         d->quota = mudconf.cmd_quota_max;
03346         d->program_data = NULL;
03347         d->hashnext = NULL;
03349         if (descriptor_list)
03350         {
03351             for (p = descriptor_list; p->next; p = p->next) ;
03352             d->prev = &p->next;
03353             p->next = d;
03354             d->next = NULL;
03355         }
03356         else
03357         {
03358             d->next = descriptor_list;
03359             d->prev = &descriptor_list;
03360             descriptor_list = d;
03361         }
03363         if (maxd <= d->descriptor)
03364         {
03365             maxd = d->descriptor + 1;
03366         }
03367         desc_addhash(d);
03368         if (isPlayer(d->player))
03369         {
03370             s_Connected(d->player);
03371         }
03372     }
03374     DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
03375     {
03376         if (!isPlayer(d->player))
03377         {
03378             shutdownsock(d, R_QUIT);
03379         }
03380     }
03382     if (fclose(f) == 0)
03383     {
03384         DebugTotalFiles--;
03385     }
03386     remove("restart.db");
03387     raw_broadcast(0, "GAME: Restart finished.");
03388 }

char* MakeCanonicalAttributeCommand ( const char *  pName,
int *  pnName,
bool *  pbValid 

Definition at line 1007 of file db.cpp.

References mux_tolower, and SBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by CF_HAND(), and init_cmdtab().

01008 {
01009     if (!pName)
01010     {
01011         *pnName = 0;
01012         *pbValid = false;
01013         return NULL;
01014     }
01016     static char Buffer[SBUF_SIZE];
01017     int nLeft = SBUF_SIZE-2;
01018     char *p = Buffer;
01020     *p++ = '@';
01021     while (*pName && nLeft)
01022     {
01023         *p = mux_tolower(*pName);
01024         p++;
01025         pName++;
01026         nLeft--;
01027     }
01028     *p = '\0';
01030     // Length of result.
01031     //
01032     *pnName = p - Buffer;
01034     // Is the result valid?
01035     //
01036     *pbValid = (*pnName > 1);
01038     // Pointer to result
01039     //
01040     return Buffer;
01041 }

char* MakeCanonicalAttributeName ( const char *  pName,
int *  pnName,
bool *  pbValid 

Definition at line 954 of file db.cpp.

References mux_AttrNameInitialSet, mux_AttrNameSet, mux_toupper, and SBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by atr_str(), db_read(), do_attribute(), FUNCTION(), init_attrtab(), and mkattr().

00955 {
00956     static char Buffer[SBUF_SIZE];
00958     if (  !pName
00959        || !mux_AttrNameInitialSet(*pName))
00960     {
00961         *pnName = 0;
00962         *pbValid = false;
00963         return NULL;
00964     }
00965     int nLeft = SBUF_SIZE-1;
00966     char *p = Buffer;
00967     while (*pName && nLeft)
00968     {
00969         if (!mux_AttrNameSet(*pName))
00970         {
00971             *pnName = 0;
00972             *pbValid = false;
00973             return Buffer;
00974         }
00975         *p = mux_toupper(*pName);
00976         p++;
00977         pName++;
00978         nLeft--;
00979     }
00980     *p = '\0';
00982     // Continue to validate remaining characters even though
00983     // we aren't going to use them. This helps to ensure that
00984     // softcode will run in the future if we increase the
00985     // size of SBUF_SIZE.
00986     //
00987     while (*pName)
00988     {
00989         if (!mux_AttrNameSet(*pName))
00990         {
00991             *pnName = 0;
00992             *pbValid = false;
00993             return Buffer;
00994         }
00995         pName++;
00996     }
00998     // Length of truncated result.
00999     //
01000     *pnName = p - Buffer;
01001     *pbValid = true;
01002     return Buffer;
01003 }

static DCL_INLINE void makekey ( dbref  thing,
int  atr,
Aname abuff 
) [static]

Definition at line 1610 of file db.cpp.

References Aname::attrnum, and Aname::object.

Referenced by atr_add_raw_LEN(), atr_clr(), and atr_get_raw_LEN().

