mux/src/functions.cpp File Reference

#include "copyright.h"
#include "autoconf.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "ansi.h"
#include "attrs.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "funmath.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "pcre.h"

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Data Structures

struct  f_record
struct  i_record
struct  i64_record


#define ASCII_LIST   1
#define NUMERIC_LIST   2
#define DBREF_LIST   4
#define FLOAT_LIST   8
#define CI_ASCII_LIST   16
#define GET_GET   1
#define GET_XGET   2
#define GET_EVAL   4
#define GET_GEVAL   8
#define IF_DELETE   0
#define IF_REPLACE   1
#define IF_INSERT   2
#define SET_UNION   1
#define SET_INTERSECT   2
#define SET_DIFF   3
#define CJC_CENTER   0
#define CJC_LJUST   1
#define CJC_RJUST   2
#define TRIM_LEFT   1
#define TRIM_RIGHT   2
#define DEFAULT_WIDTH   78
#define N_RADIX_ENTRIES   7
#define IYEARS   0
#define IMONTHS   1
#define IWEEKS   2
#define IDAYS   3
#define IHOURS   4
#define IMINUTES   5
#define ISECONDS   6


typedef void MEMXFORM (char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n)
typedef f_record f_rec
typedef i_record i_rec
typedef i64_record i64_rec


char * trim_space_sep_LEN (char *str, int nStr, SEP *sep, int *nTrim)
char * trim_space_sep (char *str, SEP *sep)
static char * next_token_LEN (char *str, int *nStr, SEP *psep)
char * next_token (char *str, SEP *psep)
static char * split_token_LEN (char **sp, int *nStr, SEP *psep, int *nToken)
char * split_token (char **sp, SEP *psep)
static int autodetect_list (char *ptrs[], int nitems)
static int get_list_type (char *fargs[], int nfargs, int type_pos, char *ptrs[], int nitems)
int list2arr (char *arr[], int maxlen, char *list, SEP *psep)
void arr2list (char *arr[], int alen, char *list, char **bufc, SEP *psep)
static int dbnum (char *dbr)
static bool nearby_or_control (dbref player, dbref thing)
bool delim_check (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs, int sep_arg, SEP *sep, int dflags)
int countwords (char *str, SEP *psep)
static FUNCTION (fun_words)
static FUNCTION (fun_flags)
static FUNCTION (fun_rand)
static FUNCTION (fun_time)
static FUNCTION (fun_secs)
static FUNCTION (fun_convsecs)
static FUNCTION (fun_convtime)
static FUNCTION (fun_starttime)
static FUNCTION (fun_timefmt)
static void get_handler (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, char *fargs[], int key)
static FUNCTION (fun_get)
static FUNCTION (fun_xget)
static FUNCTION (fun_get_eval)
static FUNCTION (fun_subeval)
static FUNCTION (fun_eval)
static void do_ufun (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs, bool is_local)
static FUNCTION (fun_u)
static FUNCTION (fun_ulocal)
static FUNCTION (fun_parent)
static FUNCTION (fun_mid)
static FUNCTION (fun_right)
static FUNCTION (fun_first)
static FUNCTION (fun_rest)
static FUNCTION (fun_v)
static FUNCTION (fun_s)
static FUNCTION (fun_con)
static FUNCTION (fun_exit)
static FUNCTION (fun_next)
static FUNCTION (fun_loc)
static FUNCTION (fun_where)
static FUNCTION (fun_rloc)
static FUNCTION (fun_room)
static FUNCTION (fun_owner)
static FUNCTION (fun_controls)
static FUNCTION (fun_fullname)
static FUNCTION (fun_name)
static FUNCTION (fun_match)
static FUNCTION (fun_strmatch)
static FUNCTION (fun_extract)
bool xlate (char *arg)
static FUNCTION (fun_index)
static FUNCTION (fun_cat)
static FUNCTION (fun_version)
static FUNCTION (fun_strlen)
static FUNCTION (fun_strmem)
static FUNCTION (fun_num)
static void internalPlayerFind (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, char *name, int bVerifyPlayer)
static FUNCTION (fun_pmatch)
static FUNCTION (fun_pfind)
static FUNCTION (fun_comp)
static FUNCTION (fun_lcon)
static FUNCTION (fun_lexits)
 FUNCTION (fun_entrances)
static FUNCTION (fun_home)
static FUNCTION (fun_money)
static FUNCTION (fun_pos)
static FUNCTION (fun_lpos)
static void do_itemfuns (char *buff, char **bufc, char *str, int el, char *word, SEP *psep, int flag)
static FUNCTION (fun_ldelete)
static FUNCTION (fun_replace)
static FUNCTION (fun_insert)
static FUNCTION (fun_remove)
static FUNCTION (fun_member)
static FUNCTION (fun_secure)
static FUNCTION (fun_escape)
static FUNCTION (fun_wordpos)
static FUNCTION (fun_type)
static bool atr_has_flag (dbref player, dbref thing, ATTR *pattr, dbref aowner, int aflags, const char *flagname)
static FUNCTION (fun_hasflag)
static FUNCTION (fun_haspower)
static FUNCTION (fun_powers)
static FUNCTION (fun_delete)
static FUNCTION (fun_lock)
static FUNCTION (fun_elock)
static FUNCTION (fun_lwho)
static FUNCTION (fun_lports)
static FUNCTION (fun_nearby)
static void process_sex (dbref player, char *what, const char *token, char *buff, char **bufc)
static FUNCTION (fun_obj)
static FUNCTION (fun_poss)
static FUNCTION (fun_subj)
static FUNCTION (fun_aposs)
static FUNCTION (fun_mudname)
static FUNCTION (fun_connrecord)
 FUNCTION (fun_fcount)
 FUNCTION (fun_fdepth)
static FUNCTION (fun_ctime)
static FUNCTION (fun_mtime)
static FUNCTION (fun_moniker)
static void ANSI_TransformTextWithTable (char *buff, char **bufc, char *pString, const unsigned char xfrmTable[256])
static FUNCTION (fun_lcstr)
static FUNCTION (fun_ucstr)
static FUNCTION (fun_capstr)
static FUNCTION (fun_lnum)
static void lattr_handler (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, char *fargs[], bool bCheckParent)
static FUNCTION (fun_lattr)
static FUNCTION (fun_lattrp)
static FUNCTION (fun_attrcnt)
static void mux_memrevcpy (char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n)
static void ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction (char *buff, char **bufc, char *pString, MEMXFORM *pfMemXForm)
static FUNCTION (fun_reverse)
static void ReverseWordsInText (char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n)
static FUNCTION (fun_revwords)
static FUNCTION (fun_after)
static FUNCTION (fun_before)
static FUNCTION (fun_search)
static FUNCTION (fun_stats)
static FUNCTION (fun_merge)
static FUNCTION (fun_splice)
static FUNCTION (fun_repeat)
static FUNCTION (fun_iter)
static void iter_value (char *buff, char **bufc, char *fargs[], int nfargs, bool bWhich)
static FUNCTION (fun_itext)
static FUNCTION (fun_inum)
static FUNCTION (fun_list)
static FUNCTION (fun_ilev)
static FUNCTION (fun_fold)
static FUNCTION (fun_itemize)
static FUNCTION (fun_choose)
static void filter_handler (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, dbref enactor, char *fargs[], SEP *psep, SEP *posep, bool bBool)
static FUNCTION (fun_filter)
static FUNCTION (fun_filterbool)
static FUNCTION (fun_map)
static FUNCTION (fun_edit)
static FUNCTION (fun_locate)
static void switch_handler (char *buff, char **bufc, dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs, bool bSwitch)
static FUNCTION (fun_switch)
static FUNCTION (fun_case)
static FUNCTION (fun_space)
static FUNCTION (fun_height)
static FUNCTION (fun_width)
static FUNCTION (fun_idle)
static FUNCTION (fun_conn)
static int DCL_CDECL a_comp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static int DCL_CDECL a_casecomp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static int DCL_CDECL f_comp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static int DCL_CDECL i_comp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static int DCL_CDECL i64_comp (const void *s1, const void *s2)
static void do_asort (char *s[], int n, int sort_type)
static FUNCTION (fun_sort)
static void handle_sets (char *fargs[], char *buff, char **bufc, int oper, SEP *psep, SEP *posep)
static FUNCTION (fun_setunion)
static FUNCTION (fun_setdiff)
static FUNCTION (fun_setinter)
static void centerjustcombo (int iType, char *buff, char **bufc, char *fargs[], int nfargs)
static FUNCTION (fun_ljust)
static FUNCTION (fun_rjust)
static FUNCTION (fun_center)
static FUNCTION (fun_setq)
static FUNCTION (fun_setr)
static FUNCTION (fun_r)
static FUNCTION (fun_isdbref)
static char * trim_fast_left (char *str, char delim)
static void trim_fast_right (char *str, char delim)
static char * trim_left (char *str, SEP *sep)
static void trim_right (char *str, SEP *sep)
static FUNCTION (fun_trim)
static FUNCTION (fun_config)
static int return_bit (dbref player)
static FUNCTION (fun_bittype)
static FUNCTION (fun_error)
static FUNCTION (fun_strip)
static char * expand_tabs (const char *str)
static int wraplen (char *str, const int nWidth, bool &newline)
static FUNCTION (fun_wrap)
static void GeneralTimeConversion (char *Buffer, long Seconds, int iStartBase, int iEndBase, bool bSingleTerm, bool bNames)
static const char * digit_format (int Seconds)
const char * time_format_1 (int Seconds, size_t maxWidth)
const char * time_format_2 (int Seconds)
static const char * expand_time (int Seconds)
static const char * write_time (int Seconds)
static FUNCTION (fun_digittime)
static FUNCTION (fun_singletime)
static FUNCTION (fun_exptime)
static FUNCTION (fun_writetime)
static FUNCTION (fun_cmds)
static FUNCTION (fun_startsecs)
static FUNCTION (fun_conntotal)
static FUNCTION (fun_connmax)
static FUNCTION (fun_connlast)
static FUNCTION (fun_connnum)
static FUNCTION (fun_connleft)
static FUNCTION (fun_lattrcmds)
static FUNCTION (fun_lcmds)
static FUNCTION (fun_lflags)
static FUNCTION (fun_art)
static FUNCTION (fun_ord)
static FUNCTION (fun_chr)
static FUNCTION (fun_stripaccents)
static FUNCTION (fun_accent)
void function_add (FUN *fp)
void functions_add (FUN funlist[])
void init_functab (void)
void do_function (dbref executor, dbref caller, dbref enactor, int key, int nargs, char *fname, char *target)
void list_functable (dbref player)
 CF_HAND (cf_func_access)


SEP sepSpace = { 1, " " }
static const char * DayOfWeekStringLong [7]
static const char * MonthTableLong []
static const int Map24to12 [24]
static ATR_HAS_FLAG_ENTRY atr_has_flag_table []
static char ReverseWordsInText_Seperator
static const RADIX_ENTRY reTable [N_RADIX_ENTRIES]
static char TimeBuffer64 [64]
static char TimeBuffer80 [80]
static int tf1_width_table [4][3]
struct {
   char *   specs [4]
   int   div [3]
tf1_case_table [4]
static const unsigned char AccentCombo1 [256]
static const unsigned char AccentCombo2 [256]
static const unsigned char AccentCombo3 [24][16]
static FUN builtin_function_list []

Define Documentation


Definition at line 298 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by autodetect_list().

#define ASCII_LIST   1

Definition at line 293 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by autodetect_list(), do_asort(), get_list_type(), and handle_sets().

#define CI_ASCII_LIST   16

Definition at line 297 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_asort(), and get_list_type().

#define CJC_CENTER   0

Definition at line 6676 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by centerjustcombo(), and FUNCTION().

#define CJC_LJUST   1

Definition at line 6677 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

#define CJC_RJUST   2

Definition at line 6678 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by centerjustcombo(), and FUNCTION().

#define DBREF_LIST   4

Definition at line 295 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by autodetect_list(), do_asort(), and get_list_type().

#define DEFAULT_WIDTH   78

Definition at line 7273 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

#define FLOAT_LIST   8

Definition at line 296 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by autodetect_list(), do_asort(), and get_list_type().

#define GET_EVAL   4

Definition at line 1236 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and get_handler().

#define GET_GET   1

Definition at line 1234 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

#define GET_GEVAL   8

Definition at line 1237 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and get_handler().

#define GET_XGET   2

Definition at line 1235 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and get_handler().

#define IDAYS   3

Definition at line 7560 of file functions.cpp.

#define IF_DELETE   0

Definition at line 3131 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_itemfuns(), and FUNCTION().

#define IF_INSERT   2

Definition at line 3133 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_itemfuns(), and FUNCTION().

#define IF_REPLACE   1

Definition at line 3132 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_itemfuns(), and FUNCTION().

#define IHOURS   4

Definition at line 7561 of file functions.cpp.

#define IMINUTES   5

Definition at line 7562 of file functions.cpp.

#define IMONTHS   1

Definition at line 7558 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by expand_time(), and write_time().

#define ISECONDS   6

Definition at line 7563 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by expand_time(), time_format_2(), and write_time().

#define IWEEKS   2

Definition at line 7559 of file functions.cpp.

#define IYEARS   0

Definition at line 7557 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by time_format_2().

#define N_RADIX_ENTRIES   7

Definition at line 7545 of file functions.cpp.

#define NUMERIC_LIST   2

Definition at line 294 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by autodetect_list(), do_asort(), and get_list_type().

#define SET_DIFF   3

Definition at line 6376 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and handle_sets().

#define SET_INTERSECT   2

Definition at line 6375 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and handle_sets().

#define SET_UNION   1

Definition at line 6374 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and handle_sets().

#define TRIM_LEFT   1

Referenced by FUNCTION().

#define TRIM_RIGHT   2

Referenced by FUNCTION().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct f_record f_rec

typedef struct i64_record i64_rec

typedef struct i_record i_rec

typedef void MEMXFORM(char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n)

Definition at line 4661 of file functions.cpp.

Function Documentation

static int DCL_CDECL a_casecomp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6229 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_stricmp().

Referenced by do_asort().

06230 {
06231     return mux_stricmp(*(char **)s1, *(char **)s2);
06232 }

static int DCL_CDECL a_comp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6224 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_asort().

06225 {
06226     return strcmp(*(char **)s1, *(char **)s2);
06227 }

static void ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
char *  pString,
) [static]

Definition at line 4663 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_lex(), LBUF_SIZE, and TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04669 {
04670     // Bounds checking.
04671     //
04672     unsigned int nString = strlen(pString);
04673     char *pBuffer = *bufc;
04674     unsigned int nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
04675     if (nString > nBufferAvailable)
04676     {
04677         nString = nBufferAvailable;
04678         pString[nString] = '\0';
04679     }
04681     // How it's done: We have a source string (pString, nString) and a
04682     // destination buffer (pBuffer, nString) of equal size.
04683     //
04684     // We recognize (ANSI,TEXT) phrases and place them at the end of
04685     // destination buffer working our way to the front. The ANSI part
04686     // is left inviolate, but the text part is reversed.
04687     //
04688     // In this way, (ANSI1,TEXT1)(ANSI2,TEXT2) is traslated into
04689     // (ANSI2,reverse(TEST2))(ANSI1,reverse(TEXT1)).
04690     //
04691     // TODO: Do not reverse the CRLF in the text part either.
04692     //
04693     int  nANSI = 0;
04694     char *pANSI = pString;
04695     pBuffer += nString;
04696     *bufc = pBuffer;
04697     **bufc = '\0';
04698     while (nString)
04699     {
04700         int nTokenLength0;
04701         int nTokenLength1;
04702         int iType = ANSI_lex(nString, pString, &nTokenLength0, &nTokenLength1);
04704         if (iType == TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI)
04705         {
04706             // (ANSI,TEXT) is given by (nANSI, nTokenLength0)
04707             //
04708             pBuffer -= nANSI + nTokenLength0;
04709             memcpy(pBuffer, pANSI, nANSI);
04710             pfMemXForm(pBuffer+nANSI, pString, nTokenLength0);
04712             // Adjust pointers and counts.
04713             //
04714             nString -= nTokenLength0;
04715             pString += nTokenLength0;
04716             pANSI = pString;
04717             nANSI = 0;
04719             nTokenLength0 = nTokenLength1;
04720         }
04721         // TOKEN_ANSI
04722         //
04723         nString -= nTokenLength0;
04724         pString += nTokenLength0;
04725         nANSI   += nTokenLength0;
04726     }
04728     // Copy the last ANSI part (if present). It will be overridden by
04729     // ANSI further on, but we need to fill up the space. Code
04730     // elsewhere will compact it before it's sent to the client.
04731     //
04732     pBuffer -= nANSI;
04733     memcpy(pBuffer, pANSI, nANSI);
04734 }

static void ANSI_TransformTextWithTable ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
char *  pString,
const unsigned char  xfrmTable[256] 
) [static]

Definition at line 4351 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_lex(), LBUF_SIZE, and TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04356 {
04357     int   nString = strlen(pString);
04358     char *pBuffer = *bufc;
04359     int   nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
04360     while (nString)
04361     {
04362         int nTokenLength0;
04363         int nTokenLength1;
04364         int iType = ANSI_lex(nString, pString, &nTokenLength0, &nTokenLength1);
04366         if (iType == TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI)
04367         {
04368             // Determine how much to move.
04369             //
04370             int nMove = nTokenLength0;
04371             if (nMove > nBufferAvailable)
04372             {
04373                 nMove = nBufferAvailable;
04374             }
04375             nBufferAvailable -= nMove;
04377             // Update pointers and counts.
04378             //
04379             char *p = pString;
04380             nString -= nTokenLength0;
04381             pString += nTokenLength0;
04383             // Transform and Move text.
04384             //
04385             while (nMove--)
04386             {
04387                 *pBuffer++ = xfrmTable[(unsigned char)*p++];
04388             }
04390             // Determine whether to move the ANSI part.
04391             //
04392             if (nTokenLength1)
04393             {
04394                 if (nTokenLength1 <= nBufferAvailable)
04395                 {
04396                     memcpy(pBuffer, pString, nTokenLength1);
04397                     pBuffer += nTokenLength1;
04398                     nBufferAvailable -= nTokenLength1;
04399                 }
04400                 nString -= nTokenLength1;
04401                 pString += nTokenLength1;
04402             }
04403         }
04404         else
04405         {
04406             // TOKEN_ANSI
04407             //
04408             // Determine whether to move the ANSI part.
04409             //
04410             if (nTokenLength0 <= nBufferAvailable)
04411             {
04412                 memcpy(pBuffer, pString, nTokenLength0);
04413                 pBuffer += nTokenLength0;
04414                 nBufferAvailable -= nTokenLength0;
04415             }
04416             nString -= nTokenLength0;
04417             pString += nTokenLength0;
04418         }
04419     }
04420     *pBuffer = '\0';
04421     *bufc = pBuffer;
04422 }

void arr2list ( char *  arr[],
int  alen,
char *  list,
char **  bufc,
SEP psep 

Definition at line 392 of file functions.cpp.

References print_sep, and safe_str.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

00393 {
00394     int i;
00395     for (i = 0; i < alen-1; i++)
00396     {
00397         safe_str(arr[i], list, bufc);
00398         print_sep(psep, list, bufc);
00399     }
00400     if (alen)
00401     {
00402         safe_str(arr[i], list, bufc);
00403     }
00404 }

static bool atr_has_flag ( dbref  player,
dbref  thing,
ATTR pattr,
dbref  aowner,
int  aflags,
const char *  flagname 
) [static]

Definition at line 3622 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_has_flag_table, ATR_HAS_FLAG_ENTRY::iMask, ATR_HAS_FLAG_ENTRY::pName, See_attr, string_prefix(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

03630 {
03631     UNUSED_PARAMETER(aowner);
03633     if (See_attr(player, thing, pattr))
03634     {
03635         ATR_HAS_FLAG_ENTRY *pEntry = atr_has_flag_table;
03636         while (pEntry->pName)
03637         {
03638             if (string_prefix(pEntry->pName, flagname))
03639             {
03640                 return ((aflags & (pEntry->iMask)) ? true : false);
03641             }
03642             pEntry++;
03643         }
03644     }
03645     return false;
03646 }

static int autodetect_list ( char *  ptrs[],
int  nitems 
) [static]

Definition at line 300 of file functions.cpp.


Referenced by get_list_type().

00301 {
00302     int could_be = ALL_LIST;
00303     for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
00304     {
00305         char *p = ptrs[i];
00306         if (p[0] != NUMBER_TOKEN)
00307         {
00308             could_be &= ~DBREF_LIST;
00309         }
00310         if (  (could_be & DBREF_LIST)
00311            && !is_integer(p+1, NULL))
00312         {
00313             could_be &= ~(DBREF_LIST|NUMERIC_LIST|FLOAT_LIST);
00314         }
00315         if (  (could_be & FLOAT_LIST)
00316            && !is_real(p))
00317         {
00318             could_be &= ~(NUMERIC_LIST|FLOAT_LIST);
00319         }
00320         if (  (could_be & NUMERIC_LIST)
00321            && !is_integer(p, NULL))
00322         {
00323             could_be &= ~NUMERIC_LIST;
00324         }
00326         if (could_be == ASCII_LIST)
00327         {
00328             return ASCII_LIST;
00329         }
00330     }
00331     if (could_be & NUMERIC_LIST)
00332     {
00333         return NUMERIC_LIST;
00334     }
00335     else if (could_be & FLOAT_LIST)
00336     {
00337         return FLOAT_LIST;
00338     }
00339     else if (could_be & DBREF_LIST)
00340     {
00341         return DBREF_LIST;
00342     }
00343     return ASCII_LIST;
00344 }

static void centerjustcombo ( int  iType,
char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs 
) [static]

Definition at line 6681 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_ENDGOAL_LEAK, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL, ANSI_String_Copy(), ANSI_String_Finalize(), ANSI_String_In_Init(), ANSI_String_Out_Init(), ANSI_String_Skip(), ANSI_TruncateToField(), CJC_CENTER, CJC_RJUST, is_integer(), LBUF_SIZE, mux_atol(), RemoveSetOfCharacters(), safe_copy_buf(), safe_fill(), safe_range, and SBUF_SIZE.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

06688 {
06689     // Width must be a number.
06690     //
06691     if (!is_integer(fargs[1], NULL))
06692     {
06693         return;
06694     }
06695     int width = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
06696     if (width <= 0 || LBUF_SIZE <= width)
06697     {
06698         safe_range(buff, bufc);
06699         return;
06700     }
06702     // Determine string to pad with.
06703     //
06704     int  vwPad = 0;
06705     int  nPad = -1;
06706     char aPad[SBUF_SIZE];
06707     struct ANSI_In_Context  aic;
06708     struct ANSI_Out_Context aoc;
06709     if (nfargs == 3 && *fargs[2])
06710     {
06711         char *p = RemoveSetOfCharacters(fargs[2], "\r\n\t");
06712         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, p, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06713         ANSI_String_Out_Init(&aoc, aPad, sizeof(aPad), sizeof(aPad), ANSI_ENDGOAL_LEAK);
06714         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, sizeof(aPad));
06715         nPad = ANSI_String_Finalize(&aoc, &vwPad);
06716     }
06717     if (nPad <= 0)
06718     {
06719         aPad[0] = ' ';
06720         aPad[1] = '\0';
06721         nPad    = 1;
06722         vwPad   = 1;
06723     }
06725     int  vwStr;
06726     char aStr[LBUF_SIZE];
06727     int nStr = ANSI_TruncateToField(fargs[0], sizeof(aStr), aStr,
06728         width, &vwStr, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06730     // If the visual width of the text fits exactly into the field,
06731     // then we are done. ANSI_TruncateToField insures that it's
06732     // never larger.
06733     //
06734     if (vwStr == width)
06735     {
06736         safe_copy_buf(aStr, nStr, buff, bufc);
06737         return;
06738     }
06740     int vwLeading = 0;
06741     if (iType == CJC_CENTER)
06742     {
06743         vwLeading = (width - vwStr)/2;
06744     }
06745     else if (iType == CJC_RJUST)
06746     {
06747         vwLeading = width - vwStr;
06748     }
06749     int vwTrailing      = width - vwLeading - vwStr;
06751     // Shortcut this function if nPad == 1 (i.e., the padding is a single
06752     // character).
06753     //
06754     if (nPad == 1 && vwPad == 1)
06755     {
06756         safe_fill(buff, bufc, aPad[0], vwLeading);
06757         safe_copy_buf(aStr, nStr, buff, bufc);
06758         safe_fill(buff, bufc, aPad[0], vwTrailing);
06759         return;
06760     }
06763     // Calculate the necessary info about the leading padding.
06764     // The origin on the padding is at byte 0 at beginning of the
06765     // field (this may cause mis-syncronization on the screen if
06766     // the same background padding string is used on several lines
06767     // with each idented from column 0 by a different amount.
06768     // There is nothing center() can do about this issue. You are
06769     // on your own.
06770     //
06771     // Padding is repeated nLeadFull times and then a partial string
06772     // of vwLeadPartial visual width is tacked onto the end.
06773     //
06774     // vwLeading == nLeadFull * vwPad + vwLeadPartial
06775     //
06776     int nLeadFull     = 0;
06777     int vwLeadPartial = 0;
06778     if (vwLeading)
06779     {
06780         nLeadFull     = vwLeading / vwPad;
06781         vwLeadPartial = vwLeading - nLeadFull * vwPad;
06782     }
06784     // Calculate the necessary info about the trailing padding.
06785     //
06786     // vwTrailing == vwTrailPartial0 + nTrailFull * vwPad
06787     //             + vwTrailPartial1
06788     //
06789     int vwTrailSkip0    = 0;
06790     int vwTrailPartial0 = 0;
06791     int nTrailFull      = 0;
06792     int vwTrailPartial1 = 0;
06793     if (vwTrailing)
06794     {
06795         vwTrailSkip0    = (vwLeading + vwStr) % vwPad;
06796         vwTrailPartial0 = 0;
06797         if (vwTrailSkip0)
06798         {
06799             vwTrailPartial0 = vwPad - vwTrailSkip0;
06800             if (vwTrailing < vwTrailPartial0)
06801             {
06802                 vwTrailPartial0 = vwTrailing;
06803                 vwTrailing = 0;
06804             }
06805             else
06806             {
06807                 vwTrailing -= vwTrailPartial0;
06808             }
06809         }
06810         nTrailFull      = vwTrailing / vwPad;
06811         vwTrailPartial1 = vwTrailing - nTrailFull * vwPad;
06812     }
06814     int nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
06815     ANSI_String_Out_Init(&aoc, *bufc, nBufferAvailable,
06817     int    vwDone;
06819     // Output the runs of full leading padding.
06820     //
06821     int i, n;
06822     for (i = 0; i < nLeadFull; i++)
06823     {
06824         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aPad, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06825         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, vwPad);
06826     }
06828     // Output the partial leading padding segment.
06829     //
06830     if (vwLeadPartial > 0)
06831     {
06832         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aPad, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06833         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, vwLeadPartial);
06834     }
06836     // Output the main string to be centered.
06837     //
06838     if (nStr > 0)
06839     {
06840         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aStr, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06841         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, LBUF_SIZE-1);
06842     }
06844     // Output the first partial trailing padding segment.
06845     //
06846     if (vwTrailPartial0 > 0)
06847     {
06848         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aPad, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06849         ANSI_String_Skip(&aic, vwTrailSkip0, &vwDone);
06850         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, vwTrailPartial0);
06851     }
06853     // Output the runs of full trailing padding.
06854     //
06855     for (i = 0; i < nTrailFull; i++)
06856     {
06857         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aPad, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06858         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, vwPad);
06859     }
06861     // Output the second partial trailing padding segment.
06862     //
06863     if (vwTrailPartial1 > 0)
06864     {
06865         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, aPad, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
06866         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, vwTrailPartial1);
06867     }
06869     n = ANSI_String_Finalize(&aoc, &vwDone);
06870     *bufc += n;
06871 }

CF_HAND ( cf_func_access   ) 

Definition at line 9125 of file functions.cpp.

References cf_log_notfound(), cf_modify_bits(), statedata::func_htab, hashfindLEN(), mudstate, mux_isspace, mux_tolower, ufun::perms, tagFun::perms, statedata::ufunc_htab, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

09126 {
09127     UNUSED_PARAMETER(vp);
09129     char *ap;
09130     for (ap = str; *ap && !mux_isspace(*ap); ap++)
09131     {
09132         *ap = mux_tolower(*ap); // Nothing.
09133     }
09134     int nstr = ap - str;
09136     if (*ap)
09137     {
09138         *ap++ = '\0';
09139     }
09141     FUN *fp = (FUN *)hashfindLEN(str, nstr, &mudstate.func_htab);
09142     if (fp)
09143     {
09144         return cf_modify_bits(&fp->perms, ap, pExtra, nExtra, player, cmd);
09145     }
09146     UFUN *ufp = (UFUN *)hashfindLEN(str, nstr, &mudstate.ufunc_htab);
09147     if (ufp)
09148     {
09149         return cf_modify_bits(&ufp->perms, ap, pExtra, nExtra, player, cmd);
09150     }
09151     cf_log_notfound(player, cmd, "Function", str);
09152     return -1;
09153 }

int countwords ( char *  str,
SEP psep 

Definition at line 540 of file functions.cpp.