01611 {
01612     abuff->object = thing;
01613     abuff->attrnum = atr;
01614     return;
01615 }

int mkattr ( dbref  executor,
char *  buff 

Definition at line 1252 of file db.cpp.

References AF_MDARK, AF_WIZARD, atr_str(), MakeCanonicalAttributeName(), mudconf, attr::number, ThrottleAttributeNames(), vattr_alloc_LEN(), confdata::vattr_flags, and Wizard.

Referenced by do_chanlog(), do_mvattr(), do_notify(), do_set(), do_setvattr(), do_wait(), FUNCTION(), getboolexp1(), and SendChannelMessage().

01253 {
01254     ATTR *ap = atr_str(buff);
01255     if (!ap)
01256     {
01257         // Unknown attribute name, create a new one.
01258         //
01259         int nName;
01260         bool bValid;
01261         char *pName = MakeCanonicalAttributeName(buff, &nName, &bValid);
01262         ATTR *va;
01263         if (bValid)
01264         {
01265             if (  !Wizard(executor)
01266                && ThrottleAttributeNames(executor))
01267             {
01268                 return -1;
01269             }
01270             int aflags = mudconf.vattr_flags;
01271             if (pName[0] == '_')
01272             {
01273                 // An attribute that begins with an underline is
01274                 // hidden from mortals and only changeable by
01275                 // WIZARDs.
01276                 //
01277                 aflags |=  AF_MDARK | AF_WIZARD;
01278             }
01279             va = vattr_alloc_LEN(pName, nName, aflags);
01280             if (va && va->number)
01281             {
01282                 return va->number;
01283             }
01284         }
01285         return -1;
01286     }
01287     else if (ap->number)
01288     {
01289         return ap->number;
01290     }
01291     return -1;
01292 }

const char* Moniker ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 528 of file db.cpp.

References A_MONIKER, aszSpecialDBRefNames, atr_get_LEN(), confdata::cache_names, db, free_lbuf, LBUF_SIZE, MEMFREE, object::moniker, mudconf, Name, object::name, PureName(), StringClone(), StringCloneLen(), strip_accents(), and strip_ansi().

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), BuildChannelMessage(), do_chanlist(), do_chboot(), do_destroy(), do_page(), do_pemit_single(), do_say(), do_shout(), do_train(), FUNCTION(), mail_check(), mail_return(), page_check(), page_return(), say_shout(), trimmed_name(), unparse_object(), and whisper_pose().

00529 {
00530     if (thing < 0)
00531     {
00532         return aszSpecialDBRefNames[-thing];
00533     }
00534     if (db[thing].moniker)
00535     {
00536         return db[thing].moniker;
00537     }
00539     // Compare accent-stripped, ansi-stripped version of @moniker against
00540     // accent-stripped, ansi-stripped version of @name.
00541     //
00542     const char *pPureName = strip_accents(PureName(thing));
00543     char *pPureNameCopy = StringClone(pPureName);
00545     size_t nMoniker;
00546     dbref  aowner;
00547     int    aflags;
00548     char *pMoniker = atr_get_LEN(thing, A_MONIKER, &aowner, &aflags,
00549         &nMoniker);
00550     char *pPureMoniker = strip_accents(strip_ansi(pMoniker));
00552     const char *pReturn = NULL;
00553     static char tbuff[LBUF_SIZE];
00554     if (strcmp(pPureNameCopy, pPureMoniker) == 0)
00555     {
00556         // The stripped version of @moniker is the same as the stripped
00557         // version of @name, so (possibly cache and) use the unstripped
00558         // version of @moniker.
00559         //
00560         if (mudconf.cache_names)
00561         {
00562 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
00563             db[thing].moniker = StringCloneLen(pMoniker, nMoniker);
00564 #else // MEMORY_BASED
00565             if (strcmp(pMoniker, Name(thing)) == 0)
00566             {
00567                 db[thing].moniker = db[thing].name;
00568             }
00569             else
00570             {
00571                 db[thing].moniker = StringCloneLen(pMoniker, nMoniker);
00572             }
00573 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
00574             pReturn = db[thing].moniker;
00575         }
00576         else
00577         {
00578             memcpy(tbuff, pMoniker, nMoniker+1);
00579             pReturn = tbuff;
00580         }
00581     }
00582     else
00583     {
00584         // @moniker can't be used, so instead reflect @name (whether it
00585         // contains ANSI color and accents or not).
00586         //
00587 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
00588         if (mudconf.cache_names)
00589         {
00590             db[thing].moniker = StringClone(Name(thing));
00591             pReturn = db[thing].moniker;
00592         }
00593         else
00594         {
00595             pReturn = Name(thing);
00596         }
00597 #else // MEMORY_BASED
00598         if (mudconf.cache_names)
00599         {
00600             db[thing].moniker = db[thing].name;
00601             pReturn = db[thing].moniker;
00602         }
00603         else
00604         {
00605             pReturn = Name(thing);
00606         }
00607 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
00608     }
00609     free_lbuf(pMoniker);
00610     MEMFREE(pPureNameCopy);
00612     return pReturn;
00613 }