References next_token(), and trim_space_sep().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

00541 {
00542     int n;
00544     str = trim_space_sep(str, psep);
00545     if (!*str)
00546     {
00547         return 0;
00548     }
00549     for (n = 0; str; str = next_token(str, psep), n++)
00550     {
00551         ; // Nothing.
00552     }
00553     return n;
00554 }

static int dbnum ( char *  dbr  )  [static]

Definition at line 406 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol().

Referenced by do_asort().

00407 {
00408     if (dbr[0] != '#' || dbr[1] == '\0')
00409     {
00410         return 0;
00411     }
00412     else
00413     {
00414         return mux_atol(dbr + 1);
00415     }
00416 }

bool delim_check ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs,
char *  cargs[],
int  ncargs,
int  sep_arg,
SEP sep,
int  dflags 

Definition at line 443 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, DELIM_EVAL, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, free_lbuf, MAX_SEP_LEN, mux_exec(), SEP::n, NULL_DELIM_VAR, safe_str, and SEP::str.

00450 {
00451     bool bSuccess = true;
00452     if (sep_arg <= nfargs)
00453     {
00454         // First, we decide whether to evalute fargs[sep_arg-1] or not.
00455         //
00456         char *tstr = fargs[sep_arg-1];
00457         int tlen = strlen(tstr);
00459         if (tlen <= 1)
00460         {
00461             dflags &= ~DELIM_EVAL;
00462         }
00463         if (dflags & DELIM_EVAL)
00464         {
00465             char *str = tstr;
00466             char *bp = tstr = alloc_lbuf("delim_check");
00467             mux_exec(tstr, &bp, executor, caller, enactor,
00468                      EV_EVAL | EV_FCHECK, &str, cargs, ncargs);
00469             *bp = '\0';
00470             tlen = bp - tstr;
00471         }
00473         // Regardless of evaulation or no, tstr contains what we need to
00474         // look at, and tlen is the length of this string.
00475         //
00476         if (tlen == 1)
00477         {
00478             sep->n      = 1;
00479             memcpy(sep->str, tstr, tlen+1);
00480         }
00481         else if (tlen == 0)
00482         {
00483             sep->n      = 1;
00484             memcpy(sep->str, " ", 2);
00485         }
00486         else if (  tlen == 2
00487                 && (dflags & DELIM_NULL)
00488                 && memcmp(tstr, NULL_DELIM_VAR, 2) == 0)
00489         {
00490             sep->n      = 0;
00491             sep->str[0] = '\0';
00492         }
00493         else if (  tlen == 2
00494                 && (dflags & DELIM_EVAL)
00495                 && memcmp(tstr, "\r\n", 2) == 0)
00496         {
00497             sep->n      = 2;
00498             memcpy(sep->str, "\r\n", 3);
00499         }
00500         else if (dflags & DELIM_STRING)
00501         {
00502             if (tlen <= MAX_SEP_LEN)
00503             {
00504                 sep->n = tlen;
00505                 memcpy(sep->str, tstr, tlen);
00506                 sep->str[sep->n] = '\0';
00507             }
00508             else
00509             {
00510                 safe_str("#-1 SEPARATOR IS TOO LARGE", buff, bufc);
00511                 bSuccess = false;
00512             }
00513         }
00514         else
00515         {
00516             safe_str("#-1 SEPARATOR MUST BE ONE CHARACTER", buff, bufc);
00517             bSuccess = false;
00518         }
00520         // Clean up the evaluation buffer.
00521         //
00522         if (dflags & DELIM_EVAL)
00523         {
00524             free_lbuf(tstr);
00525         }
00526     }
00527     else if (!(dflags & DELIM_INIT))
00528     {
00529         sep->n      = 1;
00530         memcpy(sep->str, " ", 2);
00531     }
00532     return bSuccess;
00533 }

static const char* digit_format ( int  Seconds  )  [static]

Definition at line 7652 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07653 {
07654     if (Seconds < 0)
07655     {
07656         Seconds = 0;
07657     }
07659     // We are showing the time in minutes. 59s --> 0m
07660     //
07662     // Divide the time down into days, hours, and minutes.
07663     //
07664     int Days = Seconds / 86400;
07665     Seconds -= Days * 86400;
07667     int Hours = Seconds / 3600;
07668     Seconds -= Hours * 3600;
07670     int Minutes = Seconds / 60;
07672     if (Days > 0)
07673     {
07674         sprintf(TimeBuffer80, "%dd %02d:%02d", Days, Hours, Minutes);
07675     }
07676     else
07677     {
07678         sprintf(TimeBuffer80, "%02d:%02d", Hours, Minutes);
07679     }
07680     return TimeBuffer80;
07681 }

static void do_asort ( char *  s[],
int  n,
int  sort_type 
) [static]

Definition at line 6273 of file functions.cpp.

References a_casecomp(), a_comp(), ASCII_LIST, CI_ASCII_LIST, f_record::data, i_record::data, i64_record::data, dbnum(), DBREF_LIST, f_comp(), FLOAT_LIST, i64_comp(), i_comp(), ISOUTOFMEMORY, MEMALLOC, MEMFREE, mux_atof(), mux_atoi64(), and NUMERIC_LIST.

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and handle_sets().

06274 {
06275     int i;
06276     f_rec *fp;
06277     i_rec *ip;
06278     i64_rec *i64p;
06280     switch (sort_type)
06281     {
06282     case ASCII_LIST:
06283         qsort(s, n, sizeof(char *), a_comp);
06284         break;
06286     case NUMERIC_LIST:
06287         i64p = (i64_rec *) MEMALLOC(n * sizeof(i64_rec));
06288         ISOUTOFMEMORY(i64p);
06289         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06290         {
06291             i64p[i].str = s[i];
06292             i64p[i].data = mux_atoi64(s[i]);
06293         }
06294         qsort(i64p, n, sizeof(i64_rec), i64_comp);
06295         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06296         {
06297             s[i] = i64p[i].str;
06298         }
06299         MEMFREE(i64p);
06300         i64p = NULL;
06301         break;
06303     case DBREF_LIST:
06304         ip = (i_rec *) MEMALLOC(n * sizeof(i_rec));
06305         ISOUTOFMEMORY(ip);
06306         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06307         {
06308             ip[i].str = s[i];
06309             ip[i].data = dbnum(s[i]);
06310         }
06311         qsort(ip, n, sizeof(i_rec), i_comp);
06312         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06313         {
06314             s[i] = ip[i].str;
06315         }
06316         MEMFREE(ip);
06317         ip = NULL;
06318         break;
06320     case FLOAT_LIST:
06321         fp = (f_rec *) MEMALLOC(n * sizeof(f_rec));
06322         ISOUTOFMEMORY(fp);
06323         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06324         {
06325             fp[i].str = s[i];
06326             fp[i].data = mux_atof(s[i], false);
06327         }
06328         qsort(fp, n, sizeof(f_rec), f_comp);
06329         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
06330         {
06331             s[i] = fp[i].str;
06332         }
06333         MEMFREE(fp);
06334         fp = NULL;
06335         break;
06337     case CI_ASCII_LIST:
06338         qsort(s, n, sizeof(char *), a_casecomp);
06339         break;
06340     }
06341 }

void do_function ( dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
int  key,
int  nargs,
char *  fname,
char *  target 

Definition at line 8937 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_sbuf, ufun::atr, atr_num(), CA_PUBLIC, Controls, ufun::flags, FN_LIST, FN_PRES, FN_PRIV, free_sbuf, statedata::func_htab, hashaddLEN(), hashfindLEN(), ISOUTOFMEMORY, MEMALLOC, mudstate, mux_strlwr(), mux_strupr(), ufun::name, attr::name, ufun::next, NOMATCH_MESSAGE, NOPERM_MESSAGE, notify, notify_quiet, attr::number, ufun::obj, parse_attrib(), ufun::perms, Quiet, safe_sb_str, See_attr, StringClone(), tprintf(), ufun_head, statedata::ufunc_htab, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08946 {
08947     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08948     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08949     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nargs);
08951     UFUN *ufp, *ufp2;
08952     ATTR *ap;
08954     if ((key & FN_LIST) || !fname || *fname == '\0')
08955     {
08956         notify(executor, tprintf("%-28s   %-8s  %-30s Flgs",
08957             "Function Name", "DBref#", "Attribute"));
08958         notify(executor, tprintf("%28s   %8s  %30s %4s",
08959             "----------------------------", "--------",
08960             "------------------------------", " -- "));
08962         int count = 0;
08963         for (ufp2 = ufun_head; ufp2; ufp2 = ufp2->next)
08964         {
08965             const char *pName = "(WARNING: Bad Attribute Number)";
08966             ap = atr_num(ufp2->atr);
08967             if (ap)
08968             {
08969                 pName = ap->name;
08970             }
08971             notify(executor, tprintf("%-28.28s   #%-7d  %-30.30s  %c%c",
08972                 ufp2->name, ufp2->obj, pName, ((ufp2->flags & FN_PRIV) ? 'W' : '-'),
08973                 ((ufp2->flags & FN_PRES) ? 'p' : '-')));
08974             count++;
08975         }
08977         notify(executor, tprintf("%28s   %8s  %30s %4s",
08978             "----------------------------", "--------",
08979             "------------------------------", " -- "));
08981         notify(executor, tprintf("Total User-Defined Functions: %d", count));
08982         return;
08983     }
08985     char *np, *bp;
08986     ATTR *pattr;
08987     dbref obj;
08989     // Make a local uppercase copy of the function name.
08990     //
08991     bp = np = alloc_sbuf("add_user_func");
08992     safe_sb_str(fname, np, &bp);
08993     *bp = '\0';
08994     mux_strlwr(np);
08996     // Verify that the function doesn't exist in the builtin table.
08997     //
08998     if (hashfindLEN(np, strlen(np), &mudstate.func_htab) != NULL)
08999     {
09000         notify_quiet(executor, "Function already defined in builtin function table.");
09001         free_sbuf(np);
09002         return;
09003     }
09005     // Make sure the target object exists.
09006     //
09007     if (!parse_attrib(executor, target, &obj, &pattr))
09008     {
09009         notify_quiet(executor, NOMATCH_MESSAGE);
09010         free_sbuf(np);
09011         return;
09012     }
09015     // Make sure the attribute exists.
09016     //
09017     if (!pattr)
09018     {
09019         notify_quiet(executor, "No such attribute.");
09020         free_sbuf(np);
09021         return;
09022     }
09024     // Make sure attribute is readably by me.
09025     //
09026     if (!See_attr(executor, obj, pattr))
09027     {
09028         notify_quiet(executor, NOPERM_MESSAGE);
09029         free_sbuf(np);
09030         return;
09031     }
09033     // Privileged functions require you control the obj.
09034     //
09035     if ((key & FN_PRIV) && !Controls(executor, obj))
09036     {
09037         notify_quiet(executor, NOPERM_MESSAGE);
09038         free_sbuf(np);
09039         return;
09040     }
09042     // See if function already exists.  If so, redefine it.
09043     //
09044     ufp = (UFUN *) hashfindLEN(np, strlen(np), &mudstate.ufunc_htab);
09046     if (!ufp)
09047     {
09048         ufp = (UFUN *) MEMALLOC(sizeof(UFUN));
09049         ISOUTOFMEMORY(ufp);
09050         ufp->name = StringClone(np);
09051         mux_strupr(ufp->name);
09052         ufp->obj = obj;
09053         ufp->atr = pattr->number;
09054         ufp->perms = CA_PUBLIC;
09055         ufp->next = NULL;
09056         if (!ufun_head)
09057         {
09058             ufun_head = ufp;
09059         }
09060         else
09061         {
09062             for (ufp2 = ufun_head; ufp2->next; ufp2 = ufp2->next)
09063             {
09064                 // Nothing
09065                 ;
09066             }
09067             ufp2->next = ufp;
09068         }
09069         hashaddLEN(np, strlen(np), ufp, &mudstate.ufunc_htab);
09070     }
09071     ufp->obj = obj;
09072     ufp->atr = pattr->number;
09073     ufp->flags = key;
09074     free_sbuf(np);
09075     if (!Quiet(executor))
09076     {
09077         notify_quiet(executor, tprintf("Function %s defined.", fname));
09078     }
09079 }

static void do_itemfuns ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
char *  str,
int  el,
char *  word,
SEP psep,
int  flag 
) [static]

Definition at line 3135 of file functions.cpp.

References IF_DELETE, IF_INSERT, IF_REPLACE, next_token_LEN(), safe_chr, safe_copy_buf(), safe_str, split_token_LEN(), SEP::str, and trim_space_sep_LEN().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

03137 {
03138     int ct;
03139     char *sptr, *iptr, *eptr;
03140     int slen = 0, ilen = 0, elen = 0;
03141     bool overrun;
03143     // If passed a null string return an empty string, except that we
03144     // are allowed to append to a null string.
03145     //
03146     if (  (  !str
03147           || !*str)
03148        && (  flag != IF_INSERT
03149           || el != 1))
03150     {
03151         return;
03152     }
03153     int nStr = strlen(str);
03155     // We can't fiddle with anything before the first position.
03156     //
03157     if (el < 1)
03158     {
03159         safe_copy_buf(str, nStr, buff, bufc);
03160         return;
03161     }
03163     // Split the list up into 'before', 'target', and 'after' chunks
03164     // pointed to by sptr, iptr, and eptr respectively.
03165     //
03166     if (el == 1)
03167     {
03168         // No 'before' portion, just split off element 1
03169         //
03170         sptr = NULL;
03171         slen = 0;
03172         if (!str || !*str)
03173         {
03174             eptr = NULL;
03175             iptr = NULL;
03176         }
03177         else
03178         {
03179             eptr = trim_space_sep_LEN(str, nStr, psep, &elen);
03180             iptr = split_token_LEN(&eptr, &elen, psep, &ilen);
03181         }
03182     }
03183     else
03184     {
03185         // Break off 'before' portion.
03186         //
03187         sptr = eptr = trim_space_sep_LEN(str, nStr, psep, &elen);
03188         overrun = true;
03189         for (  ct = el;
03190                ct > 2 && eptr;
03191                eptr = next_token_LEN(eptr, &elen, psep), ct--)
03192         {
03193             // Nothing
03194         }
03195         if (eptr)
03196         {
03197             // Note: We are using (iptr,ilen) temporarily. It
03198             // doesn't represent the 'target' word, but the
03199             // the last token in the 'before' portion.
03200             //
03201             overrun = false;
03202             iptr = split_token_LEN(&eptr, &elen, psep, &ilen);
03203             slen = (iptr - sptr) + ilen;
03204         }
03206         // If we didn't make it to the target element, just return
03207         // the string. Insert is allowed to continue if we are exactly
03208         // at the end of the string, but replace and delete are not.
03209         //
03210         if (!(  eptr
03211              || (  flag == IF_INSERT
03212                 && !overrun)))
03213         {
03214             safe_copy_buf(str, nStr, buff, bufc);
03215             return;
03216         }
03218         // Split the 'target' word from the 'after' portion.
03219         //
03220         if (eptr)
03221         {
03222             iptr = split_token_LEN(&eptr, &elen, psep, &ilen);
03223         }
03224         else
03225         {
03226             iptr = NULL;
03227             ilen = 0;
03228         }
03229     }
03231     switch (flag)
03232     {
03233     case IF_DELETE:
03235         // deletion
03236         //
03237         if (sptr)
03238         {
03239             safe_copy_buf(sptr, slen, buff, bufc);
03240             if (eptr)
03241             {
03242                 safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03243             }
03244         }
03245         if (eptr)
03246         {
03247             safe_copy_buf(eptr, elen, buff, bufc);
03248         }
03249         break;
03251     case IF_REPLACE:
03253         // replacing.
03254         //
03255         if (sptr)
03256         {
03257             safe_copy_buf(sptr, slen, buff, bufc);
03258             safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03259         }
03260         safe_str(word, buff, bufc);
03261         if (eptr)
03262         {
03263             safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03264             safe_copy_buf(eptr, elen, buff, bufc);
03265         }
03266         break;
03268     case IF_INSERT:
03270         // Insertion.
03271         //
03272         if (sptr)
03273         {
03274             safe_copy_buf(sptr, slen, buff, bufc);
03275             safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03276         }
03277         safe_str(word, buff, bufc);
03278         if (iptr)
03279         {
03280             safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03281             safe_copy_buf(iptr, ilen, buff, bufc);
03282         }
03283         if (eptr)
03284         {
03285             safe_chr(psep->str[0], buff, bufc);
03286             safe_copy_buf(eptr, elen, buff, bufc);
03287         }
03288         break;
03289     }
03290 }

static void do_ufun ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs,
char *  cargs[],
int  ncargs,
bool  is_local 
) [static]

Definition at line 1376 of file functions.cpp.

References EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, free_lbuf, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS, mux_exec(), parse_and_get_attrib(), PopIntegers(), PopPointers(), PushIntegers(), PushPointers(), restore_global_regs(), save_global_regs(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

01381 {
01382     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01383     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01384     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01386     char *atext;
01387     dbref thing;
01388     if (!parse_and_get_attrib(executor, fargs, &atext, &thing, buff, bufc))
01389     {
01390         return;
01391     }
01393     // If we're evaluating locally, preserve the global registers.
01394     //
01395     char **preserve = NULL;
01396     int *preserve_len = NULL;
01397     if (is_local)
01398     {
01399         preserve = PushPointers(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
01400         preserve_len = PushIntegers(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
01401         save_global_regs("fun_ulocal_save", preserve, preserve_len);
01402     }
01404     // Evaluate it using the rest of the passed function args.
01405     //
01406     char *str = atext;
01407     mux_exec(buff, bufc, thing, executor, enactor, EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL,
01408         &str, &(fargs[1]), nfargs - 1);
01409     free_lbuf(atext);
01411     // If we're evaluating locally, restore the preserved registers.
01412     //
01413     if (is_local)
01414     {
01415         restore_global_regs("fun_ulocal_restore", preserve, preserve_len);
01416         PopIntegers(preserve_len, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
01417         PopPointers(preserve, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
01418     }
01419 }

static char* expand_tabs ( const char *  str  )  [static]

Definition at line 7274 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_ATTR_CMD, BEEP_CHAR, ESC_CHAR, LBUF_SIZE, safe_chr, and safe_fill().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07275 {
07276     static char tbuf1[LBUF_SIZE];
07277     char *bp = tbuf1;
07279     if (str)
07280     {
07281         unsigned int n = 0;
07282         bool ansi = false;
07284         for (unsigned int i = 0; str[i]; i++)
07285         {
07286             switch (str[i])
07287             {
07288             case '\t':
07289                 safe_fill(tbuf1, &bp, ' ', 8 - n % 8);
07290                 continue;
07291             case '\r':
07292                 // FALL THROUGH
07293             case '\n':
07294                 n = 0;
07295                 break;
07296             case ESC_CHAR:
07297                 ansi = true;
07298                 break;
07299             case ANSI_ATTR_CMD:
07300                 if (ansi)
07301                 {
07302                     ansi = false;
07303                 }
07304                 else
07305                 {
07306                     n++;
07307                 }
07308                 break;
07309             case BEEP_CHAR:
07310                 break;
07311             default:
07312                 if (!ansi)
07313                 {
07314                     n++;
07315                 }
07316             }
07317             safe_chr(str[i], tbuf1, &bp);
07318         }
07319     }
07320     *bp = '\0';
07321     return tbuf1;
07322 }

static const char* expand_time ( int  Seconds  )  [static]

Definition at line 7789 of file functions.cpp.

References GeneralTimeConversion(), IMONTHS, and ISECONDS.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07790 {
07791     // 2^63/2592000 is 3558399705577 which is at most 13 digits.
07792     // '(13)M (1)w (1)d (2)h (2)m (2)s\0' is at most 33 characters.
07793     //
07794     GeneralTimeConversion(TimeBuffer64, Seconds, IMONTHS, ISECONDS, false, false);
07795     return TimeBuffer64;
07796 }

static int DCL_CDECL f_comp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6234 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_asort().

06235 {
06236     if (((f_rec *) s1)->data > ((f_rec *) s2)->data)
06237     {
06238         return 1;
06239     }
06240     else if (((f_rec *) s1)->data < ((f_rec *) s2)->data)
06241     {
06242         return -1;
06243     }
06244     return 0;
06245 }

static void filter_handler ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
dbref  enactor,
char *  fargs[],
SEP psep,
SEP posep,
bool  bBool 
) [static]

Definition at line 5592 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, free_lbuf, statedata::func_invk_ctr, confdata::func_invk_lim, mudconf, mudstate, mux_exec(), MuxAlarm, parse_and_get_attrib(), print_sep, safe_str, split_token(), trim_space_sep(), and xlate().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

05594 {
05595     char *atext;
05596     dbref thing;
05597     if (!parse_and_get_attrib(executor, fargs, &atext, &thing, buff, bufc))
05598     {
05599         return;
05600     }
05602     // Now iteratively eval the attrib with the argument list.
05603     //
05604     char *curr = trim_space_sep(fargs[1], psep);
05605     char *cp = curr;
05606     char *atextbuf = alloc_lbuf("fun_filter");
05607     char *result = alloc_lbuf("fun_filter");
05608     bool bFirst = true;
05609     while (  cp
05610           && mudstate.func_invk_ctr < mudconf.func_invk_lim
05611           && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)
05612     {
05613         char *objstring = split_token(&cp, psep);
05614         strcpy(atextbuf, atext);
05615         char *bp = result;
05616         char *str = atextbuf;
05617         mux_exec(result, &bp, thing, executor, enactor,
05618             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, &objstring, 1);
05619         *bp = '\0';
05621         if (  (  bBool
05622               && xlate(result))
05623            || (  !bBool
05624               && result[0] == '1'
05625               && result[1] == '\0'))
05626         {
05627             if (!bFirst)
05628             {
05629                 print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
05630             }
05631             safe_str(objstring, buff, bufc);
05632             bFirst = false;
05633         }
05634     }
05635     free_lbuf(result);
05636     free_lbuf(atext);
05637     free_lbuf(atextbuf);
05638 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_accent   )  [static]

Definition at line 8506 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_isprint, safe_chr, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08507 {
08508     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
08509     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08510     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08511     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08512     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08513     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08515     size_t n = strlen(fargs[0]);
08516     if (n != strlen(fargs[1]))
08517     {
08518         safe_str("#-1 STRING LENGTHS MUST BE EQUAL", buff, bufc);
08519         return;
08520     }
08522     const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)fargs[0];
08523     const unsigned char *q = (unsigned char *)fargs[1];
08525     while (*p)
08526     {
08527         unsigned char ch = '\0';
08528         unsigned char ch0 = AccentCombo1[*p];
08529         if (ch0)
08530         {
08531             unsigned char ch1 = AccentCombo2[*q];
08532             if (ch1)
08533             {
08534                 ch  = AccentCombo3[ch0-1][ch1];
08535             }
08536         }
08537         if (!mux_isprint(ch))
08538         {
08539             ch = *p;
08540         }
08541         safe_chr(ch, buff, bufc);
08543         p++;
08544         q++;
08545     }
08546 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_stripaccents   )  [static]

Definition at line 8406 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_copy_buf(), strip_accents(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08407 {
08408     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
08409     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08410     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08411     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08412     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08413     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08415     size_t nLen;
08416     char *p = strip_accents(fargs[0], &nLen);
08417     safe_copy_buf(p, nLen, buff, bufc);
08418 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_chr   )  [static]

Definition at line 8373 of file functions.cpp.

References is_integer(), mux_atol(), mux_isprint, safe_chr, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08374 {
08375     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
08376     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08377     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08378     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08379     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08380     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08382     if (!is_integer(fargs[0], NULL))
08383     {
08384         safe_str("#-1 ARGUMENT MUST BE A NUMBER", buff, bufc);
08385         return;
08386     }
08387     int ch = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
08388     if (  ch < 0
08389        || (int) UCHAR_MAX < ch)
08390     {
08391         safe_str("#-1 THIS ISN'T UNICODE", buff, bufc);
08392     }
08393     else if (mux_isprint(ch))
08394     {
08395         safe_chr(ch, buff, bufc);
08396     }
08397     else
08398     {
08399         safe_str("#-1 UNPRINTABLE CHARACTER", buff, bufc);
08400     }
08401 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ord   )  [static]

Definition at line 8345 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_ltoa(), safe_str, strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08346 {
08347     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
08348     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08349     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08350     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08351     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08352     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08354     size_t n;
08355     char *p  = strip_ansi(fargs[0], &n);
08356     if (n == 1)
08357     {
08358         unsigned char ch = p[0];
08359         safe_ltoa(ch, buff, bufc);
08360     }
08361     else
08362     {
08363         safe_str("#-1 FUNCTION EXPECTS ONE CHARACTER", buff, bufc);
08364     }
08365 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_art   )  [static]

Definition at line 8298 of file functions.cpp.

References confdata::art_rules, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, ArtRuleset::m_bUseAn, ArtRuleset::m_pNextRule, ArtRuleset::m_pRegexp, ArtRuleset::m_pRegexpStudy, mudconf, mux_strlwr(), MuxAlarm, pcre_exec(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08299 {
08300     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
08301     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08302     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08303     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08304     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08305     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08307     const int ovecsize = 33;
08308     int ovec[ovecsize];
08310     // Drop the input string into lower case.
08311     //
08312     mux_strlwr(fargs[0]);
08314     // Search for exceptions.
08315     //
08316     ArtRuleset *arRule = mudconf.art_rules;
08318     while (arRule != NULL)
08319     {
08320         pcre* reRuleRegexp = (pcre *) arRule->m_pRegexp;
08321         pcre_extra* reRuleStudy = (pcre_extra *) arRule->m_pRegexpStudy;
08323         if (  !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed
08324            && pcre_exec(reRuleRegexp, reRuleStudy, fargs[0], strlen(fargs[0]),
08325                 0, 0, ovec, ovecsize) > 0)
08326         {
08327             safe_str(arRule->m_bUseAn ? "an" : "a", buff, bufc);
08328             return;
08329         }
08331         arRule = arRule->m_pNextRule;
08332     }
08334     // Default to 'a'.
08335     //
08336     safe_str( "a", buff, bufc);
08337 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lflags   )  [static]

Definition at line 8221 of file functions.cpp.

References flag_name_entry::bPositive, CA_ADMIN, CA_GOD, CA_STAFF, CA_WIZARD, CONNECTED, db, Examinable, flag_name_entry::fbe, FLAG_WORD2, flag_bit_entry::flagflag, flag_name_entry::flagname, flag_bit_entry::flagvalue, gen_flag_names, God, Good_obj, Hidden, isPlayer, flag_bit_entry::listperm, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, confdata::pub_flags, safe_chr, safe_match_result(), safe_str, See_Hidden, Staff, UNUSED_PARAMETER, Wizard, and WizRoy.

08222 {
08223     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08224     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08225     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08226     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08227     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08229     dbref target = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
08230     if (!Good_obj(target))
08231     {
08232         safe_match_result(target, buff, bufc);
08233         return;
08234     }
08235     bool bFirst = true;
08236     if (  mudconf.pub_flags
08237        || Examinable(executor, target))
08238     {
08239         FLAGNAMEENT *fp;
08240         for (fp = gen_flag_names; fp->flagname; fp++)
08241         {
08242             if (!fp->bPositive)
08243             {
08244                 continue;
08245             }
08246             FLAGBITENT *fbe = fp->fbe;
08247             if (db[target].fs.word[fbe->flagflag] & fbe->flagvalue)
08248             {
08249                 if (  (  (fbe->listperm & CA_STAFF)
08250                       && !Staff(executor))
08251                    || (  (fbe->listperm & CA_ADMIN)
08252                       && !WizRoy(executor))
08253                    || (  (fbe->listperm & CA_WIZARD)
08254                       && !Wizard(executor))
08255                    || (  (fbe->listperm & CA_GOD)
08256                       && !God(executor)))
08257                 {
08258                     continue;
08259                 }
08260                 if (  isPlayer(target)
08261                    && (fbe->flagvalue == CONNECTED)
08262                    && (fbe->flagflag == FLAG_WORD2)
08263                    && Hidden(target)
08264                    && !See_Hidden(executor))
08265                 {
08266                     continue;
08267                 }
08269                 if (!bFirst)
08270                 {
08271                     safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
08272                 }
08273                 bFirst = false;
08275                 safe_str(fp->flagname, buff, bufc);
08276             }
08277         }
08278     }
08279     else
08280     {
08281         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
08282     }
08283 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lcmds   )  [static]

Definition at line 8120 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, atr_get_str(), atr_num(), DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, free_lbuf, mux_strlwr(), NOTHING, attr::number, olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), olist_push(), OPTIONAL_DELIM, parse_attrib_wild(), print_sep, safe_nomatch, and safe_str.