const char* Name ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 450 of file db.cpp.

References A_NAME, aszSpecialDBRefNames, atr_get_LEN(), atr_get_str(), db, free_lbuf, LBUF_SIZE, object::name, and StringCloneLen().

00451 {
00452     if (thing < 0)
00453     {
00454         return aszSpecialDBRefNames[-thing];
00455     }
00457     dbref aowner;
00458     int aflags;
00459 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
00460     static char tbuff[LBUF_SIZE];
00461     atr_get_str(tbuff, thing, A_NAME, &aowner, &aflags);
00462     return tbuff;
00463 #else // MEMORY_BASED
00464     if (!db[thing].name)
00465     {
00466         size_t len;
00467         char *pName = atr_get_LEN(thing, A_NAME, &aowner, &aflags, &len);
00468         db[thing].name = StringCloneLen(pName, len);
00469         free_lbuf(pName);
00470     }
00471     return db[thing].name;
00472 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
00473 }

dbref parse_dbref ( const char *  s  ) 

Definition at line 2712 of file db.cpp.

References mux_atol(), mux_isdigit, and NOTHING.

Referenced by absolute_name(), do_malias_add(), do_malias_remove(), and FUNCTION().

02713 {
02714     // Enforce completely numeric dbrefs
02715     //
02716     const char *p = s;
02717     if (p[0])
02718     {
02719         do
02720         {
02721             if (!mux_isdigit(*p))
02722             {
02723                 return NOTHING;
02724             }
02725             p++;
02726         } while (*p);
02727     }
02728     else
02729     {
02730         return NOTHING;
02731     }
02732     int x = mux_atol(s);
02733     return ((x >= 0) ? x : NOTHING);
02734 }

const char* PureName ( dbref  thing  ) 

Definition at line 475 of file db.cpp.

References A_NAME, aszSpecialDBRefNames, atr_get, atr_get_LEN(), confdata::cache_names, db, free_lbuf, mudconf, object::name, object::purename, StringCloneLen(), and strip_ansi().

Referenced by do_find(), match_exit_internal(), match_here(), match_list(), Moniker(), and search_perform().

00476 {
00477     if (thing < 0)
00478     {
00479         return aszSpecialDBRefNames[-thing];
00480     }
00482     dbref aowner;
00483     int aflags;
00485     char *pName, *pPureName;
00486     if (mudconf.cache_names)
00487     {
00488         if (!db[thing].purename)
00489         {
00490             size_t nName;
00491             size_t nPureName;
00492 #ifdef MEMORY_BASED
00493             pName = atr_get_LEN(thing, A_NAME, &aowner, &aflags, &nName);
00494             pPureName = strip_ansi(pName, &nPureName);
00495             free_lbuf(pName);
00496             db[thing].purename = StringCloneLen(pPureName, nPureName);
00497 #else // MEMORY_BASED
00498             if (!db[thing].name)
00499             {
00500                 pName = atr_get_LEN(thing, A_NAME, &aowner, &aflags, &nName);
00501                 db[thing].name = StringCloneLen(pName, nName);
00502                 free_lbuf(pName);
00503             }
00504             else
00505             {
00506                 nName = strlen(db[thing].name);
00507             }
00508             pName = db[thing].name;
00509             pPureName = strip_ansi(pName, &nPureName);
00510             if (nPureName == nName)
00511             {
00512                 db[thing].purename = pName;
00513             }
00514             else
00515             {
00516                 db[thing].purename = StringCloneLen(pPureName, nPureName);
00517             }
00518 #endif // MEMORY_BASED
00519         }
00520         return db[thing].purename;
00521     }
00522     pName = atr_get(thing, A_NAME, &aowner, &aflags);
00523     pPureName = strip_ansi(pName);
00524     free_lbuf(pName);
00525     return pPureName;
00526 }