08121 {
08122     SEP sep;
08124     {
08125         return;
08126     }
08128     // Check to see what type of command matching we will do. '$' commands
08129     // or '^' listens.  We default with '$' commands.
08130     //
08131     char cmd_type = '$';
08132     if (  nfargs == 3
08133         && (  *fargs[2] == '$'
08134            || *fargs[2] == '^'))
08135     {
08136         cmd_type = *fargs[2];
08137     }
08139     // Check for wildcard matching.  parse_attrib_wild checks for read
08140     // permission, so we don't have to.  Have p_a_w assume the
08141     // slash-star if it is missing.
08142     //
08143     olist_push();
08144     dbref thing;
08145     if (parse_attrib_wild(executor, fargs[0], &thing, false, false, true))
08146     {
08147         bool isFirst = true;
08148         char *buf = alloc_lbuf("fun_lattrcmds");
08149         dbref aowner;
08150         int   aflags;
08151         for (int ca = olist_first(); ca != NOTHING; ca = olist_next())
08152         {
08153             ATTR *pattr = atr_num(ca);
08154             if (pattr)
08155             {
08156                 atr_get_str(buf, thing, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
08157                 if (buf[0] == cmd_type)
08158                 {
08159                     bool isFound = false;
08160                     char *c_ptr = buf+1;
08162                     // If there is no characters between the '$' or '^' and the
08163                     // ':' it's not a valid command, so skip it.
08164                     //
08165                     if (*c_ptr != ':')
08166                     {
08167                         int isEscaped = false;
08168                         while (*c_ptr && !isFound)
08169                         {
08170                             // We need to check if the ':' in the command is
08171                             // escaped.
08172                             //
08173                             if (*c_ptr == '\\')
08174                             {
08175                                 isEscaped = !isEscaped;
08176                             }
08177                             else if (*c_ptr == ':' && !isEscaped)
08178                             {
08179                                 isFound = true;
08180                                 *c_ptr = '\0';
08181                             }
08182                             else if (*c_ptr != '\\' && isEscaped)
08183                             {
08184                                 isEscaped = false;
08185                             }
08186                             c_ptr++;
08187                         }
08188                     }
08190                     // We don't want to bother printing out the $command
08191                     // if it doesn't have a matching ':'.  It isn't a valid
08192                     // command then.
08193                     //
08194                     if (isFound)
08195                     {
08196                         if (!isFirst)
08197                         {
08198                             print_sep(&sep, buff, bufc);
08199                         }
08201                         mux_strlwr(buf);
08202                         safe_str(buf+1, buff, bufc);
08204                         isFirst = false;
08205                     }
08206                 }
08207             }
08208         }
08209         free_lbuf(buf);
08210     }
08211     else
08212     {
08213         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
08214     }
08215     olist_pop();
08216 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lattrcmds   )  [static]

Definition at line 8069 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, atr_get_str(), atr_num(), free_lbuf, attr::name, NOTHING, attr::number, olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), olist_push(), parse_attrib_wild(), safe_chr, safe_nomatch, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08070 {
08071     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08072     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08073     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08074     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08075     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08077     // Check for wildcard matching.  parse_attrib_wild checks for read
08078     // permission, so we don't have to.  Have p_a_w assume the
08079     // slash-star if it is missing.
08080     //
08081     olist_push();
08082     dbref thing;
08083     if (parse_attrib_wild(executor, fargs[0], &thing, false, false, true))
08084     {
08085         bool isFirst = true;
08086         char *buf = alloc_lbuf("fun_lattrcmds");
08087         for (int ca = olist_first(); ca != NOTHING; ca = olist_next())
08088         {
08089             ATTR *pattr = atr_num(ca);
08090             if (pattr)
08091             {
08092                 dbref aowner;
08093                 int   aflags;
08094                 atr_get_str(buf, thing, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
08095                 if (buf[0] == '$')
08096                 {
08097                     if (!isFirst)
08098                     {
08099                         safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
08100                     }
08101                     isFirst = false;
08102                     safe_str(pattr->name, buff, bufc);
08103                 }
08104             }
08105         }
08106         free_lbuf(buf);
08107     }
08108     else
08109     {
08110         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
08111     }
08112     olist_pop();
08113 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_connleft   )  [static]

Definition at line 8046 of file functions.cpp.

References fetch_logouttime(), Good_obj, lookup_player(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnSecondsString(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08047 {
08048     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08049     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08050     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08051     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08052     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08054     dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
08055     if (Good_obj(target))
08056     {
08057         CLinearTimeAbsolute cl = fetch_logouttime(target);
08058         safe_str(cl.ReturnSecondsString(7), buff, bufc);
08059     }
08060     else
08061     {
08062         safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
08063     }
08064 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_connnum   )  [static]

Definition at line 8019 of file functions.cpp.

References Connected, fetch_numconnections, fetch_session(), Good_obj, lookup_player(), safe_ltoa(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

08020 {
08021     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08022     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08023     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08024     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08025     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08027     dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
08028     if (Good_obj(target))
08029     {
08030         long NumConnections = fetch_numconnections(target);
08031         if (Connected(target))
08032         {
08033             NumConnections += fetch_session(target);
08034         }
08035         safe_ltoa(NumConnections, buff, bufc);
08036     }
08037     else
08038     {
08039         safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
08040     }
08041 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_connlast   )  [static]

Definition at line 7997 of file functions.cpp.

References fetch_lastconnect, Good_obj, lookup_player(), safe_ltoa(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07998 {
07999     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
08000     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
08001     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
08002     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
08003     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
08005     dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
08006     if (Good_obj(target))
08007     {
08008         safe_ltoa(fetch_lastconnect(target), buff, bufc);
08009     }
08010     else
08011     {
08012         safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
08013     }
08014 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_connmax   )  [static]

Definition at line 7969 of file functions.cpp.

References fetch_connect(), fetch_longestconnect, Good_obj, lookup_player(), safe_ltoa(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07970 {
07971     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07972     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07973     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07974     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07975     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07977     dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
07978     if (Good_obj(target))
07979     {
07980         long Longest = fetch_longestconnect(target);
07981         long Current = fetch_connect(target);
07982         if (Longest < Current)
07983         {
07984             Longest = Current;
07985         }
07986         safe_ltoa(Longest, buff, bufc);
07987     }
07988     else
07989     {
07990         safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
07991     }
07992 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_conntotal   )  [static]

Definition at line 7942 of file functions.cpp.

References Connected, fetch_connect(), fetch_totaltime, Good_obj, lookup_player(), safe_ltoa(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07943 {
07944     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07945     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07946     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07947     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07948     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07950     dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
07951     if (Good_obj(target))
07952     {
07953         long TotalTime = fetch_totaltime(target);
07954         if (Connected(target))
07955         {
07956             TotalTime += fetch_connect(target);
07957         }
07958         safe_ltoa(TotalTime, buff, bufc);
07959     }
07960     else
07961     {
07962         safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
07963     }
07964 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_startsecs   )  [static]

Definition at line 7923 of file functions.cpp.

References CLinearTimeAbsolute::Local2UTC(), mudstate, CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnSecondsString(), safe_str, statedata::start_time, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07924 {
07925     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07926     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07927     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07928     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
07929     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07930     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07931     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07933     CLinearTimeAbsolute lta;
07934     lta = mudstate.start_time;
07935     lta.Local2UTC();
07936     safe_str(lta.ReturnSecondsString(), buff, bufc);
07937 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_cmds   )  [static]

Definition at line 7877 of file functions.cpp.

References descriptor_data::command_count, Connected, Controls, DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, fetch_cmds(), Good_obj, is_rational(), lookup_player(), mux_atol(), descriptor_data::player, safe_ltoa(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and Wizard_Who.

07878 {
07879     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07880     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07881     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07882     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07883     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07885     long nCmds = -1;
07886     if (is_rational(fargs[0]))
07887     {
07888         SOCKET s = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
07889         bool bFound = false;
07890         DESC *d;
07891         DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
07892         {
07893             if (d->descriptor == s)
07894             {
07895                 bFound = true;
07896                 break;
07897             }
07898         }
07899         if (  bFound
07900            && (  d->player == executor
07901               || Wizard_Who(executor)))
07902         {
07903             nCmds = d->command_count;
07904         }
07905     }
07906     else
07907     {
07908         dbref target = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
07909         if (  Good_obj(target)
07910            && Connected(target)
07911            && (  Wizard_Who(executor)
07912               || Controls(executor, target)))
07913         {
07914             nCmds = fetch_cmds(target);
07915         }
07916     }
07917     safe_ltoa(nCmds, buff, bufc);
07918 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_writetime   )  [static]

Definition at line 7861 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), safe_str, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and write_time().

07862 {
07863     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07864     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07865     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07866     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07867     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07868     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07870     int tt = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
07871     safe_str(write_time(tt), buff, bufc);
07872 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_exptime   )  [static]

Definition at line 7845 of file functions.cpp.

References expand_time(), mux_atol(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07846 {
07847     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07848     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07849     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07850     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07851     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07852     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07854     int tt = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
07855     safe_str(expand_time(tt), buff, bufc);
07856 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_singletime   )  [static]

Definition at line 7829 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), safe_str, time_format_2(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07830 {
07831     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07832     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07833     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07834     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07835     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07836     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07838     int tt = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
07839     safe_str(time_format_2(tt), buff, bufc);
07840 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_digittime   )  [static]

Definition at line 7813 of file functions.cpp.

References digit_format(), mux_atol(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07814 {
07815     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07816     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07817     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07818     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07819     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07820     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07822     int tt = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
07823     safe_str(digit_format(tt), buff, bufc);
07824 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_wrap   )  [static]

Definition at line 7375 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL, ANSI_String_Copy(), ANSI_String_Finalize(), ANSI_String_In_Init(), ANSI_String_Out_Init(), ANSI_String_Skip(), centerjustcombo(), CJC_CENTER, CJC_LJUST, CJC_RJUST, DEFAULT_WIDTH, expand_tabs(), free_lbuf, LBUF_SIZE, mux_atol(), mux_ltoa_t(), mux_toupper, safe_fill(), safe_range, safe_str, strip_ansi(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and wraplen().

07376 {
07377     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07378     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07379     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07380     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07381     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07383     // ARG 2: Width. Default: 78.
07384     //
07385     int nWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
07386     if (  nfargs >= 2
07387        && fargs[1][0])
07388     {
07389         nWidth = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
07390         if (  nWidth < 1
07391            || nWidth >= LBUF_SIZE)
07392         {
07393             safe_range(buff, bufc);
07394             return;
07395         }
07396     }
07398     // ARG 3: Justification. Default: Left.
07399     //
07400     int iJustKey = CJC_LJUST;
07401     if (  nfargs >= 3
07402        && fargs[2][0])
07403     {
07404         char cJust = mux_toupper(fargs[2][0]);
07405         switch (cJust)
07406         {
07407         case 'L':
07408             iJustKey = CJC_LJUST;
07409             break;
07410         case 'R':
07411             iJustKey = CJC_RJUST;
07412             break;
07413         case 'C':
07414             iJustKey = CJC_CENTER;
07415             break;
07416         default:
07417             safe_str("#-1 INVALID JUSTIFICATION SPECIFIED", buff, bufc);
07418             return;
07419         }
07420     }
07422     // ARG 4: Left padding. Default: blank.
07423     //
07424     char *pLeft = NULL;
07425     if (  nfargs >= 4
07426        && fargs[3][0])
07427     {
07428         pLeft = fargs[3];
07429     }
07431     // ARG 5: Right padding. Default: blank.
07432     //
07433     char *pRight = NULL;
07434     if (  nfargs >= 5
07435        && fargs[4][0])
07436     {
07437         pRight = fargs[4];
07438     }
07440     // ARG 6: Hanging indent. Default: 0.
07441     //
07442     int nHanging = 0;
07443     if (  nfargs >= 6
07444        && fargs[5][0])
07445     {
07446         nHanging = mux_atol(fargs[5]);
07447     }
07449     // ARG 7: Output separator. Default: line break.
07450     //
07451     char *pOSep = "\r\n";
07452     if (  nfargs >= 7
07453        && fargs[6][0])
07454     {
07455         if (!strcmp(fargs[6], "@@"))
07456         {
07457             pOSep = NULL;
07458         }
07459         else
07460         {
07461             pOSep = fargs[6];
07462         }
07463     }
07465     // ARG 8: First line width. Default: same as arg 2.
07466     int nFirstWidth = nWidth;
07467     if (  nfargs >= 8
07468        && fargs[7][0])
07469     {
07470         nFirstWidth = mux_atol(fargs[7]);
07471         if (  nFirstWidth < 1
07472            || nFirstWidth >= LBUF_SIZE)
07473         {
07474             safe_range(buff, bufc);
07475             return;
07476         }
07477     }
07479     char *str = alloc_lbuf("fun_mywrap.str");
07480     char *tstr = alloc_lbuf("fun_mywrap.str2");
07481     strcpy(tstr, expand_tabs(fargs[0]));
07482     strcpy(str,strip_ansi(tstr));
07483     int nLength = 0;
07484     bool newline = false;
07485     char *jargs[2];
07486     struct ANSI_In_Context aic;
07487     struct ANSI_Out_Context aoc;
07488     char *mbufc;
07489     char *mbuf = mbufc = alloc_lbuf("fun_mywrap.out");
07490     int nBufferAvailable, nSize;
07491     int nDone;
07492     int i = 0;
07494     while (str[i])
07495     {
07496         nLength = wraplen(str + i, i == 0 ? nFirstWidth : nWidth, newline);
07497         mbufc = mbuf;
07499         ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, tstr, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
07500         ANSI_String_Skip(&aic, i, &nDone);
07501         if (nDone < i || nLength <= 0)
07502         {
07503             break;
07504         }
07505         if (i > 0)
07506         {
07507             safe_str(pOSep, buff, bufc);
07508             if (nHanging > 0)
07509             {
07510                 safe_fill(buff, bufc, ' ', nHanging);
07511             }
07512         }
07513         nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (mbufc - mbuf) - 1;
07514         ANSI_String_Out_Init(&aoc, mbufc, nBufferAvailable, nLength-(newline ? 2 : 0), ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
07515         ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, nLength-(newline ? 2 : 0));
07516         nSize = ANSI_String_Finalize(&aoc, &nDone);
07517         mbufc += nSize;
07519         jargs[0] = mbuf;
07520         jargs[1] = mux_ltoa_t(i == 0 ? nFirstWidth : nWidth);
07521         safe_str(pLeft,buff,bufc);
07522         centerjustcombo(iJustKey, buff, bufc, jargs, 2);
07523         safe_str(pRight, buff, bufc);
07525         i += nLength;
07526         if (str[i] == ' ' && str[i+1] != ' ')
07527         {
07528             i++;
07529         }
07530     }
07531     free_lbuf(mbuf);
07532     free_lbuf(str);
07533     free_lbuf(tstr);
07534 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_strip   )  [static]

Definition at line 7246 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, free_lbuf, RemoveSetOfCharacters(), safe_copy_buf(), safe_str, strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07247 {
07248     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07249     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07250     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07251     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07252     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07254     if (fargs[0][0] == '\0')
07255     {
07256         return;
07257     }
07258     size_t n;
07259     char  *p = strip_ansi(fargs[0], &n);
07260     if (  nfargs < 2
07261        || fargs[1][0] == '\0')
07262     {
07263         safe_copy_buf(p, n, buff, bufc);
07264         return;
07265     }
07266     char *pInput = alloc_lbuf("fun_strip.1");
07267     memcpy(pInput, p, n+1);
07268     p = strip_ansi(fargs[1], &n);
07269     safe_str(RemoveSetOfCharacters(pInput, p), buff, bufc);
07270     free_lbuf(pInput);
07271 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_error   )  [static]

Definition at line 7208 of file functions.cpp.

References A_VA, alloc_lbuf, atr_get, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, EV_TOP, free_lbuf, confdata::global_error_obj, Going, Good_obj, mudconf, mux_exec(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07209 {
07210     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
07211     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07212     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07214     if (  Good_obj(mudconf.global_error_obj)
07215        && !Going(mudconf.global_error_obj))
07216     {
07217         dbref aowner;
07218         int aflags;
07219         char *errtext = atr_get(mudconf.global_error_obj, A_VA, &aowner, &aflags);
07220         char *errbuff = alloc_lbuf("process_command.error_msg");
07221         char *errbufc = errbuff;
07222         char *str = errtext;
07223         if (nfargs == 1)
07224         {
07225             char *arg = fargs[0];
07226             mux_exec(errbuff, &errbufc, mudconf.global_error_obj, caller, enactor,
07227                 EV_TOP | EV_EVAL | EV_FCHECK | EV_STRIP_CURLY, &str, &arg, 1);
07228             *errbufc = '\0';
07229         }
07230         else
07231         {
07232             mux_exec(errbuff, &errbufc, mudconf.global_error_obj, caller, enactor,
07233                 EV_TOP | EV_EVAL | EV_FCHECK | EV_STRIP_CURLY, &str, (char **)NULL, 0);
07234             *errbufc = '\0';
07235         }
07236         safe_str(errbuff, buff, bufc);
07237         free_lbuf(errtext);
07238         free_lbuf(errbuff);
07239     }
07240     else
07241     {
07242         safe_str("Huh?  (Type \"help\" for help.)", buff, bufc);
07243     }
07244 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_bittype   )  [static]

Definition at line 7185 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, match_thing(), return_bit(), safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07186 {
07187     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07188     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07189     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07190     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07192     dbref target;
07193     if (nfargs == 1)
07194     {
07195         target = match_thing(executor, fargs[0]);
07196     }
07197     else
07198     {
07199         target = executor;
07200     }
07201     if (!Good_obj(target))
07202     {
07203         return;
07204     }
07205     safe_ltoa(return_bit(target), buff, bufc);
07206 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_config   )  [static]

Definition at line 7147 of file functions.cpp.

References cf_display(), cf_list(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

07148 {
07149     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
07150     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
07151     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07152     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07154     if (nfargs == 1)
07155     {
07156         cf_display(executor, fargs[0], buff, bufc);
07157     }
07158     else
07159     {
07160         cf_list(executor, buff, bufc);
07161     }
07162 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_trim   )  [static]

Definition at line 7096 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, mux_tolower, OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_str, trim_left(), TRIM_LEFT, trim_right(), and TRIM_RIGHT.

07097 {
07098     SEP sep;
07100     {
07101         return;
07102     }
07104 #define TRIM_LEFT  1
07105 #define TRIM_RIGHT 2
07107     int trim;
07108     if (nfargs >= 2)
07109     {
07110         switch (mux_tolower(*fargs[1]))
07111         {
07112         case 'l':
07113             trim = TRIM_LEFT;
07114             break;
07116         case 'r':
07117             trim = TRIM_RIGHT;
07118             break;
07120         default:
07121             trim = TRIM_LEFT|TRIM_RIGHT;
07122             break;
07123         }
07124     }
07125     else
07126     {
07127         trim = TRIM_LEFT|TRIM_RIGHT;
07128     }
07130     char* str;
07131     if (trim & TRIM_LEFT)
07132     {
07133         str = trim_left(fargs[0],&sep);
07134     }
07135     else
07136     {
07137         str = fargs[0];
07138     }
07140     if (trim & TRIM_RIGHT)
07141     {
07142         trim_right(str,&sep);
07143     }
07144     safe_str(str,buff,bufc);
07145 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_isdbref   )  [static]

Definition at line 6994 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, NUMBER_TOKEN, parse_dbref(), safe_bool, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06995 {
06996     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06997     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06998     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06999     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
07000     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
07001     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
07003     bool bResult = false;
07005     char *p = fargs[0];
07006     if (NUMBER_TOKEN == p[0])
07007     {
07008         p++;
07009         dbref dbitem = parse_dbref(p);
07010         bResult = Good_obj(dbitem);
07011     }
07012     safe_bool(bResult, buff, bufc);
07013 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_r   )  [static]

Definition at line 6967 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::glob_reg_len, statedata::global_regs, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS, mudstate, mux_RegisterSet, safe_copy_buf(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06968 {
06969     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06970     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06971     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06972     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06973     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06974     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06976     int regnum = mux_RegisterSet[(unsigned char)fargs[0][0]];
06977     if (  regnum < 0
06978        || regnum >= MAX_GLOBAL_REGS
06979        || fargs[0][1] != '\0')
06980     {
06981         safe_str("#-1 INVALID GLOBAL REGISTER", buff, bufc);
06982     }
06983     else if (mudstate.global_regs[regnum])
06984     {
06985         safe_copy_buf(mudstate.global_regs[regnum],
06986             mudstate.glob_reg_len[regnum], buff, bufc);
06987     }
06988 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_setr   )  [static]

Definition at line 6938 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, statedata::glob_reg_len, statedata::global_regs, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS, mudstate, mux_RegisterSet, safe_copy_buf(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06939 {
06940     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06941     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06942     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06943     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06944     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06945     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06947     int regnum = mux_RegisterSet[(unsigned char)fargs[0][0]];
06948     if (  regnum < 0
06949        || regnum >= MAX_GLOBAL_REGS
06950        || fargs[0][1] != '\0')
06951     {
06952         safe_str("#-1 INVALID GLOBAL REGISTER", buff, bufc);
06953     }
06954     else
06955     {
06956         if (!mudstate.global_regs[regnum])
06957         {
06958             mudstate.global_regs[regnum] = alloc_lbuf("fun_setq");
06959         }
06960         int n = strlen(fargs[1]);
06961         memcpy(mudstate.global_regs[regnum], fargs[1], n+1);
06962         mudstate.glob_reg_len[regnum] = n;
06963         safe_copy_buf(fargs[1], n, buff, bufc);
06964     }
06965 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_setq   )  [static]

Definition at line 6910 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, statedata::glob_reg_len, statedata::global_regs, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS, mudstate, mux_RegisterSet, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06911 {
06912     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06913     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06914     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06915     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06916     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06917     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06919     int regnum = mux_RegisterSet[(unsigned char)fargs[0][0]];
06920     if (  regnum < 0
06921        || regnum >= MAX_GLOBAL_REGS
06922        || fargs[0][1] != '\0')
06923     {
06924         safe_str("#-1 INVALID GLOBAL REGISTER", buff, bufc);
06925     }
06926     else
06927     {
06928         if (!mudstate.global_regs[regnum])
06929         {
06930             mudstate.global_regs[regnum] = alloc_lbuf("fun_setq");
06931         }
06932         int n = strlen(fargs[1]);
06933         memcpy(mudstate.global_regs[regnum], fargs[1], n+1);
06934         mudstate.glob_reg_len[regnum] = n;
06935     }
06936 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_center   )  [static]

Definition at line 6895 of file functions.cpp.

References centerjustcombo(), CJC_CENTER, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06896 {
06897     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06898     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06899     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06900     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06901     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06903     centerjustcombo(CJC_CENTER, buff, bufc, fargs, nfargs);
06904 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_rjust   )  [static]

Definition at line 6884 of file functions.cpp.

References centerjustcombo(), CJC_RJUST, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06885 {
06886     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06887     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06888     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06889     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06890     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06892     centerjustcombo(CJC_RJUST, buff, bufc, fargs, nfargs);
06893 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ljust   )  [static]

Definition at line 6873 of file functions.cpp.

References centerjustcombo(), CJC_LJUST, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06874 {
06875     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
06876     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06877     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06878     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06879     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06881     centerjustcombo(CJC_LJUST, buff, bufc, fargs, nfargs);
06882 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_setinter   )  [static]

Definition at line 6657 of file functions.cpp.


06658 {
06659     SEP sep;
06661     {
06662         return;
06663     }
06665     SEP osep = sep;
06667     {
06668         return;
06669     }
06670     handle_sets(fargs, buff, bufc, SET_INTERSECT, &sep, &osep);
06671 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_setdiff   )  [static]

Definition at line 6641 of file functions.cpp.


06642 {
06643     SEP sep;
06645     {
06646         return;
06647     }
06649     SEP osep = sep;
06651     {
06652         return;
06653     }
06654     handle_sets(fargs, buff, bufc, SET_DIFF, &sep, &osep);
06655 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_setunion   )  [static]

Definition at line 6625 of file functions.cpp.


06626 {
06627     SEP sep;
06629     {
06630         return;
06631     }
06633     SEP osep = sep;
06635     {
06636         return;
06637     }
06638     handle_sets(fargs, buff, bufc, SET_UNION, &sep, &osep);
06639 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_sort   )  [static]

Definition at line 6343 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, arr2list(), DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, do_asort(), free_lbuf, get_list_type(), LBUF_SIZE, list2arr(), and OPTIONAL_DELIM.

06344 {
06345     SEP sep;
06347     {
06348         return;
06349     }
06351     SEP osep = sep;
06353     {
06354         return;
06355     }
06357     char *ptrs[LBUF_SIZE / 2];
06359     // Convert the list to an array.
06360     //
06361     char *list = alloc_lbuf("fun_sort");
06362     strcpy(list, fargs[0]);
06363     int nitems = list2arr(ptrs, LBUF_SIZE / 2, list, &sep);
06364     int sort_type = get_list_type(fargs, nfargs, 2, ptrs, nitems);
06365     do_asort(ptrs, nitems, sort_type);
06366     arr2list(ptrs, nitems, buff, bufc, &osep);
06367     free_lbuf(list);
06368 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_conn   )  [static]

Definition at line 6151 of file functions.cpp.

References descriptor_data::connected_at, DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, fetch_connect(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), Good_obj, Hidden, is_rational(), lookup_player(), mux_atol(), descriptor_data::player, CLinearTimeDelta::ReturnSeconds(), safe_ltoa(), See_Hidden, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and Wizard_Who.

06152 {
06153     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06154     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06155     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06156     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06157     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06159     long nConnected = -1;
06160     if (is_rational(fargs[0]))
06161     {
06162         SOCKET s = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
06163         bool bFound = false;
06164         DESC *d;
06165         CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaNow;
06166         ltaNow.GetUTC();
06167         DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
06168         {
06169             if (d->descriptor == s)
06170             {
06171                 bFound = true;
06172                 break;
06173             }
06174         }
06175         if (  bFound
06176            && (  d->player == executor
06177               || Wizard_Who(executor)))
06178         {
06179             CLinearTimeDelta ltdResult = ltaNow - d->connected_at;
06180             nConnected = ltdResult.ReturnSeconds();
06181         }
06182     }
06183     else
06184     {
06185         char *pTargetName = fargs[0];
06186         if (*pTargetName == '*')
06187         {
06188             pTargetName++;
06189         }
06190         dbref target = lookup_player(executor, pTargetName, true);
06191         if (  Good_obj(target)
06192            && (  !Hidden(target)
06193               || See_Hidden(executor)))
06194         {
06195             nConnected = fetch_connect(target);
06196         }
06197     }
06198     safe_ltoa(nConnected, buff, bufc);
06199 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_idle   )  [static]

Definition at line 6101 of file functions.cpp.

References DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, fetch_idle(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), Good_obj, Hidden, is_rational(), descriptor_data::last_time, lookup_player(), mux_atol(), descriptor_data::player, CLinearTimeDelta::ReturnSeconds(), safe_ltoa(), See_Hidden, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and Wizard_Who.

06102 {
06103     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06104     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06105     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06106     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06107     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06109     long nIdle = -1;
06110     if (is_rational(fargs[0]))
06111     {
06112         SOCKET s = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
06113         bool bFound = false;
06114         DESC *d;
06115         CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaNow;
06116         ltaNow.GetUTC();
06117         DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
06118         {
06119             if (d->descriptor == s)
06120             {
06121                 bFound = true;
06122                 break;
06123             }
06124         }
06125         if (  bFound
06126            && (  d->player == executor
06127               || Wizard_Who(executor)))
06128         {
06129             CLinearTimeDelta ltdResult = ltaNow - d->last_time;
06130             nIdle = ltdResult.ReturnSeconds();
06131         }
06132     }
06133     else
06134     {
06135         char *pTargetName = fargs[0];
06136         if (*pTargetName == '*')
06137         {
06138             pTargetName++;
06139         }
06140         dbref target = lookup_player(executor, pTargetName, true);
06141         if (  Good_obj(target)
06142            && (  !Hidden(target)
06143               || See_Hidden(executor)))
06144         {
06145             nIdle = fetch_idle(target);
06146         }
06147     }
06148     safe_ltoa(nIdle, buff, bufc);
06149 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_width   )  [static]

Definition at line 6054 of file functions.cpp.

References DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, fetch_width(), Good_obj, is_rational(), lookup_player(), mux_atol(), safe_ltoa(), See_All, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and descriptor_data::width.

06055 {
06056     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06057     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06058     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06059     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06060     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06062     long nWidth = 24;
06063     if (is_rational(fargs[0]))
06064     {
06065         SOCKET s = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
06066         DESC *d;
06067         DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
06068         {
06069             if (d->descriptor == s)
06070             {
06071                 nWidth = d->width;
06072                 break;
06073             }
06074         }
06075     }
06076     else
06077     {
06078         char *pTargetName = fargs[0];
06079         if ('*' == *pTargetName)
06080         {
06081             pTargetName++;
06082         }
06083         dbref target = lookup_player(executor, pTargetName, true);
06084         if (Good_obj(target))
06085         {
06086             if (  executor == target
06087                || See_All(executor))
06088             {
06089                 nWidth = fetch_width(target);
06090             }
06091         }
06092     }
06093     safe_ltoa(nWidth, buff, bufc);
06094 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_height   )  [static]

Definition at line 6011 of file functions.cpp.