void putref ( FILE *  f,
dbref  ref 

Definition at line 2737 of file db.cpp.

References mux_ltoa(), and SBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by db_write_object(), dump_mail(), dump_restart_db(), malias_write(), and putbool_subexp().

02738 {
02739     char buf[SBUF_SIZE];
02740     int n = mux_ltoa(ref, buf);
02741     buf[n] = '\n';
02742     fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), n+1, f);
02743 }

void putstring ( FILE *  f,
const char *  pRaw 

Definition at line 2976 of file db.cpp.

References LBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by db_write_object(), dump_mail(), and dump_restart_db().

02977 {
02978     static char aBuffer[2*LBUF_SIZE+4];
02979     char *pBuffer = aBuffer;
02981     // Always leave room for four characters. One at the beginning and
02982     // three on the end. '\\"\n' or '\""\n'
02983     //
02984     *pBuffer++ = '"';
02986     if (pRaw)
02987     {
02988         for (;;)
02989         {
02990             char ch;
02991             while ((ch = encode_table[(unsigned char)*pRaw]) == 0)
02992             {
02993                 *pBuffer++ = *pRaw++;
02994             }
02995             if (ch == 1)
02996             {
02997                 break;
02998             }
02999             *pBuffer++ = '\\';
03000             *pBuffer++ = *pRaw++;
03001         }
03002     }
03004     *pBuffer++ = '"';
03005     *pBuffer++ = '\n';
03007     fwrite(aBuffer, sizeof(char), pBuffer - aBuffer, f);
03008 }

void ReleaseAllResources ( dbref  obj  ) 

Definition at line 3145 of file db.cpp.

References del_comsys(), do_channelnuke(), do_clearcom(), do_comdisconnect(), do_mail_clear(), do_mail_purge(), confdata::have_comsys, confdata::have_mailer, malias_cleanup(), and mudconf.

Referenced by CGuests::Create(), destroy_bad_obj(), destroy_obj(), and do_toad().

03146 {
03147     if (mudconf.have_comsys)
03148     {
03149         do_comdisconnect(obj);
03150         do_clearcom(obj, obj, obj, 0);
03151         do_channelnuke(obj);
03152         del_comsys(obj);
03153     }
03154     if (mudconf.have_mailer)
03155     {
03156         do_mail_clear(obj, NULL);
03157         do_mail_purge(obj);
03158         malias_cleanup(obj);
03159     }
03160 }

void RemoveFile ( char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 3428 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by cache_pass2(), dump_database_internal(), and main().

03429 {
03430     unlink(name);
03431 }

int ReplaceFile ( char *  old_name,
char *  new_name 

Definition at line 3415 of file db.cpp.

References ENDLINE, Log, and CLogFile::tinyprintf().

Referenced by dump_database_internal(), save_comsys(), and CLogFile::SetPrefix().

03416 {
03417     if (rename(old_name, new_name) == 0)
03418     {
03419         return 0;
03420     }
03421     else
03422     {
03423         Log.tinyprintf("rename %s to %s fails with errno of %s(%d)" ENDLINE, old_name, new_name, strerror(errno), errno);
03424     }
03425     return -1;
03426 }

void s_Moniker ( dbref  thing,
const char *  s 

Definition at line 655 of file db.cpp.

References A_MONIKER, atr_add_raw(), confdata::cache_names, db, MEMFREE, object::moniker, and mudconf.

Referenced by do_moniker().

00656 {
00657     atr_add_raw(thing, A_MONIKER, s);
00658     if (mudconf.cache_names)
00659     {
00660 #ifndef MEMORY_BASED
00661         if (db[thing].name == db[thing].moniker)
00662         {
00663             db[thing].moniker = NULL;
00664         }
00665 #endif // !MEMORY_BASED
00666         if (db[thing].moniker)
00667         {
00668             MEMFREE(db[thing].moniker);
00669             db[thing].moniker = NULL;
00670         }
00671     }
00672 }

void s_Name ( dbref  thing,
const char *  s 

Definition at line 615 of file db.cpp.

References A_NAME, atr_add_raw(), confdata::cache_names, db, MEMFREE, object::moniker, mudconf, object::name, object::purename, and StringClone().

Referenced by CGuests::Create(), create_obj(), db_make_minimal(), db_read(), destroy_bad_obj(), destroy_obj(), do_clone(), do_fixdb(), do_name(), and do_toad().

00616 {
00617     atr_add_raw(thing, A_NAME, s);
00618 #ifndef MEMORY_BASED
00619     if (db[thing].name)
00620     {
00621         if (mudconf.cache_names)
00622         {
00623             if (db[thing].name == db[thing].purename)
00624             {
00625                 db[thing].purename = NULL;
00626             }
00627             if (db[thing].name == db[thing].moniker)
00628             {
00629                 db[thing].moniker = NULL;
00630             }
00631         }
00632         MEMFREE(db[thing].name);
00633         db[thing].name = NULL;
00634     }
00635     if (s)
00636     {
00637         db[thing].name = StringClone(s);
00638     }
00639 #endif // !MEMORY_BASED
00640     if (mudconf.cache_names)
00641     {
00642         if (db[thing].purename)
00643         {
00644             MEMFREE(db[thing].purename);
00645             db[thing].purename = NULL;
00646         }
00647         if (db[thing].moniker)
00648         {
00649             MEMFREE(db[thing].moniker);
00650             db[thing].moniker = NULL;
00651         }
00652     }
00653 }

void s_Pass ( dbref  thing,
const char *  s 

Definition at line 674 of file db.cpp.

References A_PASS, and atr_add_raw().

Referenced by ChangePassword().

00675 {
00676     atr_add_raw(thing, A_PASS, s);
00677 }

static void SetupGlobalThrottle ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 1185 of file db.cpp.

References CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), mudconf, mudstate, confdata::pcreate_per_hour, statedata::pcreates_this_hour, CLinearTimeDelta::SetSeconds(), and statedata::tThrottleExpired.

Referenced by ThrottlePlayerCreate().

01186 {
01187     CLinearTimeAbsolute tNow;
01188     CLinearTimeDelta    ltdHour;
01190     ltdHour.SetSeconds(60*60);
01191     tNow.GetUTC();
01193     mudstate.tThrottleExpired = tNow + ltdHour;
01194     mudstate.pcreates_this_hour = mudconf.pcreate_per_hour;
01195 }

static void SetupThrottle ( dbref  executor  )  [static]

Definition at line 1172 of file db.cpp.

References db, CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), confdata::mail_per_hour, mudconf, s_ThAttrib, s_ThMail, CLinearTimeDelta::SetSeconds(), object::tThrottleExpired, and confdata::vattr_per_hour.

Referenced by ThrottleAttributeNames(), and ThrottleMail().

01173 {
01174     CLinearTimeAbsolute tNow;
01175     CLinearTimeDelta    ltdHour;
01177     ltdHour.SetSeconds(60*60);
01178     tNow.GetUTC();
01180     db[executor].tThrottleExpired = tNow + ltdHour;
01181     s_ThAttrib(executor, mudconf.vattr_per_hour);
01182     s_ThMail(executor, mudconf.mail_per_hour);
01183 }

bool ThrottleAttributeNames ( dbref  executor  ) 

Definition at line 1214 of file db.cpp.