References DESC_ITER_CONN, descriptor_data::descriptor, fetch_height(), Good_obj, descriptor_data::height, is_rational(), lookup_player(), mux_atol(), safe_ltoa(), See_All, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

06012 {
06013     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
06014     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
06015     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
06016     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
06017     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
06019     long nHeight = 24;
06020     if (is_rational(fargs[0]))
06021     {
06022         SOCKET s = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
06023         DESC *d;
06024         DESC_ITER_CONN(d)
06025         {
06026             if (d->descriptor == s)
06027             {
06028                 nHeight = d->height;
06029                 break;
06030             }
06031         }
06032     }
06033     else
06034     {
06035         char *pTargetName = fargs[0];
06036         if ('*' == *pTargetName)
06037         {
06038             pTargetName++;
06039         }
06040         dbref target = lookup_player(executor, pTargetName, true);
06041         if (Good_obj(target))
06042         {
06043             if (  executor == target
06044                || See_All(executor))
06045             {
06046                 nHeight = fetch_height(target);
06047             }
06048         }
06049     }
06050     safe_ltoa(nHeight, buff, bufc);
06051 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_space   )  [static]

Definition at line 5974 of file functions.cpp.

References is_integer(), mux_atol(), safe_fill(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05975 {
05976     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05977     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05978     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05979     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05980     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05982     // Validate request.
05983     //
05984     int num;
05985     if (nfargs == 0 || *fargs[0] == '\0')
05986     {
05987         num = 1;
05988     }
05989     else
05990     {
05991         num = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
05992         if (num == 0)
05993         {
05994             // If 'space(0)', 'space(00)', ..., then allow num == 0,
05995             // otherwise, we force to num to be 1.
05996             //
05997             if (!is_integer(fargs[0], NULL))
05998             {
05999                 num = 1;
06000             }
06001         }
06002         else if (num < 0)
06003         {
06004             num = 0;
06005         }
06007     }
06008     safe_fill(buff, bufc, ' ', num);
06009 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_case   )  [static]

Definition at line 5957 of file functions.cpp.

References switch_handler().

05958 {
05959     switch_handler
05960     (
05961         buff, bufc,
05962         executor, caller, enactor,
05963         fargs, nfargs,
05964         cargs, ncargs,
05965         false
05966     );
05967 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_switch   )  [static]

Definition at line 5945 of file functions.cpp.

References switch_handler().

05946 {
05947     switch_handler
05948     (
05949         buff, bufc,
05950         executor, caller, enactor,
05951         fargs, nfargs,
05952         cargs, ncargs,
05953         true
05954     );
05955 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_locate   )  [static]

Definition at line 5751 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, init_match(), init_match_check_keys(), last_match_result(), MAT_EXIT_PARENTS, match_absolute(), match_carried_exit_with_parents(), match_controlled_quiet, match_everything(), match_exit_with_parents(), match_here(), match_me(), match_neighbor(), match_player(), match_possession(), match_result(), match_status(), match_thing_quiet(), NOTYPE, safe_match_result(), safe_tprintf_str(), See_All, TYPE_EXIT, TYPE_PLAYER, TYPE_ROOM, TYPE_THING, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05752 {
05753     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05754     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05755     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
05756     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05757     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05759     bool check_locks, verbose, multiple;
05760     dbref thing, what;
05761     char *cp;
05763     int pref_type = NOTYPE;
05764     check_locks = verbose = multiple = false;
05766     // Find the thing to do the looking, make sure we control it.
05767     //
05768     if (See_All(executor))
05769     {
05770         thing = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
05771     }
05772     else
05773     {
05774         thing = match_controlled_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
05775     }
05776     if (!Good_obj(thing))
05777     {
05778         safe_match_result(thing, buff, bufc);
05779         return;
05780     }
05782     // Get pre- and post-conditions and modifiers
05783     //
05784     for (cp = fargs[2]; *cp; cp++)
05785     {
05786         switch (*cp)
05787         {
05788         case 'E':
05789             pref_type = TYPE_EXIT;
05790             break;
05791         case 'L':
05792             check_locks = true;
05793             break;
05794         case 'P':
05795             pref_type = TYPE_PLAYER;
05796             break;
05797         case 'R':
05798             pref_type = TYPE_ROOM;
05799             break;
05800         case 'T':
05801             pref_type = TYPE_THING;
05802             break;
05803         case 'V':
05804             verbose = true;
05805             break;
05806         case 'X':
05807             multiple = true;
05808             break;
05809         }
05810     }
05812     // Set up for the search
05813     //
05814     if (check_locks)
05815     {
05816         init_match_check_keys(thing, fargs[1], pref_type);
05817     }
05818     else
05819     {
05820         init_match(thing, fargs[1], pref_type);
05821     }
05823     // Search for each requested thing
05824     //
05825     for (cp = fargs[2]; *cp; cp++)
05826     {
05827         switch (*cp)
05828         {
05829         case 'a':
05830             match_absolute();
05831             break;
05832         case 'c':
05833             match_carried_exit_with_parents();
05834             break;
05835         case 'e':
05836             match_exit_with_parents();
05837             break;
05838         case 'h':
05839             match_here();
05840             break;
05841         case 'i':
05842             match_possession();
05843             break;
05844         case 'm':
05845             match_me();
05846             break;
05847         case 'n':
05848             match_neighbor();
05849             break;
05850         case 'p':
05851             match_player();
05852             break;
05853         case '*':
05854             match_everything(MAT_EXIT_PARENTS);
05855             break;
05856         }
05857     }
05859     // Get the result and return it to the caller
05860     //
05861     if (multiple)
05862     {
05863         what = last_match_result();
05864     }
05865     else
05866     {
05867         what = match_result();
05868     }
05870     if (verbose)
05871     {
05872         (void)match_status(executor, what);
05873     }
05875     safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", what);
05876 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_edit   )  [static]

Definition at line 5731 of file functions.cpp.

References edit_string(), free_lbuf, safe_str, strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05732 {
05733     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05734     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05735     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05736     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
05737     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05738     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05740     char *tstr;
05742     edit_string(strip_ansi(fargs[0]), &tstr, fargs[1], fargs[2]);
05743     safe_str(tstr, buff, bufc);
05744     free_lbuf(tstr);
05745 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_map   )  [static]

Definition at line 5680 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, free_lbuf, statedata::func_invk_ctr, confdata::func_invk_lim, mudconf, mudstate, mux_exec(), MuxAlarm, OPTIONAL_DELIM, parse_and_get_attrib(), print_sep, split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

05681 {
05682     SEP sep;
05684     {
05685         return;
05686     }
05688     SEP osep = sep;
05690     {
05691         return;
05692     }
05694     char *atext;
05695     dbref thing;
05696     if (!parse_and_get_attrib(executor, fargs, &atext, &thing, buff, bufc))
05697     {
05698         return;
05699     }
05701     // Now process the list one element at a time.
05702     //
05703     char *cp = trim_space_sep(fargs[1], &sep);
05704     char *atextbuf = alloc_lbuf("fun_map");
05705     bool first = true;
05706     char *objstring, *str;
05707     while (  cp
05708           && mudstate.func_invk_ctr < mudconf.func_invk_lim
05709           && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)
05710     {
05711         if (!first)
05712         {
05713             print_sep(&osep, buff, bufc);
05714         }
05715         first = false;
05716         objstring = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05717         strcpy(atextbuf, atext);
05718         str = atextbuf;
05719         mux_exec(buff, bufc, thing, executor, enactor,
05720             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, &objstring, 1);
05721     }
05722     free_lbuf(atext);
05723     free_lbuf(atextbuf);
05724 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_filterbool   )  [static]

Definition at line 5655 of file functions.cpp.


05656 {
05657     SEP sep;
05659     {
05660         return;
05661     }
05662     SEP osep = sep;
05664     {
05665         return;
05666     }
05667     filter_handler(buff, bufc, executor, enactor, fargs, &sep, &osep, true);
05668 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_filter   )  [static]

Definition at line 5640 of file functions.cpp.


05641 {
05642     SEP sep;
05644     {
05645         return;
05646     }
05647     SEP osep = sep;
05649     {
05650         return;
05651     }
05652     filter_handler(buff, bufc, executor, enactor, fargs, &sep, &osep, false);
05653 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_choose   )  [static]

Definition at line 5519 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, LBUF_SIZE, list2arr(), mux_atol(), OPTIONAL_DELIM, RandomINT32(), safe_str, and sepSpace.

05520 {
05521     SEP isep;
05523     {
05524         return;
05525     }
05527     char *elems[LBUF_SIZE/2], *weights[LBUF_SIZE/2];
05528     int n_elems = list2arr(elems, LBUF_SIZE/2, fargs[0], &isep);
05529     int n_weights = list2arr(weights, LBUF_SIZE/2, fargs[1], &sepSpace);
05531     if (n_elems != n_weights)
05532     {
05533         safe_str("#-1 LISTS MUST BE OF EQUAL SIZE", buff, bufc);
05534         return;
05535     }
05537     // Calculate the the breakpoints, not the weights themselves.
05538     //
05539     int i;
05540     int sum = 0;
05541     int ip[LBUF_SIZE/2];
05542     for (i = 0; i < n_weights; i++)
05543     {
05544         int num = mux_atol(weights[i]);
05545         if (num < 0)
05546         {
05547             num = 0;
05548         }
05549         if (num == 0)
05550         {
05551             ip[i] = 0;
05552         }
05553         else
05554         {
05555             int sum_next = sum + num;
05556             if (sum_next < sum)
05557             {
05558                 safe_str("#-1 OVERFLOW", buff, bufc);
05559                 return;
05560             }
05561             sum = sum_next;
05562             ip[i] = sum;
05563         }
05564     }
05566     INT32 num = RandomINT32(0, sum-1);
05568     for (i = 0; i < n_weights; i++)
05569     {
05570         if (  ip[i] != 0
05571            && num < ip[i])
05572         {
05573             safe_str(elems[i], buff, bufc);
05574             break;
05575         }
05576     }
05577 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_itemize   )  [static]

Definition at line 5465 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, pos, safe_chr, safe_str, split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

05466 {
05467     SEP sep;
05469     {
05470         return;
05471     }
05473     const char *lconj = "and";
05474     if (nfargs > 2)
05475     {
05476         lconj = fargs[2];
05477     }
05478     const char *punc = ",";
05479     if (nfargs > 3)
05480     {
05481         punc = fargs[3];
05482     }
05484     int pos = 1;
05485     char *cp = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
05486     char *word = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05487     while (cp && *cp)
05488     {
05489         pos++;
05490         safe_str(word, buff, bufc);
05491         char *nextword = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05493         if (!cp || !*cp)
05494         {
05495             // We're at the end.
05496             //
05497             if (pos >= 3)
05498             {
05499                 safe_str(punc, buff, bufc);
05500             }
05501             safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
05502             safe_str(lconj, buff, bufc);
05503         }
05504         else
05505         {
05506             safe_str(punc, buff, bufc);
05507         }
05508         safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
05510         word = nextword;
05511     }
05512     safe_str(word, buff, bufc);
05513 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_fold   )  [static]

Definition at line 5384 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, free_lbuf, statedata::func_invk_ctr, confdata::func_invk_lim, mudconf, mudstate, mux_exec(), MuxAlarm, OPTIONAL_DELIM, parse_and_get_attrib(), safe_str, and split_token().

05385 {
05386     SEP sep;
05388     {
05389         return;
05390     }
05392     char *atext;
05393     dbref thing;
05394     if (!parse_and_get_attrib(executor, fargs, &atext, &thing, buff, bufc))
05395     {
05396         return;
05397     }
05399     // Evaluate it using the rest of the passed function args.
05400     //
05401     char *curr = fargs[1];
05402     char *cp = curr;
05403     char *atextbuf = alloc_lbuf("fun_fold");
05404     strcpy(atextbuf, atext);
05406     char *result, *bp, *str, *clist[2];
05408     // May as well handle first case now.
05409     //
05410     if ( nfargs >= 3
05411        && fargs[2])
05412     {
05413         clist[0] = fargs[2];
05414         clist[1] = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05415         result = bp = alloc_lbuf("fun_fold");
05416         str = atextbuf;
05417         mux_exec(result, &bp, thing, executor, enactor,
05418             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, clist, 2);
05419         *bp = '\0';
05420     }
05421     else
05422     {
05423         clist[0] = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05424         clist[1] = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05425         result = bp = alloc_lbuf("fun_fold");
05426         str = atextbuf;
05427         mux_exec(result, &bp, thing, executor, enactor,
05428             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, clist, 2);
05429         *bp = '\0';
05430     }
05432     char *rstore = result;
05433     result = alloc_lbuf("fun_fold");
05435     while (  cp
05436           && mudstate.func_invk_ctr < mudconf.func_invk_lim
05437           && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)
05438     {
05439         clist[0] = rstore;
05440         clist[1] = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05441         strcpy(atextbuf, atext);
05442         bp = result;
05443         str = atextbuf;
05444         mux_exec(result, &bp, thing, executor, enactor,
05445             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, clist, 2);
05446         *bp = '\0';
05447         strcpy(rstore, result);
05448     }
05449     free_lbuf(result);
05450     safe_str(rstore, buff, bufc);
05451     free_lbuf(rstore);
05452     free_lbuf(atext);
05453     free_lbuf(atextbuf);
05454 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ilev   )  [static]

Definition at line 5356 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::in_loop, mudstate, safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05357 {
05358     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05359     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05360     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05361     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
05362     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
05363     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05364     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05366     safe_ltoa(mudstate.in_loop-1, buff, bufc);
05367 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_list   )  [static]

Definition at line 5292 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, DELIM_EVAL, DELIM_STRING, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, EV_TOP, free_lbuf, statedata::func_invk_ctr, confdata::func_invk_lim, statedata::in_loop, statedata::inum, statedata::itext, MAX_ITEXT, mudconf, mudstate, mux_exec(), mux_ltoa_t(), MuxAlarm, notify, OPTIONAL_DELIM, replace_tokens(), split_token(), and trim_space_sep_LEN().

05293 {
05294     SEP sep;
05296     {
05297         return;
05298     }
05300     char *objstring, *result, *str;
05302     char *curr = alloc_lbuf("fun_list");
05303     char *dp   = curr;
05304     str = fargs[0];
05305     mux_exec(curr, &dp, executor, caller, enactor,
05306         EV_TOP | EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05307     *dp = '\0';
05309     int ncp;
05310     char *cp = trim_space_sep_LEN(curr, dp-curr, &sep, &ncp);
05311     if (!*cp)
05312     {
05313         free_lbuf(curr);
05314         return;
05315     }
05316     int number = 0;
05317     bool bLoopInBounds = (  0 <= mudstate.in_loop
05318                          && mudstate.in_loop < MAX_ITEXT);
05319     if (bLoopInBounds)
05320     {
05321         mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop] = NULL;
05322         mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop] = number;
05323     }
05324     mudstate.in_loop++;
05325     while (  cp
05326           && mudstate.func_invk_ctr < mudconf.func_invk_lim
05327           && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)
05328     {
05329         number++;
05330         objstring = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05331         if (bLoopInBounds)
05332         {
05333             mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop-1] = objstring;
05334             mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop-1]  = number;
05335         }
05336         char *buff2 = replace_tokens(fargs[1], objstring, mux_ltoa_t(number),
05337             NULL);
05338         dp = result = alloc_lbuf("fun_list.2");
05339         str = buff2;
05340         mux_exec(result, &dp, executor, caller, enactor,
05341             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05342         *dp = '\0';
05343         free_lbuf(buff2);
05344         notify(enactor, result);
05345         free_lbuf(result);
05346     }
05347     mudstate.in_loop--;
05348     if (bLoopInBounds)
05349     {
05350         mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop] = NULL;
05351         mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop] = 0;
05352     }
05353     free_lbuf(curr);
05354 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_inum   )  [static]

Definition at line 5281 of file functions.cpp.

References iter_value(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05282 {
05283     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05284     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05285     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05286     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05287     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05289     iter_value(buff, bufc, fargs, nfargs, true);
05290 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_itext   )  [static]

Definition at line 5270 of file functions.cpp.

References iter_value(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05271 {
05272     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05273     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05274     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05275     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05276     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05278     iter_value(buff, bufc, fargs, nfargs, false);
05279 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_iter   )  [static]

Definition at line 5169 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_EVAL, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, free_lbuf, statedata::func_invk_ctr, confdata::func_invk_lim, statedata::in_loop, statedata::inum, statedata::itext, MAX_ITEXT, mudconf, mudstate, mux_exec(), mux_ltoa_t(), MuxAlarm, OPTIONAL_DELIM, print_sep, replace_tokens(), split_token(), and trim_space_sep_LEN().

05170 {
05171     // Optional Input Delimiter.
05172     //
05173     SEP sep;
05175     {
05176         return;
05177     }
05179     // Optional Output Delimiter.
05180     //
05181     SEP osep;
05183     {
05184         return;
05185     }
05187     char *curr = alloc_lbuf("fun_iter");
05188     char *dp = curr;
05189     char *str = fargs[0];
05190     mux_exec(curr, &dp, executor, caller, enactor,
05191         EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05192     *dp = '\0';
05193     int ncp;
05194     char *cp = trim_space_sep_LEN(curr, dp-curr, &sep, &ncp);
05195     if (!*cp)
05196     {
05197         free_lbuf(curr);
05198         return;
05199     }
05200     bool first = true;
05201     int number = 0;
05202     bool bLoopInBounds = (  0 <= mudstate.in_loop
05203                          && mudstate.in_loop < MAX_ITEXT);
05204     if (bLoopInBounds)
05205     {
05206         mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop] = NULL;
05207         mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop] = number;
05208     }
05209     mudstate.in_loop++;
05210     while (  cp
05211           && mudstate.func_invk_ctr < mudconf.func_invk_lim
05212           && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)
05213     {
05214         if (!first)
05215         {
05216             print_sep(&osep, buff, bufc);
05217         }
05218         first = false;
05219         number++;
05220         char *objstring = split_token(&cp, &sep);
05221         if (bLoopInBounds)
05222         {
05223             mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop-1] = objstring;
05224             mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop-1]  = number;
05225         }
05226         char *buff2 = replace_tokens(fargs[1], objstring, mux_ltoa_t(number),
05227             NULL);
05228         str = buff2;
05229         mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor,
05230             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05231         free_lbuf(buff2);
05232     }
05233     mudstate.in_loop--;
05234     if (bLoopInBounds)
05235     {
05236         mudstate.itext[mudstate.in_loop] = NULL;
05237         mudstate.inum[mudstate.in_loop] = 0;
05238     }
05239     free_lbuf(curr);
05240 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_repeat   )  [static]

Definition at line 5100 of file functions.cpp.

References LBUF_SIZE, mux_atol(), safe_fill(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

05101 {
05102     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
05103     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
05104     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
05105     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
05106     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
05107     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
05109     int times = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
05110     if (times < 1 || *fargs[0] == '\0')
05111     {
05112         // Legal but no work to do.
05113         //
05114         return;
05115     }
05116     else if (times == 1)
05117     {
05118         // It turns into a string copy.
05119         //
05120         safe_str(fargs[0], buff, bufc);
05121     }
05122     else
05123     {
05124         int len = strlen(fargs[0]);
05125         if (len == 1)
05126         {
05127             // It turns into a memset.
05128             //
05129             safe_fill(buff, bufc, *fargs[0], times);
05130         }
05131         else
05132         {
05133             int nSize = len*times;
05134             if (  times > LBUF_SIZE - 1
05135                || nSize > LBUF_SIZE - 1)
05136             {
05137                 safe_str("#-1 STRING TOO LONG", buff, bufc);
05138             }
05139             else
05140             {
05141                 int nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
05142                 if (nSize > nBufferAvailable)
05143                 {
05144                     nSize = nBufferAvailable;
05145                 }
05146                 int nFullCopies = nSize / len;
05147                 int nPartial = nSize - nFullCopies * len;
05148                 while (nFullCopies--)
05149                 {
05150                     memcpy(*bufc, fargs[0], len);
05151                     *bufc += len;
05152                 }
05153                 if (nPartial)
05154                 {
05155                     memcpy(*bufc, fargs[0], nPartial);
05156                     *bufc += nPartial;
05157                 }
05158             }
05159         }
05160     }
05161 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_splice   )  [static]

Definition at line 5042 of file functions.cpp.

References countwords(), DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, print_sep, safe_str, and split_token().

05043 {
05044     SEP sep;
05046     {
05047         return;
05048     }
05049     SEP osep = sep;
05051     {
05052         return;
05053     }
05055     // Length checks.
05056     //
05057     if (countwords(fargs[2], &sep) > 1)
05058     {
05059         safe_str("#-1 TOO MANY WORDS", buff, bufc);
05060         return;
05061     }
05062     int words = countwords(fargs[0], &sep);
05063     if (words != countwords(fargs[1], &sep))
05064     {
05065         safe_str("#-1 NUMBER OF WORDS MUST BE EQUAL", buff, bufc);
05066         return;
05067     }
05069     // Loop through the two lists.
05070     //
05071     char *p1 = fargs[0];
05072     char *q1 = fargs[1];
05073     char *p2, *q2;
05074     bool first = true;
05075     int i;
05076     for (i = 0; i < words; i++)
05077     {
05078         p2 = split_token(&p1, &sep);
05079         q2 = split_token(&q1, &sep);
05080         if (!first)
05081         {
05082             print_sep(&osep, buff, bufc);
05083         }
05084         if (strcmp(p2, fargs[2]) == 0)
05085         {
05086             safe_str(q2, buff, bufc); // replace
05087         }
05088         else
05089         {
05090             safe_str(p2, buff, bufc); // copy
05091         }
05092         first = false;
05093     }
05094 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_merge   )  [static]

Definition at line 4989 of file functions.cpp.

References LBUF_SIZE, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04990 {
04991     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04992     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04993     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04994     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04995     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04996     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04998     char *str, *rep;
04999     char c;
05001     // Do length checks first.
05002     //
05003     size_t n0 = strlen(fargs[0]);
05004     size_t n1 = strlen(fargs[1]);
05005     if (n0 != n1)
05006     {
05007         safe_str("#-1 STRING LENGTHS MUST BE EQUAL", buff, bufc);
05008         return;
05009     }
05010     if (strlen(fargs[2]) > 1)
05011     {
05012         safe_str("#-1 TOO MANY CHARACTERS", buff, bufc);
05013         return;
05014     }
05016     // Find the character to look for. null character is considered a
05017     // space.
05018     //
05019     if (!*fargs[2])
05020         c = ' ';
05021     else
05022         c = *fargs[2];
05024     // Walk strings, copy from the appropriate string.
05025     //
05026     for (str = fargs[0], rep = fargs[1];
05027          *str && *rep && ((*bufc - buff) < (LBUF_SIZE-1));
05028          str++, rep++, (*bufc)++)
05029     {
05030         if (*str == c)
05031             **bufc = *rep;
05032         else
05033             **bufc = *str;
05034     }
05035     return;
05036 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_stats   )  [static]

Definition at line 4946 of file functions.cpp.

References get_stats(), lookup_player(), NOTHING, stats_type::s_exits, stats_type::s_garbage, stats_type::s_players, stats_type::s_rooms, stats_type::s_things, stats_type::s_total, safe_str, safe_tprintf_str(), string_compare(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04947 {
04948     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04949     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04950     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04951     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04953     dbref who;
04955     if (  nfargs == 0
04956        || (!fargs[0])
04957        || !*fargs[0]
04958        || !string_compare(fargs[0], "all"))
04959     {
04960         who = NOTHING;
04961     }
04962     else
04963     {
04964         who = lookup_player(executor, fargs[0], true);
04965         if (who == NOTHING)
04966         {
04967             safe_str("#-1 PLAYER NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
04968             return;
04969         }
04970     }
04971     STATS statinfo;
04972     if (!get_stats(executor, who, &statinfo))
04973     {
04974         safe_str("#-1 ERROR GETTING STATS", buff, bufc);
04975         return;
04976     }
04977     safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", statinfo.s_total, statinfo.s_rooms,
04978             statinfo.s_exits, statinfo.s_things, statinfo.s_players, statinfo.s_garbage);
04979 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_search   )  [static]

Definition at line 4903 of file functions.cpp.

References ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), ItemToList_Init(), NOTHING, olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), olist_push(), safe_str, search_perform(), search_setup(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04904 {
04905     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04906     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04908     char *pArg = NULL;
04909     if (nfargs != 0)
04910     {
04911         pArg = fargs[0];
04912     }
04914     // Set up for the search.  If any errors, abort.
04915     //
04916     SEARCH searchparm;
04917     if (!search_setup(executor, pArg, &searchparm))
04918     {
04919         safe_str("#-1 ERROR DURING SEARCH", buff, bufc);
04920         return;
04921     }
04923     // Do the search and report the results.
04924     //
04925     olist_push();
04926     search_perform(executor, caller, enactor, &searchparm);
04927     dbref thing;
04928     ITL pContext;
04929     ItemToList_Init(&pContext, buff, bufc, '#');
04930     for (thing = olist_first(); thing != NOTHING; thing = olist_next())
04931     {
04932         if (!ItemToList_AddInteger(&pContext, thing))
04933         {
04934             break;
04935         }
04936     }
04937     ItemToList_Final(&pContext);
04938     olist_pop();
04939 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_before   )  [static]

Definition at line 4850 of file functions.cpp.

References BMH_StringSearch(), safe_copy_buf(), safe_str, sepSpace, trim_space_sep(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04851 {
04852     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04853     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04854     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04855     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04856     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04858     char *mp, *ip;
04859     int mlen;
04861     // Sanity-check arg1 and arg2.
04862     //
04863     char *bp = fargs[0];
04864     if (nfargs > 1)
04865     {
04866         mp = fargs[1];
04867         mlen = strlen(mp);
04868     }
04869     else
04870     {
04871         mp = " ";
04872         mlen = 1;
04873     }
04875     if (  mlen == 1
04876        && *mp == ' ')
04877     {
04878         bp = trim_space_sep(bp, &sepSpace);
04879     }
04881     ip = bp;
04883     // Look for the target string.
04884     //
04885     int i = BMH_StringSearch(mlen, mp, strlen(bp), bp);
04886     if (i >= 0)
04887     {
04888         // Yup, return what follows.
04889         //
04890         safe_copy_buf(ip, i, buff, bufc);
04891         return;
04892     }
04893     // Ran off the end without finding it.
04894     //
04895     safe_str(ip, buff, bufc);
04896 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_after   )  [static]

Definition at line 4804 of file functions.cpp.

References BMH_StringSearch(), safe_copy_buf(), sepSpace, trim_space_sep(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04805 {
04806     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04807     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04808     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04809     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04810     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04812     char *mp;
04813     int mlen;
04815     // Sanity-check arg1 and arg2.
04816     //
04817     char *bp = fargs[0];
04818     if (nfargs > 1)
04819     {
04820         mp = fargs[1];
04821         mlen = strlen(mp);
04822     }
04823     else
04824     {
04825         mp = " ";
04826         mlen = 1;
04827     }
04829     if (  mlen == 1
04830        && *mp == ' ')
04831     {
04832         bp = trim_space_sep(bp, &sepSpace);
04833     }
04835     // Look for the target string.
04836     //
04837     int nText = strlen(bp);
04838     int i = BMH_StringSearch(mlen, mp, nText, bp);
04839     if (i >= 0)
04840     {
04841         // Yup, return what follows.
04842         //
04843         bp += i + mlen;
04844         safe_copy_buf(bp, nText-i-mlen, buff, bufc);
04845     }
04846     //
04847     // Ran off the end without finding it.
04848 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_revwords   )  [static]

Definition at line 4782 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction(), DELIM_DFLT, OPTIONAL_DELIM, ReverseWordsInText(), and SEP::str.

04783 {
04784     // If we are passed an empty arglist return a null string.
04785     //
04786     if (nfargs == 0)
04787     {
04788         return;
04789     }
04790     SEP sep;
04791     if (!OPTIONAL_DELIM(2, sep, DELIM_DFLT))
04792     {
04793         return;
04794     }
04795     ReverseWordsInText_Seperator = sep.str[0];
04796     ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction(buff, bufc, fargs[0], ReverseWordsInText);
04797 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_reverse   )  [static]

Definition at line 4736 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction(), mux_memrevcpy(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04737 {
04738     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04739     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04740     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04741     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04742     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04743     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04745     ANSI_TransformTextReverseWithFunction(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_memrevcpy);
04746 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_attrcnt   )  [static]

Definition at line 4614 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_num(), NOTHING, olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), olist_push(), parse_attrib_wild(), safe_ltoa(), safe_nomatch, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04615 {
04616     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04617     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04618     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04619     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04620     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04622     dbref thing;
04623     int ca, count = 0;
04625     // Mechanism from lattr.
04626     //
04627     olist_push();
04628     if (parse_attrib_wild(executor, fargs[0], &thing, false, false, true))
04629     {
04630         for (ca = olist_first(); ca != NOTHING; ca = olist_next())
04631         {
04632             ATTR *pattr = atr_num(ca);
04633             if (pattr)
04634             {
04635                 count++;
04636             }
04637         }
04638         safe_ltoa(count, buff, bufc);
04639     }
04640     else
04641     {
04642         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
04643     }
04644     olist_pop();
04645 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lattrp   )  [static]

Definition at line 4600 of file functions.cpp.

References lattr_handler(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04601 {
04602     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04603     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04604     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04605     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04606     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04608     lattr_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, true);
04609 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lattr   )  [static]

Definition at line 4589 of file functions.cpp.

References lattr_handler(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04590 {
04591     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04592     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04593     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04594     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04595     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04597     lattr_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, false);
04598 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lnum   )  [static]

Definition at line 4493 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, mux_atol(), OPTIONAL_DELIM, print_sep, and safe_ltoa().