References db, CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), s_ThAttrib, SetupThrottle(), and ThAttrib.

Referenced by mkattr().

01215 {
01216     if (0 < ThAttrib(executor))
01217     {
01218         s_ThAttrib(executor, ThAttrib(executor)-1);
01219         return false;
01220     }
01221     CLinearTimeAbsolute tNow;
01222     tNow.GetUTC();
01223     if (db[executor].tThrottleExpired <= tNow)
01224     {
01225         SetupThrottle(executor);
01226         return false;
01227     }
01228     return true;
01229 }

bool ThrottleMail ( dbref  executor  ) 

Definition at line 1231 of file db.cpp.

References db, CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), s_ThMail, SetupThrottle(), and ThMail.

Referenced by do_expmail_start(), do_mail_fwd(), do_mail_quick(), and do_mail_reply().

01232 {
01233     if (0 < ThMail(executor))
01234     {
01235         s_ThMail(executor, ThMail(executor)-1);
01236         return false;
01237     }
01238     CLinearTimeAbsolute tNow;
01239     tNow.GetUTC();
01240     if (db[executor].tThrottleExpired <= tNow)
01241     {
01242         SetupThrottle(executor);
01243         return false;
01244     }
01245     return true;
01246 }

bool ThrottlePlayerCreate ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1197 of file db.cpp.

References CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), mudstate, statedata::pcreates_this_hour, SetupGlobalThrottle(), and statedata::tThrottleExpired.

Referenced by create_player().

01198 {
01199     if (0 < mudstate.pcreates_this_hour)
01200     {
01201         mudstate.pcreates_this_hour--;
01202         return false;
01203     }
01204     CLinearTimeAbsolute tNow;
01205     tNow.GetUTC();
01206     if (mudstate.tThrottleExpired <= tNow)
01207     {
01208         SetupGlobalThrottle();
01209         return false;
01210     }
01211     return true;
01212 }

Variable Documentation

const int action_table[2][8] [static]

Initial value:


    { 0,   1,   3,   4,   0,   0,   0,   0}, 
    { 2,   1,   2,   2,   5,   6,   7,   8}  

Definition at line 2789 of file db.cpp.

int anum_alc_top = 0

Definition at line 1110 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by db_write(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoAT(), dbclean_CheckALISTtoDB(), dbclean_CheckANHtoAT(), dbclean_CheckATtoANH(), dbclean_RemoveStaleAttributeNames(), and dbclean_RenumberAttributes().

ATTR** anum_table = NULL

Definition at line 1109 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by anum_extend(), vattr_delete_LEN(), vattr_find_LEN(), vattr_first(), vattr_next(), and vattr_rename_LEN().

char* aszSpecialDBRefNames[1-NOPERM]

Initial value:


Definition at line 222 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by Moniker(), Name(), PureName(), unparse_object(), and unparse_object_numonly().

ATTR attr[]

Definition at line 37 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by check_attr(), get_obj_and_lock(), init_attrtab(), and parse_attrib().

OBJ* db = NULL

Definition at line 26 of file db.cpp.

Referenced by announce_connect(), announce_disconnect(), atr_add_raw_LEN(), atr_clr(), atr_free(), atr_head(), atr_next(), check_connect(), check_idle(), CGuests::Create(), create_obj(), db_free(), db_grow(), decompile_flags(), do_chown(), do_chzone(), fh_any(), fh_privileged(), flag_description(), FUNCTION(), has_flag(), initialize_objects(), link_exit(), CGuests::MakeGuestChar(), Moniker(), Name(), PureName(), purge_going(), ratio(), report_timecheck(), s_Moniker(), s_Name(), search_perform(), SetupThrottle(), shovechars(), shutdownsock(), Task_RunQueueEntry(), ThrottleAttributeNames(), ThrottleMail(), and unparse_object().

const unsigned char decode_table[256] [static]

Initial value:

    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0,
    0, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0,
    0, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 2754 of file db.cpp.

const unsigned char encode_table[256] [static]

Initial value:

    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 2956 of file db.cpp.

Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:14 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7