04494 {
04495     SEP sep;
04496     if (  nfargs == 0
04498     {
04499         return;
04500     }
04502     int bot = 0, top;
04503     if (nfargs == 1)
04504     {
04505         top = mux_atol(fargs[0]) - 1;
04506         if (top < 0)
04507         {
04508             return;
04509         }
04510     }
04511     else
04512     {
04513         bot = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
04514         top = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
04515     }
04517     int i;
04518     if (bot == top)
04519     {
04520         safe_ltoa(bot, buff, bufc);
04521     }
04522     else if (bot < top)
04523     {
04524         safe_ltoa(bot, buff, bufc);
04525         for (i = bot+1; i <= top; i++)
04526         {
04527             print_sep(&sep, buff, bufc);
04528             char *p = *bufc;
04529             safe_ltoa(i, buff, bufc);
04530             if (p == *bufc) return;
04531         }
04532     }
04533     else if (top < bot)
04534     {
04535         safe_ltoa(bot, buff, bufc);
04536         for (i = bot-1; i >= top; i--)
04537         {
04538             print_sep(&sep, buff, bufc);
04539             char *p = *bufc;
04540             safe_ltoa(i, buff, bufc);
04541             if (p == *bufc)
04542             {
04543                 return;
04544             }
04545         }
04546     }
04547 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_capstr   )  [static]

Definition at line 4453 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_lex(), mux_toupper, safe_copy_buf(), TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04454 {
04455     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04456     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04457     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04458     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04459     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04460     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04462     char *pString = fargs[0];
04463     char *pBuffer = *bufc;
04464     int nString = strlen(pString);
04465     nString = safe_copy_buf(pString, nString, buff, bufc);
04467     // Find the first text character in (nString, pBuffer).
04468     //
04469     while (nString)
04470     {
04471         int nTokenLength0;
04472         int nTokenLength1;
04473         int iType = ANSI_lex(nString, pBuffer, &nTokenLength0, &nTokenLength1);
04474         if (iType == TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI)
04475         {
04476             *pBuffer = mux_toupper(*pBuffer);
04477             return;
04478         }
04479         else
04480         {
04481             // iType == TOKEN_ANSI
04482             //
04483             pBuffer += nTokenLength0;
04484             nString -= nTokenLength0;
04485         }
04486     }
04487 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ucstr   )  [static]

Definition at line 4441 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_TransformTextWithTable(), mux_toupper, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04442 {
04443     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04444     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04445     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04446     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04447     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04448     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04450     ANSI_TransformTextWithTable(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_toupper);
04451 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lcstr   )  [static]

Definition at line 4429 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_TransformTextWithTable(), mux_tolower, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04430 {
04431     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04432     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04433     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04434     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04435     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04436     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04438     ANSI_TransformTextWithTable(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_tolower);
04439 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_moniker   )  [static]

Definition at line 4326 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), Moniker(), safe_match_result(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04327 {
04328     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04329     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04330     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04331     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04333     dbref thing;
04334     if (nfargs == 1)
04335     {
04336         thing = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
04337     }
04338     else
04339     {
04340         thing = executor;
04341     }
04342     if (!Good_obj(thing))
04343     {
04344         safe_match_result(thing, buff, bufc);
04345         return;
04346     }
04347     safe_str(Moniker(thing), buff, bufc);
04348 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_mtime   )  [static]

Definition at line 4293 of file functions.cpp.

References A_MODIFIED, atr_get_raw(), Examinable, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04294 {
04295     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04296     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04297     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04298     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04300     dbref thing;
04301     if (nfargs == 1)
04302     {
04303         thing = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
04304     }
04305     else
04306     {
04307         thing = executor;
04308     }
04309     if (!Good_obj(thing))
04310     {
04311         safe_match_result(thing, buff, bufc);
04312     }
04313     else if (Examinable(executor, thing))
04314     {
04315         safe_str(atr_get_raw(thing, A_MODIFIED), buff, bufc);
04316     }
04317     else
04318     {
04319         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
04320     }
04321 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ctime   )  [static]

Definition at line 4259 of file functions.cpp.

References A_CREATED, atr_get_raw(), Examinable, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04260 {
04261     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04262     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04263     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04264     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04266     dbref thing;
04267     if (nfargs == 1)
04268     {
04269         thing = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
04270     }
04271     else
04272     {
04273         thing = executor;
04274     }
04275     if (!Good_obj(thing))
04276     {
04277         safe_match_result(thing, buff, bufc);
04278     }
04279     else if (Examinable(executor, thing))
04280     {
04281         safe_str(atr_get_raw(thing, A_CREATED), buff, bufc);
04282     }
04283     else
04284     {
04285         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
04286     }
04287 }

FUNCTION ( fun_fdepth   ) 

Definition at line 4242 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::func_nest_lev, mudstate, safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04243 {
04244     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04245     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04246     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04247     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
04248     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04249     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04250     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04252     safe_ltoa(mudstate.func_nest_lev, buff, bufc);
04253 }

FUNCTION ( fun_fcount   ) 

Definition at line 4225 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::func_invk_ctr, mudstate, safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04226 {
04227     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04228     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04229     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04230     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
04231     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04232     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04233     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04235     safe_ltoa(mudstate.func_invk_ctr, buff, bufc);
04236 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_connrecord   )  [static]

Definition at line 4208 of file functions.cpp.

References mudstate, statedata::record_players, safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04209 {
04210     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04211     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04212     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04213     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
04214     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04215     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04216     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04218     safe_ltoa(mudstate.record_players, buff, bufc);
04219 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_mudname   )  [static]

Definition at line 4191 of file functions.cpp.

References confdata::mud_name, mudconf, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04192 {
04193     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
04194     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04195     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04196     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
04197     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04198     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04199     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04201     safe_str(mudconf.mud_name, buff, bufc);
04202 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_aposs   )  [static]

Definition at line 4175 of file functions.cpp.

References process_sex(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04176 {
04177     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04178     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04179     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04180     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04181     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04183     process_sex(executor, fargs[0], "%a", buff, bufc);
04184 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_subj   )  [static]

Definition at line 4164 of file functions.cpp.

References process_sex(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04165 {
04166     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04167     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04168     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04169     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04170     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04172     process_sex(executor, fargs[0], "%s", buff, bufc);
04173 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_poss   )  [static]

Definition at line 4153 of file functions.cpp.

References process_sex(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04154 {
04155     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04156     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04157     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04158     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04159     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04161     process_sex(executor, fargs[0], "%p", buff, bufc);
04162 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_obj   )  [static]

Definition at line 4142 of file functions.cpp.

References process_sex(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04143 {
04144     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04145     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04146     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04147     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04148     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04150     process_sex(executor, fargs[0], "%o", buff, bufc);
04151 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_nearby   )  [static]

Definition at line 4089 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), nearby(), nearby_or_control(), safe_bool, safe_match_result(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04090 {
04091     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04092     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04093     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04094     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04095     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04097     dbref obj1 = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
04098     if (!Good_obj(obj1))
04099     {
04100         safe_match_result(obj1, buff, bufc);
04101         safe_str(" (ARG1)", buff, bufc);
04102         return;
04103     }
04104     dbref obj2 = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[1]);
04105     if (!Good_obj(obj2))
04106     {
04107         safe_match_result(obj2, buff, bufc);
04108         safe_str(" (ARG2)", buff, bufc);
04109         return;
04110     }
04111     bool bResult = (  (  nearby_or_control(executor, obj1)
04112                       || nearby_or_control(executor, obj2))
04113                       && nearby(obj1, obj2));
04114     safe_bool(bResult, buff, bufc);
04115 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lports   )  [static]

Definition at line 4073 of file functions.cpp.

References make_port_ulist(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

04074 {
04075     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04076     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04077     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
04078     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
04079     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04080     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04082     make_port_ulist(executor, buff, bufc);
04083 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lwho   )  [static]

Definition at line 4048 of file functions.cpp.

References make_ulist(), safe_noperm, UNUSED_PARAMETER, Wizard, and xlate().

04049 {
04050     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
04051     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
04052     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
04053     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
04055     bool bPorts = false;
04056     if (nfargs == 1)
04057     {
04058         bPorts = xlate(fargs[0]);
04059         if (  bPorts
04060            && !Wizard(executor))
04061         {
04062             safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
04063             return;
04064         }
04065     }
04066     make_ulist(executor, buff, bufc, bPorts);
04067 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_elock   )  [static]

Definition at line 3987 of file functions.cpp.

References A_LOCK, atr_get, bCanReadAttr(), eval_boolexp(), free_boolexp(), free_lbuf, get_obj_and_lock(), Good_obj, locatable(), match_thing_quiet(), nearby_or_control(), attr::number, parse_boolexp(), safe_bool, safe_chr, safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03988 {
03989     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03990     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03991     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03992     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03994     dbref it, aowner;
03995     int aflags;
03996     ATTR *pattr;
03997     struct boolexp *pBoolExp;
03999     // Parse lock supplier into obj + lock.
04000     //
04001     if (!get_obj_and_lock(executor, fargs[0], &it, &pattr, buff, bufc))
04002     {
04003         return;
04004     }
04005     else if (!locatable(executor, it, enactor))
04006     {
04007         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
04008     }
04010     // Get the victim and ensure we can do it.
04011     //
04012     dbref victim = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[1]);
04013     if (!Good_obj(victim))
04014     {
04015         safe_match_result(victim, buff, bufc);
04016     }
04017     else if (!locatable(executor, victim, enactor))
04018     {
04019         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
04020     }
04021     else if (  nearby_or_control(executor, victim)
04022             || nearby_or_control(executor, it))
04023     {
04024         char *tbuf = atr_get(it, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
04025         if (  pattr->number == A_LOCK
04026            || bCanReadAttr(executor, it, pattr, false))
04027         {
04028             pBoolExp = parse_boolexp(executor, tbuf, true);
04029             safe_bool(eval_boolexp(victim, it, it, pBoolExp), buff, bufc);
04030             free_boolexp(pBoolExp);
04031         }
04032         else
04033         {
04034             safe_chr('0', buff, bufc);
04035         }
04036         free_lbuf(tbuf);
04037     }
04038     else
04039     {
04040         safe_str("#-1 TOO FAR AWAY", buff, bufc);
04041     }
04042 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lock   )  [static]

Definition at line 3950 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_get, bCanReadAttr(), free_boolexp(), free_lbuf, get_obj_and_lock(), attr::number, parse_boolexp(), safe_str, unparse_boolexp_function(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03951 {
03952     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03953     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03954     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03955     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03956     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03958     dbref it, aowner;
03959     int aflags;
03960     ATTR *pattr;
03961     struct boolexp *pBoolExp;
03963     // Parse the argument into obj + lock
03964     //
03965     if (!get_obj_and_lock(executor, fargs[0], &it, &pattr, buff, bufc))
03966     {
03967         return;
03968     }
03970     // Get the attribute and decode it if we can read it
03971     //
03972     char *tbuf = atr_get(it, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
03973     if (bCanReadAttr(executor, it, pattr, false))
03974     {
03975         pBoolExp = parse_boolexp(executor, tbuf, true);
03976         free_lbuf(tbuf);
03977         tbuf = unparse_boolexp_function(executor, pBoolExp);
03978         free_boolexp(pBoolExp);
03979         safe_str(tbuf, buff, bufc);
03980     }
03981     else
03982     {
03983         free_lbuf(tbuf);
03984     }
03985 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_delete   )  [static]

Definition at line 3897 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), safe_copy_buf(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03898 {
03899     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
03900     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03901     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03902     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03903     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03904     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03906     char *s = fargs[0];
03907     int iStart = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
03908     int nChars = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
03909     int nLen = strlen(s);
03911     int iEnd;
03912     if (0 <= nChars)
03913     {
03914         iEnd = iStart + nChars;
03915     }
03916     else
03917     {
03918         iEnd = iStart;
03919         iStart = iEnd + nChars;
03920     }
03922     // Are we deleting anything at all?
03923     //
03924     if (  iEnd <= 0
03925        || nLen <= iStart)
03926     {
03927         if (nLen)
03928         {
03929             safe_copy_buf(s, nLen, buff, bufc);
03930         }
03931         return;
03932     }
03934     if (iStart < 0) iStart = 0;
03935     if (nLen < iEnd) iEnd = nLen;
03937     // ASSERT: Now [iStart,iEnd) exist somewhere within the the string
03938     // [s,nLen).
03939     //
03940     if (iStart)
03941     {
03942         safe_copy_buf(s, iStart, buff, bufc);
03943     }
03944     if (iEnd < nLen)
03945     {
03946         safe_copy_buf(s + iEnd, nLen - iEnd, buff, bufc);
03947     }
03948 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_powers   )  [static]

Definition at line 3870 of file functions.cpp.

References Examinable, free_lbuf, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, powers_list(), confdata::pub_flags, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03871 {
03872     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03873     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03874     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03875     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03877     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
03878     if (!Good_obj(it))
03879     {
03880         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
03881         return;
03882     }
03883     if (  mudconf.pub_flags
03884        || Examinable(executor, it)
03885        || it == enactor)
03886     {
03887         char *buf = powers_list(executor, it);
03888         safe_str(buf, buff, bufc);
03889         free_lbuf(buf);
03890     }
03891     else
03892     {
03893         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
03894     }
03895 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_haspower   )  [static]

Definition at line 3695 of file functions.cpp.

References Examinable, Good_obj, has_power(), match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, confdata::pub_flags, safe_bool, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03696 {
03697     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03698     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03699     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03700     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03702     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
03703     if (!Good_obj(it))
03704     {
03705         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
03706         return;
03707     }
03708     if (  mudconf.pub_flags
03709        || Examinable(executor, it)
03710        || it == enactor)
03711     {
03712         safe_bool(has_power(executor, it, fargs[1]), buff, bufc);
03713     }
03714     else
03715     {
03716         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
03717     }
03718 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_hasflag   )  [static]

Definition at line 3648 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_has_flag(), atr_pget_info(), Examinable, Good_obj, has_flag(), match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, attr::number, parse_attrib(), confdata::pub_flags, safe_bool, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_notfound, See_attr, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03649 {
03650     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03651     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03652     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03653     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03655     dbref it;
03656     ATTR *pattr;
03658     if (parse_attrib(executor, fargs[0], &it, &pattr))
03659     {
03660         if (  !pattr
03661            || !See_attr(executor, it, pattr))
03662         {
03663             safe_notfound(buff, bufc);
03664         }
03665         else
03666         {
03667             int aflags;
03668             dbref aowner;
03669             atr_pget_info(it, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
03670             bool cc = atr_has_flag(executor, it, pattr, aowner, aflags, fargs[1]);
03671             safe_bool(cc, buff, bufc);
03672         }
03673     }
03674     else
03675     {
03676         it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
03677         if (!Good_obj(it))
03678         {
03679             safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
03680         }
03681         else if (  mudconf.pub_flags
03682                 || Examinable(executor, it)
03683                 || it == enactor)
03684         {
03685             bool cc = has_flag(executor, it, fargs[1]);
03686             safe_bool(cc, buff, bufc);
03687         }
03688         else
03689         {
03690             safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
03691         }
03692     }
03693 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_type   )  [static]

Definition at line 3565 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_str, TYPE_EXIT, TYPE_PLAYER, TYPE_ROOM, TYPE_THING, Typeof, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03566 {
03567     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03568     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03569     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03570     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03571     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03573     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
03574     if (!Good_obj(it))
03575     {
03576         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
03577         return;
03578     }
03579     switch (Typeof(it))
03580     {
03581     case TYPE_ROOM:
03582         safe_str("ROOM", buff, bufc);
03583         break;
03584     case TYPE_EXIT:
03585         safe_str("EXIT", buff, bufc);
03586         break;
03587     case TYPE_PLAYER:
03588         safe_str("PLAYER", buff, bufc);
03589         break;
03590     case TYPE_THING:
03591         safe_str("THING", buff, bufc);
03592         break;
03593     default:
03594         safe_str("#-1 ILLEGAL TYPE", buff, bufc);
03595     }
03596 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_wordpos   )  [static]

Definition at line 3531 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, mux_atol(), OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_ltoa(), safe_nothing, split_token(), and trim_space_sep_LEN().

03532 {
03533     SEP sep;
03535     {
03536         return;
03537     }
03539     unsigned int charpos = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
03540     char *cp = fargs[0];
03541     size_t ncp = strlen(cp);
03542     if (  charpos > 0
03543        && charpos <= ncp)
03544     {
03545         int ncp_trimmed;
03546         char *tp = &(cp[charpos - 1]);
03547         cp = trim_space_sep_LEN(cp, ncp, &sep, &ncp_trimmed);
03548         char *xp = split_token(&cp, &sep);
03550         int i;
03551         for (i = 1; xp; i++)
03552         {
03553             if (tp < xp + strlen(xp))
03554             {
03555                 break;
03556             }
03557             xp = split_token(&cp, &sep);
03558         }
03559         safe_ltoa(i, buff, bufc);
03560         return;
03561     }
03562     safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
03563 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_escape   )  [static]

Definition at line 3479 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_lex(), mux_isescape, safe_chr, safe_copy_buf(), TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03480 {
03481     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
03482     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03483     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03484     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
03485     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03486     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03487     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03489     char *pString = fargs[0];
03490     int nString = strlen(pString);
03492     while (nString)
03493     {
03494         int nTokenLength0;
03495         int nTokenLength1;
03496         int iType = ANSI_lex(nString, pString, &nTokenLength0, &nTokenLength1);
03498         if (iType == TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI)
03499         {
03500             // Process TEXT portion (pString, nTokenLength0).
03501             //
03502             nString -= nTokenLength0;
03503             while (nTokenLength0--)
03504             {
03505                 if (  mux_isescape(*pString)
03506                    || pString == fargs[0])
03507                 {
03508                     safe_chr('\\', buff, bufc);
03509                 }
03510                 safe_chr(*pString, buff, bufc);
03511                 pString++;
03512             }
03513             nTokenLength0 = nTokenLength1;
03514         }
03516         if (nTokenLength0)
03517         {
03518             // Process ANSI portion (pString, nTokenLength0).
03519             //
03520             safe_copy_buf(pString, nTokenLength0, buff, bufc);
03521             pString += nTokenLength0;
03522             nString -= nTokenLength0;
03523         }
03524     }
03525 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_secure   )  [static]

Definition at line 3425 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_lex(), mux_issecure, safe_chr, safe_copy_buf(), TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03426 {
03427     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
03428     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03429     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03430     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03431     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03432     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03434     char *pString = fargs[0];
03435     int nString = strlen(pString);
03437     while (nString)
03438     {
03439         int nTokenLength0;
03440         int nTokenLength1;
03441         int iType = ANSI_lex(nString, pString, &nTokenLength0, &nTokenLength1);
03443         if (iType == TOKEN_TEXT_ANSI)
03444         {
03445             // Process TEXT portion (pString, nTokenLength0).
03446             //
03447             nString -= nTokenLength0;
03448             while (nTokenLength0--)
03449             {
03450                 if (mux_issecure(*pString))
03451                 {
03452                     safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
03453                 }
03454                 else
03455                 {
03456                     safe_chr(*pString, buff, bufc);
03457                 }
03458                 pString++;
03459             }
03460             nTokenLength0 = nTokenLength1;
03461         }
03463         if (nTokenLength0)
03464         {
03465             // Process ANSI portion (pString, nTokenLength0).
03466             //
03467             safe_copy_buf(pString, nTokenLength0, buff, bufc);
03468             pString += nTokenLength0;
03469             nString -= nTokenLength0;
03470         }
03471     }
03472 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_member   )  [static]

Definition at line 3395 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_chr, safe_ltoa(), split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

03396 {
03397     SEP sep;
03399     {
03400         return;
03401     }
03403     int wcount;
03404     char *r, *s;
03406     wcount = 1;
03407     s = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
03408     do
03409     {
03410         r = split_token(&s, &sep);
03411         if (!strcmp(fargs[1], r))
03412         {
03413             safe_ltoa(wcount, buff, bufc);
03414             return;
03415         }
03416         wcount++;
03417     } while (s);
03418     safe_chr('0', buff, bufc);
03419 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_remove   )  [static]

Definition at line 3337 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, print_sep, safe_str, split_token(), and SEP::str.

03338 {
03339     SEP sep;
03341     {
03342         return;
03343     }
03344     SEP osep = sep;
03346     {
03347         return;
03348     }
03350     char *s, *sp, *word;
03351     bool first, found;
03353     if (strstr(fargs[1], sep.str))
03354     {
03355         safe_str("#-1 CAN ONLY REMOVE ONE ELEMENT", buff, bufc);
03356         return;
03357     }
03358     s = fargs[0];
03359     word = fargs[1];
03361     // Walk through the string copying words until (if ever) we get to
03362     // one that matches the target word.
03363     //
03364     sp = s;
03365     found = false;
03366     first = true;
03367     while (s)
03368     {
03369         sp = split_token(&s, &sep);
03370         if (  found
03371            || strcmp(sp, word) != 0)
03372         {
03373             if (!first)
03374             {
03375                 print_sep(&osep, buff, bufc);
03376             }
03377             else
03378             {
03379                 first = false;
03380             }
03381             safe_str(sp, buff, bufc);
03382         }
03383         else
03384         {
03385             found = true;
03386         }
03387     }
03388 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_insert   )  [static]

Definition at line 3319 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, do_itemfuns(), IF_INSERT, mux_atol(), and OPTIONAL_DELIM.

03320 {
03321     SEP sep;
03323     {
03324         return;
03325     }
03327     // Insert a word at position X of a list.
03328     //
03329     do_itemfuns(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_atol(fargs[1]), fargs[2], &sep, IF_INSERT);
03330 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_replace   )  [static]

Definition at line 3306 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, do_itemfuns(), IF_REPLACE, mux_atol(), and OPTIONAL_DELIM.

03307 {
03308     SEP sep;
03310     {
03311         return;
03312     }
03314     // Replace a word at position X of a list.
03315     //
03316     do_itemfuns(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_atol(fargs[1]), fargs[2], &sep, IF_REPLACE);
03317 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ldelete   )  [static]

Definition at line 3293 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, do_itemfuns(), IF_DELETE, mux_atol(), and OPTIONAL_DELIM.

03294 {
03295     SEP sep;
03297     {
03298         return;
03299     }
03301     // Delete a word at position X of a list.
03302     //
03303     do_itemfuns(buff, bufc, fargs[0], mux_atol(fargs[1]), NULL, &sep, IF_DELETE);
03304 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lpos   )  [static]

Definition at line 3083 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_chr, safe_ltoa(), strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03084 {
03085     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
03086     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03087     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03088     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03089     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03090     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03092     if (*fargs[0] == '\0')
03093     {
03094         return;
03095     }
03097     char c = *fargs[1];
03098     if (!c)
03099     {
03100         c = ' ';
03101     }
03103     int i;
03104     char *bb_p = *bufc;
03105     char *s = strip_ansi(fargs[0]);
03106     for (i = 0; *s; i++, s++)
03107     {
03108         if (*s == c)
03109         {
03110             if (*bufc != bb_p)
03111             {
03112                 safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
03113             }
03114             safe_ltoa(i, buff, bufc);
03115         }
03116     }
03117 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_pos   )  [static]

Definition at line 3021 of file functions.cpp.

References BMH_StringSearch(), LBUF_SIZE, safe_ltoa(), safe_nothing, strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

03022 {
03023     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
03024     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
03025     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
03026     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
03027     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
03028     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03030     // Strip ANSI from pattern and save.
03031     //
03032     // Note: We need to save it because the next call to strip_ansi()
03033     // will overwrite the prior result.  Also, we save the pattern
03034     // instead of the source because the the pattern will tend to be
03035     // smaller (i.e., on average, fewer bytes to move).
03036     //
03037     size_t nPat = 0;
03038     char aPatBuf[LBUF_SIZE];
03039     char *pPatStrip = strip_ansi(fargs[0], &nPat);
03040     memcpy(aPatBuf, pPatStrip, nPat);
03042     // Strip ANSI from source.
03043     //
03044     size_t nSrc;
03045     char *pSrc = strip_ansi(fargs[1], &nSrc);
03047     // Search for pattern string inside source string.
03048     //
03049     int i = -1;
03050     if (nPat == 1)
03051     {
03052         // We can optimize the single-character case.
03053         //
03054         char *p = strchr(pSrc, aPatBuf[0]);
03055         if (p)
03056         {
03057             i = p - pSrc + 1;
03058         }
03059     }
03060     else if (nPat > 1)
03061     {
03062         // We have a multi-byte pattern.
03063         //
03064         i = BMH_StringSearch(nPat, aPatBuf, nSrc, pSrc)+1;
03065     }
03067     if (i > 0)
03068     {
03069         safe_ltoa(i, buff, bufc);
03070     }
03071     else
03072     {
03073         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
03074     }
03075 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_money   )  [static]

Definition at line 2992 of file functions.cpp.

References Examinable, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), Pennies(), safe_ltoa(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02993 {
02994     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02995     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02996     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02997     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02998     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
03000     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
03001     if (!Good_obj(it))
03002     {
03003         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
03004         return;
03005     }
03006     if (Examinable(executor, it))
03007     {
03008         safe_ltoa(Pennies(it), buff, bufc);
03009     }
03010     else
03011     {
03012         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
03013     }
03014 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_home   )  [static]

Definition at line 2952 of file functions.cpp.

References Dropto, Examinable, Good_obj, Has_dropto, Has_home, Home, isExit, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and where_is().

02953 {
02954     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02955     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02956     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02957     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02958     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02960     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02961     if (!Good_obj(it))
02962     {
02963         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02964     }
02965     else if (!Examinable(executor, it))
02966     {
02967         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
02968     }
02969     else if (Has_home(it))
02970     {
02971         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Home(it));
02972     }
02973     else if (Has_dropto(it))
02974     {
02975         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Dropto(it));
02976     }
02977     else if (isExit(it))
02978     {
02979         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", where_is(it));
02980     }
02981     else
02982     {
02983         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02984     }
02985 }

FUNCTION ( fun_entrances   ) 

Definition at line 2795 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::db_top, Dropto, Examinable, Good_dbref, Good_obj, Has_location, Home, init_match(), isExit, isPlayer, isRoom, isThing, ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), ItemToList_Init(), Location, confdata::many_coins, MAT_EXIT_PARENTS, match_everything(), mudconf, mudstate, mux_atol(), mux_toupper, noisy_match_result(), notify, NOTYPE, NUMBER_TOKEN, payfor(), safe_nothing, safe_str, confdata::searchcost, tprintf(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02796 {
02797     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02798     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02799     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02800     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02802     char *p;
02803     dbref i;
02805     dbref low_bound = 0;
02806     if (3 <= nfargs)
02807     {
02808         p = fargs[2];
02809         if (NUMBER_TOKEN == p[0])
02810         {
02811             p++;
02812         }
02813         i = mux_atol(p);
02814         if (Good_dbref(i))
02815         {
02816             low_bound = i;
02817         }
02818     }
02820     dbref high_bound = mudstate.db_top - 1;
02821     if (4 == nfargs)
02822     {
02823         p = fargs[3];
02824         if (NUMBER_TOKEN == p[0])
02825         {
02826             p++;
02827         }
02828         i = mux_atol(p);
02829         if (Good_dbref(i))
02830         {
02831             high_bound = i;
02832         }
02833     }
02835     bool find_ex = false;
02836     bool find_th = false;
02837     bool find_pl = false;
02838     bool find_rm = false;
02840     if (2 <= nfargs)
02841     {
02842         for (p = fargs[1]; *p; p++)
02843         {
02844             switch(mux_toupper(*p))
02845             {
02846             case 'A':
02847                 find_ex = find_th = find_pl = find_rm = true;
02848                 break;
02850             case 'E':
02851                 find_ex = true;
02852                 break;
02854             case 'T':
02855                 find_th = true;
02856                 break;
02858             case 'P':
02859                 find_pl = true;
02860                 break;
02862             case 'R':
02863                 find_rm = true;
02864                 break;
02866             default:
02867                 safe_str("#-1 INVALID TYPE", buff, bufc);
02868                 return;
02869             }
02870         }
02871     }
02873     if (!(find_ex || find_th || find_pl || find_rm))
02874     {
02875         find_ex = find_th = find_pl = find_rm = true;
02876     }
02878     dbref thing;
02879     if (  nfargs == 0
02880        || *fargs[0] == '\0')
02881     {
02882         if (Has_location(executor))
02883         {
02884             thing = Location(executor);
02885         }
02886         else
02887         {
02888             thing = executor;
02889         }
02890         if (!Good_obj(thing))
02891         {
02892             safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02893             return;
02894         }
02895     }
02896     else
02897     {
02898         init_match(executor, fargs[0], NOTYPE);
02899         match_everything(MAT_EXIT_PARENTS);
02900         thing = noisy_match_result();
02901         if (!Good_obj(thing))
02902         {
02903             safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02904             return;
02905         }
02906     }
02908     if (!payfor(executor, mudconf.searchcost))
02909     {
02910         notify(executor, tprintf("You don't have enough %s.",
02911             mudconf.many_coins));
02912         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02913         return;
02914     }
02916     int control_thing = Examinable(executor, thing);
02917     ITL itl;
02918     ItemToList_Init(&itl, buff, bufc, '#');
02919     for (i = low_bound; i <= high_bound; i++)
02920     {
02921         if (  control_thing
02922            || Examinable(executor, i))
02923         {
02924             if (  (  find_ex
02925                   && isExit(i)
02926                   && Location(i) == thing)
02927                || (  find_rm
02928                   && isRoom(i)
02929                   && Dropto(i) == thing)
02930                || (  find_th
02931                   && isThing(i)
02932                   && Home(i) == thing)
02933                || (  find_pl
02934                   && isPlayer(i)
02935                   && Home(i) == thing))
02936             {
02937                 if (!ItemToList_AddInteger(&itl, i))
02938                 {
02939                     break;
02940                 }
02941             }
02942         }
02943     }
02944     ItemToList_Final(&itl);
02945 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lexits   )  [static]

Definition at line 2718 of file functions.cpp.

References Dark, DOLIST, Examinable, exit_visible(), Exits, Good_obj, Has_exits, ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), ItemToList_Init(), ITER_PARENTS, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_nothing, UNUSED_PARAMETER, VE_BASE_DARK, VE_LOC_DARK, VE_LOC_XAM, and where_is().

02719 {
02720     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02721     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02722     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02723     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02725     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02726     if (!Good_obj(it))
02727     {
02728         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02729         return;
02730     }
02731     if (!Has_exits(it))
02732     {
02733         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02734         return;
02735     }
02736     bool bExam = Examinable(executor, it);
02737     if (  !bExam
02738        && where_is(executor) != it
02739        && it != enactor)
02740     {
02741         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
02742         return;
02743     }
02745     // Return info for all parent levels.
02746     //
02747     bool bDone = false;
02748     dbref parent;
02749     int lev;
02750     ITL pContext;
02751     ItemToList_Init(&pContext, buff, bufc, '#');
02752     ITER_PARENTS(it, parent, lev)
02753     {
02754         // Look for exits at each level.
02755         //
02756         if (!Has_exits(parent))
02757         {
02758             continue;
02759         }
02760         int key = 0;
02761         if (Examinable(executor, parent))
02762         {
02763             key |= VE_LOC_XAM;
02764         }
02765         if (Dark(parent))
02766         {
02767             key |= VE_LOC_DARK;
02768         }
02769         if (Dark(it))
02770         {
02771             key |= VE_BASE_DARK;
02772         }
02774         dbref thing;
02775         DOLIST(thing, Exits(parent))
02776         {
02777             if (  exit_visible(thing, executor, key)
02778                && !ItemToList_AddInteger(&pContext, thing))
02779             {
02780                 bDone = true;
02781                 break;
02782             }
02783         }
02784         if (bDone)
02785         {
02786             break;
02787         }
02788     }
02789     ItemToList_Final(&pContext);
02790 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_lcon   )  [static]

Definition at line 2657 of file functions.cpp.

References Can_Hide, Contents, DOLIST, Examinable, Good_obj, Has_contents, Hidden, ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), ItemToList_Init(), Location, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_nothing, See_Hidden, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02658 {
02659     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02660     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02661     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02662     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02664     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02665     if (!Good_obj(it))
02666     {
02667         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02668         return;
02669     }
02670     if (!Has_contents(it))
02671     {
02672         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02673         return;
02674     }
02675     if (  Examinable(executor, it)
02676        || Location(executor) == it
02677        || it == enactor)
02678     {
02679         dbref thing;
02680         ITL pContext;
02681         ItemToList_Init(&pContext, buff, bufc, '#');
02682         DOLIST(thing, Contents(it))
02683         {
02684 #ifdef WOD_REALMS
02685             int iRealmAction = DoThingToThingVisibility(executor, thing,
02686                 ACTION_IS_STATIONARY);
02687             if (iRealmAction != REALM_DO_HIDDEN_FROM_YOU)
02688             {
02689 #endif
02690                 if (  Can_Hide(thing)
02691                    && Hidden(thing)
02692                    && !See_Hidden(executor))
02693                 {
02694                     continue;
02695                 }
02697                 if (!ItemToList_AddInteger(&pContext, thing))
02698                 {
02699                     break;
02700                 }
02701 #ifdef WOD_REALMS
02702             }
02703 #endif
02704         }
02705         ItemToList_Final(&pContext);
02706     }
02707     else
02708     {
02709         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
02710     }
02711 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_comp   )  [static]

Definition at line 2571 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_bool, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02572 {
02573     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02574     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02575     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02576     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02577     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02578     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02580     int x;
02582     x = strcmp(fargs[0], fargs[1]);
02583     if (x < 0)
02584     {
02585         safe_str("-1", buff, bufc);
02586     }
02587     else
02588     {
02589         safe_bool((x != 0), buff, bufc);
02590     }
02591 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_pfind   )  [static]

Definition at line 2555 of file functions.cpp.

References internalPlayerFind(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02556 {
02557     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02558     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02559     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02560     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02561     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02563     internalPlayerFind(buff, bufc, executor, fargs[0], false);
02564 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_pmatch   )  [static]

Definition at line 2544 of file functions.cpp.

References internalPlayerFind(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02545 {
02546     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02547     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02548     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02549     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02550     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02552     internalPlayerFind(buff, bufc, executor, fargs[0], true);
02553 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_num   )  [static]

Definition at line 2482 of file functions.cpp.

References match_thing_quiet(), safe_tprintf_str(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02483 {
02484     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02485     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02486     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02487     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02488     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02490     safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]));
02491 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_strmem   )  [static]

Definition at line 2466 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_ltoa(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02467 {
02468     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02469     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02470     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02471     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02472     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02474    size_t n = 0;
02475    if (nfargs >= 1)
02476    {
02477        n = strlen(fargs[0]);
02478    }
02479    safe_ltoa(n, buff, bufc);
02480 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_strlen   )  [static]

Definition at line 2450 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_ltoa(), strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02451 {
02452     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02453     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02454     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02455     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02456     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02458     size_t n = 0;
02459     if (nfargs >= 1)
02460     {
02461         strip_ansi(fargs[0], &n);
02462     }
02463     safe_ltoa(n, buff, bufc);
02464 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_version   )  [static]

Definition at line 2437 of file functions.cpp.

References mudstate, safe_str, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and statedata::version.

02438 {
02439     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02440     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02441     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02442     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
02443     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02444     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02445     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02447     safe_str(mudstate.version, buff, bufc);
02448 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_cat   )  [static]

Definition at line 2418 of file functions.cpp.

References safe_chr, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02419 {
02420     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02421     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02422     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02423     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02424     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02426     if (nfargs)
02427     {
02428         safe_str(fargs[0], buff, bufc);
02429         for (int i = 1; i < nfargs; i++)
02430         {
02431             safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
02432             safe_str(fargs[i], buff, bufc);
02433         }
02434     }
02435 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_index   )  [static]

Definition at line 2340 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02341 {
02342     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02343     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02344     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02345     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02346     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02347     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02349     int start, end;
02350     char c, *s, *p;
02352     s = fargs[0];
02353     c = *fargs[1];
02354     start = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
02355     end = mux_atol(fargs[3]);
02357     if ((start < 1) || (end < 1) || (*s == '\0'))
02358     {
02359         return;
02360     }
02361     if (c == '\0')
02362     {
02363         c = ' ';
02364     }
02366     // Move s to point to the start of the item we want.
02367     //
02368     start--;
02369     while (start && s && *s)
02370     {
02371         if ((s = strchr(s, c)) != NULL)
02372         {
02373             s++;
02374         }
02375         start--;
02376     }
02378     // Skip over just spaces.
02379     //
02380     while (s && (*s == ' '))
02381     {
02382         s++;
02383     }
02384     if (!s || !*s)
02385     {
02386         return;
02387     }
02389     // Figure out where to end the string.
02390     //
02391     p = s;
02392     while (end && p && *p)
02393     {
02394         if ((p = strchr(p, c)) != NULL)
02395         {
02396             if (--end == 0)
02397             {
02398                 do {
02399                     p--;
02400                 } while ((*p == ' ') && (p > s));
02401                 *(++p) = '\0';
02402                 safe_str(s, buff, bufc);
02403                 return;
02404             }
02405             else
02406             {
02407                 p++;
02408             }
02409         }
02410     }
02412     // if we've gotten this far, we've run off the end of the string.
02413     //
02414     safe_str(s, buff, bufc);
02415 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_extract   )  [static]

Definition at line 2209 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_CRLF, DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_INIT, DELIM_NULL, DELIM_STRING, mux_atol(), next_token(), OPTIONAL_DELIM, print_sep, safe_str, split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

02210 {
02211     SEP sep;
02213     {
02214         return;
02215     }
02217     SEP osep = sep;
02219     {
02220         return;
02221     }
02223     int start = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
02224     int len = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
02226     if (  start < 1
02227        || len < 1)
02228     {
02229         return;
02230     }
02232     // Skip to the start of the string to save.
02233     //
02234     start--;
02235     char *s = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
02236     while (  start
02237           && s)
02238     {
02239         s = next_token(s, &sep);
02240         start--;
02241     }
02243     // If we ran of the end of the string, return nothing.
02244     //
02245     if (!s || !*s)
02246     {
02247         return;
02248     }
02250     // Count off the words in the string to save.
02251     //
02252     bool bFirst = true;
02253     while (  len
02254           && s)
02255     {
02256         char *t = split_token(&s, &sep);
02257         if (!bFirst)
02258         {
02259             print_sep(&osep, buff, bufc);
02260         }
02261         else
02262         {
02263             bFirst = false;
02264         }
02265         safe_str(t, buff, bufc);
02266         len--;
02267     }
02268 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_strmatch   )  [static]

Definition at line 2183 of file functions.cpp.

References mudstate, quick_wild(), safe_bool, UNUSED_PARAMETER, and statedata::wild_invk_ctr.

02184 {
02185     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
02186     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02187     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02188     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02189     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02190     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02192     // Check if we match the whole string.  If so, return 1.
02193     //
02194     mudstate.wild_invk_ctr = 0;
02195     bool cc = quick_wild(fargs[1], fargs[0]);
02196     safe_bool(cc, buff, bufc);
02197 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_match   )  [static]

Definition at line 2157 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, mudstate, OPTIONAL_DELIM, quick_wild(), safe_chr, safe_ltoa(), split_token(), trim_space_sep(), and statedata::wild_invk_ctr.

02158 {
02159     SEP sep;
02161     {
02162         return;
02163     }
02165     // Check each word individually, returning the word number of the first
02166     // one that matches.  If none match, return 0.
02167     //
02168     int wcount = 1;
02169     char *s = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
02170     do {
02171         char *r = split_token(&s, &sep);
02172         mudstate.wild_invk_ctr = 0;
02173         if (quick_wild(fargs[1], r))
02174         {
02175             safe_ltoa(wcount, buff, bufc);
02176             return;
02177         }
02178         wcount++;
02179     } while (s);
02180     safe_chr('0', buff, bufc);
02181 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_name   )  [static]

Definition at line 2109 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, isExit, isPlayer, Long_Fingers, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, Name, nearby_or_control(), confdata::read_rem_name, safe_match_result(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02110 {
02111     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02112     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02113     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02114     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02115     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02117     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02118     if (!Good_obj(it))
02119     {
02120         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02121         return;
02122     }
02123     if (!mudconf.read_rem_name)
02124     {
02125         if (  !nearby_or_control(executor, it)
02126            && !isPlayer(it)
02127            && !Long_Fingers(executor))
02128         {
02129             safe_str("#-1 TOO FAR AWAY TO SEE", buff, bufc);
02130             return;
02131         }
02132     }
02133     char *temp = *bufc;
02134     safe_str(Name(it), buff, bufc);
02135     if (isExit(it))
02136     {
02137         char *s;
02138         for (s = temp; (s != *bufc) && (*s != ';'); s++)
02139         {
02140             // Do nothing
02141             //
02142             ;
02143         }
02144         if (*s == ';')
02145         {
02146             *bufc = s;
02147         }
02148     }
02149 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_fullname   )  [static]

Definition at line 2078 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, isPlayer, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, Name, nearby_or_control(), confdata::read_rem_name, safe_match_result(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02079 {
02080     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02081     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02082     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02083     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02084     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02086     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02087     if (!Good_obj(it))
02088     {
02089         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02090         return;
02091     }
02092     if (!mudconf.read_rem_name)
02093     {
02094         if (  !nearby_or_control(executor, it)
02095            && !isPlayer(it))
02096         {
02097             safe_str("#-1 TOO FAR AWAY TO SEE", buff, bufc);
02098             return;
02099         }
02100     }
02101     safe_str(Name(it), buff, bufc);
02102 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_controls   )  [static]

Definition at line 2048 of file functions.cpp.

References Controls, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), safe_bool, safe_match_result(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02049 {
02050     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02051     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02052     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02053     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02054     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02056     dbref x = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02057     if (!Good_obj(x))
02058     {
02059         safe_match_result(x, buff, bufc);
02060         safe_str(" (ARG1)", buff, bufc);
02061         return;
02062     }
02063     dbref y = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[1]);
02064     if (!Good_obj(y))
02065     {
02066         safe_match_result(x, buff, bufc);
02067         safe_str(" (ARG2)", buff, bufc);
02068         return;
02069     }
02070     safe_bool(Controls(x,y), buff, bufc);
02071 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_owner   )  [static]

Definition at line 2004 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_pget_info(), Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), attr::number, Owner, parse_attrib(), safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), See_attr, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

02005 {
02006     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
02007     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
02008     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
02009     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
02010     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
02012     dbref it;
02013     ATTR *pattr;
02014     if (parse_attrib(executor, fargs[0], &it, &pattr))
02015     {
02016         if (  !pattr
02017            || !See_attr(executor, it, pattr))
02018         {
02019             safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
02020             return;
02021         }
02022         else
02023         {
02024             dbref aowner;
02025             int   aflags;
02026             atr_pget_info(it, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
02027             it = aowner;
02028         }
02029     }
02030     else
02031     {
02032         it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
02033         if (!Good_obj(it))
02034         {
02035             safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
02036             return;
02037         }
02038         it = Owner(it);
02039     }
02040     safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", it);
02041 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_room   )  [static]

Definition at line 1959 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, isRoom, locatable(), Location, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, confdata::ntfy_nest_lim, safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01960 {
01961     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01962     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01963     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01964     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01966     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01967     if (!Good_obj(it))
01968     {
01969         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01970     }
01971     else if (locatable(executor, it, enactor))
01972     {
01973         int count;
01974         for (count = mudconf.ntfy_nest_lim; count > 0; count--)
01975         {
01976             it = Location(it);
01977             if (!Good_obj(it))
01978             {
01979                 break;
01980             }
01981             if (isRoom(it))
01982             {
01983                 safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", it);
01984                 return;
01985             }
01986         }
01987         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01988     }
01989     else if (isRoom(it))
01990     {
01991         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", it);
01992     }
01993     else
01994     {
01995         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01996     }
01997 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_rloc   )  [static]

Definition at line 1913 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, Has_location, isExit, locatable(), Location, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, mux_atol(), confdata::ntfy_nest_lim, safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01914 {
01915     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01916     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01917     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01918     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01920     int levels = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
01921     if (levels > mudconf.ntfy_nest_lim)
01922     {
01923         levels = mudconf.ntfy_nest_lim;
01924     }
01926     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01927     if (!Good_obj(it))
01928     {
01929         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01930     }
01931     else if (locatable(executor, it, enactor))
01932     {
01933         for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
01934         {
01935             if (  Good_obj(it)
01936                && (  isExit(it)
01937                   || Has_location(it)))
01938             {
01939                 it = Location(it);
01940             }
01941             else
01942             {
01943                 break;
01944             }
01945         }
01946         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", it);
01947     }
01948     else
01949     {
01950         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01951     }
01952 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_where   )  [static]

Definition at line 1886 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, locatable(), match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and where_is().

01887 {
01888     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01889     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01890     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01891     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01893     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01894     if (!Good_obj(it))
01895     {
01896         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01897     }
01898     else if (locatable(executor, it, enactor))
01899     {
01900         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", where_is(it));
01901     }
01902     else
01903     {
01904         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01905     }
01906 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_loc   )  [static]

Definition at line 1859 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, locatable(), Location, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01860 {
01861     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01862     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01863     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01864     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01866     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01867     if (!Good_obj(it))
01868     {
01869         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01870     }
01871     else if (locatable(executor, it, enactor))
01872     {
01873         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Location(it));
01874     }
01875     else
01876     {
01877         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01878     }
01879 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_next   )  [static]

Definition at line 1794 of file functions.cpp.

References Dark, DOLIST, Examinable, exit_visible(), Good_obj, Has_siblings, isExit, match_thing_quiet(), Next, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_notfound, safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, VE_LOC_DARK, VE_LOC_XAM, and where_is().

01795 {
01796     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01797     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01798     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01799     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01800     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01802     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01803     if (!Good_obj(it))
01804     {
01805         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01806     }
01807     else if (Has_siblings(it))
01808     {
01809         dbref loc = where_is(it);
01810         bool ex_here = Good_obj(loc) ? Examinable(executor, loc) : false;
01811         if (  ex_here
01812            || loc == executor
01813            || loc == where_is(executor))
01814         {
01815             if (!isExit(it))
01816             {
01817                 safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Next(it));
01818             }
01819             else
01820             {
01821                 int key = 0;
01822                 if (ex_here)
01823                 {
01824                     key |= VE_LOC_XAM;
01825                 }
01826                 if (Dark(loc))
01827                 {
01828                     key |= VE_LOC_DARK;
01829                 }
01830                 dbref exit;
01831                 DOLIST(exit, it)
01832                 {
01833                     if (  exit != it
01834                        && exit_visible(exit, executor, key))
01835                     {
01836                         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", exit);
01837                         return;
01838                     }
01839                 }
01840                 safe_notfound(buff, bufc);
01841             }
01842         }
01843         else
01844         {
01845             safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
01846         }
01847     }
01848     else
01849     {
01850         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01851     }
01852 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_exit   )  [static]

Definition at line 1747 of file functions.cpp.

References Dark, DOLIST, Examinable, exit_visible(), Exits, Good_obj, Has_exits, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_notfound, safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, VE_LOC_DARK, and VE_LOC_XAM.

01748 {
01749     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01750     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01751     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01752     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01753     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01755     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01756     if (!Good_obj(it))
01757     {
01758         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01759     }
01760     else if (  Has_exits(it)
01761             && Good_obj(Exits(it)))
01762     {
01763         int key = 0;
01764         if (Examinable(executor, it))
01765         {
01766             key |= VE_LOC_XAM;
01767         }
01768         if (Dark(it))
01769         {
01770             key |= VE_LOC_DARK;
01771         }
01772         dbref exit;
01773         DOLIST(exit, Exits(it))
01774         {
01775             if (exit_visible(exit, executor, key))
01776             {
01777                 safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", exit);
01778                 return;
01779             }
01780         }
01781         safe_notfound(buff, bufc);
01782     }
01783     else
01784     {
01785         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01786     }
01787 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_con   )  [static]

Definition at line 1711 of file functions.cpp.

References Contents, Examinable, Good_obj, Has_contents, match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_nothing, safe_tprintf_str(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and where_is().

01712 {
01713     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01714     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01715     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01716     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01718     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01719     if (!Good_obj(it))
01720     {
01721         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01722     }
01723     else if (Has_contents(it))
01724     {
01725         if (  Examinable(executor, it)
01726            || where_is(executor) == it
01727            || it == enactor)
01728         {
01729             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Contents(it));
01730         }
01731         else
01732         {
01733             safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
01734         }
01735     }
01736     else
01737     {
01738         safe_nothing(buff, bufc);
01739     }
01740 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_s   )  [static]

Definition at line 1697 of file functions.cpp.

References EV_EVAL, EV_FIGNORE, mux_exec(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01698 {
01699     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01701     char *str = fargs[0];
01702     mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor, EV_FIGNORE | EV_EVAL, &str,
01703              cargs, ncargs);
01704 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_v   )  [static]

Definition at line 1645 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_sbuf, atr_pget_LEN(), atr_str(), EV_EVAL, EV_FIGNORE, free_lbuf, free_sbuf, mux_AttrNameInitialSet, mux_exec(), attr::number, safe_copy_buf(), safe_sb_chr, safe_sb_str, See_attr, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01646 {
01647     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01649     dbref aowner;
01650     int aflags;
01651     char *sbuf, *sbufc, *tbuf, *str;
01652     ATTR *ap;
01654     tbuf = fargs[0];
01655     if (mux_AttrNameInitialSet(tbuf[0]) && tbuf[1])
01656     {
01657         // Fetch an attribute from me. First see if it exists,
01658         // returning a null string if it does not.
01659         //
01660         ap = atr_str(fargs[0]);
01661         if (!ap)
01662         {
01663             return;
01664         }
01666         // If we can access it, return it, otherwise return a null
01667         // string.
01668         //
01669         size_t nLen;
01670         tbuf = atr_pget_LEN(executor, ap->number, &aowner, &aflags, &nLen);
01671         if (See_attr(executor, executor, ap))
01672         {
01673             safe_copy_buf(tbuf, nLen, buff, bufc);
01674         }
01675         free_lbuf(tbuf);
01676         return;
01677     }
01679     // Not an attribute, process as %<arg>
01680     //
01681     sbuf = alloc_sbuf("fun_v");
01682     sbufc = sbuf;
01683     safe_sb_chr('%', sbuf, &sbufc);
01684     safe_sb_str(fargs[0], sbuf, &sbufc);
01685     *sbufc = '\0';
01686     str = sbuf;
01687     mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor, EV_EVAL|EV_FIGNORE, &str,
01688              cargs, ncargs);
01689     free_sbuf(sbuf);
01690 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_rest   )  [static]

Definition at line 1617 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_str, split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

01618 {
01619     // If we are passed an empty arglist return a null string.
01620     //
01621     if (nfargs == 0)
01622     {
01623         return;
01624     }
01626     SEP sep;
01628     {
01629         return;
01630     }
01632     char *s = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
01633     split_token(&s, &sep);
01634     if (s)
01635     {
01636         safe_str(s, buff, bufc);
01637     }
01638 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_first   )  [static]

Definition at line 1588 of file functions.cpp.

References DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_str, split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

01589 {
01590     // If we are passed an empty arglist return a null string.
01591     //
01592     if (nfargs == 0)
01593     {
01594         return;
01595     }
01597     SEP sep;
01599     {
01600         return;
01601     }
01603     char *s = trim_space_sep(fargs[0], &sep);
01604     char *first = split_token(&s, &sep);
01605     if (first)
01606     {
01607         safe_str(first, buff, bufc);
01608     }
01609 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_right   )  [static]

Definition at line 1520 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL, ANSI_String_Copy(), ANSI_String_Finalize(), ANSI_String_In_Init(), ANSI_String_Out_Init(), ANSI_String_Skip(), LBUF_SIZE, mux_atol(), safe_range, strip_ansi(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01521 {
01522     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
01523     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01524     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01525     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01526     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01527     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01529     // nLength on [0,LBUF_SIZE).
01530     //
01531     long   lLength = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
01532     size_t nLength;
01533     if (lLength < 0)
01534     {
01535         safe_range(buff, bufc);
01536         return;
01537     }
01538     else if (LBUF_SIZE-1 < lLength)
01539     {
01540         nLength = LBUF_SIZE-1;
01541     }
01542     else
01543     {
01544         nLength = lLength;
01545     }
01547     // iPosition1 on [0,LBUF_SIZE)
01548     //
01549     size_t iPosition1 = strlen(strip_ansi(fargs[0]));
01551     // iPosition0 on [0,LBUF_SIZE)
01552     //
01553     size_t iPosition0;
01554     if (iPosition1 <= nLength)
01555     {
01556         iPosition0 = 0;
01557     }
01558     else
01559     {
01560         iPosition0 = iPosition1 - nLength;
01561     }
01563     // At this point, iPosition0, nLength, and iPosition1 are reasonable
01564     // numbers which may -still- not refer to valid data in the string.
01565     //
01566     struct ANSI_In_Context aic;
01567     ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, fargs[0], ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
01568     int nDone;
01569     ANSI_String_Skip(&aic, iPosition0, &nDone);
01570     if ((size_t)nDone < iPosition0)
01571     {
01572         return;
01573     }
01575     struct ANSI_Out_Context aoc;
01576     int nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
01577     ANSI_String_Out_Init(&aoc, *bufc, nBufferAvailable, nLength, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
01578     ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, nLength);
01579     int nSize = ANSI_String_Finalize(&aoc, &nDone);
01580     *bufc += nSize;
01581 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_mid   )  [static]

Definition at line 1467 of file functions.cpp.

References ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL, ANSI_String_Copy(), ANSI_String_Finalize(), ANSI_String_In_Init(), ANSI_String_Out_Init(), ANSI_String_Skip(), LBUF_SIZE, mux_atol(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01468 {
01469     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
01470     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01471     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01472     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01473     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01474     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01476     // Initial checks for iPosition0 [0,LBUF_SIZE), nLength [0,LBUF_SIZE),
01477     // and iPosition1 [0,LBUF_SIZE).
01478     //
01479     int iPosition0 = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
01480     int nLength = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
01481     if (nLength < 0)
01482     {
01483         iPosition0 += nLength;
01484         nLength = -nLength;
01485     }
01487     if (iPosition0 < 0)
01488     {
01489         iPosition0 = 0;
01490     }
01491     else if (LBUF_SIZE-1 < iPosition0)
01492     {
01493         iPosition0 = LBUF_SIZE-1;
01494     }
01496     // At this point, iPosition0, nLength are reasonable numbers which may
01497     // -still- not refer to valid data in the string.
01498     //
01499     struct ANSI_In_Context aic;
01500     ANSI_String_In_Init(&aic, fargs[0], ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
01501     int nDone;
01502     ANSI_String_Skip(&aic, iPosition0, &nDone);
01503     if (nDone < iPosition0)
01504     {
01505         return;
01506     }
01508     struct ANSI_Out_Context aoc;
01509     int nBufferAvailable = LBUF_SIZE - (*bufc - buff) - 1;
01510     ANSI_String_Out_Init(&aoc, *bufc, nBufferAvailable, nLength, ANSI_ENDGOAL_NORMAL);
01511     ANSI_String_Copy(&aoc, &aic, nLength);
01512     int nSize = ANSI_String_Finalize(&aoc, &nDone);
01513     *bufc += nSize;
01514 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_parent   )  [static]

Definition at line 1438 of file functions.cpp.

References Examinable, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), Parent, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_tprintf_str(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01439 {
01440     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01441     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01442     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01443     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01445     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
01446     if (!Good_obj(it))
01447     {
01448         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
01449         return;
01450     }
01451     if (  Examinable(executor, it)
01452        || it == enactor)
01453     {
01454         safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", Parent(it));
01455     }
01456     else
01457     {
01458         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
01459     }
01460 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_ulocal   )  [static]

Definition at line 1427 of file functions.cpp.

References do_ufun().

01428 {
01429     do_ufun(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor, fargs, nfargs, cargs,
01430             ncargs, true);
01431 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_u   )  [static]

Definition at line 1421 of file functions.cpp.

References do_ufun().

01422 {
01423     do_ufun(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor, fargs, nfargs, cargs,
01424             ncargs, false);
01425 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_eval   )  [static]

Definition at line 1351 of file functions.cpp.

References EV_EVAL, GET_EVAL, get_handler(), mux_exec(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01352 {
01353     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01354     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01356     if (nfargs == 1)
01357     {
01358         char *str = fargs[0];
01359         mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor, EV_EVAL, &str,
01360                  (char **)NULL, 0);
01361         return;
01362     }
01363     if (!*fargs[0] || !*fargs[1])
01364     {
01365         return;
01366     }
01368     get_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, GET_EVAL);
01369 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_subeval   )  [static]

Definition at line 1339 of file functions.cpp.


01340 {
01341     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01342     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01343     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01345     char *str = fargs[0];
01346     mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor,
01348              &str, (char **)NULL, 0);
01349 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_get_eval   )  [static]

Definition at line 1328 of file functions.cpp.

References GET_GEVAL, get_handler(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01329 {
01330     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01331     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01332     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01333     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01334     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01336     get_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, GET_GEVAL);
01337 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_xget   )  [static]

Definition at line 1311 of file functions.cpp.

References get_handler(), GET_XGET, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01312 {
01313     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01314     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01315     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01316     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01317     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01319     if (!*fargs[0] || !*fargs[1])
01320     {
01321         return;
01322     }
01324     get_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, GET_XGET);
01325 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_get   )  [static]

Definition at line 1300 of file functions.cpp.

References GET_GET, get_handler(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

01301 {
01302     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
01303     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
01304     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
01305     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
01306     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
01308     get_handler(buff, bufc, executor, fargs, GET_GET);
01309 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_timefmt   )  [static]

Definition at line 912 of file functions.cpp.

References DayOfWeekString, CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), FIELDEDTIME::iDayOfMonth, FIELDEDTIME::iDayOfWeek, FIELDEDTIME::iDayOfYear, FIELDEDTIME::iHour, FIELDEDTIME::iMinute, FIELDEDTIME::iMonth, FIELDEDTIME::iSecond, isLeapYear(), FIELDEDTIME::iYear, monthtab, CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnDateString(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnFields(), CLinearTimeDelta::ReturnSeconds(), safe_chr, safe_copy_buf(), safe_ltoa(), safe_str, safe_tprintf_str(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::SetSecondsString(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and CLinearTimeAbsolute::UTC2Local().

00913 {
00914     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00915     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00916     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00917     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00918     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00920     CLinearTimeAbsolute lta, ltaUTC;
00921     if (nfargs == 2)
00922     {
00923         ltaUTC.SetSecondsString(fargs[1]);
00924     }
00925     else
00926     {
00927         ltaUTC.GetUTC();
00928     }
00929     lta = ltaUTC;
00930     lta.UTC2Local();
00932     FIELDEDTIME ft;
00933     lta.ReturnFields(&ft);
00935     // Calculate Time Zone Info
00936     //
00937     CLinearTimeDelta ltd = lta - ltaUTC;
00938     int iTZSecond = ltd.ReturnSeconds();
00939     int iTZSign;
00940     if (iTZSecond < 0)
00941     {
00942         iTZSign = '-';
00943         iTZSecond = -iTZSecond;
00944     }
00945     else
00946     {
00947         iTZSign = '+';
00948     }
00949     int iTZHour = iTZSecond / 3600;
00950     iTZSecond %= 3600;
00951     int iTZMinute = iTZSecond/60;
00952     int iHour12 = Map24to12[ft.iHour];
00954     // Calculate Monday and Sunday-oriented week numbers.
00955     //
00956     int iWeekOfYearSunday = (ft.iDayOfYear-ft.iDayOfWeek+6)/7;
00957     int iDayOfWeekMonday  = (ft.iDayOfWeek == 0)?7:ft.iDayOfWeek;
00958     int iWeekOfYearMonday = (ft.iDayOfYear-iDayOfWeekMonday+7)/7;
00960     // Calculate ISO Week and Year.  Remember that the ISO Year can be the
00961     // same, one year ahead, or one year behind of the Gregorian Year.
00962     //
00963     int iYearISO = ft.iYear;
00964     int iWeekISO = 0;
00965     int iTemp = 0;
00966     if (  ft.iMonth == 12
00967        && 35 <= 7 + ft.iDayOfMonth - iDayOfWeekMonday)
00968     {
00969         iYearISO++;
00970         iWeekISO = 1;
00971     }
00972     else if (  ft.iMonth == 1
00973             && ft.iDayOfMonth <= 3
00974             && (iTemp = 7 - ft.iDayOfMonth + iDayOfWeekMonday) >= 11)
00975     {
00976         iYearISO--;
00977         if (  iTemp == 11
00978            || (  iTemp == 12
00979               && isLeapYear(iYearISO)))
00980         {
00981             iWeekISO = 53;
00982         }
00983         else
00984         {
00985             iWeekISO = 52;
00986         }
00987     }
00988     else
00989     {
00990         iWeekISO = (7 + ft.iDayOfYear - iDayOfWeekMonday)/7;
00991         if (4 <= (7 + ft.iDayOfYear - iDayOfWeekMonday)%7)
00992         {
00993             iWeekISO++;
00994         }
00995     }
00997     char *q;
00998     char *p = fargs[0];
00999     while ((q = strchr(p, '$')) != NULL)
01000     {
01001         size_t nLen = q - p;
01002         safe_copy_buf(p, nLen, buff, bufc);
01003         p = q;
01005         // Now, p points to a '$'.
01006         //
01007         p++;
01009         // Handle modifiers
01010         //
01011         int  iOption = 0;
01012         int ch = *p++;
01013         if (ch == '#' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'O')
01014         {
01015             iOption = ch;
01016             ch = *p++;
01017         }
01019         // Handle format letter.
01020         //
01021         switch (ch)
01022         {
01023         case 'a': // $a - Abbreviated weekday name
01024             safe_str(DayOfWeekString[ft.iDayOfWeek], buff, bufc);
01025             break;
01027         case 'A': // $A - Full weekday name
01028             safe_str(DayOfWeekStringLong[ft.iDayOfWeek], buff, bufc);
01029             break;
01031         case 'b': // $b - Abbreviated month name
01032         case 'h':
01033             safe_str(monthtab[ft.iMonth-1], buff, bufc);
01034             break;
01036         case 'B': // $B - Full month name
01037             safe_str(MonthTableLong[ft.iMonth-1], buff, bufc);
01038             break;
01040         case 'c': // $c - Date and time
01041             if (iOption == '#')
01042             {
01043                 // Long version.
01044                 //
01045                 safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s, %s %d, %d, %02d:%02d:%02d",
01046                     DayOfWeekStringLong[ft.iDayOfWeek],
01047                     MonthTableLong[ft.iMonth-1],
01048                     ft.iDayOfMonth, ft.iYear, ft.iHour, ft.iMinute,
01049                     ft.iSecond);
01050             }
01051             else
01052             {
01053                 safe_str(lta.ReturnDateString(7), buff, bufc);
01054             }
01055             break;
01057         case 'C': // $C - The century (year/100).
01058             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", ft.iYear / 100);
01059             break;
01061         case 'd': // $d - Day of Month as decimal number (1-31)
01062             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01063                 ft.iDayOfMonth);
01064             break;
01066         case 'x': // $x - Date
01067             if (iOption == '#')
01068             {
01069                 safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s, %s %d, %d",
01070                     DayOfWeekStringLong[ft.iDayOfWeek],
01071                     MonthTableLong[ft.iMonth-1],
01072                     ft.iDayOfMonth, ft.iYear);
01073                 break;
01074             }
01076             // FALL THROUGH
01078         case 'D': // $D - Equivalent to %m/%d/%y
01079             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%02d/%02d/%02d", ft.iMonth,
01080                 ft.iDayOfMonth, ft.iYear % 100);
01081             break;
01083         case 'e': // $e - Like $d, the day of the month as a decimal number,
01084                   // but a leading zero is replaced with a space.
01085             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%2d", ft.iDayOfMonth);
01086             break;
01088         case 'F': // $F - The ISO 8601 formated date.
01089             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d-%02d-%02d", ft.iYear, ft.iMonth,
01090                 ft.iDayOfMonth);
01091             break;
01093         case 'g': // $g - Like $G, two-digit ISO 8601 year.
01094             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%02d", iYearISO%100);
01095             break;
01097         case 'G': // $G - The ISO 8601 year.
01098             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%04d", iYearISO);
01099             break;
01101         case 'H': // $H - Hour of the 24-hour day.
01102             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d", ft.iHour);
01103             break;
01105         case 'I': // $I - Hour of the 12-hour day
01106             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d", iHour12);
01107             break;
01109         case 'j': // $j - Day of the year.
01110             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%03d",
01111                 ft.iDayOfYear);
01112             break;
01114         case 'k': // $k - Hour of the 24-hour day. Pad with a space.
01115             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%2d", ft.iHour);
01116             break;
01118         case 'l': // $l - Hour of the 12-hour clock. Pad with a space.
01119             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%2d", iHour12);
01120             break;
01122         case 'm': // $m - Month of the year
01123             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01124                 ft.iMonth);
01125             break;
01127         case 'M': // $M - Minutes after the hour
01128             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01129                 ft.iMinute);
01130             break;
01132         case 'n': // $n - Newline.
01133             safe_str("\r\n", buff, bufc);
01134             break;
01136         case 'p': // $p - AM/PM
01137             safe_str((ft.iHour < 12)?"AM":"PM", buff, bufc);
01138             break;
01140         case 'P': // $p - am/pm
01141             safe_str((ft.iHour < 12)?"am":"pm", buff, bufc);
01142             break;
01144         case 'r': // $r - Equivalent to $I:$M:$S $p
01145             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc,
01146                 (iOption=='#')?"%d:%02d:%02d %s":"%02d:%02d:%02d %s",
01147                 iHour12, ft.iMinute, ft.iSecond,
01148                 (ft.iHour<12)?"AM":"PM");
01149             break;
01151         case 'R': // $R - Equivalent to $H:$M
01152             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d:%02d":"%02d:%02d",
01153                 ft.iHour, ft.iMinute);
01154             break;
01156         case 's': // $s - Number of seconds since the epoch.
01157             safe_str(ltaUTC.ReturnSecondsString(7), buff, bufc);
01158             break;
01160         case 'S': // $S - Seconds after the minute
01161             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01162                 ft.iSecond);
01163             break;
01165         case 't':
01166             safe_chr('\t', buff, bufc);
01167             break;
01169         case 'X': // $X - Time
01170         case 'T': // $T - Equivalent to $H:$M:$S
01171             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc,
01172                 (iOption=='#')?"%d:%02d:%02d":"%02d:%02d:%02d",
01173                 ft.iHour, ft.iMinute, ft.iSecond);
01174             break;
01176         case 'u': // $u - Day of the Week, range 1 to 7. Monday = 1.
01177             safe_ltoa(iDayOfWeekMonday, buff, bufc);
01178             break;
01180         case 'U': // $U - Week of the year from 1st Sunday
01181             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01182                 iWeekOfYearSunday);
01183             break;
01185         case 'V': // $V - ISO 8601:1988 week number.
01186             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%02d", iWeekISO);
01187             break;
01189         case 'w': // $w - Day of the week. 0 = Sunday
01190             safe_ltoa(ft.iDayOfWeek, buff, bufc);
01191             break;
01193         case 'W': // $W - Week of the year from 1st Monday
01194             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01195                 iWeekOfYearMonday);
01196             break;
01198         case 'y': // $y - Two-digit year
01199             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%02d",
01200                 ft.iYear % 100);
01201             break;
01203         case 'Y': // $Y - All-digit year
01204             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, (iOption=='#')?"%d":"%04d",
01205                 ft.iYear);
01206             break;
01208         case 'z': // $z - Time zone
01209             safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%c%02d%02d", iTZSign, iTZHour,
01210                 iTZMinute);
01211             break;
01213         case 'Z': // $Z - Time zone name
01214             // TODO
01215             break;
01217         case '$': // $$
01218             safe_chr(ch, buff, bufc);
01219             break;
01221         default:
01222             safe_chr('$', buff, bufc);
01223             p = q + 1;
01224             break;
01225         }
01226     }
01227     safe_str(p, buff, bufc);
01228 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_starttime   )  [static]

Definition at line 854 of file functions.cpp.

References mudstate, CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnDateString(), safe_str, statedata::start_time, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00855 {
00856     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00857     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00858     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00859     UNUSED_PARAMETER(fargs);
00860     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
00861     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00862     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00864     char *temp = mudstate.start_time.ReturnDateString();
00865     safe_str(temp, buff, bufc);
00866 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_convtime   )  [static]

Definition at line 817 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), mux_stricmp(), ParseDate(), safe_str, CLinearTimeAbsolute::SetString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00818 {
00819     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00820     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00821     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00822     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00823     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00825     CLinearTimeAbsolute lta;
00826     bool bZoneSpecified = false;
00827     if (  lta.SetString(fargs[0])
00828        || ParseDate(lta, fargs[0], &bZoneSpecified))
00829     {
00830         if (  !bZoneSpecified
00831            && (  nfargs == 1
00832               || mux_stricmp("utc", fargs[1]) != 0))
00833         {
00834             lta.Local2UTC();
00835         }
00836         int nPrecision = 0;
00837         if (nfargs == 3)
00838         {
00839             nPrecision = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
00840         }
00841         safe_str(lta.ReturnSecondsString(nPrecision), buff, bufc);
00842     }
00843     else
00844     {
00845         safe_str("#-1 INVALID DATE", buff, bufc);
00846     }
00847 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_convsecs   )  [static]

Definition at line 769 of file functions.cpp.

References mux_atol(), mux_stricmp(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnDateString(), safe_str, CLinearTimeAbsolute::SetSecondsString(), UNUSED_PARAMETER, and CLinearTimeAbsolute::UTC2Local().

00770 {
00771     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00772     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00773     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00774     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00775     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00777     CLinearTimeAbsolute lta;
00778     if (lta.SetSecondsString(fargs[0]))
00779     {
00780         if (  nfargs == 1
00781            || mux_stricmp("utc", fargs[1]) != 0)
00782         {
00783             lta.UTC2Local();
00784         }
00785         int nPrecision = 0;
00786         if (nfargs == 3)
00787         {
00788             nPrecision = mux_atol(fargs[2]);
00789         }
00790         char *temp = lta.ReturnDateString(nPrecision);
00791         safe_str(temp, buff, bufc);
00792     }
00793     else
00794     {
00795         safe_str("#-1 INVALID DATE", buff, bufc);
00796     }
00797 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_secs   )  [static]

Definition at line 728 of file functions.cpp.

References CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetLocal(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), mux_atol(), mux_stricmp(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnSecondsString(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00729 {
00730     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00731     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00732     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00733     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00734     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00736     CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaNow;
00737     if (  nfargs == 0
00738        || mux_stricmp("local", fargs[0]) != 0)
00739     {
00740         ltaNow.GetUTC();
00741     }
00742     else
00743     {
00744         ltaNow.GetLocal();
00745     }
00746     int nPrecision = 0;
00747     if (nfargs == 2)
00748     {
00749         nPrecision = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
00750     }
00751     safe_str(ltaNow.ReturnSecondsString(nPrecision), buff, bufc);
00752 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_time   )  [static]

Definition at line 690 of file functions.cpp.

References CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetLocal(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::GetUTC(), mux_atol(), mux_stricmp(), CLinearTimeAbsolute::ReturnDateString(), safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00691 {
00692     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00693     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00694     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00695     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00696     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00698     CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaNow;
00699     if (  nfargs == 0
00700        || mux_stricmp("utc", fargs[0]) != 0)
00701     {
00702         ltaNow.GetLocal();
00703     }
00704     else
00705     {
00706         ltaNow.GetUTC();
00707     }
00708     int nPrecision = 0;
00709     if (nfargs == 2)
00710     {
00711         nPrecision = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
00712     }
00713     char *temp = ltaNow.ReturnDateString(nPrecision);
00714     safe_str(temp, buff, bufc);
00715 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_rand   )  [static]

Definition at line 627 of file functions.cpp.

References INT32_MAX_VALUE, is_integer(), mux_atol(), RandomINT32(), safe_chr, safe_ltoa(), safe_range, safe_str, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00628 {
00629     UNUSED_PARAMETER(executor);
00630     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00631     UNUSED_PARAMETER(enactor);
00632     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00633     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00635     int nDigits;
00636     switch (nfargs)
00637     {
00638     case 1:
00639         if (is_integer(fargs[0], &nDigits))
00640         {
00641             int num = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
00642             if (num < 1)
00643             {
00644                 safe_chr('0', buff, bufc);
00645             }
00646             else
00647             {
00648                 safe_ltoa(RandomINT32(0, num-1), buff, bufc);
00649             }
00650         }
00651         else
00652         {
00653             safe_str("#-1 ARGUMENT MUST BE INTEGER", buff, bufc);
00654         }
00655         break;
00657     case 2:
00658         if (  is_integer(fargs[0], &nDigits)
00659            && is_integer(fargs[1], &nDigits))
00660         {
00661             int lower = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
00662             int higher = mux_atol(fargs[1]);
00663             if (  lower <= higher
00664                && (unsigned int)(higher-lower) <= INT32_MAX_VALUE)
00665             {
00666                 safe_ltoa(RandomINT32(lower, higher), buff, bufc);
00667             }
00668             else
00669             {
00670                 safe_range(buff, bufc);
00671             }
00672         }
00673         else
00674         {
00675             safe_str("#-1 ARGUMENT MUST BE INTEGER", buff, bufc);
00676         }
00677         break;
00678     }
00679 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_flags   )  [static]

Definition at line 578 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_pget_info(), db, decode_attr_flags(), decode_flags(), Examinable, free_sbuf, object::fs, Good_obj, match_thing_quiet(), mudconf, attr::number, parse_attrib(), confdata::pub_flags, safe_match_result(), safe_noperm, safe_str, See_attr, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

00579 {
00580     UNUSED_PARAMETER(caller);
00581     UNUSED_PARAMETER(nfargs);
00582     UNUSED_PARAMETER(cargs);
00583     UNUSED_PARAMETER(ncargs);
00585     dbref it;
00586     ATTR  *pattr;
00587     if (parse_attrib(executor, fargs[0], &it, &pattr))
00588     {
00589         if (  pattr
00590            && See_attr(executor, it, pattr))
00591         {
00592             dbref aowner;
00593             int   aflags;
00594             atr_pget_info(it, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags);
00595             char xbuf[11];
00596             decode_attr_flags(aflags, xbuf);
00597             safe_str(xbuf, buff, bufc);
00598         }
00599     }
00600     else
00601     {
00602         it = match_thing_quiet(executor, fargs[0]);
00603         if (!Good_obj(it))
00604         {
00605             safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
00606             return;
00607         }
00608         if (  mudconf.pub_flags
00609            || Examinable(executor, it)
00610            || it == enactor)
00611         {
00612             char *buff2 = decode_flags(executor, &(db[it].fs));
00613             safe_str(buff2, buff, bufc);
00614             free_sbuf(buff2);
00615         }
00616         else
00617         {
00618             safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
00619         }
00620     }
00621 }

static FUNCTION ( fun_words   )  [static]

Definition at line 556 of file functions.cpp.

References countwords(), DELIM_DFLT, DELIM_STRING, OPTIONAL_DELIM, safe_chr, safe_ltoa(), and strip_ansi().

00557 {
00558     if (nfargs == 0)
00559     {
00560         safe_chr('0', buff, bufc);
00561         return;
00562     }
00564     SEP sep;
00566     {
00567         return;
00568     }
00570     safe_ltoa(countwords(strip_ansi(fargs[0]), &sep), buff, bufc);
00571 }

void function_add ( FUN fp  ) 

Definition at line 8905 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_sbuf, free_sbuf, statedata::func_htab, hashaddLEN(), mudstate, mux_strlwr(), tagFun::name, and safe_sb_str.

08906 {
08907     char *buff = alloc_sbuf("init_functab");
08908     char *bp = buff;
08909     safe_sb_str(fp->name, buff, &bp);
08910     *bp = '\0';
08911     mux_strlwr(buff);
08912     hashaddLEN(buff, strlen(buff), fp, &mudstate.func_htab);
08913     free_sbuf(buff);
08914 }

void functions_add ( FUN  funlist[]  ) 

Definition at line 8916 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_sbuf, free_sbuf, statedata::func_htab, hashaddLEN(), mudstate, mux_strlwr(), tagFun::name, and safe_sb_str.

Referenced by init_functab(), and local_startup().

08917 {
08918     char *buff = alloc_sbuf("init_functab");
08919     for (FUN *fp = funlist; fp->name; fp++)
08920     {
08921         char *bp = buff;
08922         safe_sb_str(fp->name, buff, &bp);
08923         *bp = '\0';
08924         mux_strlwr(buff);
08925         hashaddLEN(buff, strlen(buff), fp, &mudstate.func_htab);
08926     }
08927     free_sbuf(buff);
08928 }

static void GeneralTimeConversion ( char *  Buffer,
long  Seconds,
int  iStartBase,
int  iEndBase,
bool  bSingleTerm,
bool  bNames 
) [static]

Definition at line 7569 of file functions.cpp.

References RADIX_ENTRY::chLetter, RADIX_ENTRY::iBase, mux_ltoa(), RADIX_ENTRY::nName, and reTable.

Referenced by expand_time(), time_format_2(), and write_time().

07577 {
07578     if (Seconds < 0)
07579     {
07580         Seconds = 0;
07581     }
07583     char *p = Buffer;
07584     int iValue;
07586     for (int i = iStartBase; i <= iEndBase; i++)
07587     {
07588         if (reTable[i].iBase <= Seconds || i == iEndBase)
07589         {
07591             // Division and remainder.
07592             //
07593             iValue = Seconds/reTable[i].iBase;
07594             Seconds -= iValue * reTable[i].iBase;
07596             if (iValue != 0 || i == iEndBase)
07597             {
07598                 if (p != Buffer)
07599                 {
07600                     *p++ = ' ';
07601                 }
07602                 p += mux_ltoa(iValue, p);
07603                 if (bNames)
07604                 {
07605                     // Use the names with the correct pluralization.
07606                     //
07607                     *p++ = ' ';
07608                     memcpy(p, reTable[i].pName, reTable[i].nName);
07609                     p += reTable[i].nName;
07610                     if (iValue != 1)
07611                     {
07612                         // More than one or zero.
07613                         //
07614                         *p++ = 's';
07615                     }
07616                 }
07617                 else
07618                 {
07619                     *p++ = reTable[i].chLetter;
07620                 }
07621             }
07622             if (bSingleTerm)
07623             {
07624                 break;
07625             }
07626         }
07627     }
07628     *p++ = '\0';
07629 }

static void get_handler ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
char *  fargs[],
int  key 
) [static]

Definition at line 1239 of file functions.cpp.

References AF_IS_LOCK, alloc_lbuf, atr_pget_LEN(), bCanReadAttr(), EV_EVAL, EV_FIGNORE, attr::flags, free_lbuf, GET_EVAL, GET_GEVAL, GET_XGET, mux_exec(), attr::number, parse_attrib(), safe_copy_buf(), safe_nomatch, safe_noperm, and safe_tprintf_str().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

01240 {
01241     bool bFreeBuffer = false;
01242     char *pRefAttrib = fargs[0];
01244     if (  key == GET_XGET
01245        || key == GET_EVAL)
01246     {
01247         pRefAttrib = alloc_lbuf("get_handler");
01248         char *bufp = pRefAttrib;
01249         safe_tprintf_str(pRefAttrib, &bufp, "%s/%s", fargs[0], fargs[1]);
01250         bFreeBuffer = true;
01251     }
01252     dbref thing;
01253     ATTR *pattr;
01254     bool bNoMatch = !parse_attrib(executor, pRefAttrib, &thing, &pattr);
01255     if (bFreeBuffer)
01256     {
01257         free_lbuf(pRefAttrib);
01258     }
01260     if (bNoMatch)
01261     {
01262         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
01263         return;
01264     }
01266     if (!pattr)
01267     {
01268         return;
01269     }
01271     if (  (pattr->flags & AF_IS_LOCK)
01272        || !bCanReadAttr(executor, thing, pattr, true))
01273     {
01274         safe_noperm(buff, bufc);
01275         return;
01276     }
01278     dbref aowner;
01279     int   aflags;
01280     size_t nLen = 0;
01281     char *atr_gotten = atr_pget_LEN(thing, pattr->number, &aowner, &aflags, &nLen);
01283     if (  key == GET_EVAL
01284        || key == GET_GEVAL)
01285     {
01286         char *str = atr_gotten;
01287         mux_exec(buff, bufc, thing, executor, executor, EV_FIGNORE | EV_EVAL,
01288                     &str, (char **)NULL, 0);
01289     }
01290     else
01291     {
01292         if (nLen)
01293         {
01294             safe_copy_buf(atr_gotten, nLen, buff, bufc);
01295         }
01296     }
01297     free_lbuf(atr_gotten);
01298 }

static int get_list_type ( char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs,
int  type_pos,
char *  ptrs[],
int  nitems 
) [static]

Definition at line 347 of file functions.cpp.

References ASCII_LIST, autodetect_list(), CI_ASCII_LIST, DBREF_LIST, FLOAT_LIST, mux_tolower, and NUMERIC_LIST.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

00354 {
00355     if (nfargs >= type_pos)
00356     {
00357         switch (mux_tolower(*fargs[type_pos - 1]))
00358         {
00359         case 'd':
00360             return DBREF_LIST;
00361         case 'n':
00362             return NUMERIC_LIST;
00363         case 'f':
00364             return FLOAT_LIST;
00365         case 'i':
00366             return CI_ASCII_LIST;
00367         case '\0':
00368             return autodetect_list(ptrs, nitems);
00369         default:
00370             return ASCII_LIST;
00371         }
00372     }
00373     return autodetect_list(ptrs, nitems);
00374 }

static void handle_sets ( char *  fargs[],
char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
int  oper,
SEP psep,
SEP posep 
) [static]

Definition at line 6379 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, ASCII_LIST, do_asort(), free_lbuf, LBUF_SIZE, list2arr(), print_sep, safe_str, SET_DIFF, SET_INTERSECT, and SET_UNION.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

06387 {
06388     char *ptrs1[LBUF_SIZE], *ptrs2[LBUF_SIZE];
06389     int val;
06391     char *list1 = alloc_lbuf("fun_setunion.1");
06392     strcpy(list1, fargs[0]);
06393     int n1 = list2arr(ptrs1, LBUF_SIZE, list1, psep);
06394     do_asort(ptrs1, n1, ASCII_LIST);
06396     char *list2 = alloc_lbuf("fun_setunion.2");
06397     strcpy(list2, fargs[1]);
06398     int n2 = list2arr(ptrs2, LBUF_SIZE, list2, psep);
06399     do_asort(ptrs2, n2, ASCII_LIST);
06401     int i1 = 0;
06402     int i2 = 0;
06403     char *oldp = NULL;
06404     bool bFirst = true;
06406     switch (oper)
06407     {
06408     case SET_UNION:
06410         // Copy elements common to both lists.
06411         //
06412         // Handle case of two identical single-element lists.
06413         //
06414         if (  n1 == 1
06415            && n2 == 1
06416            && strcmp(ptrs1[0], ptrs2[0]) == 0)
06417         {
06418             safe_str(ptrs1[0], buff, bufc);
06419             break;
06420         }
06422         // Process until one list is empty.
06423         //
06424         while (  i1 < n1
06425               && i2 < n2)
06426         {
06427             // Skip over duplicates.
06428             //
06429             if (  i1 > 0
06430                || i2 > 0)
06431             {
06432                 while (  i1 < n1
06433                       && oldp
06434                       && strcmp(ptrs1[i1], oldp) == 0)
06435                 {
06436                     i1++;
06437                 }
06438                 while (  i2 < n2
06439                       && oldp
06440                       && strcmp(ptrs2[i2], oldp) == 0)
06441                 {
06442                     i2++;
06443                 }
06444             }
06446             // Compare and copy.
06447             //
06448             if (  i1 < n1
06449                && i2 < n2)
06450             {
06451                 if (!bFirst)
06452                 {
06453                     print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06454                 }
06455                 bFirst = false;
06456                 if (strcmp(ptrs1[i1], ptrs2[i2]) < 0)
06457                 {
06458                     oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06459                     safe_str(ptrs1[i1], buff, bufc);
06460                     i1++;
06461                 }
06462                 else
06463                 {
06464                     oldp = ptrs2[i2];
06465                     safe_str(ptrs2[i2], buff, bufc);
06466                     i2++;
06467                 }
06468             }
06469         }
06471         // Copy rest of remaining list, stripping duplicates.
06472         //
06473         for (; i1 < n1; i1++)
06474         {
06475             if (  !oldp
06476                || strcmp(oldp, ptrs1[i1]) != 0)
06477             {
06478                 if (!bFirst)
06479                 {
06480                     print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06481                 }
06482                 bFirst = false;
06483                 oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06484                 safe_str(ptrs1[i1], buff, bufc);
06485             }
06486         }
06487         for (; i2 < n2; i2++)
06488         {
06489             if (  !oldp
06490                || strcmp(oldp, ptrs2[i2]) != 0)
06491             {
06492                 if (!bFirst)
06493                 {
06494                     print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06495                 }
06496                 bFirst = false;
06497                 oldp = ptrs2[i2];
06498                 safe_str(ptrs2[i2], buff, bufc);
06499             }
06500         }
06501         break;
06503     case SET_INTERSECT:
06505         // Copy elements not in both lists.
06506         //
06507         while (  i1 < n1
06508               && i2 < n2)
06509         {
06510             val = strcmp(ptrs1[i1], ptrs2[i2]);
06511             if (!val)
06512             {
06513                 // Got a match, copy it.
06514                 //
06515                 if (!bFirst)
06516                 {
06517                     print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06518                 }
06519                 bFirst = false;
06520                 oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06521                 safe_str(ptrs1[i1], buff, bufc);
06522                 i1++;
06523                 i2++;
06524                 while (  i1 < n1
06525                       && strcmp(ptrs1[i1], oldp) == 0)
06526                 {
06527                     i1++;
06528                 }
06529                 while (  i2 < n2
06530                       && strcmp(ptrs2[i2], oldp) == 0)
06531                 {
06532                     i2++;
06533                 }
06534             }
06535             else if (val < 0)
06536             {
06537                 i1++;
06538             }
06539             else
06540             {
06541                 i2++;
06542             }
06543         }
06544         break;
06546     case SET_DIFF:
06548         // Copy elements unique to list1.
06549         //
06550         while (  i1 < n1
06551               && i2 < n2)
06552         {
06553             val = strcmp(ptrs1[i1], ptrs2[i2]);
06554             if (!val)
06555             {
06556                 // Got a match, increment pointers.
06557                 //
06558                 oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06559                 while (  i1 < n1
06560                       && strcmp(ptrs1[i1], oldp) == 0)
06561                 {
06562                     i1++;
06563                 }
06564                 while (  i2 < n2
06565                       && strcmp(ptrs2[i2], oldp) == 0)
06566                 {
06567                     i2++;
06568                 }
06569             }
06570             else if (val < 0)
06571             {
06572                 // Item in list1 not in list2, copy.
06573                 //
06574                 if (!bFirst)
06575                 {
06576                     print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06577                 }
06578                 bFirst = false;
06579                 safe_str(ptrs1[i1], buff, bufc);
06580                 oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06581                 i1++;
06582                 while (  i1 < n1
06583                       && strcmp(ptrs1[i1], oldp) == 0)
06584                 {
06585                     i1++;
06586                 }
06587             }
06588             else
06589             {
06590                 // Item in list2 but not in list1, discard.
06591                 //
06592                 oldp = ptrs2[i2];
06593                 i2++;
06594                 while (  i2 < n2
06595                       && strcmp(ptrs2[i2], oldp) == 0)
06596                 {
06597                     i2++;
06598                 }
06599             }
06600         }
06602         // Copy remainder of list1.
06603         //
06604         while (i1 < n1)
06605         {
06606             if (!bFirst)
06607             {
06608                 print_sep(posep, buff, bufc);
06609             }
06610             bFirst = false;
06611             safe_str(ptrs1[i1], buff, bufc);
06612             oldp = ptrs1[i1];
06613             i1++;
06614             while (  i1 < n1
06615                   && strcmp(ptrs1[i1], oldp) == 0)
06616             {
06617                 i1++;
06618             }
06619         }
06620     }
06621     free_lbuf(list1);
06622     free_lbuf(list2);
06623 }

static int DCL_CDECL i64_comp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6260 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_asort().

06261 {
06262     if (((i64_rec *) s1)->data > ((i64_rec *) s2)->data)
06263     {
06264         return 1;
06265     }
06266     else if (((i64_rec *) s1)->data < ((i64_rec *) s2)->data)
06267     {
06268         return -1;
06269     }
06270     return 0;
06271 }

static int DCL_CDECL i_comp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6247 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by do_asort().

06248 {
06249     if (((i_rec *) s1)->data > ((i_rec *) s2)->data)
06250     {
06251         return 1;
06252     }
06253     else if (((i_rec *) s1)->data < ((i_rec *) s2)->data)
06254     {
06255         return -1;
06256     }
06257     return 0;
06258 }

void init_functab ( void   ) 

Definition at line 8930 of file functions.cpp.

References builtin_function_list, functions_add(), and ufun_head.

Referenced by main().

08931 {
08932     functions_add(builtin_function_list);
08933     ufun_head = NULL;
08934 }

static void internalPlayerFind ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  player,
char *  name,
int  bVerifyPlayer 
) [static]

Definition at line 2494 of file functions.cpp.

References Good_obj, isPlayer, ItemToList_AddInteger(), ItemToList_Final(), ItemToList_Init(), lookup_player(), match_thing_quiet(), safe_match_result(), and safe_nomatch.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

02501 {
02502     dbref thing;
02503     if (*name == '#')
02504     {
02505         thing = match_thing_quiet(player, name);
02506         if (bVerifyPlayer)
02507         {
02508             if (!Good_obj(thing))
02509             {
02510                 safe_match_result(thing, buff, bufc);
02511                 return;
02512             }
02513             if (!isPlayer(thing))
02514             {
02515                 safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
02516                 return;
02517             }
02518         }
02519     }
02520     else
02521     {
02522         char *nptr = name;
02523         if (*nptr == '*')
02524         {
02525             // Start with the second character in the name string.
02526             //
02527             nptr++;
02528         }
02529         thing = lookup_player(player, nptr, true);
02530         if (  (!Good_obj(thing))
02531            || (!isPlayer(thing) && bVerifyPlayer))
02532         {
02533             safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
02534             return;
02535         }
02536     }
02537     ITL pContext;
02538     ItemToList_Init(&pContext, buff, bufc, '#');
02539     ItemToList_AddInteger(&pContext, thing);
02540     ItemToList_Final(&pContext);
02541 }

static void iter_value ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs,
bool  bWhich 
) [static]

Definition at line 5242 of file functions.cpp.

References statedata::in_loop, statedata::inum, statedata::itext, MAX_ITEXT, mudstate, mux_atol(), safe_ltoa(), and safe_str.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

05243 {
05244     int number = 0;
05245     if (nfargs > 0)
05246     {
05247         number = mux_atol(fargs[0]);
05248         if (number < 0)
05249         {
05250             number = 0;
05251         }
05252     }
05254     number++;
05255     int val = mudstate.in_loop - number;
05256     if (  0 <= val
05257        && val < MAX_ITEXT)
05258     {
05259         if (bWhich)
05260         {
05261             safe_ltoa(mudstate.inum[val], buff, bufc);
05262         }
05263         else
05264         {
05265             safe_str(mudstate.itext[val], buff, bufc);
05266         }
05267     }
05268 }

static void lattr_handler ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
char *  fargs[],
bool  bCheckParent 
) [static]

Definition at line 4553 of file functions.cpp.

References atr_num(), attr::name, NOTHING, olist_first(), olist_next(), olist_pop(), olist_push(), parse_attrib_wild(), safe_chr, safe_nomatch, and safe_str.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04555 {
04556     dbref thing;
04557     int ca;
04558     bool bFirst;
04560     // Check for wildcard matching.  parse_attrib_wild checks for read
04561     // permission, so we don't have to.  Have p_a_w assume the
04562     // slash-star if it is missing.
04563     //
04564     bFirst = true;
04565     olist_push();
04566     if (parse_attrib_wild(executor, fargs[0], &thing, bCheckParent, false, true))
04567     {
04568         for (ca = olist_first(); ca != NOTHING; ca = olist_next())
04569         {
04570             ATTR *pattr = atr_num(ca);
04571             if (pattr)
04572             {
04573                 if (!bFirst)
04574                 {
04575                     safe_chr(' ', buff, bufc);
04576                 }
04577                 bFirst = false;
04578                 safe_str(pattr->name, buff, bufc);
04579             }
04580         }
04581     }
04582     else
04583     {
04584         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
04585     }
04586     olist_pop();
04587 }

int list2arr ( char *  arr[],
int  maxlen,
char *  list,
SEP psep 

Definition at line 376 of file functions.cpp.

References split_token(), and trim_space_sep().

Referenced by FUNCTION(), handle_sets(), handle_vectors(), and real_regmatch().

00377 {
00378     list = trim_space_sep(list, psep);
00379     if (list[0] == '\0')
00380     {
00381         return 0;
00382     }
00383     char *p = split_token(&list, psep);
00384     int i;
00385     for (i = 0; p && i < maxlen; i++, p = split_token(&list, psep))
00386     {
00387         arr[i] = p;
00388     }
00389     return i;
00390 }

void list_functable ( dbref  player  ) 

Definition at line 9084 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, builtin_function_list, check_access(), LBUF_SIZE, tagFun::name, tagFun::perms, safe_chr, and safe_str.

Referenced by do_list().

09085 {
09086     char *buff = alloc_lbuf("list_functable");
09087     char *bp = buff;
09089     safe_str("Functions:", buff, &bp);
09091     FUN *fp;
09092     for (fp = builtin_function_list; fp->name && bp < buff + (LBUF_SIZE-1); fp++)
09093     {
09094         if (check_access(player, fp->perms))
09095         {
09096             safe_chr(' ', buff, &bp);
09097             safe_str(fp->name, buff, &bp);
09098         }
09099     }
09100     *bp = '\0';
09101     notify(player, buff);
09103     bp = buff;
09104     safe_str("User-Functions:", buff, &bp);
09106     UFUN *ufp;
09107     for (ufp = ufun_head; ufp && bp < buff + (LBUF_SIZE-1); ufp = ufp->next)
09108     {
09109         if (check_access(player, ufp->perms))
09110         {
09111             safe_chr(' ', buff, &bp);
09112             safe_str(ufp->name, buff, &bp);
09113         }
09114     }
09115     *bp = '\0';
09116     notify(player, buff);
09117     free_lbuf(buff);
09118 }

static void mux_memrevcpy ( char *  dest,
char *  src,
unsigned int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 4652 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04653 {
04654     dest += n - 1;
04655     while (n--)
04656     {
04657         *dest-- = *src++;
04658     }
04659 }

static bool nearby_or_control ( dbref  player,
dbref  thing 
) [static]

Definition at line 422 of file functions.cpp.

References Controls, Good_obj, and nearby().

Referenced by FUNCTION(), and process_sex().

00423 {
00424     if (!Good_obj(player) || !Good_obj(thing))
00425     {
00426         return false;
00427     }
00428     if (Controls(player, thing))
00429     {
00430         return true;
00431     }
00432     if (!nearby(player, thing))
00433     {
00434         return false;
00435     }
00436     return true;
00437 }

char* next_token ( char *  str,
SEP psep 

Definition at line 138 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by countwords(), and FUNCTION().

00139 {
00140     if (psep->n == 1)
00141     {
00142         while (  *str != '\0'
00143               && *str != psep->str[0])
00144         {
00145             str++;
00146         }
00147         if (!*str)
00148         {
00149             return NULL;
00150         }
00151         str++;
00152         if (psep->str[0] == ' ')
00153         {
00154             while (*str == ' ')
00155             {
00156                 str++;
00157             }
00158         }
00159     }
00160     else
00161     {
00162         char *p = strstr(str, psep->str);
00163         if (p)
00164         {
00165             str = p + psep->n;
00166         }
00167         else
00168         {
00169             return NULL;
00170         }
00171     }
00172     return str;
00173 }

static char* next_token_LEN ( char *  str,
int *  nStr,
SEP psep 
) [static]

Definition at line 95 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by do_itemfuns().

00096 {
00097     char *pBegin = str;
00098     if (psep->n == 1)
00099     {
00100         while (  *pBegin != '\0'
00101               && *pBegin != psep->str[0])
00102         {
00103             pBegin++;
00104         }
00105         if (!*pBegin)
00106         {
00107             *nStr = 0;
00108             return NULL;
00109         }
00110         pBegin++;
00111         if (psep->str[0] == ' ')
00112         {
00113             while (*pBegin == ' ')
00114             {
00115                 pBegin++;
00116             }
00117         }
00118     }
00119     else
00120     {
00121         char *p = strstr(pBegin, psep->str);
00122         if (p)
00123         {
00124             pBegin = p + psep->n;
00125         }
00126         else
00127         {
00128             *nStr = 0;
00129             return NULL;
00130         }
00131     }
00132     *nStr -= pBegin - str;
00133     return pBegin;
00134 }

static void process_sex ( dbref  player,
char *  what,
const char *  token,
char *  buff,
char **  bufc 
) [static]

Definition at line 4122 of file functions.cpp.

References EV_EVAL, Good_obj, isPlayer, match_thing_quiet(), mux_exec(), nearby_or_control(), safe_match_result(), safe_nomatch, and strip_ansi().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04123 {
04124     dbref it = match_thing_quiet(player, strip_ansi(what));
04125     if (!Good_obj(it))
04126     {
04127         safe_match_result(it, buff, bufc);
04128         return;
04129     }
04130     if (  !isPlayer(it)
04131        && !nearby_or_control(player, it))
04132     {
04133         safe_nomatch(buff, bufc);
04134     }
04135     else
04136     {
04137         char *str = (char *)token;
04138         mux_exec(buff, bufc, it, it, it, EV_EVAL, &str, (char **)NULL, 0);
04139     }
04140 }

static int return_bit ( dbref  player  )  [static]

Definition at line 7167 of file functions.cpp.

References Builder, God, Guest, Head, Immortal, Royalty, Staff, Uninspected, and Wizard.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07168 {
07169    if (God(player))
07170       return 7;
07171    // 6 is Rhost Immortal. We don't have an equivalent (yet?).
07172    if (Wizard(player))
07173       return 5;
07174    if (Royalty(player))
07175       return 4;
07176    if (Staff(player) || Builder(player))
07177       return 3;
07178    if (Head(player) || Immortal(player))
07179       return 2;
07180    if (!(Uninspected(player) || Guest(player)))
07181       return 1;
07182    return 0;
07183 }

static void ReverseWordsInText ( char *  dest,
char *  src,
unsigned int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 4750 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

04751 {
04752     char chSave = src[n];
04753     src[n] = '\0';
04754     dest += n;
04755     while (n)
04756     {
04757         char *pWord = strchr(src, ReverseWordsInText_Seperator);
04758         int nLen;
04759         if (pWord)
04760         {
04761             nLen = (pWord - src);
04762         }
04763         else
04764         {
04765             nLen = n;
04766         }
04767         dest -= nLen;
04768         memcpy(dest, src, nLen);
04769         src += nLen;
04770         n -= nLen;
04771         if (pWord)
04772         {
04773             dest--;
04774             *dest = ReverseWordsInText_Seperator;
04775             src++;
04776             n--;
04777         }
04778     }
04779     src[n] = chSave;
04780 }

char* split_token ( char **  sp,
SEP psep 

Definition at line 239 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by filter_handler(), FUNCTION(), list2arr(), and real_regrab().

00240 {
00241     char *str = *sp;
00242     char *save = str;
00244     if (!str)
00245     {
00246         *sp = NULL;
00247         return NULL;
00248     }
00249     if (psep->n == 1)
00250     {
00251         while (  *str
00252               && *str != psep->str[0])
00253         {
00254             str++;
00255         }
00256         if (*str)
00257         {
00258             *str++ = '\0';
00259             if (psep->str[0] == ' ')
00260             {
00261                 while (*str == ' ')
00262                 {
00263                     str++;
00264                 }
00265             }
00266         }
00267         else
00268         {
00269             str = NULL;
00270         }
00271     }
00272     else
00273     {
00274         char *p = strstr(str, psep->str);
00275         if (p)
00276         {
00277             *p = '\0';
00278             str = p + psep->n;
00279         }
00280         else
00281         {
00282             str = NULL;
00283         }
00284     }
00285     *sp = str;
00286     return save;
00287 }

static char* split_token_LEN ( char **  sp,
int *  nStr,
SEP psep,
int *  nToken 
) [static]

Definition at line 178 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by do_itemfuns().

00179 {
00180     char *str = *sp;
00181     char *save = str;
00182     if (!str)
00183     {
00184         *nStr = 0;
00185         *sp = NULL;
00186         *nToken = 0;
00187         return NULL;
00188     }
00190     if (psep->n == 1)
00191     {
00192         // Advance over token
00193         //
00194         while (  *str
00195               && *str != psep->str[0])
00196         {
00197             str++;
00198         }
00199         *nToken = str - save;
00201         if (*str)
00202         {
00203             *str++ = '\0';
00204             if (psep->str[0] == ' ')
00205             {
00206                 while (*str == ' ')
00207                 {
00208                     str++;
00209                 }
00210             }
00211             *nStr -= str - save;
00212         }
00213         else
00214         {
00215             *nStr = 0;
00216             str = NULL;
00217         }
00218     }
00219     else
00220     {
00221         char *p = strstr(str, psep->str);
00222         if (p)
00223         {
00224             *p = '\0';
00225             str = p + psep->n;
00226         }
00227         else
00228         {
00229             str = NULL;
00230         }
00231     }
00232     *sp = str;
00233     return save;
00234 }

static void switch_handler ( char *  buff,
char **  bufc,
dbref  executor,
dbref  caller,
dbref  enactor,
char *  fargs[],
int  nfargs,
char *  cargs[],
int  ncargs,
bool  bSwitch 
) [static]

Definition at line 5879 of file functions.cpp.

References alloc_lbuf, CMuxAlarm::bAlarmed, EV_EVAL, EV_FCHECK, EV_STRIP_CURLY, free_lbuf, mux_exec(), MuxAlarm, replace_tokens(), and wild_match().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

05886 {
05887     // Evaluate the target in fargs[0].
05888     //
05889     char *mbuff = alloc_lbuf("fun_switch");
05890     char *bp = mbuff;
05891     char *str = fargs[0];
05892     mux_exec(mbuff, &bp, executor, caller, enactor,
05893         EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05894     *bp = '\0';
05896     char *tbuff = alloc_lbuf("fun_switch.2");
05898     // Loop through the patterns looking for a match.
05899     //
05900     int i;
05901     for (i = 1;  i < nfargs-1
05902               && fargs[i]
05903               && fargs[i+1]
05904               && !MuxAlarm.bAlarmed; i += 2)
05905     {
05906         bp = tbuff;
05907         str = fargs[i];
05908         mux_exec(tbuff, &bp, executor, caller, enactor,
05909             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05910         *bp = '\0';
05912         if (bSwitch ? wild_match(tbuff, mbuff) : strcmp(tbuff, mbuff) == 0)
05913         {
05914             free_lbuf(tbuff);
05915             tbuff = replace_tokens(fargs[i+1], NULL, NULL, mbuff);
05916             free_lbuf(mbuff);
05917             str = tbuff;
05918             mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor,
05919                 EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05920             free_lbuf(tbuff);
05921             return;
05922         }
05923     }
05924     free_lbuf(tbuff);
05926     // Nope, return the default if there is one.
05927     //
05928     if (  i < nfargs
05929        && fargs[i])
05930     {
05931         tbuff = replace_tokens(fargs[i], NULL, NULL, mbuff);
05932         str = tbuff;
05933         mux_exec(buff, bufc, executor, caller, enactor,
05934             EV_STRIP_CURLY | EV_FCHECK | EV_EVAL, &str, cargs, ncargs);
05935         free_lbuf(tbuff);
05936     }
05937     free_lbuf(mbuff);
05938 }

const char* time_format_1 ( int  Seconds,
size_t  maxWidth 

Definition at line 7740 of file functions.cpp.

References div, specs, and tf1_case_table.

Referenced by dump_users().

07741 {
07742     if (Seconds < 0)
07743     {
07744         Seconds = 0;
07745     }
07747     if (  maxWidth < 8
07748        || 12 < maxWidth)
07749     {
07750         strcpy(TimeBuffer80, "???");
07751         return TimeBuffer80;
07752     }
07753     int iWidth = maxWidth - 8;
07755     int iCase = 0;
07756     while (  iCase < 3
07757           && tf1_width_table[iWidth][iCase] < Seconds)
07758     {
07759         iCase++;
07760     }
07762     int i, n[3];
07763     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
07764     {
07765         n[i] = Seconds / tf1_case_table[iCase].div[i];
07766         Seconds -= n[i] *tf1_case_table[iCase].div[i];
07767     }
07768     sprintf(TimeBuffer80, tf1_case_table[iCase].specs[iWidth], n[0], n[1], n[2]);
07769     return TimeBuffer80;
07770 }

const char* time_format_2 ( int  Seconds  ) 

Definition at line 7774 of file functions.cpp.

References GeneralTimeConversion(), ISECONDS, and IYEARS.

Referenced by dump_users(), and FUNCTION().

07775 {
07776     // 2^63/86400 is 1.07E14 which is at most 15 digits.
07777     // '(15)d\0' is at most 17 characters.
07778     //
07779     GeneralTimeConversion(TimeBuffer64, Seconds, IYEARS, ISECONDS, true, false);
07780     return TimeBuffer64;
07781 }

static char* trim_fast_left ( char *  str,
char  delim 
) [static]

Definition at line 7019 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by trim_left().

07020 {
07021     // We assume delim is never '\0'
07022     //
07023     while (*str == delim)
07024     {
07025         str++;
07026     }
07027     return str;
07028 }

static void trim_fast_right ( char *  str,
char  delim 
) [static]

Definition at line 7030 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by trim_right().

07031 {
07032     // We assume delim is never '\0'
07033     //
07034     char* last = NULL;
07035     while (*str)
07036     {
07037         if (*str != delim)
07038         {
07039             last = str;
07040         }
07041         str++;
07042     }
07044     if (last == NULL)
07045     {
07046         return;
07047     }
07049     *(last+1) = '\0';
07050 }

static char* trim_left ( char *  str,
SEP sep 
) [static]

Definition at line 7052 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, SEP::str, and trim_fast_left().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07053 {
07054     if (1 == sep->n)
07055     {
07056         return trim_fast_left(str, sep->str[0]);
07057     }
07058     int cycle = 0;
07059     int max = sep->n;
07060     char* base = str-1;
07061     for ( ; *str == sep->str[cycle]; str++)
07062     {
07063         if (max <= ++cycle)
07064         {
07065             cycle = 0;
07066             base = str;
07067         }
07068     }
07069     return base+1;
07070 }

static void trim_right ( char *  str,
SEP sep 
) [static]

Definition at line 7072 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, SEP::str, and trim_fast_right().

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07073 {
07074     if (1 == sep->n)
07075     {
07076         trim_fast_right(str,sep->str[0]);
07077         return;
07078     }
07080     int cycle = sep->n - 1;
07081     int max = sep->n - 1;
07082     int n = strlen(str);
07083     int base = n;
07084     n--;
07085     for ( ; n >= 0 && str[n] == sep->str[cycle]; n--)
07086     {
07087         if (--cycle < 0)
07088         {
07089             cycle = max;
07090             base = n;
07091         }
07092     }
07093     *(str+base) = '\0';
07094 }

char* trim_space_sep ( char *  str,
SEP sep 

Definition at line 67 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by countwords(), filter_handler(), FUNCTION(), list2arr(), and real_regrab().

00068 {
00069     if (  sep->n != 1
00070        || sep->str[0] != ' ')
00071     {
00072         return str;
00073     }
00074     while (*str == ' ')
00075     {
00076         str++;
00077     }
00078     char *p;
00079     for (p = str; *p; p++)
00080     {
00081         // Nothing.
00082     }
00083     for (p--; p > str && *p == ' '; p--)
00084     {
00085         // Nothing.
00086     }
00087     p++;
00088     *p = '\0';
00089     return str;
00090 }

char* trim_space_sep_LEN ( char *  str,
int  nStr,
SEP sep,
int *  nTrim 

Definition at line 33 of file functions.cpp.

References SEP::n, and SEP::str.

Referenced by do_itemfuns(), and FUNCTION().

00034 {
00035     if (  sep->n != 1
00036        || sep->str[0] != ' ')
00037     {
00038         *nTrim = nStr;
00039         return str;
00040     }
00042     // Advance over leading spaces.
00043     //
00044     char *pBegin = str;
00045     char *pEnd = str + nStr - 1;
00046     while (*pBegin == ' ')
00047     {
00048         pBegin++;
00049     }
00051     // Advance over trailing spaces.
00052     //
00053     for (; pEnd > pBegin && *pEnd == ' '; pEnd--)
00054     {
00055         // Nothing.
00056     }
00057     pEnd++;
00059     *pEnd = '\0';
00060     *nTrim = pEnd - pBegin;
00061     return pBegin;
00062 }

static int wraplen ( char *  str,
const int  nWidth,
bool &  newline 
) [static]

Definition at line 7324 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07325 {
07326     const int length = strlen(str);
07327     newline = false;
07328     if (length <= nWidth)
07329     {
07330         /* Find the first return char
07331         * so %r will not mess with any alignment
07332         * functions.
07333         */
07334         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
07335         {
07336             if (  str[i] == '\n'
07337                || str[i] == '\r')
07338             {
07339                 newline = true;
07340                 return i+2;
07341             }
07342         }
07343         return length;
07344     }
07346     /* Find the first return char
07347     * so %r will not mess with any alignment
07348     * functions.
07349     */
07350     for (int i = 0; i < nWidth; i++)
07351     {
07352         if (  str[i] == '\n'
07353            || str[i] == '\r')
07354         {
07355             newline = true;
07356             return i+2;
07357         }
07358     }
07360     /* No return char was found. Now
07361     * find the last space in str.
07362     */
07363     int maxlen = nWidth;
07364     while (str[maxlen] != ' ' && maxlen > 0)
07365     {
07366         maxlen--;
07367     }
07368     if (str[maxlen] != ' ')
07369     {
07370         maxlen = nWidth;
07371     }
07372     return (maxlen ? maxlen : -1);
07373 }

static const char* write_time ( int  Seconds  )  [static]

Definition at line 7800 of file functions.cpp.

References GeneralTimeConversion(), IMONTHS, and ISECONDS.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

07801 {
07802     // 2^63/2592000 is 3558399705577 which is at most 13 digits.
07803     // '(13) months (1) weeks (1) days (2) hours (2) minutes (2) seconds\0' is
07804     // at most 69 characters.
07805     //
07806     GeneralTimeConversion(TimeBuffer80, Seconds, IMONTHS, ISECONDS, false, true);
07807     return TimeBuffer80;
07808 }

bool xlate ( char *  arg  ) 

Definition at line 2272 of file functions.cpp.

References PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT::iString, mux_isspace, PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT::nDigitsA, PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT::nDigitsB, ParseFloat(), PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT::pDigitsA, and PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT::pDigitsB.

Referenced by do_break(), do_if(), filter_handler(), FUNCTION(), process_hook(), and search_perform().

02273 {
02274     const char *p = arg;
02275     if (p[0] == '#')
02276     {
02277         if (p[1] == '-')
02278         {
02279             // '#-...' is false. This includes '#-0000' and '#-ABC'.
02280             // This cases are unlikely in practice. We can always come back
02281             // and cover these.
02282             //
02283             return false;
02284         }
02285         return true;
02286     }
02288     PARSE_FLOAT_RESULT pfr;
02289     if (ParseFloat(&pfr, p))
02290     {
02291         // Examine whether number was a zero value.
02292         //
02293         if (pfr.iString)
02294         {
02295             // This covers NaN, +Inf, -Inf, and Ind.
02296             //
02297             return false;
02298         }
02300         // We can ignore leading sign, exponent sign, and exponent as 0, -0,
02301         // and +0. Also, 0E+100 and 0.0e-100 are all zero.
02302         //
02303         // However, we need to cover 00000.0 and 0.00000 cases.
02304         //
02305         while (pfr.nDigitsA--)
02306         {
02307             if (*pfr.pDigitsA != '0')
02308             {
02309                 return true;
02310             }
02311             pfr.pDigitsA++;
02312         }
02313         while (pfr.nDigitsB--)
02314         {
02315             if (*pfr.pDigitsB != '0')
02316             {
02317                 return true;
02318             }
02319             pfr.pDigitsB++;
02320         }
02321         return false;
02322     }
02323     while (mux_isspace(*p))
02324     {
02325         p++;
02326     }
02327     if (p[0] == '\0')
02328     {
02329         return false;
02330     }
02331     return true;
02332 }

Variable Documentation

const unsigned char AccentCombo1[256] [static]

Initial value:


    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,19, 0,20,17,  
    0, 1, 0, 3,24, 5, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9,11,  
   22, 0, 0, 0, 0,13, 0, 0, 0,15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0,10,12,  
   23, 0, 0,21, 0,14, 0, 0, 0,16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  

    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0   

Definition at line 8422 of file functions.cpp.

const unsigned char AccentCombo2[256] [static]

Initial value:


    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0,13, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7,12, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0,10, 0, 0,14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,  
    1, 0, 0, 0, 0,15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,11, 0, 4, 0,  

    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0   

Definition at line 8447 of file functions.cpp.

const unsigned char AccentCombo3[24][16] [static]

Definition at line 8470 of file functions.cpp.

ATR_HAS_FLAG_ENTRY atr_has_flag_table[] [static]

Initial value:

    { "dark",       AF_DARK    },
    { "wizard",     AF_WIZARD  },
    { "hidden",     AF_MDARK   },
    { "html",       AF_HTML    },
    { "locked",     AF_LOCK    },
    { "no_command", AF_NOPROG  },
    { "no_parse",   AF_NOPARSE },
    { "regexp",     AF_REGEXP  },
    { "god",        AF_GOD     },
    { "visual",     AF_VISUAL  },
    { "no_inherit", AF_PRIVATE },
    { "const",      AF_CONST   },
    { NULL,         0          }

Definition at line 3604 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by atr_has_flag().

FUN builtin_function_list[] [static]

Definition at line 8554 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by init_functab(), and list_functable().

const char* DayOfWeekStringLong[7] [static]

Initial value:


Definition at line 879 of file functions.cpp.

int div[3]

Definition at line 7719 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by time_format_1().

const int Map24to12[24] [static]

Initial value:

    12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
    12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Definition at line 906 of file functions.cpp.

const char* MonthTableLong[] [static]

Initial value:


Definition at line 890 of file functions.cpp.

const RADIX_ENTRY reTable[N_RADIX_ENTRIES] [static]

Initial value:

    { 31556926, 'y', 4, "year"   },  
    {  2629743, 'M', 5, "month"  },  
    {   604800, 'w', 4, "week"   },  
    {    86400, 'd', 3, "day"    },
    {     3600, 'h', 4, "hour"   },
    {       60, 'm', 6, "minute" },
    {        1, 's', 6, "second" }

Definition at line 7546 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by GeneralTimeConversion().

char ReverseWordsInText_Seperator [static]

Definition at line 4748 of file functions.cpp.

SEP sepSpace = { 1, " " }

Definition at line 28 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by FUNCTION().

char* specs[4]

Definition at line 7718 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by time_format_1().

struct { ... } tf1_case_table[4] [static]

Referenced by time_format_1().

int tf1_width_table[4][3] [static]

Initial value:

    { 86399,    863999,  86396459, },
    { 86399,   8639999, 863996459, },
    { 86399,  86399999,   INT_MAX, },
    { 86399, 863999999,   INT_MAX, }

Definition at line 7708 of file functions.cpp.

char TimeBuffer64[64] [static]

Definition at line 7644 of file functions.cpp.

char TimeBuffer80[80] [static]

Definition at line 7645 of file functions.cpp.

UFUN* ufun_head

Definition at line 26 of file functions.cpp.

Referenced by dbclean_RenumberAttributes(), do_function(), and init_functab().

Generated on Mon May 28 04:40:18 2007 for MUX by  doxygen 1.4.7